903 resultados para projection spectrograph


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A regional geochemical reconnaissance by bottom stream sediment sampling, has delineated an area of high metal content in the north central sector of the North Creek Watershed. Development of a geochemical model, relating to the relative chemical concentrations derived from the chemical analyses of bottom sediments, suspended sediments, stream waters and well waters collected from the north central sector, was designed to discover the source of the anomaly. Samples of each type of material were analysed by the A.R.L. Direct Reading Multi-element Emission Spectrograph Q.A. 137 for elements: Na, K, Ca, Sr, Si, As, Pb, Zn, Cd, Ni, Ti, Ag, Mo, Be, Fe, AI, Mn, Cu, Cr, P and Y. Anomalous results led to the discovery of a spring, the waters of which carried high concentrations of Zn, Cd, Pb, As, Ni, Ti, Ag, Sr and Si. In addition, the spring waters had high concentrations of Na, Ca, Mg, 504 , alkalinity, N03' and low concentrations of K, Cl and NH3. Increased specific conductivity (up to 2500 ~mho/cm.) was noted in the spring waters as well as increased calculated total dissolved solids (up to 2047 mg/l) and increased ionic strength (up to 0.06). On the other hand, decreases were noted in water temperature (8°C), pH (pH 7.2) and Eh (+.154 volts). Piezometer nests were installed in the anomalous north central sector of the watershed. In accordance with the slope of the piezometric surface from wells cased down to the till/bedrock interface, groundwater flow is directed from the recharge area (northwest of the anomaly) towards the artesian spring via the highly fractured dolostone aquifer of the Upper Eramosa Member. The bedrock aquifer is confined by the overlying Halton till and the underlying Lower Eramosa Member (Vinemount Shale). The oxidation of sphalerite and galena and the dissolution of gypsum, celestite, calcite, and dolomite within the Eramosa Member, contributed its highly, dissolved constituents to the circulating groundwaters, the age of which is greater than 20 years as determined by tritium dating. Groundwater is assumed to flow along the Vinemount Shale and discharge as an artesian spring where the shale unit becomes discontinuous. The anomaly is located on a topographic low where bedrock is close to the surface. Thermodynamic evaluation of the major ion speciation from the anomalous spring and surface waters, showed gypsum to be supersaturated in these spring waters. Downstream from the spring, the loss of carbon dioxide from the spring waters resulted in the supersaturation with respect to calcite, aragonite, magnesite and dolomite. This corresponded with increases in Eh (+.304 volts) and pH (pH 8.5) in the anomalous surface waters. In conclusion, the interaction of groundwaters within the highly, mineralized carbonate source (Eramosa Member) resulted in the characteristic Ca*Mg*HC03*S04 spring water at the anomalous site, which appeared to be the principle effect upon controlling the anomalous surface water chemistry.


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An ascending cholinergic projection, which originates in the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDT), was implicated in the initiation of ultrasonic vocalization. The goal of this study was to histochemically examine the activity the LDT following ultrasonic calls induced by two methods. It was hypothesized that cholinergic LDT cells would be more active during air puffinduced vocalization than carbachol-induced one. Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), and cFos protein were visualized histochemically as markers of cholinergic calls and cellular activity, respectively. Results indicated that animals vocalizing after carbachol, but not after air puff, had a significantly higher number of Fos labeled nuclei within the LDT than non vocalizing controls. A significantly higher number of doublelabeled neurons were discovered in the LDT of vocalizing animals (in both groups) as compared to control conditions. Thus, there were significantly more active cholinergic cells in the LDT of vocalizing than non-vocalizing rats for both methods of call induction.


