905 resultados para post-translational regulation


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, daß eine Behandlung von Säugerzellen mit O6-Methylguanin generierenden Substanzen zu einer Zunahme der GT-Bindungsaktivität und zu einer Translokation der MMR-Proteine MSH2, MSH6 und PMS2 aus dem Cytoplasma in den Zellkern führt. Versuche mit MSH6-defizienten DLD1-Zellen und Coimmunpräzipitationsversuche zeigten, daß der MutSalpha-Komplex (MSH2+MSH6) bereits im Cytoplasma gebildet wird und daß die Translokation von MSH2 nur im Komplex mit MSH6 erfolgt. Durch die Untersuchung von Zellinien mit unterschiedlichem MGMT-Status konnte gezeigt werden, daß der DNA-Alkylierungsschaden O6-Methylguanin (O6-MeG) in Form des O6-MeGC oder O6-MeGT-Basenpaars das initiale Signal für die nukleäre Translokation von MutSalpha darstellt. Untersuchungen zur post-translationalen Modifikation der MMR-Proteine zeigten, daß MSH2 und MSH6 sowohl in vivo als auch in vitro durch die Proteinkinase C (PKC) und die Casein Kinase II (CKII) phosphoryliert werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Phosphorylierung von MutSalpha die Effektivität der Bindung an Basenfehlpaarungen beeinflußt, da unphosphoryliertes MutSalpha in vitro nicht effektiv an GT-Fehlpaarungen binden kann. Bei der Untersuchung der Resistenzentwicklung von Melanomzellen gegenüber Zytostatika konnte gezeigt werden daß die Resistenz gegenüber Fotemustin auf einer Erhöhung der Menge des Reparaturproteins O6-Methylguanin-DNA-Methyltransferase (MGMT) beruht. Die Reaktivierung des MGMT-Gens beruht seinerseits auf einer CpG-Hypermethylierung im kodierenden Bereichs des Gens.


