955 resultados para pseudo-oxocarbons


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Contient : 1° Roman d'Hercule ; 2° « Ici commence de ciaus d'Athenes et de ciaus de l'isle de Crete... », extrait de l' « Histoire ancienne depuis la création », relatif à Hercule et aux Amazones ; 3° « Liber Catonis », traduit par « MACE de Troie » ; 4° « Optimum documentum de regimine familie », lettre (supposée) de saint BERNARD à Raymond de Château d'Amboise ; 5° « La Complainte de la tribulation del mirable phylosophe qi fu appelez BOECES, et de la Consolation de la phylosophye », traduction anonyme, avec prologue et conclusion ; 6° « La Ystoire dou Nostre Seignor Jhesu Crist, et coment il soufri passion et torment et mort pour sauvement de la humaine generation » ; 7° Enseignements à Alexandre, en prose, suivis des Dits des Sages ; 8° « De dous Roiaumes dou monde et des aages dou siecle et des rois qi regnerent ça en arieres... », abrégé d'histoire universelle ; 9° Roman de la Guerre de Troie, par BENEOIT DE SAINTE MORE » ; 10° Extrait de l' « Histoire ancienne depuis la création », contenant les origines romaines, depuis Enée jusqu'à la mort de Romulus ; 11° Roman de Landomata, fils d'Hector, en prose ; 12° Histoire du roi Alexandre (d'après le Pseudo-Callisthène)


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Contient : Chronique de Normandie, depuis le duc Aubert jusqu'à Henri III, roi d'Angleterre ; Chronique française abrégée de GUILLAUME DE NANGIS, jusqu'à Philippe le Bel ; Chronologie des rois de France jusqu'à Charles VI ; suivie de notes latines : « De Anglia » (fol. 111) ; — « Le serment que le Chancelier de France doit faire, » etc. (fol. 112) ; Chronique des quatre premiers Valois (1327-1393), publiée par S. Luce (Paris, 1862, In 8°) ; Histoire d'Alexandre le Grand (Historia de præliis du Pseudo-Callisthènes), en français ; « Le livre des meurs du gouvernement des seigneurs, appelé les Secrés des secrés d'ARISTOTE » ; « Proposicion faicte de par l'Université de Paris devant nos seigneurs de France et tout le conseil assemblez pour la reformacion du royaume, l'an 1405, le samedi VIIe jour de novembre, par Me Jehan Jarson..., chancellier en l'eglise Nostre-Dame de Paris » ; Recueil de pièces concernant la Normandie. — « Carta Normannorum. » (19 mars 1314 [1315]) ; Vidimus du texte latin du traité de Troyes entre Henri V et Charles VI (21 mai 1420) ; « Pour remonstrer en brief que les habitans du duchié de Normandie et mesmement les bourgois, manans et habitans de la ville de Rouen, ne doivent estre trais en France, ne sont tenus de y sortir jur[i]diction ne y respondre... » — « Raciones précédentes fuerunt composite per mag. Johannem Doule, licenciatum In legibus, condam advocatum In parlamento et magistrum requestarum regis dominum de Neufville » ; Texte français du traité de Troyes (21 mai 1420) ; « Arrest ou declaraciun que ung prelat ou eglise peult acquérir en ses liefs », en faveur de l'abaye de St-Ouen de Rouen (1373 et 1375), etc ; « Confirmatio Cartæ Normannorum » (16 nov. 1423) ; « Decretum unionis orientalis Ecclesiæ cum occidentali, publicalum... In concilio Florentino... 1439 » ; « Copia bulle [Eugenii IV] conservatorie studii Cadomensis » (18 mai 1439) ; Au bas de ce feuillet on lit cette note, de première main : « Cronicas Normannie et Francie, ceterasque alias scripturassuperius scriptas varias materias continentes scribi fecit Robertus, abbas Sancti Michaelis In periculo maris, apud Rothomagum, In pluribus annis, et finaliter perfecit usque hic, anno Domini 1436 » ; Ex-libris : « Messire Joachin de Dinteville, chevalier de l'ordre du Roy et gentilhomme de sa chambre, m'a donné ce livre à Troyes, en febvrier 1578. » (Signature grattée)


