989 resultados para reduction chemistry


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We have studied the mineral goyazite using Raman and infrared spectroscopy. Goyazite is a member of the crandallite subgroup of the alunite supergroup. The crystal structure is of the alunite-type and consists of sheets of corner-sharing AlO6 octahedra parallel to (0001). The octahedrally coordinated Sr2+ cations occupy cavities between pairs of octahedral sheets and are surrounded by six oxygen atoms from the (Al3+)O6 octahedra. The very intense sharp band at 983 cm-1 is assigned to the ν1 PO43- symmetric stretching mode. The observation of a single band supports the concept that all the phosphate units are equivalent in the structure of goyazite. Raman bands observed at 1029 cm-1 and 1037 cm-1 are assigned to the to the ν3 PO43- antisymmetric stretching vibrations. Two Raman bands at 895 and 927 cm-1 are attributed to the stretching vibrations of H2PO4; thus indicating some hydrogen phosphate units in the structure of goyazite. Raman bands at 556, 581, 596 and 612 cm-1 are assigned to the ν4 PO43- bending modes, suggesting a reduction of symmetry of phosphate units. Two sharp Raman bands at 3609 and 3631 cm-1 are attributed to OH stretching vibrations from the goyazite hydroxyl units. Broad Raman bands at 2924, 3043, 3210, 3429 and 3511 cm-1 are assigned to water stretching vibrations. Vibrational spectroscopy enables subtle details of the molecular structure of goyazite to be determined.


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Distal radius fractures stabilized by open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) have become increasingly common. There is currently no consensus on the optimal time to commence range of motion (ROM) exercises post-ORIF. A retrospective cohort review was conducted over a five-year period to compare wrist and forearm range of motion outcomes and number of therapy sessions between patients who commenced active ROM exercises within the first seven days and from day eight onward following ORIF of distal radius fractures. One hundred and twenty-one patient cases were identified. Clinical data, active ROM at initial and discharge therapy assessments, fracture type, surgical approaches, and number of therapy sessions attended were recorded. One hundred and seven (88.4%) cases had complete datasets. The early active ROM group (n = 37) commenced ROM a mean (SD) of 4.27 (1.8) days post-ORIF. The comparator group (n = 70) commenced ROM exercises 24.3 (13.6) days post-ORIF. No significant differences were identified between groups in ROM at initial or discharge assessments, or therapy sessions attended. The results from this study indicate that patients who commenced active ROM exercises an average of 24 days after surgery achieved comparable ROM outcomes with similar number of therapy sessions to those who commenced ROM exercises within the first week.


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Infrared spectra are reported of methyl formate and formaldehyde adsorbed at 300 K on silica, Cu/SiO2 reduced in hydrogen and Cu/SiO2 which had been oxidised by exposure to nitrous oxide after reduction. Silanol groups on silica form hydrogen bonds with carbonyl groups in weakly adsorbed methyl formate molecules. Methyl formate ligates via its carbonyl groups to Cu atoms in the surface of reduced copper. A low residual concentration of surface oxygen on copper promoted the slow reaction of ligated methyl formate to give a bridging formate species on copper and adsorbed methoxy groups. Methyl formate did not ligate to an oxidised copper surface but was rapidly chemisorbed to give unidentate formate and methoxy species. Formaldehyde slowly polymerises on silica to form trioxane and other oxymethylene species. The reaction is faster over Cu/SiO2 which, in the reduced state, also catalyses the formation of bridging formate anions adsorbed on copper. The reaction between formaldehyde and oxidised Cu/SiO2 leads to both unidentate and bidentate formate and adsorbed water.


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FTIR spectra are reported of CO adsorbed on silica-supported copper catalysts prepared from copper(II) acetate monohydrate. Fully oxidised catalyst gave bands due to CO on CuO, isolated Cu2+ cations on silica and anion vacancy sites in CuO. The highly dispersed CuO aggregated on reduction to metal particles which gave bands due to adsorbed CO characteristic of both low-index exposed planes and stepped sites on high-index planes. Partial surface oxidation with N2O or H2O generated Cu+ adsorption sites which were slowly reduced to Cu° by CO at 300 K. Surface carbonate initially formed from CO was also slowly depleted with time with the generation of CO2. The results are consistent with adsorbed carbonate being an intermediate in the water-gas shift reaction of H2O and CO to H2 and CO2.