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In den letzten Jahren gewann die Erforschung des Sphingolipidstoffwechsels in den verschiedensten Zellsystemen immer mehr an Bedeutung, da es sich zeigte, dass einige Sphingolipidspezies, vor allem Ceramid und Sphingosin-1-Phosphat, als wichtige intra- und extrazelluläre Botenstoffe wirken und bei einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher zellulärer Antworten, wie Apoptose, Proliferation und Migration, eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Während Ceramid eher pro-apoptotisch und wachstumshemmend wirkt, begünstigt Sphingosin-1-Phosphat als „Gegenspieler“ eher die Proliferation und das Zellwachstum. Ceramid kann relativ schnell in Sphingosin-1-Phosphat umgewandelt werden durch die Wirkung zweier Enzymklassen, den Ceramidasen und den Sphingosinkinasen. Konsequenterweise ist die Regulation dieser Enzyme von entscheidender Bedeutung für das zelluläre Gleichgewicht zwischen Ceramid und Sphingosin-1-Phosphat. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurde die Wirkung von extrazellulären Nukleotiden, die ebenfalls als Regulatoren zahlreicher zellulärer Antworten, wie z.B. Proliferation und Migration, bekannt sind und über entsprechende Oberflächenrezeptoren, die Purinrezeptoren, wirken, auf die Aktivität besonders der Sphingosinkinasen 1 und 2 näher untersucht. Es sollte geklärt werden, ob die Sphingosinkinasen an einigen durch extrazelluläre Nukleotide induzierbaren zellulären Antworten, in diesem Falle der Migration und der Proliferation von Zellen, beteiligt sind. Als Zellsystem wurden Nierenmesangiumzellen verwendet, da diese Zellen bei verschiedenen entzündlichen Nierenerkrankungen (Glomerulonephritiden) eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Es konnte in dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass extrazelluläre Nukleotide die Aktivität der Sphingosinkinase 1 in den Mesangiumzellen stimulieren können. Zu beobachten ist dabei eine biphasische Aktivitätssteigerung der Sphingosinkinase 1. Die erste Aktivitätssteigerung nach einer Kurzzeitstimulation ist dabei auf eine Phosphorylierung des Enzyms zurückzuführen, während die zweite Aktivitätssteigerung mit einer Aktivierung des Sphingosinkinase 1-Promotors, einer verstärkten mRNA-Expression und einer de novo Proteinsynthese zu erklären ist. Diese Induktion kann durch die Verwendung von Hemmstoffen des PKC- und MAPK-Signalweges, sowie durch Verwendung eines Transkriptions- (Actinomycin D) oder eines Translationsinhibitors (Cycloheximid) blockiert werden. Die Halbwertszeit der mRNA der Sphingosinkinase 1 in den Mesangiumzellen konnte auf ca. 20 Minuten bestimmt werden. Im Gegensatz dazu ist die Sphingosinkinase 2 nicht durch ATP aktivierbar, wohl aber durch diverse Abbauprodukte von ATP, wie AMP und Adenosin, sowie durch UTP und seine Abbauprodukten UDP und UMP. Die neutrale Ceramidase kann nicht durch ATP und UTP aktiviert werden, wohl aber durch P2X7-Rezeptoragonisten (Bz-ATP, αβ-Me-ATP, γS-ATP) und TPA. In einem zweiten Schritt wurde die Rolle der Sphingosinkinasen und der neutralen Ceramidase bei der durch extrazelluläre Nukleotide induzierten Migration und Proliferation untersucht. Es zeigte sich mit Hilfe von genspezifischer siRNA zur Depletion der Sphingosinkinasen und der neutralen Ceramidase, sowie durch Verwendung von Kinase-Hemmstoffen und damit einhergehend der Inhibierung der Signalwege und mit Hilfe von verschiedenen Zelllinien isoliert aus Wildtyp-, SPHK 1-überexprimierenden und mSPHK1-defizienten Mäusen, dass die Aktivierung der Sphingosinkinase 1 durch extrazelluläre Nukleotide von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Migrationsfähigkeit der Zellen ist, jedoch keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Proliferationsrate der Mesangiumzellen hat. Auch die Aktivität der neutralen Ceramidase ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Migrationsfähigkeit der Zellen. Durch Depletion der neutralen Ceramidase scheint Ceramid in den Zellen zu akkumulieren, was die Proliferationsrate reduziert. Für die Proliferation der Mesangiumzellen könnte die Sphingosinkinase 2 als negativer Regulator fungieren, wie die Experimente mit der genspezifischen siRNA unter UTP-Stimulation gezeigt haben. Für die Migration der Mesangiumzellen gilt darüber hinaus, dass auch das Produkt der Sphingosinkinase 1, Sphingosin-1-Phosphat, in der Lage ist, die Migration zu stimulieren. Im Gegensatz dazu spielt Sphingosin-1-Phosphat für die Induktion der Proliferation der hier verwendeten Zellen keine wesentliche Rolle. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Daten, dass die Sphingosinkinase 1 und vorgeschaltet auch die neutrale Ceramidase bei der Migration von Mesangiumzellen eine zentrale Rolle spielen und damit als therapeutische Angriffspunkte bei der Behandlung von Krankheiten, die durch eine vermehrte Migration gekennzeichnet sind, in Frage kommen.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit sollte der Einfluss des Mevalonatpfads auf die Expression von Selenoproteinen untersucht werden. Im Mevalonatpfad, einem universellen Stoffwechselweg eukaryontischer Zellen, entstehen neben Cholesterol auch verschiedene Isoprenoide, die z.B. für die post-transkriptionelle Modifikation der Selenocystein-tRNA herangezogen werden. Selenocystein ist funktioneller Bestandteil von Selenoproteinen, welche häufig in den Abbau von oxidativem Stress involviert sind. rnDer Mevalonatpfad wird hauptsächlich durch die HMG-CoA-Reduktase (HMGCR) reguliert. Pharmaka vom „Statin“-Typ gelten als wirkungsvolle kompetitive Inhibitoren dieses Enzyms und finden ihren Einsatz bei Patienten zur Behandlung von Hypercholesterolämie, welche eine Grundlage für vaskuläre Krankheiten bildet. Trotz der allgemein guten Verträglichkeit der Statine treten jedoch auch unerwünschte Nebeneffekte, wie Erhöhung der Leberenzyme oder Myopathien auf, deren biochemischer Hintergrund bislang noch im Dunkeln liegt. rnDie in dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Experimente belegen, dass Atorvastatin, Cerivastatin und Lovastatin in klinisch relevanten Dosen die Synthese bestimmter Selenoproteine, wie der Glutathionperoxidase (GPx), in klonalen humanen Hepatocyten post-transkriptionell unterdrücken, wodurch die Zellen anfälliger für oxidativen Stress in Form von Peroxiden werden. Dieser Mechanismus könnte eine Erklärung für die häufig beobachteten abnormen Leberwerte von Statin-behandelten Patienten darstellen.rnEndogenes Cholesterol gilt ebenfalls als potenter Inhibitor der HMGCR. Die in dieser Arbeit erzielten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Cholesterol in verschiedenen Formen, als Low-Density-Lipoprotein (LDL), als 25-Hydroxycholesterol, und als Methylcyclodextrin-Komplex in unterschiedlichen humanen Zelltypen die Selenoproteinsynthese ebenfalls unterdrücken. Der negative Zusammenhang zwischen Cholesterol und bestimmten Selenoproteinen konnte auch in vivo beobachtet werden. In juvenilen Mäusen konnte gezeigt werden, dass ein Knockout des LDL-Rezeptors sowie auch ein Knockout von Apolipoprotein E zu einer Senkung des Lebercholesterols führte, was in einer Zunahme der GPx in der Leber resultierte.rnDie vorliegenden Daten belegen erstmals einen direkten und funktionellen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Mevalonatpfad und der Selenoproteinsynthese. Unterdrückung dieses Pfades, entweder durch exogene Substanzen wie Statine, oder durch endogene Substanzen wie Cholesterol, hat offenbar zur Folge, dass essentielle Zwischenprodukte für die Modifizierung der Selenocystein-tRNA fehlen, was in einer post-transkriptionellen Verminderung der induzierbaren Selenoproteine resultiert. Dies könnte die biochemische Grundlage für einen Teil der vielfältigen gesundheitlich negativen Auswirkungen schon geringfügig erhöhter Cholesterolspiegel sein.