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Comprend : Aenigma astronomicum adulterium Solis et Lunae visibile in hemisph. Parisiensi, quod pseudo-umbra illico teget. Anno M. DC. LXVI. die XVI. Junii. Si vera sit Kepleri aequatio menstrua ; Emblema astronomicum larva dimidiam Solis faciem tegens, Lunae dichotomiae speciem mentitur ; Monopolion coeleste majoris conjunctionis Saturni & Jovis visae anno 1663. die 16 octobris quatriduo ante tabularum praedictionem, cum magna conjunctione Saturni et Veneris anno 1666. die 29 nov. visibili : si caelum calculis Rudolphinis consentiat


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The ability to learn new reading vocabulary was assessed in 30 grade 3 poor readers reading approximately one to two years below grade level; the results of the assessment were compared to the performance abilities of 33 normal readers in grade 3 as obtained from an earlier study that employed the same approach and stimuli. The purpose of the study was to examine the strategies employed by poor readers in the acquisition of new reading vocabulary. Students were randomly assigned to either a treatment group (Mixed Phonics Explicit), or to a control group (Phonics Implicit). Subjects in the Mixed Phonics Explicit groups received explicit letter/sound correspondence training. Subjects in the Phonics Implicit group were asked to re-read the presented pseudo-words, receiving corrective feedback when necessary. The stimuli on which the subjects were trained involved a list of six pseudo-words presented in sentences as surnames. The training involved a teaching and test format on each trial for a total of six trials or until criterion had been reached. The results suggested that both normal and poor readers engage in visual learning and verbal coding when acquiring new reading vocabulary. However, poor readers appear to engage in less verbal coding than normal readers. Between group comparisons showed no difference between poor and normal readers in trials and errors to criterion in the visual recognition memory measure. However, normal readers performed significantly better in reading their visual recognition choices.


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Although it is generally accepted that Rydberg orbitals are very large and diffuse, and that electron promotion to a Rydberg orbital is not too different from ionization of the molecule, analysis of the two types of transitions proves otherwise. The photoelectron spectrum of the 2B2 (n) ion has very little vibrational structure attached to the origin band; on the other hand, several of the Rydberg transitions which involve the promotion of the n(bZ) electron exhibit a great deal of vibrational activity. In particular, the members of the n=3 Rydberg\ series interact with and perturb each other through pseudo-Jahn-Teller vibronic coupling. The vacuum ultraviolet spectrum contains a number of features which are difficult to explain, and two unusually sharp bands can only be identified as representing some form of electron promotion in formaldehyde.


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Maximum production rates ofs and decay kinetics for the hydrated electron, the indolyl neutral radical and the indole triplet state have been obtained in the microsecond, broadband (X > 260 nm) flash photolysis of helium-saturated, neutral aqueous solutions of indole, in the absence and in the presence of the solutes NaBr, BaCl2*2H20 and CdSCV Fluorescence spectra and fluorescence lifetimes have also been obtained in the absence and in the presence of the above solutes, The hydrated electron is produced monophotonically and biphotonically at an apparent maximum rate which is increased by BaCl2*2H20 and decreased by NaBr and CdSOif. The neutral indolyl radical may be produced monophotonically and biphotonically or strictly monophotonically at an apparent maximum rate which is increased by NaBr and CdSO^ and is unaffected by BaCl2*2H20. The indole triplet state is produced monophotonically at a maximum rate which is increased by all solutes. The hydrated electron decays by pseudo first order processes, the neutral indolyl radical decays by second order recombination and the indole triplet state decays by combined first and second order processes. Hydrated electrons are shown to react with H , H2O, indole, Na and Cd"*""1"". No evidence has been found for the reaction of hydrated electrons with Ba . The specific rate of second order neutral indolyl radical recombination is unaffected by NaBr and BaCl2*2H20, and is increased by CdSO^. Specific rates for both first and second order triplet state decay processes are increased by all solutes. While NaBr greatly reduced the fluorescence lifetime and emission band intensity, BaCl2*2H20 and CdSO^ had no effect on these parameters. It is suggested that in solute-free solutions and in those containing BaCl2*2H20 and CdSO^, direct excitation occurs to CTTS states as well as to first excited singlet states. It is further suggested that in solutions containing NaBr, direct excitation to first excited singlet states predominates. This difference serves to explain increased indole triplet state production (by ISC from CTTS states) and unchanged fluorescence lifetimes and emission band intensities in the presence of BaCl2*2H20 and CdSOt^., and increased indole triplet state production (by ISC from S^ states) and decreased fluorescence lifetime and emission band intensity in the presence of NaBr. Evidence is presented for (a) very rapid (tx ^ 1 us) processes involving reactions of the hydrated electron with Na and Cd which compete with the reformation of indole by hydrated electron-indole radical cation recombination, and (b) first and second order indole triplet decay processes involving the conversion of first excited triplet states to vibrationally excited ground singlet states.


