959 resultados para pressure pulsation
Hypertension is a major public health problem and a leading cause of death and disability in both developed and developing countries, affecting onequarter of the world"s adult population. Our aim was to evaluate whether the consumption of gazpacho, a Mediterranean vegetable-based cold soup rich in phytochemicals, is associated with lower blood pressure (BP) and/or reduced prevalence of hypertension in individuals at high cardiovascular risk. Methods and results: We selected 3995 individuals (58% women, mean age 67 y) at high cardiovascular risk (81% hypertensive) recruited into the PREDIMED study. BP, weight, and dietary and physical activity data were collected. In multivariate linear regression analyses, after adjustment, moderate and high gazpacho consumption categories were associated with reduced mean systolic BP of 1.9 mm Hg [95% confidence interval (CI): 3.4; 0.6] and 2.6 mm Hg (CI: 4.2; 1.0), respectively, and reduced diastolic BP of 1.5 mm Hg (CI: 2.3; 0.6) and 1.9 mm Hg (CI: 2.8; 1.1). By multiple-adjusted logistic regression analysis, gazpacho consumption was associated with a lower prevalence of hypertension, with OR Z 0.85 (CI: 0.73; 0.99) for each 250 g/week increase and OR Z 0.73 (CI: 0.55; 0.98) for high gazpacho consumption groups compared to the no-consumption group. Conclusions: Gazpacho consumption was inversely associated with systolic and diastolic BP and prevalence of hypertension in a cross-sectional Mediterranean population at high cardiovascular risk. The association between gazpacho intake and reduction of BP is probably due to synergy among several bioactive compounds present in the vegetable ingredients used to make the recipe.
Comment on: Cutler JA, Sorlie PD, Wolz M, Thom T, Fields LE, Roccella EJ. Trends in hypertension prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control rates in United States adults between 1988-1994 and 1999-2004. Hypertension. 2008 Nov;52(5):818-27. PMID: 18852389.
Cardiac hypertrophy is frequent in chronic hypertension. The renin-angiotensin system, via its effector angiotensin II (Ang II), regulates blood pressure and participates in sustaining hypertension. In addition, a growing body of evidence indicates that Ang II acts also as a growth factor. However, it is still a matter of debate whether the trophic effect of Ang II can trigger cardiac hypertrophy in the absence of elevated blood pressure. To address this question, transgenic mice overexpressing the rat angiotensinogen gene, specifically in the heart, were generated to increase the local activity of the renin-angiotensin system and therefore Ang II production. These mice develop myocardial hypertrophy without signs of fibrosis independently from the presence of hypertension, demonstrating that local Ang II production is important in mediating the hypertrophic response in vivo.
OBJECTIVE: Cuff inflation at the arm is known to cause an instantaneous rise in blood pressure, which might be due to the discomfort of the procedure and might interfere with the precision of the blood pressure measurement. In this study, we compared the reactive rise in blood pressure induced by cuff inflation when the cuff was placed at the upper arm level and at the wrist. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: The reactive rise in systolic and diastolic blood pressure to cuff inflation was measured in 34 normotensive participants and 34 hypertensive patients. Each participant was equipped with two cuffs, one around the right upper arm (OMRON HEM-CR19, 22-32 cm) and one around the right wrist (OMRON HEM-CS 19, 17-22 cm; Omron Health Care Europe BV, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands). The cuffs were inflated in a double random order (maximal cuff pressure and position of the cuff) with two maximal cuff pressures: 180 and 240 mmHg. The cuffs were linked to an oscillometric device (OMRON HEM 907; Omron Health Care). Simultaneously, blood pressure was measured continuously at the middle finger of the left hand using photoplethysmography. Three measurements were made at each level of blood pressure at the arm and at the wrist, and the sequence of measurements was randomized. RESULTS: In normotensive participants, no significant difference was observed in the reactive rise in blood pressure when the cuff was inflated either at the arm or at the wrist irrespective of the level of cuff inflation. Inflating a cuff at the arm, however, induced a significantly greater rise in blood pressure than inflating it at the wrist in hypertensive participants for both systolic and diastolic pressures (P<0.01), and at both levels of cuff inflation. The blood pressure response to cuff inflation was independent of baseline blood pressure. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that in hypertensive patients, cuff inflation at the wrist produces a smaller reactive rise in blood pressure. The difference between the arm and the wrist is independent of the patient's level of blood pressure.