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The reaction of CO2 and H2 with ZnO/SiO2 catalyst at 295 K gave predominantly hydrogencarbonate on zinc oxide and a small quantity of formate was evolved after heating at 393 K. Elevation of the reaction temperature to 503 K enhanced the rate of formation of zinc formate species. Significantly these formate species decomposed at 573 K almost entirely to CO2 and H2. Even after exposure of CO2-H2 or CO-CO2-H2 mixtures to highly defected ZnO/SiO2 catalyst, the formate species produced still decomposed to give CO2 and H2. It was concluded that carboxylate species which were formed at oxygen anion vacancies on polar Zn planes were not significantly hydrogenated to formate. Consequently it was proposed that the non-polar planes on zinc oxide contained sites which were specific for the synthesis of methanol. The interaction of CO2 and H2 with reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst at 393 K gave copper formate species in addition to substantial quantities of formate created at interfacial sites between copper and zinc oxide. It was deduced that interfacial formate species were produced from the hydrogenation of interfacial bidentate carbonate structures. The relevance of interfacial formate species in the methanol synthesis reaction is discussed. Experiments concerning the reaction of CO2-H2 with physical mixtures of Cu/SiO2 and ZnO/SiO2 gave results which were simply characteristic of the individual components. By careful consideration of previous data a detailed proposal regarding the role of spillover hydrogen is outlined. Admission of CO to a gaseous CO2-H2 feedstock resulted in a considerably diminished amount of formate species on copper. This was ascribed to a combination of over-reduction of the surface and site-blockage.


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Eco-feedback interventions are capable of producing reductions in household energy consumption. Yet less is known about exactly how this reduction is achieved, how to maximise user engagement, or how to effectively translate engagement into energy saving. This paper discusses design opportunities for eco-feedback systems through observations of domestic energy use in both Western and rural developing world contexts. Drawing on case studies from these two contexts including 21 empirical interviews, we present an alternative framework for human-resource interaction, highlighting design opportunities for a transition towards more engaged and sustainable energy consumption among users.


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The composition of a series of hydroxycarbonate precursors to copper/zinc oxide methanol synthesis catalysts prepared under conditions reported as optimum for catalytic activity has been studied. Techniques employed included thermogravimetry (TG), temperature-programmed decomposition (TPD), X-ray diffraction (XRD), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), and Raman and FTIR spectroscopies. Evidence was obtained for various structural phases including hydrozincite, copper hydrozincite, aurichalcite, zincian malachite and malachite (the concentrations of which depended upon the exact Cu/Zn ratio used). Significantly, previously reported phases such as gerhardite and rosasite were not identified when catalysts were synthesized at optimum solution pH and temperature values, and after appropriate aging periods. Calcination of the hydroxycarbonate precursors resulted in the formation of catalysts containing an intimate mixture of copper and zinc oxides. Temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) revealed that a number of discrete copper oxide species were present in the catalyst, the precise concentrations of which were determined to be related to the structure of the catalyst precursor. Copper hydrozincite decomposed to give zinc oxide particles decorated by highly dispersed, small copper oxide species. Aurichalcite appeared to result ultimately in the most intimately mixed catalyst structure whereas zincian malachite decomposed to produce larger copper oxide and zinc oxide grains. The reason for the stabilization of small copper oxide and zinc oxide clusters by aurichalcite was investigated by using carefully selected calcination temperatures. It was concluded that the unique formation of an 'anion-modified' oxide resulting from the initial decomposition stage of aurichalcite was responsible for the 'binding' of copper species to zinc moieties.