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SiC and AtB 12 have been prepared and their resistivities and Hall voltages measured. The resistivities and Hall voltages were measured by the Van der Pauw's method, using spring loaded tungsten contacts. In this method, the major requirement is to have samples of plane parallel surfaces of arbitrary shape with four small contacts at the circumference. Similar measurements were made with a number of SiC crystals obtained from the Norton Research Corporation (Canada)-Ltd., Carolina Aluminum Co., Exolon Co. and Carborundum Co. It was found that resistivity, carrier concentration and mobility of ions depend on the type of impurity. AtB 12 was prepared from the melt containing At and B in the ratio of 4:1. They formed amber-colour pseudo tetragonal crystals. As the crystals obtained were small for electrical measurements, hot pressed lumps have been used to measure their resistivity.


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Described herein is the chemoenzymatic total synthesis of several Amaryllidaceae constituents and their unnatural C-I analogues. A new approach to pancratistatin and related compounds will be discussed along with the completed total synthesis of 7 -deoxypancratistatin and trans-dihydrolycoricidine. Evaluation of all new C-l analogues as cancer cell growth inhibitory agents is described. The enzymatic oxidation of dibromobenzenes by Escherichia coli 1M 109 (pDTG60 1) is presented along with conversion of their metabolites to (-)-conduritol E. Investigation into the steric and functional factors governing the enzymatic dihydroxylation of various benzoates by the same organism is also discussed. The synthetic utility of these metabolites is demonstrated through their conversion to pseudo-sugars, aminocyclitols, and complex bicyclic ring systems. The current work on the total synthesis of some morphine alkaloids is also presented. Highlighted will be the synthesis of several model systems related to the efficient total synthesis of thebaine.