Résumé de l'étude. L'application d'une pression positive (PEEP) pendant la phase d'induction d'une anesthésie générale peut prévenir la formation d'atélectasies pulmonaires. Ceci pourrait permettre d'accroître la durée d'apnée non hypoxique par l'augmentation de la capacité pulmonaire résiduelle fonctionnelle (CRF). Nous avons étudié le bénéfice de l'application d'une PEEP durant la phase d'induction d'une anesthésie générale sur la durée d'apnée avant que la saturation périphérique en oxygène atteigne 90%. Quarante patients ASA I-II ont été randomisés en deux groupes distincts. - Dans le groupe PEEP (n=20), les patients ont été pré-oxygénés durant 5 minutes avec une Fi02 à l00% par l'intermédiaire d'un appareil de CPAP (6cmH2O). Après induction de l'anesthésie, les patients furent ventilés mécaniquement (PEEP 6cmH2O) durant 5 minutes supplémentaires. - Dans le groupe ZEEP (n=20), aucune pression positive (ni CPAP, ni PEEP) ne fut utilisée. La durée d'apnée pour atteindre une saturation périphérique de 90% fut mesurée. La durée d'apnée non hypoxique était plus longue dans le groupe PEEP par rapport au groupe ZEEP (599 +/- 135 s vs 470 +/- 150 s, p= 0,007). Nous concluons que l'application d'une pression positive durant la phase d'induction d'une anesthésie générale chez l'adulte prolonge la durée d'apnée non hypoxique de plus de 2 minutes.
In a prospective investigation of 17 children with severe croup, we analyzed the effect of epinephrine inhalations and mild sedation with chloral hydrate on transcutaneous carbon dioxide pressure (tcPCO2), pulse oximetry measurements, and croup scores. There was a highly significant reduction (p less than 0.001) in the tcPCO2 values and croup scores after inhalation of epinephrine. The changes in the tcPCO2 values correlated with the clinical findings. Mild sedation also significantly improved the croup scores but failed to influence the tcPCO2 values. There was not statistically significant difference in pulse oximetry saturation, fraction of administered oxygen, heart rate, or respiratory rate before and after inhalation of epinephrine or chloral hydrate administration. Monitoring tcPCO2 appears to be a reliable and objective tool for managing patients with upper airway obstruction, whereas croup scores may be misleading.
The screening of testosterone (T) misuse for doping control is based on the urinary steroid profile, including T, its precursors and metabolites. Modifications of individual levels and ratio between those metabolites are indicators of T misuse. In the context of screening analysis, the most discriminant criterion known to date is based on the T glucuronide (TG) to epitestosterone glucuronide (EG) ratio (TG/EG). Following the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) recommendations, there is suspicion of T misuse when the ratio reaches 4 or beyond. While this marker remains very sensitive and specific, it suffers from large inter-individual variability, with important influence of enzyme polymorphisms. Moreover, use of low dose or topical administration forms makes the screening of endogenous steroids difficult while the detection window no longer suits the doping habit. As reference limits are estimated on the basis of population studies, which encompass inter-individual and inter-ethnic variability, new strategies including individual threshold monitoring and alternative biomarkers were proposed to detect T misuse. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) coupled with a new generation high resolution quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer (QTOF-MS) to investigate the steroid metabolism after transdermal and oral T administration. An approach was developed to quantify 12 targeted urinary steroids as direct glucuro- and sulfo-conjugated metabolites, allowing the conservation of the phase II metabolism information, reflecting genetic and environmental influences. The UHPLC-QTOF-MS(E) platform was applied to clinical study samples from 19 healthy male volunteers, having different genotypes for the UGT2B17 enzyme responsible for the glucuroconjugation of T. Based on reference population ranges, none of the traditional markers of T misuse could detect doping after topical administration of T, while the detection window was short after oral TU ingestion. The detection ability of the 12 targeted steroids was thus evaluated by using individual thresholds following both transdermal and oral administration. Other relevant biomarkers and minor metabolites were studied for complementary information to the steroid profile, including sulfoconjugated analytes and hydroxy forms of glucuroconjugated metabolites. While sulfoconjugated steroids may provide helpful screening information for individuals with homozygotous UGT2B17 deletion, hydroxy-glucuroconjugated analytes could enhance the detection window of oral T undecanoate (TU) doping.
