810 resultados para saturated fatty acids
O objetivo desta tese foi avaliar a dinâmica do fósforo em cultivo heterotrófico e produção de compostos celulares por Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli visando avaliar a perspectiva de implementação de uma biorrefinaria microalgal. Desta forma, foi avaliado o comportamento do micro-organismo em estudo no cultivo heterotrófico, utilizando como meio de cultivo o efluente de laticínios. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em 3 etapas. Em um primeiro momento foi avaliada a influência da temperatura (20 e 30°C) e os valores máximos e mínimos de nutrientes, em especial do fósforo dissolvido reativo (PDR), disponíveis no efluente de laticínio, na remoção de nutrientes. Os resultados demonstraram que a concentração inicial de fósforo dissolvido e a temperatura exerceram influência no crescimento celular e na eficiência de remoção de nutrientes. Em termos de otimização de processo os cultivos conduzidos a 20°C e maiores concentrações de PDR (5,5 mg.L-1 ) no efluente de laticínio, foram os mais eficientes na conversão de poluentes em biomassa e remoção de nutrientes. A segunda etapa foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de avaliar a dinâmica de distribuição de fósforo na fase líquida e sólida do reator heterotrófico, quando o efluente de laticínio foi tratado pela Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli, a 20°C e nas máximas concentrações de fósforo dissolvido encontradas no efluente. Foi demonstrado que as formas fosforadas na fase líquida do reator se caracterizam pela predominância da fração dissolvida em comparação à particulada e por apresentar como fração predominante a de fósforo orgânico. No que se refere à fase sólida, ficou demonstrado que a Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli, quando cultivada heterotroficamente apresenta 3,8 vezes mais fósforo que o requerido para o crescimento celular. Ficando demonstrado ainda que a remoção biológica de fósforo por Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli pode resultar em substanciais aportes financeiros para as estações de tratamento de efluentes. Uma terceira etapa foi desenvolvida, a qual teve como objetivo avaliar a estimativa de produção de compostos celulares por Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli, a partir do efluente de laticínio, bem como o efeito da redução de temperatura de cultivo no teor de lipídios , no momento em que é obtida a máxima concentração deste componente celular, nas condições otimizadas.Foi obtido na fase logarítmica de crescimento, concentrações de 41,8 % de proteinas, carboidratos 28,5 %, lipídios 10,4 % e minerais 10,8 %. O maior teor de lipídio registrado a 20°C correspondeu a biomassa analisada na fase logarítmica.Com a redução da temperatura para 5°C por um período de 30 h é possível obter concentrações de lipídios 2,4 vezes superior ao registrado na fase logarítmica a 20 °C. No entanto, não foram indicadas diferenças significativas (p≤0,05) em função da temperatura entre as concentrações de lipídios obtidas para a biomassa a 10°C em 40 h. O perfil de ácidos graxos da biomassa gerada a 20°C, apresentou como ácidos graxos majoritários, os ácidos graxos: palmítico, oléico, γ-linolênico, palmitoleico e esteárico, resultando um aumento na concentração de ácidos graxos saturados as espensa dos insaturados, quando a temperatura é reduzida. Em paralelo,um reator heterotrófico descontinuo foi definido, ficando demonstrado que a extrapolação da operação em batelada para contínua requer um biorreator heterotrófico com volume útil de trabalho de 240,51 m 3 , permitindo tratar 950 m3 diários de efluente, gerando 11,8 kg.d-1 de biomassa útil para produção de compostos celulares por Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli, visando à simultânea remoção de matéria orgânica, nitrogênio total e fósforo total, gerando insumos que podem suportar a implementação de uma biorrefinaria microalgal.