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The streams flowing through the Niagara Escarpment are paved by coarse carbonate and sandstone sediments which have originated from the escarpment units and can be traced downstream from their source. Fifty-nine sediment samples were taken from five streams, over distances of 3,000 to 10,000 feet (915 to 3050 m), to determine downstream changes in sediment composition, textural characteristics and sorting. In addition, fluorometric velocity measurements were used in conjunction with measured -discharge and flow records to estimate the frequency of sediment movement. The frequency of sediments of a given lithology changes downstream in direct response to the outcrop position of the formations in the channels. Clasts derived from a single stratigraphic unit usually reach a maximum frequency within the first 1,000 feet (305 m) of transport. Sediments derived from formations at the top of waterfalls reach a modal frequency farther downstream than material originating at the base of waterfalls. Downstream variations in sediment size over the lengths of the study reaches reflect the changes in channel morphology and lithologic composition of the sediment samples. Linear regression analyses indicate that there is a decrease in the axial lengths between the intial and final samples and that the long axis decreases in length more rapidly than the intermediate, while the short axis remains almost constant. Carbonate sediments from coarse-grained, fossiliferous units - iii - are more variable in size than fine-grained dolostones and sandstones. The average sphericity for carbonates and sandstones increases from 0.65 to 0.67, while maximum projection sphericity remains nearly constant with an average value of 0.52. Pebble roundness increases more rapidly than either of the sphericity parameters and the sediments change from subrounded to rounded. The Hjulstrom diagram indicates that the velocities required to initiate transport of sediments with an average intermediate diameter of 10 cm range from 200 cm/s to 300 cm/s (6.6 ft./sec. to 9.8 ft./sec.). From the modal velocitydischarge relations, the flows corresponding to these velocities are greater than 3,500 cfs (99 m3s). These discharges occur less than 0.01 p~r cent (0.4 days) of the time and correspond to a discharge occurring during the spring flood.


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The 3700 A - 3000 A absorption spectra of CH3CHO and its isotopic compounds such as CH3CDO, CD3CHO and CD3CDO were studied in the gas phase at room temperature and low temperatures. The low resolution spectra of the compounds were recorded by a 1.5 m Baush and Lomb grating spectrograph. The high resolution spectra were recorded by a Ebert spectrograph with the Echelle grating and the holographic grating separately. The multiple reflection cells were used to achieve the long path length. The pressure-path length used for the absorption spectrum of CH 3CHO was up to 100 mm Hg )( 91 . 43mo The emission spectrum and the excitation spectrum of CH3CHO were also recorded in this research. The calculated satellite band patterns \vhich were ob-tailied by the method of Lewis were used to compare with the observed near UV absorption spectrum of acetaldehyde. These calculated satellite band patterns belonged to two cases: namely, the barriers-in-phase case and the barriers- out-of-phase case. Each of the calculated patterns corresponded to a stable conformation of acetaldehyde in the excited state . The comparisons showed that the patterns in the observed absorption spectra corresponded to the H-H eclipsed conformations of acetaldehyde in the excited state . The least squares fitting analysis showed that the barrier heights in the excited state were higher than in the ground state. Finally, the isotopic shifts for the isotopic compounds of acetaldehyde were compared to the compounds with the similar deuterium substitution.


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In this study, I build upon my previous research in which I focus on religious doctrine as a gendered disciplinary apparatus, and examine the witch trials in early modem England and Italy in light of socio-economic issues relating to gender and class. This project examines the witch hunts/trials and early modem visual representations of witches, and what I suggest is an attempt to create docile bodies out of members of society who are deemed unruly, problematic and otherwise 'undesirable'; it is the witch's body that is deemed counternormative. This study demonstrates that it is neighbours and other acquaintances of accused witches that take on the role of the invisible guard of Bantham's Panoptic on. As someone who is trained in the study of English literature and literary theory, my approach is one that is informed by this methodology. It is my specialization in early modem British literature that first exposed me to witch-hunting manuals and tales of the supernatural, and it is for this reason that my research commences with a study of representations of witches and witchcraft in early modem England. From my initial exposure to such materials I proceed to examine the similarities and the differences of the cultural significance of the supernatural vis-a.-vis women's activities in early modem Italy. The subsequent discussion of visual representations of witches involves a predominance of Germanic artists, as the seminal work on the discernment of witches and the application of punishment known as the Malleus Meleficarum, was written in Germany circa 1486. Textual accounts of witch trials such as: "A Pitiless Mother (1616)," "The Wonderful Discovery of the Witchcrafts of Margaret and Philippa Flower (1619)," "Magic and Poison: The Trial ofChiaretta and Fedele (circa 1550)", and the "The Case of Benvegnuda Pincinella: Medicine Woman or Witch (1518),"and witchhunting manuals such as the Malleus Melejicarum and Strix will be put in direct dialogue with visual representations of witches in light of historical discourses pertaining to gender performance and gendered expectations. Issues relating to class will be examined as they pertain to the material conditions of presumed witches. The dominant group in any temporal or geographic location possesses the tools of representation. Therefore, it is not surprising that the physical characteristics, sexual habits and social material conditions that are attributed to suspected witches are attributes that can be deemed deviant by the ruling class. The research will juxtapose the social material conditions of suspected witches with the guilt, anxiety, and projection of fear that the dominant groups experienced in light of the changing economic landscape of the Renaissance. The shift from feudalism to primitive accumulation, and capitalism saw a rise in people living in poverty and therefore an increased dependence upon the good will of others. I will discuss the social material conditions of accused witches as informed by what Robyn Wiegman terms a "minoritizing discourse" (210). People of higher economic standing often blamed their social, medical, and/or economic difficulties on the less fortunate, resulting in accusations of witchcraft.