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In recent years, enamel matrix derivative (EMD) has garnered much interest in the dental field for its apparent bioactivity that stimulates regeneration of periodontal tissues including periodontal ligament, cementum and alveolar bone. Despite its widespread use, the underlying cellular mechanisms remain unclear and an understanding of its biological interactions could identify new strategies for tissue engineering. Previous in vitro research has demonstrated that EMD promotes premature osteoblast clustering at early time points. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of cell clustering on vital osteoblast cell-cell communication and adhesion molecules, connexin 43 (cx43) and N-cadherin (N-cad) as assessed by immunofluorescence imaging, real-time PCR and Western blot analysis. In addition, differentiation markers of osteoblasts were quantified using alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin and von Kossa staining. EMD significantly increased the expression of connexin 43 and N-cadherin at early time points ranging from 2 to 5 days. Protein expression was localized to cell membranes when compared to control groups. Alkaline phosphatase activity was also significantly increased on EMD-coated samples at 3, 5 and 7 days post seeding. Interestingly, higher activity was localized to cell cluster regions. There was a 3 fold increase in osteocalcin and bone sialoprotein mRNA levels for osteoblasts cultured on EMD-coated culture dishes. Moreover, EMD significantly increased extracellular mineral deposition in cell clusters as assessed through von Kossa staining at 5, 7, 10 and 14 days post seeding. We conclude that EMD up-regulates the expression of vital osteoblast cell-cell communication and adhesion molecules, which enhances the differentiation and mineralization activity of osteoblasts. These findings provide further support for the clinical evidence that EMD increases the speed and quality of new bone formation in vivo.


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CONTEXT: The success of pancreatic islet transplantation depends largely on the capacity of the islet graft to survive the initial phase immediately after transplantation until revascularization is completed. Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a strong vasoconstrictor which has been involved in solid organ graft failure but is also known to be a potent mitogenic/anti-apoptotic factor which could also potentially enhance the survival of the transplanted islets. OBJECTIVE: Characterization of the endothelin system with regard to a potential endothelin agonist/antagonist treatment. DESIGN: Regulated expression of the endothelin system in human and rat pancreatic islets and beta-cell lines was assessed by means of immunohistochemistry, competition binding studies, western blot, RT-PCR, real-time PCR and transplant studies. RESULTS: ET-1, ETA- and ETB-receptor immunoreactivity was identified in the endocrine cells of human and rat pancreatic islets. The corresponding mRNA was detectable in rat beta-cell lines and isolated rat and human pancreatic islets. Competition binding studies on rat islets revealed binding sites for both receptor types. ET-1 stimulated the phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase, which was prevented by ETA- and ETB-receptor antagonists. After exposure to hypoxia equal to post-transplant environment oxygen tension, mRNA levels of ET-1 and ETB-receptor of human islets were robustly induced whereas ETA-receptor mRNA did not show significant changes. Immunostaining signals for ET-1 and ETA-receptor of transplanted rat islets were markedly decreased when compared to native pancreatic sections. CONCLUSIONS: In pancreatic islets, ET-1 and its receptors are differentially expressed by hypoxia and after transplantation. Our results provide the biological basis for the study of the potential use of endothelin agonists/antagonists to improve islet transplantation outcome.


