974 resultados para relief in the bottom


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During the "Atlantic Expedition" in1965 (IQSY) a comprehensive bathymetric survey and a few hydrographic stations were made by R.V. "Meteor" in the equatorial region of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The survey results are shown in a bythymetric chart covering the western parts of the Romanche- and Chain Fracture Zones. West of the original Romanche Trench another deep trench with a medium depth of 6000 m was discovered. The maximum sounding obtained was 7028 m. Both trenches apparently belong to the same fracture zone, but are distinctly separated from each other. The estern boundary of the trench against the Brasil Basin is formed by a sill rising to a depth of about 4400 m. The serial hydrographic observations give some indications of the flow of the cold Westatlantic deep water in the fracture zone area and its influence on the hydrographic conditions in the East-Atlantic Basin. The upper limit of the nearly homogenious Westatlantic bottom water with an Antarctic components lies about 4400 m. The water mass entering the system of trenches of the Romanche Fracture Zone over the western sill originates from the lower part of the discontinuity layer lying above the bottom water. Potential temperatures of 0.6°C were the lowest observed by "Meteor" in the western trench. There seems to be a remarkable tongue of relatively high salinity and a minimum of oxygen in the deep water of this trench. At present we can only speculate upon the origin of this highly saline deep water tongue underneath the eastward moving relatively thin layer of less saline Westatlantic deep water. In the range of the sill separating both trenches a lee wave is indicated by the distribution of salinity and oxygen, which implies a vertical transport of water masses. Caused by this transport it is assumed that relatively cold water may be lifted temporarily to a depth, where it can pass the northbounding ridge, thus getting directly into the Sierra Leone Basin. In the original Romanche Trench the cold Westatlantic deep water seems to fill the whole trough, but its extension remains limited to the trench itself. The water masses found east of the sill separating the trench from the East-Atlantic Basin originate from the lower part of the discontinuity layer. With potential temperatures of about 1.3°C they are much warmer than those observed in the Romanche Trench bottom water.


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There is a great similarity between pollen types which occur in the early Holocene NE Tibetan pollen spectra and those which are commonly considered to be typical for the Würm Late Glacial period in Central Europe and for the Würm Pleniglacial period in Southern Europe. Evidently, this similarity is due to a remarkable general conformity of plant taxa growing in cold-arid regions of the northern hemisphere. The improvement of the climate and the retreat of the glaciers that commenced at the end of the Würm period had already terminated definitely before 9500 BP. In addition, the climatic situation as well as the vegetation belts must have remained rather constant during the following 3000 yr, i.e. through most parts of the climatic optimum of the Holocene.


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Species composition, abundance, and biomass of phytoplankton in the surface water layer were determined at 10 stations in the central part of the Western Basin (WB) and at one station in the Eastern Basin (EB) of the Large Aral Sea. 42 algal species were found. Diatoms had the highest number of species. Similarity of phytoplankton composition in the WB was high, whereas phytoplankton composition in the WB and EB differed significantly. In WB abundance and biomass of phytoplankton varied from 826x10**3 to 6312x10**3 cells/l (aver. 1877x10**3 cells/l) and from 53 to 241 ?g C/l (aver. 95 ?g C/l). In EB the phytoplankton abundance was 915x10**3 cells/l and 93 ?g C/l. Vertical distribution of phytoplankton in upper 35 m was investigated at one station in WB. Maximum values of phytoplankton abundance and biomass were recorded under the thermocline at 20 m depth. Integrated biomass of phytoplankton was 14 g C/m**2.


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Serial observations of temperature, salinity, oxygen, alkalinity and pH are presented. They were carried out during an anchor station of R.V. "Meteor" west of Cape Sao Vincente (Portugal) in the area of the maximum Mediterranean water outflow, which follows the continental slope off Portugal. Two observational results are pointed out: The Mediterranean water masses spread out into the Atlantic Ocean, consisting of two distinct layers at depth of 700 m (T=12.0 °C, S=36.15 ?) and 1250 m (T=11.3 °C, S=36.40 ?). The salinity proved to be the most significant indicator of the observed stratification. The values of dissolved oxygen content, alkalinity and pH in the very near bottom layer (1 m above the bottom at depth of 3250 m) are different from the values at depth of 15 m to 100 m above the bottom. As this phenomenon is not observed for the salinity, the changes may be interpreted in terms of chemical and biological processes at the sediment-water interface.