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The initial timing of face-specific effects in event-related potentials (ERPs) is a point of contention in face processing research. Although effects during the time of the N170 are robust in the literature, inconsistent effects during the time of the P100 challenge the interpretation of the N170 as being the initial face-specific ERP effect. The interpretation of the early P100 effects are often attributed to low-level differences between face stimuli and a host of other image categories. Research using sophisticated controls for low-level stimulus characteristics (Rousselet, Husk, Bennett, & Sekuler, 2008) report robust face effects starting at around 130 ms following stimulus onset. The present study examines the independent components (ICs) of the P100 and N170 complex in the context of a minimally controlled low-level stimulus set and a clear P100 effect for faces versus houses at the scalp. Results indicate that four ICs account for the ERPs to faces and houses in the first 200ms following stimulus onset. The IC that accounts for the majority of the scalp N170 (icNla) begins dissociating stimulus conditions at approximately 130 ms, closely replicating the scalp results of Rousselet et al. (2008). The scalp effects at the time of the P100 are accounted for by two constituent ICs (icP1a and icP1b). The IC that projects the greatest voltage at the scalp during the P100 (icP1a) shows a face-minus-house effect over the period of the P100 that is less robust than the N 170 effect of icN 1 a when measured as the average of single subject differential activation robustness. The second constituent process of the P100 (icP1b), although projecting a smaller voltage to the scalp than icP1a, shows a more robust effect for the face-minus-house contrast starting prior to 100 ms following stimulus onset. Further, the effect expressed by icP1 b takes the form of a larger negative projection to medial occipital sites for houses over faces partially canceling the larger projection of icP1a, thereby enhancing the face positivity at this time. These findings have three main implications for ERP research on face processing: First, the ICs that constitute the face-minus-house P100 effect are independent from the ICs that constitute the N170 effect. This suggests that the P100 effect and the N170 effect are anatomically independent. Second, the timing of the N170 effect can be recovered from scalp ERPs that have spatio-temporally overlapping effects possibly associated with low-level stimulus characteristics. This unmixing of the EEG signals may reduce the need for highly constrained stimulus sets, a characteristic that is not always desirable for a topic that is highly coupled to ecological validity. Third, by unmixing the constituent processes of the EEG signals new analysis strategies are made available. In particular the exploration of the relationship between cortical processes over the period of the P100 and N170 ERP complex (and beyond) may provide previously unaccessible answers to questions such as: Is the face effect a special relationship between low-level and high-level processes along the visual stream?


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We study the problem of measuring the uncertainty of CGE (or RBC)-type model simulations associated with parameter uncertainty. We describe two approaches for building confidence sets on model endogenous variables. The first one uses a standard Wald-type statistic. The second approach assumes that a confidence set (sampling or Bayesian) is available for the free parameters, from which confidence sets are derived by a projection technique. The latter has two advantages: first, confidence set validity is not affected by model nonlinearities; second, we can easily build simultaneous confidence intervals for an unlimited number of variables. We study conditions under which these confidence sets take the form of intervals and show they can be implemented using standard methods for solving CGE models. We present an application to a CGE model of the Moroccan economy to study the effects of policy-induced increases of transfers from Moroccan expatriates.