Borututu ( Cochlospermum angolensis Welw.) is a widespread tree in Angola used since antiquity by traditional healers for the prevention and treatment of hepatic diseases and for the prophylaxis of malaria [1]. This plant is mostly consumed as infusions but is also available as dietary supplements, such as piiis, capsules, and syrups, among others. In the present study, the aim was to evaluate the proximate composition and energetic contribution of borututu as weii as its composition in hydrophilic (sugars and organic acids) and lipophilic (fatty acids and tocopherols) compounds, given the fact that this plant is directly introduced in some dietary supplements. Furthermore, the bioactivity (antioxidant, hepatoprotective and antimicrobial activities) of three different formulations of borututu (infusion, pills, and syrup) was assessed and compared, and since plant beneficial properties are often ascribed to phenolic compounds [2], the phenolic profile of the formulations was also analysed. Carbohydrates (88 g/100 g) and fat (2.5 g/100 g) were the major and tl1e minor components of the studied borututu dry barks, respectively, with an energetic contribution of 384 kcal/100 g. Fructose was the most abundant sugar (1.3 g/100 g), foilowed by sucrose, trehalose and glucose (1.1, 0.98 and 0.79 g/100 g, respectively). Oxalic (0.70 g/100 g), malic (0.63 g/100 g) and citric (0.57 g/100 g) acids were present in higher amounts but shikimic and fumaric acids were also detected. Among the fatty acids found in borututu, a prevalence of saturated fatty acids (SF A; 48.2%) was observed, whereas polyunsaturated (PUFA) and monounsaturated (MUFA) fatty acids were detected in relative percentages of 30.9% and 20.8%, respectively. P-tocopherol was the most abundant of the four isoforms found in the sample, foiiowed by o-, a- and y-tocopherol, present in concentrations of 597,43, 3.7 and 2.0 g/100 g, respectively. Borututu infusion revealed the highest antioxidant activity, with EC50 values ranging from 20 to 600 J.lg/mL and was the only formulation inhibiting the growth of an HepG2 ceii line, with a Gl5o value of 146 J.lg/mL. This formulation.also revealed the best antimicrobial capacity and proved to be able to inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli, E. coli ESBL, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, with MIC values of 50, 6.2, 1.6 and 25 mg!mL, respectively. Pills revealed activity against some of the studied bacterial strains and the syrup did not reveal antimicrobial activity at the studied concentration. Eilagic acids, methyl ellagic acids, eucaglobulinlglobulusin B and (epi)gaiiocatechin-0-gallate were the compounds present in all the different formulations. The highest concentration of phenolic compounds was found in the infusion extract. Protocatechuic acid was the most abundant phenolic compound in the infusions, the only preparation where it was detected, whereas ( epi)gaiiocatechin- 0-gallate was the main phenolic in the pills and eucaglobulinlglobulusin in the syrup. In a general way, borututu proved to be a good source of phytochemicals such as phenolic compounds, with the infusions revealing the best bioactive properties.
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (fennel) and Matricaria recutita L. (chamomile) are two examples of plants with reported antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, which can be related with their composition in phenolic compounds [1,2]. Furthermore, according to previous results of our research group, the direct incorporation of the aqueous extracts showed capacity to maintain the nutritional properties of the cottage cheeses, up to 7 days of storage, while improving the antioxidant potential. However, after 14 days, a decrease in the antioxidant properties was observed [1,2], which can be related with factors such as light, moisture, temperature and pH, that can cause bioactive compounds degradation. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to prepare microcapsules with the aqueous extracts of fennel and chamomile for incorporation in cottage cheese samples, in order to protect the bioactive molecules present in the extracts, such as phenolic compounds, and prevent the decrease of the antioxidant activity observed after the 14 days period. The microspheres were prepared using an atomization/coagulation technique. Sodium alginate was used as the matrix material to produce the microspheres that were characterized through optical microscopy (OM), during and after atomization, for inspecting morphology. The encapsulation efficiency (EE) was determined by HPLC-DAD by an indirect method by analysing the coagulation solution. FTIR was also used to attest the presence of the extract inside of the alginate matrix. These microencapsulated extracts were incorporated in cottage cheese samples that were further characterized in terms of nutritional properties and antioxidant potential right after incorporation, and after 7 and 14 days of storage at 4•c. The EE was estimated as -100% and the FTIR analysis confirmed the presence of the extracts inside the microspheres. The results showed that the incorporation of the microencapsulated extracts did not cause changes in the nutritional value of cottage cheeses (through a comparison with control samples without extracts). The predominant fatty acids were palmitic (C16:0) and oleic (CI8:0) acids. The order of abundance of fatty acids was as follows: saturated fatty acids (SF A)> monounsaturatcd fatty acids (MUF A)> polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUF A). Regarding free sugars, lactose was the only sugar identified and quantified in all samples. Regarding the antioxidant activity, the samples functionalized with the microencapsulated extracts showed a higher preservation of this property even after the 7th day of storage. Overall, the incorporation of the protected plant extracts in dairy foods can be a strategy to provide health benefits to consumers.