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Meroplankton was sampled at 11 stations in the southern Kara Sea and the Yenisei Estuary in September 2000. Larvae of 29 benthic taxa representing 10 higher groups were identified. Meroplankton was present at almost all stations and most depth levels. The two most abundant groups were Echinodermata (68%) and Polychaeta (26%). Echinoderms dominated total meroplankton locally due to mass occurrences of Ophiopluteus larvae. The relative group composition was highly variable and seemed to depend mainly on the local hydrographic pattern. Comparison of meroplanktonic data with the distribution of the adults revealed for Spionida and Bivalvia a 'downstream' transport of the larvae whereas for other polychaete species and Ophiuroida 'upstream' transport into the estuary occurred. The distribution and concentration of the larvae within the estuary is explained by physical barriers established by hydrographic gradients, the prevailing mixing processes and the presence of a near-bottom counter current.


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Benthic foraminiferal faunas from three bathyal sequences provide a proxy record of oceanographic changes through the mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) on either side of the Subtropical Front (STF), east of New Zealand. Canonical correspondence analyses show that factors related to water depth, latitude and climate cycles were more significant than oceanographic factors in determining changes in faunal assemblage composition over the last 1 Ma. Even so, mid-Pleistocene faunal changes are recognizable and can be linked to inferred palaeoceanographic causes. North of the largely stationary STF the faunas were less variable than to the south, perhaps reflecting the less extreme glacial-interglacial fluctuations in the overlying Subtropical Surface Water. Prior to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 21 and after MIS 15, the northern faunas had fairly constant composition, but during most of the MPT faunal composition fluctuated in response to climate-related food-supply variations. Faunal changes through the MPT suggest increasing food supply and decreasing dissolved bottom oxygen. South of the STF, beneath Subantarctic Surface Water, mid-Pleistocene faunas exhibited strong glacial-interglacial fluctuations, inferred to be due to higher interglacial nutrient supply and lower oxygen levels. The most dramatic faunal change in the south occurred at the end of the MPT (MIS 17- 12). with an acme of Abditodentrix pseudothalmanni, possibly reflecting higher carbon flux and lower bottom oxygen. This study suggests that the mid-Pleistocene decline and extinction of a group of elongate, cylindrical deep-sea foraminifera may have been related to decreased bottom oxygen concentrations as aresult of slower deep-water currents.


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The mean residence time of 234Th associated with suspended matter in the Kara Sea was calculated from distributions of dissolved and suspended 234Th. Integral particulate fluxes at different levels were estimated for two stations. The flux increases only in the pycnocline; below it changes insignificantly. Two maxima of differential fluxes are noted in vertical profiles: in the surface layer where primary production is maximal, and in the interface layer where zooplankton realizing active transport of suspended matter is usually concentrated. Differential fluxes were determined at 10 stations; their space distribution is controlled by primary production, which depends usually on turbidity of river water in estuaries.


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Based on samples with a 140-liter bottles in the upwelling region of the equatorial Pacific, an analysis was made of vertical distribution of various members of the plankton community of organisms (small and large phytoplankton, bacteria, different groups of protozoans, small and large, mainly herbivorous and predatory, animals). There is a distinct vertical divergence between layers of dominance of groups with similar feeding habits against the background of uneven quantitative distribution. Contrariwise, there are masses of consumers in the layers of high concentration of their potential prey.


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At the NW-slope of Eckernforder Bay (Western Baltic) between 14 and 21 m water depth 7 sand cores were taken with a vibrocorer. The cores were between 85 and 250 cm long. The sand was analysed for grain size distribution, proportions of organic carbon and carbonate, and contents of microfossils. The radiometric age and stable carbon isotope ratios were determined on organic material from 14 sample. With regard to benthic foraminifera and other microorganisms four different types of depositional conditions could be distinguished: Types 1 and 2: two types of offshore sand areas. Type 3: lagoon and nearshore. Type 4: subaerial or limnic. Using sedimentological and geochemical parameters two formation areas could be distinguished with the aid of a discriminant analysis: offshore (types 1 and 2) and nearshore (types 3 and 4). A juxtaposition of core sections indicated two distinct profiles. Their ages fit into the picture of the assumed postglacial sea-level rise. The lagoon- and nearshore sands are interpreted as the result of sea-level stagnation at 17-18 m below present sea-level. The accumulation rates of the sand in the offshore areas are, with a maximum of 0.15 mm/yr., an order of magnitude smaller than in the mud areas, located several hundred metres away.