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We propose finite sample tests and confidence sets for models with unobserved and generated regressors as well as various models estimated by instrumental variables methods. The validity of the procedures is unaffected by the presence of identification problems or \"weak instruments\", so no detection of such problems is required. We study two distinct approaches for various models considered by Pagan (1984). The first one is an instrument substitution method which generalizes an approach proposed by Anderson and Rubin (1949) and Fuller (1987) for different (although related) problems, while the second one is based on splitting the sample. The instrument substitution method uses the instruments directly, instead of generated regressors, in order to test hypotheses about the \"structural parameters\" of interest and build confidence sets. The second approach relies on \"generated regressors\", which allows a gain in degrees of freedom, and a sample split technique. For inference about general possibly nonlinear transformations of model parameters, projection techniques are proposed. A distributional theory is obtained under the assumptions of Gaussian errors and strictly exogenous regressors. We show that the various tests and confidence sets proposed are (locally) \"asymptotically valid\" under much weaker assumptions. The properties of the tests proposed are examined in simulation experiments. In general, they outperform the usual asymptotic inference methods in terms of both reliability and power. Finally, the techniques suggested are applied to a model of Tobin’s q and to a model of academic performance.


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Ce texte propose des méthodes d’inférence exactes (tests et régions de confiance) sur des modèles de régression linéaires avec erreurs autocorrélées suivant un processus autorégressif d’ordre deux [AR(2)], qui peut être non stationnaire. L’approche proposée est une généralisation de celle décrite dans Dufour (1990) pour un modèle de régression avec erreurs AR(1) et comporte trois étapes. Premièrement, on construit une région de confiance exacte pour le vecteur des coefficients du processus autorégressif (φ). Cette région est obtenue par inversion de tests d’indépendance des erreurs sur une forme transformée du modèle contre des alternatives de dépendance aux délais un et deux. Deuxièmement, en exploitant la dualité entre tests et régions de confiance (inversion de tests), on détermine une région de confiance conjointe pour le vecteur φ et un vecteur d’intérêt M de combinaisons linéaires des coefficients de régression du modèle. Troisièmement, par une méthode de projection, on obtient des intervalles de confiance «marginaux» ainsi que des tests à bornes exacts pour les composantes de M. Ces méthodes sont appliquées à des modèles du stock de monnaie (M2) et du niveau des prix (indice implicite du PNB) américains


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We discuss statistical inference problems associated with identification and testability in econometrics, and we emphasize the common nature of the two issues. After reviewing the relevant statistical notions, we consider in turn inference in nonparametric models and recent developments on weakly identified models (or weak instruments). We point out that many hypotheses, for which test procedures are commonly proposed, are not testable at all, while some frequently used econometric methods are fundamentally inappropriate for the models considered. Such situations lead to ill-defined statistical problems and are often associated with a misguided use of asymptotic distributional results. Concerning nonparametric hypotheses, we discuss three basic problems for which such difficulties occur: (1) testing a mean (or a moment) under (too) weak distributional assumptions; (2) inference under heteroskedasticity of unknown form; (3) inference in dynamic models with an unlimited number of parameters. Concerning weakly identified models, we stress that valid inference should be based on proper pivotal functions —a condition not satisfied by standard Wald-type methods based on standard errors — and we discuss recent developments in this field, mainly from the viewpoint of building valid tests and confidence sets. The techniques discussed include alternative proposed statistics, bounds, projection, split-sampling, conditioning, Monte Carlo tests. The possibility of deriving a finite-sample distributional theory, robustness to the presence of weak instruments, and robustness to the specification of a model for endogenous explanatory variables are stressed as important criteria assessing alternative procedures.


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Un document accompagne le mémoire et est disponible pour consultation au Centre de conservation des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal (http://www.bib.umontreal.ca/conservation/).


