635 resultados para rhein


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I. Schwarzwälder Dorfgeschichten. Barfussele. Der Tolpatsch. Die Kriegspfeife. Des Schlossbauers Vefele. Tonele mit der gebissenen Wange. Die feindlichen Brüder. Befehlerles. Kopfen und Gerste.--II-III. Das Landhaus am Rhein.


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vorgelegt von Immanuel Plato aus Cöln a. Rhein


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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, affecting more than 35 million people worldwide. Brain hypometabolism is a major feature of AD, appearing decades before cognitive decline and pathologic lesions. To date, the majority of studies on hypometabolism in AD have used transgenic animal models or imaging studies of the human brain. As it is almost impossible to validate these findings using human tissue, alternative models are required. In this study, we show that human stem cell-derived neuron and astrocyte cultures treated with oligomers of amyloid beta 1-42 (Aβ1-42) also display a clear hypometabolism, particularly with regard to utilization of substrates such as glucose, pyruvate, lactate, and glutamate. In addition, a significant increase in the glycogen content of cells was also observed. These changes were accompanied by changes in NAD+ /NADH, ATP, and glutathione levels, suggesting a disruption in the energy-redox axis within these cultures. The high energy demands associated with neuronal functions such as memory formation and protection from oxidative stress put these cells at particular risk from Aβ-induced hypometabolism. Further research using this model may elucidate the mechanisms associated with Aβ-induced hypometabolism.


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During Ice Station POLarstern (ISPOL; R.V. Polarstern cruise ANT XXII/2, November 2004-January 2005), hydrographic and tracer observations were obtained in the western Weddell Sea while drifting closely in front of the Larsen Ice Shelf. These observations indicate recently formed Weddell Sea Bottom Water, which contains significant contributions of glacial melt water in its upper part, and High-Salinity Shelf Water in its lower layer. The formation of this bottom water cannot be related to the known sources in the south, the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf. We show that this bottom water is formed in the western Weddell Sea, most likely in interaction with the Larsen C Ice Shelf. By applying an Optimum Multiparameter Analysis (OMP) using temperature, salinity, and noble gas observations (helium isotopes and neon), we obtained mean glacial melt-water fractions of about 0.1% in the bottom water. On sections across the Weddell Gyre farther north, melt-water fractions are still on the order of 0.04%. Using chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as age tracers, we deduced a mean transit time between the western source and the bottom water found on the slope toward the north (9±3 years). This transit time is larger and the inferred transport rate is small in comparison to previous findings. But accounting for a loss of the initially formed bottom water volume due to mixing and renewal of Weddell Sea Deep Water, a formation rate of 1.1±0.5 Sv in the western Weddell Sea is plausible. This implies a basal melt rate of 35±19 Gt/year or 0.35±0.19 m/year at the Larsen Ice Shelf. This bottom water is shallow enough that it could leave the Weddell Basin through the gaps in the South Scotia Ridge to supply Antarctic Bottom Water. These findings emphasize the role of the western Weddell Sea in deep- and bottom-water formation, particularly in view of changing environmental conditions due to climate variability, which might induce enhanced melting or even decay of ice shelves.


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In the western North Atlantic, warm and saline water is brought by the North Atlantic Current (NAC) from the subtropics into the subpolar gyre. Four inverted echo sounders with high precision pressure sensors (PIES) were moored between 47°40' N and 52°30' N to study the main pathways of the NAC from the western into the eastern basin. The array configuration that forms three segments (northern, central, and southern) allows partitioning of the NAC and some assessment of NAC flow paths through the different Mid-Atlantic Ridge fracture zones. We exploit the correlation between the NAC transport measured between 2006 and 2010 and the geostrophic velocity from altimeter data to extend the time series of NAC transports to the period from 1992 to 2013. The mean NAC transport over the entire 21 years is 27 ± 5 Sv, consisting of 60% warm water of subtropical origin and 40% subpolar water. We did not find a significant trend in the total transport time series, but individual segments had opposing trends, leading to a more focused NAC in the central subsection and decreasing transports in the southern and northern segments. The spectral analysis exhibits several significant peaks. The two most prominent are around 120 days, identified as the time scale of meanders and eddies, and at 4-9 years, most likely related to the NAO. Transport composites for the years of highest and lowest NAO indices showed a significantly higher transport (+2.9 Sv) during strong NAO years, mainly in the southern segment.


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In 2003 and in 2005, hydrographic data provided sufficient spatial coverage in the Labrador Sea to infer basin wide changes in the water mass characteristic of the Upper Labrador Sea Water (ULSW). The ULSW was considerably saltier and warmer in 2005 than in 2003. Although convection in the Labrador Sea leads to mixing with salinity-poor surface water and is opposed to the observed salinity trend, the increased vertical homogeneity of the CTD profiles, the increase in the ULSW thickness and the intensification of the potential vorticity minimum for the isopycnals sigma-theta = 27.700-27.734 kg/m**3 in 2005 point to convection in winter 2005 which ventilated at least about 20% of the Labrador Sea region.


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Flemish Pass, located at the western subpolar margin, is a passage (sill depth 1200 m) that is constrained by the Grand Banks and the underwater plateau Flemish Cap. In addition to the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) pathway offshore of Flemish Cap, Flemish Pass represents another southward transport pathway for two modes of Labrador Sea Water (LSW), the lightest component of North Atlantic Deep Water carried with the DWBC. This pathway avoids potential stirring regions east of Flemish Cap and deflection into the interior North Atlantic. Ship-based velocity measurements between 2009 and 2013 at 47°N in Flemish Pass and in the DWBC east of Flemish Cap revealed a considerable southward transport of Upper LSW through Flemish Pass (15-27%, -1.0 to -1.5 Sv). About 98% of the denser Deep LSW were carried around Flemish Cap as Flemish Pass is too shallow for considerable transport of Deep LSW. Hydrographic time series from ship-based measurements show a significant warming of 0.3°C/decade and a salinification of 0.03/decade of the Upper LSW in Flemish Pass between 1993 and 2013. Almost identical trends were found for the evolution in the Labrador Sea and in the DWBC east of Flemish Cap. This indicates that the long-term hydrographic variability of Upper LSW in Flemish Pass as well as in the DWBC at 47°N is dominated by changes in the Labrador Sea, which are advected southward. Fifty years of numerical ocean model simulations in Flemish Pass suggest that these trends are part of a multidecadal cycle.