L’obésité est un facteur de risque lié à des problèmes physiques, émotionnels et comportementaux. Aujourd’hui, l’alimentation est composée d’un régime typiquement occidental «Western diet» qui est riche en acides gras saturés (AGS) et pauvre en acides gras polyinsaturés (AGPI) tel que les oméga-3 (N-3) et occasionnant un déséquilibre du ratio alimentaire N-6/N-3. Ce déséquilibre est une des causes de la prévalence des maladies mentales y compris celles des troubles de l'humeur et de l’anxiété. L’acide docosahexaénoïque (ADH, 22: 6 n-3) est l’acide gras (AG) le plus abondant dans le cerveau et son accumulation est particulièrement élevée pendant la période périnatale. Il joue un rôle important dans le développement neuronal et d'autres fonctions du cerveau tel l'apprentissage et la mémoire. Des perturbations de l’environnement périnatal peuvent influencer à très long terme l’avenir de la descendance en la rendant plus susceptible de développer des problèmes d’obésité dans un contexte nutritionnel riche. On ignore cependant si le déficit alimentaire chez la mère et particulièrement en ADH aura un impact sur la motivation alimentaire de la progéniture. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’étudier le rôle potentiel des N-3 sur la balance énergétique, la motivation alimentaire, la dépression et le niveau d’anxiété des descendants de souris mâles adultes assujetties à une alimentation riche en gras. Nos données ont démontré qu‘un régime maternel déficitaire en ADH durant la période périnatale incitait la descendance à fournir plus d’effort afin d’obtenir un aliment palatable. Ceci entraînerait un dérèglement de l’homéostasie énergétique en augmentant le gain de poids et en diminuant l’activité locomotrice tout en exacerbant le comportement de type anxieux dès que les souris sont exposées à un milieu obésogène. Les acides gras libres (AGL) sont des nutriments essentiels fonctionnant comme des molécules de signalisation dans le cerveau en ayant des récepteurs qui jouent un rôle important dans le contrôle du métabolisme énergétique. Parmi eux, on distingue un récepteur couplé à la protéine G (GPCR), le GPR120. Ce récepteur activé par les AGPI ω-3 intervient dans les mécanismes anti-inflammatoires et insulino-résistants via les N-3. Une mutation dans le gène GPR120 occasionnée par une réduction de l’activité de signalisation du gène est liée à l’obésité humaine. L'objectif premier de cette deuxième étude était d’évaluer l'impact de la stimulation pharmacologique de GPR120 dans le système nerveux central (SNC) sur l'alimentation, les dépenses d'énergie, le comportement de type anxieux et la récompense alimentaire. Nos résultats démontrent qu’une injection centrale aiguë d'agoniste GPR120 III réduit la prise alimentaire ad libitum et la motivation alimentaire pour un aliment riche en gras et en sucre; ainsi que les comportements de type anxieux. L’injection centrale chronique (21 jours) de ce même agoniste GPR120 III transmis par une pompe osmotique a démontré que les souris placées sous diète hypercalorique (HFD n’ont présenté aucune modification lors de la prise alimentaire ni de gain de poids mais qu’il y avait comparativement au groupe de véhicule, une réduction du comportement de type anxieux, que ce soit dans le labyrinthe en croix surélevé (LCS) ou dans le test à champ ouvert (OFT). L’ADH est reconnu pour ses propriétés anorexigènes au niveau central. De plus, la stimulation des récepteurs de GPR120 au niveau du cerveau avec un agoniste synthétique peut produire un effet intense intervenir sur le comportement lié à l'alimentation des rongeurs. Trouver une approche visant à contrôler à la fois la neuroinflammation, la récompense alimentaire et les troubles émotionnels aiderait assurément au traitement de l'obésité et du diabète de type 2.