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Post-Fordist economies come along with post-welfarist societies marked by intensified cultural individualism and increased structural inequalities. These conditions are commonly held to be conducive to relative deprivation and, thereby, anomic crime. At the same time, post-welfarist societies develop a new ‘balance of power’ between institutions providing for welfare regulation, such as the family, the state and the (labour) market – and also the penal system. These institutions are generally expected to improve social integration, ensure conformity and thus reduce anomic crime. Combining both perspectives, we analyse the effects of moral individualism, social inequality, and different integration strategies on crime rates in contemporary societies through the lenses of anomie theory. To test our hypotheses, we draw on time-series cross-section data compiled from different data sources (OECD, UN, WHO, WDI) for twenty developed countries in the period 1970-2004, and run multiple regressions that control for country-specific effects. Although we find some evidence that the mismatch between cultural ideal (individual inclusion) and structural reality (stratified exclusion) increases the anomic pressure, whereas conservative (i. e. family-based), social-democratic (i. e. state-based) and liberal (i. e. market-based) integration strategies to a certain extent prove effective in controlling the incidence of crime, the results are not very robust. Moreover, reservations have to be made regarding the effects of “market” income inequality as well as familialist, unionist and liberalist employment policies that are shown to have reversed effects in our sample: the former reducing, the latter occasionally increasing anomic crime. As expected, the mismatch between cultural ideal (individual inclusion) and structural reality (stratified exclusion) increases the anomic pressure, whereas conservative (i. e. family-based), social-democratic (i. e. state-based) and liberal (i. e. market-based) integration strategies generally prove effective in controlling the incidence of crime. Nevertheless, we conclude that the new cult of the individual undermines the effectiveness of conservative and social-democratic integration strategies and drives societies towards more “liberal” regimes that build on incentive as well as punitive elements.


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Pre- and postnatal corticosteroids are often used in perinatal medicine to improve pulmonary function in preterm infants. To mimic this clinical situation, newborn rats were treated systemically with dexamethasone (Dex), 0.1-0.01 mg/kg/day on days P1-P4. We hypothesized that postnatal Dex may have an impact on alveolarization by interfering with extracellular matrix proteins and cellular differentiation. Morphological alterations were observed on 3D images obtained by high-resolution synchrotron radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy. Alveolarization was quantified stereologically by estimating the formation of new septa between days P4 and P60. The parenchymal expression of tenascin-C (TNC), smooth muscle actin (SMA), and elastin was measured by immunofluorescence and gene expression for TNC by qRT-PCR. After Dex treatment, the first phase of alveolarization was significantly delayed between days P6 and P10, whereas the second phase was accelerated. Elastin and SMA expressions were delayed by Dex treatment, whereas TNC expression was delayed and prolonged. A short course of neonatal steroids impairs the first phase of alveolarization, most likely by altering the TNC and elastin expression. Due to an overshooting catch-up during the second phase of alveolarization, the differences disappear when the animals reach adulthood.


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Most newly synthesized messenger RNAs possess a 5’ cap and a 3’ poly(A) tail. The process of poly(A) tail shortening, also termed deadenylation, is important for post-transcriptional gene regulation, because deadenylation not only leads to mRNA translational inhibition but also is the first step of major mRNA degradation. Translationally inhibited mRNAs can be stored and/or degraded in dynamic cytoplasmic foci termed mRNA processing bodies, or P bodies, which are conserved in eukaryotes. To shed new light on the mechanisms of P body formation and P body functions, I focused on the link between deadenylation factors and P bodies. I found that the two major deadenylation complexes, Pan3-Pan2 and Ccr4-Caf1, can both be enriched in P bodies. The deadenylase activity of the Ccr4-Caf1 complex is prerequisite for P body formation. Pan3, but not the deadenylase Pan2, is essential for P body formation. While the C-terminal domain of Pan3 is important for interaction with Pan2, Pan3 N-terminal domain is important for Pan3 to form cytoplasmic foci colocalizing with P bodies and to promote mRNA decay. Interestingly, Pan3 N-terminal domain may be phosphorylated to regulate Pan3 localization and functions. Aside from the functions of the two deadenylation complexes in P bodies, I also studied all reported human P body proteins as a whole using bioinformatics. This effort not only has generated a comprehensive picture of the functions of and interactions among human P body proteins, but also has predicted proteins that may regulate P body formation and/or functions. In summary, my study has established a direct link between mRNA deadenylation and P body formation and has also led to new hypotheses to guide future research on how P body dynamics are controlled.