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1. Triarylamminium radical-cation complexes. The detailed study of manganese, copper and nickel metal-radical complexes with triarylamminium ligands was conducted. Stable, neutral and pseudo-octahedral coordination monometallic complexes with simple monodentate 2,2`-bipyridine ligand containing a redox-active N,N`-(4,4`-dimethoxydiphenyl-amino) substituent were synthesized and fully characterized. The one-electron oxidation process and formation of persistent radical-cation complexes was observed by cyclic voltammetry and spectroelectrochemical measurements. Evans method measurements were performed with radical-cation complexes generated by chemical one-electron oxidation with NOPF6 in acetonitrile. The experimental results indicate ferromagnetic coupling between metal and triarylamminium cation in manganese (II) complex and antiferromagnetic coupling in nickel (II) complex. This data is supported by DFT calculations which also lend weight to the  spin polarization mechanism as an operative model for magnetic exchange coupling. Neutral bimetallic complexes with a new ditopic ligand were synthesized and fully characterized, including magnetic and electrochemical studies. Chemical oxidation of these precursor complexes did not generate radical-cations, but dicationic complexes, which was confirmed by UV-vis and EPR-experiments, as well as varied temperature magnetic measurements. DFT calculations for radical-cation complexes are included. A synthetic pathway for polytopic ligand with multiple redox-active triarylamine sites was developed. The structure of the ligand is presumably suitable for -spin polarization exchange model and allows for production of polymetallic complexes having high spin ground states. 2. Base-catalyzed hydrosilylation. A simple reductive base-catalyzed hydrosilation of aldehydes and ketones was adapted to the use of the cheap, safe, and non-toxic polymethylhydrosiloxane (PMHS) instead of the common PhSiH3 and (EtO)3SiH, which present significant cost and safety concerns, respectively. The conversion of silane into pentacoordinate silicate species upon addition of a base was studied in details for the cases of phenyl silane and PMHS and is believed to be essential for the hydrosilylation process. We discovered that nucleophiles (a base or fluoride-anion) induced the rearrangement of PMHS and TMDS into light silanes: MeSiH3 and Me2SiH2, respectively. The reductive properties of PMHS under basic conditions can be attributed to the formation of methyl silane and its conversion into a silicate species. A procedure for the generation of methyl silane and its use in further efficient reductions of aldehydes and ketones has been developed. The protocol was extended to the selective reduction of esters and tertiary amides into alcohols and aldimines into amines with good isolated yields and reduction of heterocyclic compounds was attempted.


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Symmetry group methods are applied to obtain all explicit group-invariant radial solutions to a class of semilinear Schr¨odinger equations in dimensions n = 1. Both focusing and defocusing cases of a power nonlinearity are considered, including the special case of the pseudo-conformal power p = 4/n relevant for critical dynamics. The methods involve, first, reduction of the Schr¨odinger equations to group-invariant semilinear complex 2nd order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with respect to an optimal set of one-dimensional point symmetry groups, and second, use of inherited symmetries, hidden symmetries, and conditional symmetries to solve each ODE by quadratures. Through Noether’s theorem, all conservation laws arising from these point symmetry groups are listed. Some group-invariant solutions are found to exist for values of n other than just positive integers, and in such cases an alternative two-dimensional form of the Schr¨odinger equations involving an extra modulation term with a parameter m = 2−n = 0 is discussed.


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The preparation and characterization of coordination complexes of Schiff-base and crown ether macrocycles is presented, for application as contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging, Project 1; and single-molecule magnets (SMMs), Projects 2 and 3. In Project 1, a family of eight Mn(II) and Gd(III) complexes of N3X2 (X = NH, O) and N3O3 Schiff-base macrocycles were synthesized, characterized, and evaluated as potential contrast agents for MRI. In vitro and in vivo (rodent) studies indicate that the studied complexes display efficient contrast behaviour, negligible toxicity, and rapid excretion. In Project 2, DyIII complexes of Schiff-base macrocycles were prepared with a view to developing a new family of mononuclear Ln-SMMs with pseudo-D5h geometries. Each complex displayed slow relaxation of magnetization, with magnetically-derived energy barriers in the range Ueff = 4 – 24 K. In Project 3, coordination complexes of selected later lanthanides with various crown ether ligands were synthesized. Two families of complexes were structurally and magnetically analyzed: ‘axial’ or sandwich-type complexes based on 12-crown-4 and 15-crown-5; and ‘equatorial’ complexes based on 18-crown-6. Magnetic data are supported by ab initio calculations and luminescence measurements. Significantly, the first mononuclear Ln-SMM prepared from a crown ether ligand is described.


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Several Authors Have Discussed Recently the Limited Dependent Variable Regression Model with Serial Correlation Between Residuals. the Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood Estimators Obtained by Ignoring Serial Correlation Altogether, Have Been Shown to Be Consistent. We Present Alternative Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood Estimators Which Are Obtained by Ignoring Serial Correlation Only Selectively. Monte Carlo Experiments on a Model with First Order Serial Correlation Suggest That Our Alternative Estimators Have Substantially Lower Mean-Squared Errors in Medium Size and Small Samples, Especially When the Serial Correlation Coefficient Is High. the Same Experiments Also Suggest That the True Level of the Confidence Intervals Established with Our Estimators by Assuming Asymptotic Normality, Is Somewhat Lower Than the Intended Level. Although the Paper Focuses on Models with Only First Order Serial Correlation, the Generalization of the Proposed Approach to Serial Correlation of Higher Order Is Also Discussed Briefly.