OBJECTIVE: We assessed the association between birth weight, weight change, and current blood pressure (BP) across the entire age-span of childhood and adolescence in large school-based cohorts in the Seychelles, an island state in the African region. METHODS: Three cohorts were analyzed: 1004 children examined at age 5.5 and 9.1 years, 1886 children at 9.1 and 12.5, and 1575 children at 12.5 and 15.5, respectively. Birth and 1-year anthropometric data were gathered from medical files. The outcome was BP at age 5.5, 9.1, 12.5 or 15.5 years, respectively. Conditional linear regression analysis was used to estimate the relative contribution of changes in weight (expressed in z-score) during different age periods on BP. All analyses were adjusted for height. RESULTS: At all ages, current BP was strongly associated with current weight. Birth weight was not significantly associated with current BP. Upon adjustment for current weight, the association between birth weight and current BP tended to become negative. Conditional linear regression analyses indicated that changes in weight during successive age periods since birth contributed substantially to current BP at all ages. The strength of the association between weight change and current BP increased throughout successive age periods. CONCLUSION: Weight changes during any age period since birth have substantial impact on BP during childhood and adolescence, with BP being more responsive to recent than earlier weight changes.
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) has become indispensable for the diagnosis and control of hypertension. However, no consensus exists on how daytime and nighttime periods should be defined. OBJECTIVE: To compare daytime and nighttime blood pressure (BP) defined by an actigraph and by body position with BP resulting from arbitrary daytime and nighttime periods. PATIENTS AND METHOD: ABPM, sleeping periods and body position were recorded simultaneously using an actigraph (SenseWear Armband(®)) in patients referred for ABPM. BP results obtained with the actigraph (sleep and position) were compared to the results obtained with fixed daytime (7a.m.-10p.m.) and nighttime (10p.m.-7a.m.) periods. RESULTS: Data from 103 participants were available. More than half of them were taking antihypertensive drugs. Nocturnal BP was lower (systolic BP: 2.08±4.50mmHg; diastolic BP: 1.84±2.99mmHg, P<0.05) and dipping was more marked (systolic BP: 1.54±3.76%; diastolic BP: 2.27±3.48%, P<0.05) when nighttime was defined with the actigraph. Standing BP was higher (systolic BP 1.07±2.81mmHg; diastolic BP: 1.34±2.50mmHg) than daytime BP defined by a fixed period. CONCLUSION: Diurnal BP, nocturnal BP and dipping are influenced by the definition of daytime and nighttime periods. Studies evaluating the prognostic value of each method are needed to clarify which definition should be used.
J Appl Physiol vol 100, no 2, pp 507-511, 2006
To evaluate the impact of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) algorithms available on intensive care unit ventilators on the incidence of patient-ventilator asynchrony in patients receiving NIV for acute respiratory failure. Prospective multicenter randomized cross-over study. Intensive care units in three university hospitals. Patients consecutively admitted to the ICU and treated by NIV with an ICU ventilator were included. Airway pressure, flow and surface diaphragmatic electromyography were recorded continuously during two 30-min periods, with the NIV (NIV+) or without the NIV algorithm (NIV0). Asynchrony events, the asynchrony index (AI) and a specific asynchrony index influenced by leaks (AIleaks) were determined from tracing analysis. Sixty-five patients were included. With and without the NIV algorithm, respectively, auto-triggering was present in 14 (22%) and 10 (15%) patients, ineffective breaths in 15 (23%) and 5 (8%) (p = 0.004), late cycling in 11 (17%) and 5 (8%) (p = 0.003), premature cycling in 22 (34%) and 21 (32%), and double triggering in 3 (5%) and 6 (9%). The mean number of asynchronies influenced by leaks was significantly reduced by the NIV algorithm (p < 0.05). A significant correlation was found between the magnitude of leaks and AIleaks when the NIV algorithm was not activated (p = 0.03). The global AI remained unchanged, mainly because on some ventilators with the NIV algorithm premature cycling occurs. In acute respiratory failure, NIV algorithms provided by ICU ventilators can reduce the incidence of asynchronies because of leaks, thus confirming bench test results, but some of these algorithms can generate premature cycling.