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Polycrystalline silver is used to catalytically oxidise methanol to formaldehyde. This paper reports the results of extensive investigations involving the use of environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) to monitor structural changes in silver during simulated industrial reaction conditions. The interaction of oxygen, nitrogen, and water, either singly or in combination, with a silver catalyst at temperatures up to 973 K resulted in the appearance of a reconstructed silver surface. More spectacular was the effect an oxygen/methanol mixture had on the silver morphology. At a temperature of ca. 713 K pinholes were created in the vicinity of defects as a consequence of subsurface explosions. These holes gradually increased in size and large platelet features were created. Elevation of the catalyst temperature to 843 K facilitated the wholescale oxygen induced restructuring of the entire silver surface. Methanol reacted with subsurface oxygen to produce subsurface hydroxyl species which ultimately formed water in the subsurface layers of silver. The resultant hydrostatic pressure forced the silver surface to adopt a "hill and valley" conformation in order to minimise the surface free energy. Upon approaching typical industrial operating conditions widespread explosions occurred on the catalyst and it was also apparent that the silver surface was extremely mobile under the applied conditions. The interaction of methanol alone with silver resulted in the initial formation of pinholes primarily in the vicinity of defects, due to reaction with oxygen species incorporated in the catalyst during electrochemical synthesis. However, dramatic reduction in the hole concentration with time occurred as all the available oxygen became consumed. A remarkable correlation between formaldehyde production and hole concentration was found.


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A comprehensive study was conducted on mesoporous MCM-41. Spectroscopic examinations demonstrated that three types of silanol groups, i.e., single, (SiO)3Si-OH, hydrogen-bonded, (SiO)3Si-OH-OH-Si(SiO)3, and geminal, (SiO)2Si(OH)2, can be observed. The number of silanol groups/nm2, ?OH, as determined by NMR, varies between 2.5 and 3.0 depending on the template-removal methods. All these silanol groups were found to be the active sites for adsorption of pyridine with desorption energies of 91.4 and 52.2 kJ mol-1, respectively. However, only free silanol groups (involving single and geminal silanols) are highly accessible to the silylating agent, chlorotrimethylsilane. Silylation can modify both the physical and chemical properties of MCM-41.


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Sodium and cesium mordenite (denoted NaM and CsM, respectively) were investigated as potential catalysts for the synthesis of polyacetylene ((CH) x). Both were successful in initiating polymerization of purified gaseous acetylene at room temperature as evidenced by Raman spectroscopic studies. The polyacetylene synthesised in this way exhibited resonance enhancement of the polyene skeletal vibrations. trans-Polyacetylene, but no cis-(CH) x, was detected. As no apparent coloration of the NaM and CsM substrates accompanied the formation of trans-(CH) x it was concluded that only small quantities of the polymer were present. The number of conjugated double bonds was estimated from the frequencies of the Raman active C-C and C=C stretching vibrations, and it was shown that the trans-(CH) x formed on CsM has a distribution of conjugation lengths ranging from less than 6 to at least 30 double bonds. The polyacetylene formed on NaM was significantly shorter and was produced in lower yields than that synthesized on CsM. "Sliced" resonance excitation profiles of polyacetylene formed on CsM were obtained using nearly 40 different excitation wavelengths and these confirmed that the adsorbed trans-(CH) x was composed of segments having a distribution of conjugated lengths. The architecture of the mordenite pore system permitted only a single polymer molecule per channel, thereby preventing cross-linking. Raman spectroscopic studies of the effects of exposure to air revealed that progressive oxidative degradation occurred with a reduction in the number of conjugated double bond


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The reaction of pyrrole and thiophene monomers with copper- or nickel-exchanged mordenite has been investigated using X-ray photoelectron (XPS) and photoacoustic infrared (PAIRS) spectroscopies. Because of the differing oxidising powers of the cations studied, polymerisation occurred only with copper-exchanged mordenite. PAIRS and XPS data indicated that both polypyrrole and polythiophene were partially oxidised when synthesised within the zeolite structure. IR spectra of polythiophene and polythiophene and polypyrrole showed intense bands typical of ring vibrations which could couple to the large dipole change induced by charges moving along the polythiophene chain. In addition it was noted that only vibrations typical of oxidised polymer structures were recorded, suggesting that the charge carrier was located within these segments. Furthermore, N 1s spectra contained a high binding energy peak at 402.5 eV which was attributed to a positively charged nitrogen species, in agreement with IR data. Significantly, C 1s spectra confirmed that molecular wires were formed within the confines of the zeolite lattice. Depth-profiling experiments suggested that polypyrrole was distributed throughout the entire zeolite host. By contrast, polythiophene may have been restricted to the uppermost zeolite channels owing to the ability of sulfur species to bond to CuI sites [produced by reduction of copper(II) ions during the polymerisation process], thus obstructing movement along the channels.