Nowadays the rising cost of health care and pharmaceutical products, the increase in life expectancy as well as the demand for an improved quality of life, has led to an increased concern about food intake and an emergence of new concepts of nutrition [1]. Mushrooms have been pointed out as an excellent option to include in a healthy diet, due to their nutritional value [2] associated with their bioactive properties [3]. The current study presents the chemical profile of two edible species, Leccinum molle (Ban) Ban and Leccinum vulpinum Watling, harvested in the outskirts of Bragan9a (Northeastern Portugal), regarding their content in nutrients and nonnutrients. Individual profiles of sugars and fatty acids were obtained by HPLC-RI and GC-FID, respectively. Tocopherols were analysed by HPLC-fluorescence, and the non-nutrients (i.e., phenolic and other organic acids) by HPLC-PDA. The antioxidant activity of the methanolic extracts obtained from both species was assessed with different assays (e.g. reducing power, radical scavenging activity and lipid peroxidation inhibition) and their hepatotoxicity was evaluated in primary cell cultures obtained from porcine liver, PLP2. Generally, both Leccinum species revealed similar nutrient profiles, with low fat levels, fructose, mannitol and trehalose as the foremost free sugars, and higher percentages of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids in comparison with saturated fatty acids. The presence of bioactive compounds was also detected, namely phenolic (e.g., gallic, protocatechuic and p-hydroxybenzoic acids) and organic acids (e.g., citric and fumaric acids). Both species presented antioxidant properties, being L. vulpinum the species which showed the most promising results (higher contents of total phenolic acids and lower ECso values in all the performed assays). Neither of the extracts presented toxicity against the liver primary cells PLP2, up to maximal concentration tested (Giso > 400 μg/ml).
Chestnut flowers, lemon balm plants and their decoctions were incorporated into "Serra da Estrela" cheese, to assess their potential to preserve its nutritional properties and provide new foodstuffs. The analyses were carried out after the normal ripening period of 1month and after 6months of storage. The most abundant nutrients were proteins and fats. The most abundant minerals were Ca and Na, while C16:0 and C18:1 were the main fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids were the most abundant, followed by the monounsaturated. Moisture seemed to be lower in the samples with the plants incorporated. The dried plants, when incorporated, seemed to be more efficient as preservers then the decoctions, although these better preserved the proteins. These plants can be regarded as promising natural preservers in foodstuffs cheese, given the preservation of key parameters and the slight impact on the nutritional value.
People of Western Kordofan (Sudan) are endowed with a deep knowledge concerning the use of wild plants. Tubers of Raphionacme splendens Schl. subspecies splendens Flickr (family Apocynaceae), locally known as Elfayo, are used as a food reserve during times of famine or poor harvest. The aim of this study was to analyze the nutritional composition and antioxidant capacity of root tubers of R. splendens. Samples were collected from South-West Kordofan. Analyses included determination of moisture, carbohydrate, crude protein, fat, fibre, ash, minerals, vitamin C, amino acids and fatty acids composition. Antioxidant activity was determined by the DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) and ABTS (2.2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) assays. The total phenolic content was also assessed. The results, which are referred to as (%) dry weight, showed that the tubers contained 3.2% protein, 18% carbohydrate, 0.5% lipid, 2.4% crude fibre, 3.5% ash, 79.2% moisture and gross energy 101.7 kJ/g. The total amino acids were 10776 mg/100g where the essential amino acids represented 28.2%. The more abundant essential amino acids were leucine (792mg/100g), isoleucine (712mg/100g) and threonine (536mg/100g). Methionine and lysine were the limiting amino acids. Minerals were potassium (259mg/100g), calcium (183mg/100g), magnesium (64mg/100g), phosphorus (37mg/100g), copper (3.6mg/100g), manganese (2.4mg/100g), zinc (1.8mg/100g) and iron (1.2mg/100g). Total saturated fatty acids were 45.6% whereas total unsaturated fatty acids were 54.4%. Oleic acid (32.56%) and palmitic acid (30.23%) were the most abundant fatty acids. Tubers displayed good antioxidant activity with IC50 values 0.987 and 1.559mg/mL against DPPH and ABTS radicals respectively. Vitamin C was 31.5mg/100g and total phenolic content was 60mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE) per 100g dry sample and they could be the main contributor to the antioxidant capacity of the tubers. In conclusion, the results of this study suggested that tubers of R. splendens could have beneficial effect for food and/or nutraceutical application for normal growth and adequate protection against diseases associated with reactions of free radicals.