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Retinoic acid is a small lipophilic molecule that exerts profound effects on the growth and differentiation of both normal and transformed cells. It is also a natural morphogen that is critical in the development of embryonic structures. The molecular effects of retinoic acid involve alterations in the expression of several proteins and these changes are presumably mediated in part by alterations in gene expression. For instance, retinoic acid causes a rapid induction of tissue transglutaminase, an enzyme involved in protein cross-linking. The molecular mechanisms responsible for the effects of retinoic acid on gene expression have not been characterized. To approach this question, I have isolated and characterized tissue transglutaminase of cDNA clones. The deduced amino acid sequences of tissue transglutaminase and of factor XIIIa showed a relatively high degree of homology in their putative calcium binding domains.^ To explore the mechanism of induction of this enzyme, both primary (macrophages) and cultured cells (Swiss 3T3-C2 and CHO fibroblasts) were used. I found that retinoic acid is a general inducer of tissue transglutaminase mRNA in these cells. In murine peritoneal macrophages retinoic acid causes a rapid accumulation of this mRNA and this effect is independent of concurrent protein synthesis. The retinoic acid effect is not mediated by a post-transcriptional increase in the stability of the tissue transglutaminase mRNA, but appears to involve an increase in the transcription rate of the tissue transglutaminase gene. This provides the first example of regulation by retinoic acid of a specific gene, supporting the hypothesis that these molecules act by directly regulating the transcriptional activity of specific genes. A molecular model for the effects of retinoic acid on the expression of genes linked to cellular proliferation and differentiation is proposed. ^


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Expression of the Na$\sp+$/glucose cotransporter (SGLT1), a differentiated function of the pig kidney epithelial cell line LLC-PK$\sb1$ derived from proximal tubule, was further investigated. The differentiation inducer hexamethylene bisacetamide (HMBA) and IBMX, an inhibitor of cAMP phosphodiesterase, each stimulated a significant increase in Na$\sp+$/glucose cotransport activity, levels of the 75 kD cotransporter subunit and steady-state levels of the SGLT1 message. The action of HMBA is associated with involvement of polyamines and protein kinase C, and is synergistic with cAMP. We provide evidence that cAMP-elevating agents increase Na$\sp+$/glucose cotransporter expression, at least in part, via a post-transcriptional mechanism. Two molecular species of SGLT1 mRNA (3.9 kb and 2.2 kb) are transcribed from the same gene in LLC-PK$\sb1$ cells and differ only in the length of the 3$\sp\prime$ untranslated region (3$\sp\prime$ UTR). cAMP elevation differentially stabilized the 3.9 kb SGLT1 transcript from degradation but not the 22 kb species. UV-cross-linking and label transfer experiments indicated that cyclic AMP elevation was associated with formation of a 48 kD protein complex with a specific domain within the 3$\sp\prime$ UTR of SGLT1 mRNA. The binding was competitively inhibited by poly (U) and other U-rich RNA species such as c-fos ARE, and modulated by a protein kinase A-mediated phosphorylation/dephosphorylation mechanism. The binding site was mapped to a 120-nucleotide 3$\sp\prime$ UTR sequence which contains a uridine-rich region (URE). Our study provides the first demonstration that renal SGLT1 is post-transcriptionally regulated by a phosphorylation/dephosphorylation mechanism, and provides a deeper insight into gene regulation of this physiologically important cotransporter. ^