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The Chemistry Discipline Network has recently completed two distinct mapping exercises. The first is a snapshot of chemistry taught at 12 institutions around Australia in 2011. There were many similarities but also important differences in the content taught and assessed at different institutions. There were also significant differences in delivery, particularly laboratory contact hours, as well as forms and weightings of assessment. The second mapping exercise mapped the chemistry degrees at three institutions to the Threshold Learning Outcomes for chemistry. Importantly, some of the TLOs were addressed by multiple units at all institutions, while others were not met, or were met at an introductory level only. The exercise also exposed some challenges in using the TLOs as currently written.


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The mineral ettringite has been studied using a number of techniques, including XRD, SEM with EDX, thermogravimetry and vibrational spectroscopy. The mineral proved to be composed of 53% of ettringite and 47% of thaumasite in a solid solution. Thermogravimetry shows a mass loss of 46.2% up to 1000 °C. Raman spectroscopy identifies multiple sulphate symmetric stretching modes in line with the three sulphate crystallographically different sites. Raman spectroscopy also identifies a band at 1072 cm−1 attributed to a carbonate symmetric stretching mode, confirming the presence of thaumasite. The observation of multiple bands in the ν4 spectral region between 700 and 550 cm−1 offers evidence for the reduction in symmetry of the sulphate anion from Td to C2v or even lower symmetry. The Raman band at 3629 cm−1 is assigned to the OH unit stretching vibration and the broad feature at around 3487 cm−1 to water stretching bands. Vibrational spectroscopy enables an assessment of the molecular structure of natural ettringite to be made.


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The interaction between new two-dimensional carbon allotropes, i.e. graphyne (GP) and graphdiyne (GD), and light metal complex hydrides LiAlH4, LiBH4, and NaAlH4 was studied using density functional theory (DFT) incorporating long range van der Waals dispersion correction. The light metal complex hydrides show much stronger interaction with GP and GP than that with fullerene due to the well defined pore structure. Such strong interactions greatly affect the degree of charge donation from the alkali metal atom to AlH4 or BH4, consequently destabilizing the Al-H or B-H bonds. Compared to the isolated light metal complex hydride, the presence of GP or GD can lead to a significant reduction of the hydrogen removal energy. Most interestingly, the hydrogen removal energies for LiBHx on GP and with GD are found to be lowered at all the stages (x from 4 to 1) whereas the H-removal energy in the third stage is increased for LiBH4 on fullerene. In addition, the presence of uniformly distributed pores on GP and GD is expected to facilitate the dehydrogenation of light metal complex hydrides. The present results highlight new interesting materials to catalyze light metal complex hydrides for potential application as media for hydrogen storage. Since GD has been successfully synthesized in a recent experiment, we hope the present work will stimulate further experimental investigations in this direction.


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A low temperature lignocellulose pretreatment process was developed using acid-catalysed mixtures of alkylene carbonate and alkylene glycol. Pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse with mixtures of ethylene carbonate (EC) and ethylene glycol (EG) was more effective than that with mixtures of propylene carbonate (PC) and propylene glycol (PG). These mixtures were more effective than the individual components in making bagasse cellulose more amenable to cellulase digestion. Glucan digestibilities of ≥87% could be achieved with a wide range of EC to EG ratios from 9:1 to 1:1 (w/w). Pretreatment of bagasse by the EC/EG mixture with a ratio of 4:1 in the presence of 1.2% H2SO4 at 90 °C for 30 min led to the highest glucan enzymatic digestibility of 93%. The high glucan digestibilities obtained under these acidic conditions were due to (a) the ability of alkylene carbonate to cause significant biomass size reduction, (b) the ability of alkylene glycol to cause biomass defibrillation, (c) the ability of alkylene carbonate and alkylene glycol to remove xylan and lignin, and (d) the magnified above attributes in the mixtures of alkylene carbonate and alkylene glycol.