Samples of cultivated Ulva clathrata were collected from a medium scale system (MSS, 1.5 1.5 m tank), or from a large scale system (LSS, 0.8 ha earthen pond). MSS samples were dried directly while the LSS sample was washed in freshwater and pressed before drying. Crude protein content ranged 20–26%, essential amino acids accounting for 32–36% of crude protein. The main analysed monosaccharides were rhamnose (36–40%), uronic acids (27–29%), xylose (10–13%) and glucose (10–16%). Some notable variations between MSS and LSS samples were observed for total dietary fibre (26% vs 41%), saturated fatty acids (31% vs 51%), PUFAS (33% vs 13%), carotenoids (358 vs 169 mg kg1 dw) and for Ca (9 vs 19 g kg1 ), Fe (0.6 vs 4.2 g kg1 ), Cu (44 vs 14 mg kg1 ), Zn (93 vs 17 mg kg1 ) and As (2 vs 9 mg kg1 ). The chemical composition of U. clathrata indicates that it has a good potential for its use in human and animal food.
Ulva rigida (UR) and Palmaria palmata (PP) were included in farmed Atlantic salmon diets at levels of 0-15% for 19 and 16 weeks, respectively. Quality and shelf-life parameters of salmon fillets stored in modified atmosphere packs (MAP) (60% N2 : 40% CO2) at 4ºC were compared to controls fed astaxanthin. Salmon fillets were enhanced with a yellow/orange colour. Proximate composition, pH and lipid oxidation were unaffected by dietary UR and PP. Salmon fed 5% UR and 5-15% PP did not influence sensory descriptors (texture, odour, oxidation flavour and overall acceptability) of cooked salmon fillets. Pig diets were supplemented with commercial wet- and spray-dried macroalgal (Laminaria digitata) polysaccharide extracts containing laminarin (L, 500 mg/kg feed) and fucoidan (F, 420 mg/kg feed) (L/F-WS, L/F-SD) for 3 weeks and quality and shelf-life parameters of fresh pork steaks (longissimus thoracis et lumborum) stored in MAP (80% O2 : 20% CO2) were examined. Level (450 or 900 mg L and F/kg feed) and duration (3 or 6 weeks) of dietary L/F-WS and mechanisms of antioxidant activities in pork were investigated. L/F-WS reduced (p < 0.05) lipid oxidation and lowered levels of saturated fatty acids in fresh pork after 3 weeks feeding. L/F-SD was added directly to mince pork (0.01 - 0.5%) and quality and shelf-life parameters of fresh pork patties stored in MAP (80% O2 : 20% CO2) were assessed. Direct addition of the L/F-SD increased levels of lipid oxidation and decreased surface redness (a* values) of fresh pork patties. Lipid oxidation was reduced in cooked patties due to the formation of Maillard reaction products. Cooked pork patties containing L/F-SD were subjected to an in vitro digestion and a cellular transwell model to confirm bioaccessibility and uptake of antioxidant compounds. In mechanistic studies, fucoidan demonstrated antiand pro-oxidant activities on muscle lipids and oxymyoglobin, respectively.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo testar o efeito do sistema de produção com dieta rica em ácido oleico nas características zootécnicas, de carcaça, físico-químicas e no perfil lipídico dos músculos Longissimus dorsi (LD), Biceps femoris (BF) e Semimembranosus (SM) de suínos de raça Alentejana. Foram utilizados 15 animais, divididos em dois grupos, o grupo IN (n=9) foi mantido em parques individuais abertos ao exterior com 3 m2 e o grupo OUT (n=6) foi mantido numa área de 3 ha com acesso a pastagem. O grupo OUT obteve melhores performances zootécnicas. O rendimento de carcaça foi igual para ambos os grupos, e o rendimento comercial e proporção de peças nobres foi superior nos OUT. Estes obtiveram menores teores de lípidos intramusculares mas maiores teores de PUFA (ácidos gordos polinsaturados) e melhores valores para os rácios PUFA/SFA (ácido gordos saturados) e n-6/n-3. O SM foi menos afetado pelo sistema de produção; Abstract: Effect of the