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This paper addresses the issue of estimating semiparametric time series models specified by their conditional mean and conditional variance. We stress the importance of using joint restrictions on the mean and variance. This leads us to take into account the covariance between the mean and the variance and the variance of the variance, that is, the skewness and kurtosis. We establish the direct links between the usual parametric estimation methods, namely, the QMLE, the GMM and the M-estimation. The ususal univariate QMLE is, under non-normality, less efficient than the optimal GMM estimator. However, the bivariate QMLE based on the dependent variable and its square is as efficient as the optimal GMM one. A Monte Carlo analysis confirms the relevance of our approach, in particular, the importance of skewness.


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Les logiciels utilisés sont Splus et R.


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Les glucides constituent la classe de molécules organiques la plus abondante et ceux-ci jouent des rôles cruciaux dans divers processus biologiques. De part leur importance médicinale, la préparation des désoxy-sucres, des C-glycosides et des C-disaccharides est devenue un sujet de pointe en synthèse organique. De façon générale, cette thèse décrit une nouvelle synthèse de novo des 4-désoxy hexopyrannoses en plus de la préparation de C-glycosides biologiquement actifs. De plus, une attention particulière a été portée à la préparation de novo de 4-désoxy-C-disaccharides. Dans un premier temps, le catalyseur de Cr(III) de Jacobsen et un complexe binaphtol/titane ont été utilisés pour réaliser des hétéro-Diels-Alder énantiosélectives. Les dihydropyrannes ainsi générés ont été transformés en 4-désoxy hexopyrannoses présents dans la nature. De cette façon, un dérivé de l’acide ézoaminuroïque, un précurseur de la désosamine et de la néosidomycine, a été préparé suivant cette approche de novo. De plus, à titre comparatif, la néosidomycine a également été fabriquée selon une approche chiron, à partir du méthyl alpha-D-mannopyrannoside. Finalement, une évaluation biologique préliminaire de la néosidomycine a été effectuée sur une la concanavaline-A (Chapitre 2). Dans un deuxième temps, une allylation stéréosélective sur un aldéhyde lié via des liens C-C à une unité mannoside a permis de générer un alcool homoallylique. Cette dernière fonctionnalité a été transformée en 4-désoxy hexopyrannose de configuration D ou L. De cette façon, la préparation de pseudo 4-désoxy-C-disaccharides, de 4-désoxy-C-disaccharides et de pseudo 4-désoxy aza-C-disaccharides a facilement été réalisée. Les rapports diastéréoisomériques de la réaction d’allylation ont été déterminés en plus de la configuration absolue des nouveaux centres stéréogéniques formés. La transformation des alcools homoallyliques en pyrannes poly hydroxylés ou en lactames poly hydroxylés a été réalisée, en plus de la déprotection de certains membres de cette famille pour une évaluation biologique préliminaire sur la concanavaline-A (Chapitre 3). Finalement, la synthèse de C-glycosides biologiquement actifs a été réalisée selon deux volets: i) préparation de 3-C-mannopyrannosyl coumarines et ii) synthèse de C-galactosides, inhibiteurs de la lectine PA-IL. Pour ce faire, le couplage de Heck a été utilisé à partir d’un ester alpha,bêta-insaturé, attaché à une unité glycosidique via des liens C-C, pour générer un dérivé glycosyl cinnamate de méthyle. Cependant, lorsque le 2-iodophénol est utilisé comme partenaire de Heck, la coumarine correspondante a été isolée. Les dérivés C-galactopyrannosyl cinnamates de méthyle représentent de bons inhibiteurs monovalents de la PA-IL avec un Kd aussi bas que 37 micro M (Chapitre 4).