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Signal relay by guidance receptors at the axonal growth cone is a process essential for the assembly of a functional nervous system. We investigated the in vivo function of Src family kinases (SFKs) as growth cone guidance signaling intermediates in the context of spinal lateral motor column (LMC) motor axon projection toward the ventral or dorsal limb mesenchyme. Using in situ mRNA detection we determined that Src and Fyn are expressed in LMC motor neurons of chick and mouse embryos at the time of limb trajectory selection. Inhibition of SFK activity by C-terminal Src kinase (Csk) overexpression in chickLMCaxons using in ovo electroporation resulted inLMC axons selecting the inappropriate dorsoventral trajectory within the limb mesenchyme, with medial LMC axon projecting into the dorsal and ventral limb nerve with apparently random incidence. We also detected LMC axon trajectory choice errors in Src mutant mice demonstrating a nonredundant role for Src in motor axon guidance in agreement with gain and loss of Src function in chickLMCneurons which led to the redirection ofLMCaxons. Finally, Csk-mediated SFK inhibition attenuated the retargeting ofLMCaxons caused by EphA or EphB over-expression, implying the participation of SFKs in Eph-mediated LMC motor axon guidance. In summary, our findings demonstrate that SFKs are essential for motor axon guidance and suggest that they play an important role in relaying ephrin:Eph signals that mediate the selection of motor axon trajectory in the limb.


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RÉSUMÉ Les répercussions du sida sur la communauté intellectuelle préfiguraient un changement certain dans l’esthétique littéraire contemporaine. Le témoignage de l’expérience individuelle de l’écrivain, à cet instant de désarroi collectif et de répression sociale à l’égard de la communauté homosexuelle, cherchait à provoquer une reconfiguration de l’espace de l’aveu par la projection du sujet privé dans la sphère publique. Cette posture de mise à nu avait déjà vu le jour dans les écrits féministes des années 70, mais elle a subi dans les années 80 et 90 une transformation importante puisque c’est le sujet masculin qui s’est exposé par la médiation du corps dans le récit de la maladie à l’heure du sida. Les discours de l’intime tentaient de rapprocher les espaces social et littéraire tout en affirmant des formes définies par des éthiques et des esthétiques hétérogènes. La période d’écriture de la maladie, qui clôt l’oeuvre de Guibert, est caractérisée par l’ancrage du contexte social de l’épidémie du sida. Par conséquent, les trois récits qui la fondent, soit À l’ami qui ne m’a pas sauvé la vie (1990), Le protocole compassionnel (1991) et Cytomégalovirus (1992), constituent le triptyque sur lequel s’appuiera ma réflexion, auquel s’ajoute le journal tenu par Guibert depuis son adolescence jusqu’à sa mort, Le mausolée des amants (2001), qui a été publié dix ans après la disparition de l’auteur. Cette oeuvre s’inscrit en partie dans cette mouvance du témoignage de la maladie, qui prend place entre 1987 et 1991, période pendant laquelle l’écrivain sent sa vulnérabilité sur le plan de sa santé. Il est proposé d’étudier à travers ces écrits l’écriture de l’aveu et de la dénonciation, telle qu’elle est pensée chez Guibert. Il s’agira de réfléchir sur les stratégies et les fonctions du témoignage littéraire d’une telle expérience à travers la mise en récit du sujet. Une problématique traverse toutefois cette posture de mise en danger individuelle où la nécessité de se révéler est l’objet d’un non-consensus. Or, cette recherche d’intensité par l’aveu, qui repose sur la maladie, la sexualité et la mort, veut dépasser sa dimension apocalyptique en tentant d’inscrire l’oeuvre dans une éthique sociale. De ce fait, le dévoilement, sur le mode de la dénonciation, s’oriente sur la dimension collective en prenant à partie la société et la communauté.