rearing system in the physical-chemical characteristics and the lipid profile of three muscles from Alentejano pigs The present study aims to test the effect of rearing system with oleic acid rich diet on performance, carcass and physical-chemical characteristics, and lipid profile of the muscles Longissimus dorsi (LD), Biceps femoris (BF) and Semimembranosus (SM) from Alentejano pigs. The study used 15 animals, divided into two groups. The Group IN (n = 9) was kept in individual parks open to the exterior with 3 m2, and the OUT (n = 6) was held in an area of 3 ha with access to pasture. The OUT group obtained the best performances. The carcass yield was the same for both groups, meat yield and the proportion of noble parts was superior in the OUT. These obtained lower levels of intramuscular fat but larger PUFA levels (polyunsaturated fatty acids) and best values for the ratios PUFA/SFA (saturated fatty acids) and n-6/n-3. The SM was the least affected by the rearing system
Resumo: A procura por carne de qualidade tem proporcionado ao setor de ovinocultura a adoção por técnicas de produção que possam contribuir para disponibilizar ao mercado produtos que atendam as necessidades dos consumidores, que se tornam cada vez mais exigentes quanto à aquisição de produtos que possam trazer benefícios a saúde. Assim, objetivou-se determinar a qualidade da carne de ovinos puros e cruzados criados no semiárido Nordestino. Utilizaram-se 30 cordeiros machos e fêmeas, oriundos dos cruzamentos Morada Nova x Morada Nova, Rabo Largo x Morada Nova e Santa Inês x Morada Nova, alojados em baias e alimentados com dieta a base de capim Canarana, milho farelo de soja e calcário. Os animais foram abatidos com peso médio de 24 kg de peso vivo e as carcaças mantidas em câmara frigorífica a 4?C, por 24 horas. Após esse período, foi seccionado o músculo Longissimus dorsi que foi embalado, identificado e armazenado a 20?C. Foram determinados os atributos físicos de capacidade de retenção de água, perda de peso por cocção e força de cisalhamento; os atributos químicos como umidade, proteína, cinza, lipídios e colesterol; avaliações subjetivas da carcaça como cor, marmoreio, textura da carne, distribuição da gordura, espessura da gordura e área de olho de lombo; os sensoriais de dureza, suculência, sabor, aroma e aceitação global e o perfil de ácidos graxos. O delineamento utilizado foi em esquema fatorial 3x2 (três grupos genéticos e dois sexos) e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Duncan a 5%. Não houve diferença (p>0,05) entre os genótipos para a composição química da carne, exceto para a variável lipídio (p<0,05). Para as características subjetivas da carcaça o genótipo influenciou (p<0,05) nas variáveis cor, marmoreio e textura da carne. O genótipo promoveu efeito (p<0,05) para as características físicas de capacidade de retenção de água e perda de peso por cocção. Os atributos sensoriais não sofreram efeitos (p>0,05) dos genótipos avaliados. Os genótipos influenciaram (p<0,05) as concentrações dos ácidos graxos saturados, monoinsaturados e poli-insaturados assim como, nas relações ?3:?6 e AGM:AGS. O fator sexo influenciou (p<0,05) nas variáveis umidade, força de cisalhamento, dureza, ácidos graxos desejáveis e relação ?3:?6. O cruzamento entre raças nativas mostrou-se com potencial para a produção de carne de qualidade, a raça Morada Nova melhorou os atributos físico-químicos da carne e em seu perfil lipídico e, o fator sexo melhorou o atributo maciez dando destaque a carne das fêmeas. Abstract: The demand for quality meat products has given the sheep industry sector productions techniques that can contribute providing the market with products that supply the needs of consumers require, who are becoming more demanding as the acquisition of differentiated and bring health