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The cytochrome P450 monooxygenase system consists of NADPH- cytochrome P450 reductase (P450 reductase) and cytochromes P450, which can catalyze the oxidation of a wide variety of endogenous and exogenous compounds, including steroid hormones, fatty acids, drugs, and pollutants. The functions of this system are as diverse as the substrates. P450 reductase transfers reducing equivalents from NADPH to P450, which in turn catalyzes metabolic reactions. This enzyme system has the highest level of activity in the liver. It is also present in other tissues, including brain. The functions of this enzyme system in brain seem to include: neurotransmission, neuroendocrinology, developmental and behavioral modulation, regulation of intracellular levels of cholesterol, and potential neurotoxicity.^ In this study, we have set up the rat glioma C6 cell line as an in vitro model system to examine the expression, induction, and tissue-specific regulation of P450s and P450 reductase. Rat glioma C6 cells were treated with P450 inducers phenobarbital (PB) or benzo(a)anthracene (BA). The presence of P450 reductase and of cytochrome P450 1A1, 1A2, 2A1, 2B1/2, 2C7, 2D1-5 and 2E1 was detected by reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and confirmed by restriction digestion. The induction of P450 1A1 and 2B1/2 and P450 reductase was quantified using competitive PCR. Ten- and five-fold inductions of P450 1A and 2B mRNA after BA or PB treatments, respectively, were detected. Western blot analysis of microsomal preparations of glioma C6 cells demonstrated the presence of P450 1A, 2B and P450 reductase at the protein level. ELISAs showed that BA and PB induce P450 1A and 2B proteins 7.3- and 13.5-fold, respectively. Microsomes prepared from rat glioma C6 cells showed cytochrome P450 CO difference spectra with absorption at or near 450 nm. Microsomes prepared from rat glioma C6 cells demonstrated much higher levels of ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) and pentoxyresorufin O-dealkylase (PROD) activity, when treated with BA or PB, respectively. These experiments provide further evidence that the rat glioma C6 cell line contains an active cytochrome P450 monooxygenase system which can be induced by P450 inducers. The mRNAs of P450 1A1 and 2B1/2 can not bind to the oligo(dT) column efficiently, indicating they have very short poly(A) tails. This finding leads us to study the tissue specific regulation of P450s at post-transcriptional level. The half lives of P450 1A1 and 2B1/2 mRNA in glioma C6 cells are only 1/10 and 1/3 of that in liver. This may partly contribute to the low expression level of P450s in glial cells. The induction of P450s by BA or PB did not change their mRNA half lives, indicating the induction may be due to transcriptional regulation. In summary of this study, we believe the presence of the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase system in glial cells of the brain may be important in chemotherapy and carcinogenesis of brain tumors. ^


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Post-replication DNA mismatch repair plays crucial roles in mutation avoidance and maintenance of chromosome stability in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In humans, deficiency in this repair system leads to a predisposition for certain cancers. The biochemistry of this repair system has been best studied in a model bacterium Escherichia coli. In this thesis, regulation of expression of mutS, mutL and mutH genes, whose products mediate methyl-directed mismatch (MDM) repair in E. coli, is investigated. One-step affinity purification schemes were developed to purify E. coli MutS, MutL and MutH proteins fused to a His-6-affinity tag. His-6-MutS exhibited the same mismatch binding activity and specificity as the native MutS protein. Purified His-6-MutS, -MutL and -MutH proteins were used to develop quantitative Western blotting assays for amounts of MutS, MuL and MutH proteins under various conditions. It was found that the three proteins were present in relatively low amounts in exponentially growing cells and MutS and MutH were diminished in stationary-phase cells. Further studies indicated that the drop in the amounts of MutS and MutH proteins in stationary-phase cells was mediated through RpoS, a key global regulator of stationary-phase transition. In both exponential- and stationary-phase cells, MutS amount was also negatively regulated by the Hfq (HF-I) global regulator, which is required for RpoS translation, through an RpoS-independent mechanism. $\beta$-galactosidase assays of mutS-lacZ operon and gene fusions suggested that hfq regulates mutS posttranscriptionally, and RNase T2 protection assays revealed that Hfq destabilizes mutS transcripts in exponentially growing cells. To study the relation between regulation of MDM repair and mutagenesis, amounts of MutS, MutL and MutH were measured in starved cells undergoing adaptive mutagenesis. It was found that MutS amount dropped drastically, MutH amount dropped slightly, whereas MutL amount remained essentially constant in starved cells. Overexpression of MutL did not reverse the drop in the amounts of MutS or MutH protein. These results ruled out several explanations for a phenomenon in which overexpression of MutL, but not MutS, reversed adaptive mutagenesis. The findings further suggested that functional MutL is limiting during adaptive mutagenesis. The implications of regulation of the MDM repair are discussed in the context of mutagenesis, pathogenesis and tumorigenesis. ^