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Cette thèse porte sur les représentations sociales. Fruit d’un bricolage conceptuel, ces représentations s’inspirent en partie des travaux de Serge Moscovici et de certains auteurs plus contemporains qui s’inscrivent dans son prolongement, dits de l’école française des représentations sociales, ainsi que d’auteurs anglo-saxons qui travaillent à partir de ce concept. Les écrits d’autres chercheurs, dont Stuart Hall, Richard Dyer et Jean-Michel Berthelot, qui adoptent dans des perspectives plus particulièrement liées aux Cultural Studies et à la sociologie ont également aidé à préciser notre façon d’envisager les représentations sociales et d’appréhender leur fonctionnement. Plus précisément, à la suite de Jodelet (1989), nous envisageons les représentations comme des « formes de connaissances socialement élaborées et partagées, ayant une visée pratique et concourant à la construction d’une réalité commune à un ensemble social » (p. 36). Ces représentations possèdent également d’autres particularités. Elles sont, d’après nous, constitutives ainsi que formées par des procédés langagiers qui rendent possibles des opérations. Ce concept nous permet d’étudier les représentations du point de vue de leur effectivité, soit de leur capacité à influencer les significations, à apporter un changement dans la manière d’interpréter une situation et, ce faisant, d’affecter les pratiques et d’induire une différence dans le monde. Ce questionnement au sujet des représentations se déploie sur un terrain qui nous semblait particulièrement riche pour en étudier le fonctionnement, soit celui de la politique qui, par ailleurs, se déroule actuellement dans un contexte de spectacularisation. Présenté comme un brouillage des genres entre divertissement et politique, ce phénomène est également lié à l’avènement de la celebrity politics, à la personnalisation et à l’évaluation, à l’importance prise par le style en politique ainsi qu’à la dramatisation, la fragmentation et la normalisation. Plus précisément, nous étudions les représentations dans un contexte de spectacularisation à partir de trois corpus documentant des événements aussi distincts que les fusions municipales en 2001, la montée en popularité de Mario Dumont et de l’ADQ en 2002 et 2003 ainsi que la série Bunker, le cirque, diffusée à la télévision de Radio-Canada à l’automne 2002. Ces corpus regroupent des textes de sources et de format variés, des textes de loi aux éditoriaux en passant par des dramatiques télévisuelles et des forums électroniques. Nous y avons effectué une analyse itérative et transversale des discours afin de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des représentations dans un contexte de spectacularisation. Nos analyses ont démontré la variété des procédés et des opérations, telles que l’incontestabilisation, la projection, la localisation, l’amplification, la réduction et l’évaluation, qui permettent de modifier le sens et les enjeux des événements discutés. Les analyses ont également permis d’illustrer que les procédés et les opérations qu’ils rendent possibles balisent les frontières de l’objet et offrent un système classificateur.


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Durant le développement du système visuel, les cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine (CGRs) envoient des axones qui seront influencés par divers signaux guidant leur cône de croissance, permettant ainsi la navigation des axones vers leurs cibles terminales. Les endocannabinoïdes, des dérivés lipidiques activant les récepteurs aux cannabinoides (CB1 et CB2), sont présents de manière importante au cours du développement. Nous avons démontré que le récepteur CB2 est exprimé à différents points du tractus visuel durant le développement du hamster. L’injection d’agonistes et d’agonistes inverses pour le récepteur CB2 a modifié l’aire du cône de croissance et le nombre de filopodes présents à sa surface. De plus, l’injection d’un gradient d’agoniste du récepteur CB2 produit la répulsion du cône de croissance tandis qu’un analogue de l’AMPc (db-AMPc) produit son attraction. Les effets du récepteur CB2 sur le cône de croissance sont produits en modulant l’activité de la protéine kinase A(PKA), influençant la présence à la membrane cellulaire d’un récepteur à la nétrine-1 nommé Deleted in Colorectal Cancer (DCC). Notamment, pour que le récepteur CB2 puisse moduler le guidage du cône de croissance, la présence fonctionnelle du récepteur DCC est essentielle.. Suite à une injection intra-occulaire d’un agoniste inverse du récepteur CB2, nous avons remarqué une augmentation de la longueur des branches collatérales des axones rétiniens au niveau du LTN (noyau lateral terminal). Nous avons également remarqué une diminution de la ségrégation des projections ganglionnaires au niveau du dLGN, le noyau genouillé lateral dorsal, chez les animaux transgéniques cnr2-/-, ayant le gène codant pour le récepteur CB2 inactif. Nos données suggèrent l’implication des endocannabinoïdes et de leur récepteur CB2 dans la modulation des processus de navigation axonale et de ségrégation lors du développement du système visuel.