benefits. The objective was to evaluate the quality of the pure sheep meat and cross bred in the semiarid Northeast of Brazil. It was used 30 male lambs and female, that came from crosses Morada Nova x Morada Nova, Rabo Largo x Morada Nova and Santa Ines x Morada Nova, housed in pens and fed a diet of grass Canarana, corn soybean meal and limestone. The animals were slaughtered at average weight of 24 kg, live weight, and carcasses kept in refrigeration chamber at 4 ° C for 24 hours. After this period the Longissimus dorsi muscle was selected, packaged, labeled and stored at 20˚C. The physical attributes were determined such as water holding capacity, cooking weight loss and shear force; the chemical attributes such as moisture, protein, ash, lipids and cholesterol; Subjective evaluations such as color, marbling, meat texture, fat distribution, fat thickness and loin eye area; the hardness sensory, juiciness, flavor, aroma and global acceptance and fatty acid profile. The design was a 3x2 factorial arrangement (three genetic groups and two genders) and the measures compared by Duncan test at 5%. There was no difference (p> 0.05) between genotypes for the chemical composition of meat, except for the lipid variable (p <0.05). To the subjective characteristics of the carcass, the genotype influenced (p <0.05) in the variables color, marbling and meat texture. The genotype promoted significant effect (p <0.05) for the physical characteristics, water retention capacity and weight loss on cooking. The sensory attributes did not suffer significant effects (p> 0.05) of the evaluated genotypes. The genotypes influenced (p <0.05) in the concentrations of saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated as well as in the relations ω3: ω6 and AGM:AGS. The gender factor influenced (P <0.05) in the variables moisture, shear strength, hardness, desirable fatty acids and relation ω3: ω6. The cross between native breeds showed up with potential for quality meat production, the Morada Nova improved the physical and chemical attributes of the flesh and in their lipid profiles and sex factor improved softness attribute highlighting the meat of females.
The arginine methyltransferase CARM1 (PRMT4) is amplified and overexpressed in ~20% of high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) and correlates with a poor survival. Therapeutic approaches based on CARM1 expression remain to be an unmet need. Here we show that fatty acid metabolism represents a metabolic vulnerability for HGSOC in a CARM1 expression status dependent manner. CARM1 promotes the de novo synthesis of fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). The disruption of MUFAs synthesis by inhibition of SCD1 results in excessive accumulation of cytotoxic saturated fatty acids and it is synthetic lethal with CARM1 expression. Collectively, our data show that the pharmacological inhibition of MUFAs synthesis via SCD1 inhibition represents a therapeutic strategy for CARM1-high HGSOC. Another arginine methyltransferase, PRMT5, has been identified by our CRISPR screening analysis as a promising candidate for invasive ARID1A-deficient endometrial cancer. Endometrial Cancer frequently harbor somatic inactivating mutation of ARID1A that can promote an invasive phenotype. Our in vitro approach validated the CRISPR screening showing that both PRTM5 knock down and its pharmaceutical inhibition specifically hamper the invasion of ARID1A inactivated cells. Mechanistically, PRMT5 directly regulates the epithelia to mesenchymal transition pathway genes interacting with the SWI/SNF complexes. Moreover, in vivo experiments showed that PRMT5 inhibition contrasted the myometrium invasion highlighting PRMT5 inhibition as promising therapeutic strategy for ARID1A- inactivated aggressive endometrial cancer.
Meal fatty acids have been shown to modulate the size and composition of triacylglycerol (TAG)-rich lipoproteins influencing the magnitude and duration of the postprandial plasma TAG response. As a result there is considerable interest in the origin of these meal fatty-acid induced differences in particle composition. Caco-2 cells were incubated over 4 days with fatty acid mixtures resembling the composition of saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)-rich meals fed in a previous postprandial study to determine their impact on lipoprotein synthesis and secretion. The MUFA- and PUFA-rich mixtures supported greater intracellular TAG, but not cholesterol accumulation compared with the SFA-rich mixture (P < 0.001). The MUFA-rich mixture promoted significantly greater TAG and cholesterol secretion than the other mixtures and significantly more apolipoprotein B-100 secretion than the PUFA-rich mixture (P < 0.05). Electron microscopy revealed the SFA-rich mixture had led to unfavourable effects on cellular morphology, compared with the unsaturated fatty acid-rich mixtures. Our findings suggest the MUFA-rich mixture, may support the formation of a greater number of TAG-rich lipoproteins, which is consistent with indirect observations from our human study. Our electron micrographs are suggestive that some endocytotic uptake of MUFA-rich taurocholate micelles may promote greater lipoprotein synthesis and secretion in Caco-2 cells.
To determine the effects of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in phosphatidylcholine (PC) on macrophage activity, peritoneal lavage cells were cultured in the presence of phosphatidylcholine rich in saturated or unsaturated fatty acids (sat PC and unsat PC, respectively), both used at concentrations of 32 and 64 µM. The treatment of peritoneal macrophages with 64 µM unsat PC increased the production of hydrogen peroxide by 48.3% compared to control (148.3 ± 16.3 vs 100.0 ± 1.8%, N = 15), and both doses of unsat PC increased adhesion capacity by nearly 50%. Moreover, 64 µM unsat PC decreased neutral red uptake by lysosomes by 32.5% compared to the untreated group (67.5 ± 6.8 vs 100.0 ± 5.5%, N = 15), while both 32 and 64 µM unsat PC decreased the production of lipopolysaccharide-elicited nitric oxide by 30.4% (13.5 ± 2.6 vs 19.4 ± 2.5 µM) and 46.4% (10.4 ± 3.1 vs 19.4 ± 2.5 µM), respectively. Unsat PC did not affect anion production in non-stimulated cells or phagocytosis of unopsonized zymosan particles. A different result pattern was obtained for macrophages treated with sat PC. Phorbol 12-miristate 13-acetate-elicited superoxide production and neutral red uptake were decreased by nearly 25% by 32 and 64 µM sat PC, respectively. Sat PC did not affect nitric oxide or hydrogen peroxide production, adhesion capacity or zymosan phagocytosis. Thus, PC modifies macrophage activity, but this effect depends on cell activation state, fatty acid saturation and esterification to PC molecule and PC concentration. Taken together, these results indicate that the fatty acid moiety of PC modulates macrophage activity and, consequently, is likely to affect immune system regulation in vivo.
Fatty acid synthase (FASN) is the metabolic enzyme responsible for the endogenous synthesis of the saturated long-chain fatty acid palmitate. In contrast to most normal cells, FASN is overexpressed in a variety of human cancers including cutaneous melanoma, in which its levels of expression are associated with a poor prognosis and depth of invasion. Recently, we have demonstrated the mitochondrial involvement in FASN inhibition-induced apoptosis in melanoma cells. Herein we compare, via electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), free fatty acids (FFA) composition of mitochondria isolated from control (EtOH-treated cells) and Orlistat-treated B16-F10 mouse melanoma cells. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to the ESI-MS data and found to separate the two groups of samples. Mitochondria from control cells showed predominance of six ions, that is, those of m/z 157 (Pelargonic, 9:0), 255 (Palmitic, 16:0), 281 (Oleic, 18:1), 311 (Arachidic, 20:0), 327 (Docosahexaenoic, 22:6) and 339 (Behenic, 22:0). In contrast, FASN inhibition with Orlistat changes significantly mitochondrial FFA composition by reducing synthesis of palmitic acid, and its elongation and unsaturation products, such as arachidic and behenic acids, and oleic acid, respectively. ESI-MS of mitochondria isolated from Orlistat-treated cells presented therefore three major ions of m/z 157 (Pelargonic, 9:0), 193 (unknown) and 199 (Lauric, 12:0). These findings demonstrate therefore that FASN inhibition by Orlistat induces significant changes in the FFA composition of mitochondria. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.