936 resultados para political education


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Today, managers are increasingly interested in knowing how the work in organizations aftects employees' health. Less common is the interest in stress erupting in the academic community - among students, faculty and administrators. The authors present a reflection paper focused on student stress. In this paper, they first examine McLean 's model of context, vulnerability and stressors. This model provides the framework for the student surveys and for the entire paper. Based on the students surveys, an assessment is made of how asma" group of students are coping with stress. The paper fina"y suggests what can be done by students, faculty, and administrators to insta" and/or improve social support systems that might reduce the harmful eftects of stress on students and thus impact the quality of education.


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This article is the first part of a research on corruption in Brazil and it is theoretical. Despite this, it provides an economic interpretation of corruption using Brazil as a case study. The main objective of this research is to apply some microeconomic tools to understand the "big corruption". However, I am going to show that corruption is not simply a kind of crime. Rather, it is an ordinary economic activity that arises in some institutional environments. Firstly, some corruption cases in Brazil will be described. This article is aimed at showing that democracy itself does not ensure control over corruption. Secondly, I am going to do a very brief survey of institutional changes and controls over corruption in some Western Societies in which I am going to argue that corruption, its control and its illegality depend on institutional evolution by streamlining the constitutional and institutional framework. Thirdly, I am going to explain how some economic models could be adopted for a better understanding of corruption. Finally, I will present a multiple-self model applied to the public agent (politician and bureaucrat) constrained by institutions and pay-off systems.


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The main purpose of this paper is to explore the possibility of articulating Political Discourse Theory (PDT) together with Organizational Studies (OS), while using the opportunity to introduce PDT to those OS scholars who have not yet come across it. The bulk of this paper introduces the main concepts of PDT, discussing how they have been applied to concrete, empirical studies of resistance movements. In recent years, PDT has been increasingly appropriated by OS scholars to problematize and analyze resistances and other forms of social antagonisms within organizational settings, taking the relational and contingent aspects of struggles into consideration. While the paper supports the idea of a joint articulation of PDT and OS, it raises a number of critical questions of how PDT concepts have been empirically used to explain the organization of resistance movements. The paper sets out a research agenda for how both PDT and OS can together contribute to our understanding of new, emerging organizational forms of resistance movements.


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LUDA is a research project of Key Action 4 "City of Tomorrow & Cultural Heritage" of the programme "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" within the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Commission


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Pretende defender que a educação contínua e ao longo da vida para o Serviço Social deve levar em conta os caminhos e as perspectivas que ultrapassam a arena da profissão do assistente social, e essa educação deve dialogar com os avanços nas vidas e nos trabalhos profissionais. Os assistentes sociais podem desta maneira moverem-se entre a prática, a gestão, a política profissional e a educação. Desde a experiência pré-qualificadora até à reforma, a avaliação e a supervisão podem ajudar a desenvolver caminhos profissionais e planos de educação relevantes. O exemplo deste processo de educação contínua multiprofissional em St. Christopher’s Hospice London pode ajudar a compreender como as pessoas podem desenvolver-se como pessoas e nos seus projectos profissionais.


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This article tests the presence of political budget cycle (PBC) in municipal elections in Brazil and checks whether mayors who adopt such policy have greater probability of reelection. Based on fiscal and electoral data of 5,406 Brazilian municipalities and applying the difference-in-differences econometric method as well as logistic regressions, the results provide some evidence of PBC in Brazil, although its magnitude and consistency varies depending on the years used as electoral and non-electoral years. On average, reelectable mayors spend close to 3% more in election years than nonreelectables. Moreover, reelectables who do run for reelection present a variation in spending which is close to 5% superior to that of non-reelectables and non-runners. Additionally, the results suggest that mayors who increase public spending during electoral periods have greater chances of being reelected, as long as such spending is done within deficit limits acceptable by voters.


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The international tourism system has deeply undergone structural changes in the last decades which not remain outside the subsystem higher education in tourism, especially in the European case. This article has two objectives: firstly, describes the European higher education area and the objectives, skills and subjects taught in the main Spanish universities that offer higher education in tourism. On the other hand, in the light of knowledge that researchers' descriptive models, provide experience of the implementation of European credit and thorough a deeply review of the literature on the topic higher education in tourism, to propose strategies that will enable other tourism higher education systems approach to the European reality. These policy proposals are aimed at agents and elements from higher education in tourism subsystem and they specifically include: the institutions providing education in tourism, the curriculum, the teaching methods, teachers and students.


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A igreja de Goa é uma filha da expansão portuguesa. Nasceu e cresceu no âmbito do Padroado português do Oriente. Essa ligação beneficiou e prejudicou a sua missão espiritual. Desde 1961 a igreja de Goa enfrenta os desafios da democracia. Apesar da demonstração de progresso visível, há muito caminho para percorrer, particularmente no que diz respeito à administração dos bens temporais da igreja e com maior participação leiga nessa área.


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An important constituent group and a key resource of higher education institutions (HEIs) is the faculty or academic staff. The centrality of the faculty role makes it a primary sculptor of institutional culture and has implications for the quality of the institution and therefore has a major role in achieving the objectives of the institution. Demand for academic staff in higher education has been increasing and may be expected to continue to increase. Moreover the performance of academic staff as teachers and researchers determines much of the student satisfaction and has an impact on student learning. There are many factors that serve to undermine the commitment of academics to their institutions and careers. Job satisfaction is important in revitalizing staff motivation and in keeping their enthusiasm alive. Well motivated academic staff can, with appropriate support, build a national and international reputation for themselves and the institution in the professional areas, in research and in publishing. This paper aims to identify the issues and their impacts on academic staff job satisfaction and motivation within Portuguese higher education institutions reporting an ongoing study financed by the European Union through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.


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RESUMO: Na sociedade da comunicação e da informação, as escolas ainda não conseguiram compreender o seu papel de facilitadoras do conhecimento que o mundo está promovendo entre a realidade da escola e o interesse do educando. Um dos fatores para isso é o crescimento das escolas ao longo dos séculos e a necessidade de superação decorrente do alargamento da educação, que têm gerado um conhecimento complexo que descreve as reflexões e conscientizações sobre o nosso próprio desenvolvimento humano e sobre a nossa participação no mundo em que estamos vivendo. Essas complexidades possibilitam mudanças, principalmente nas questões epistemológicas e paradigmáticas, que proporcionaram outra forma de conceber o conhecimento e os saberes, chamado de “ecologia dos saberes”. Nesse contexto, existe a necessidade de se fazer uma leitura crítica na e da escola e de sua participação junto à comunidade escolar, objetivando minimizar as relações de dominação, de normatizações, de disciplinamento, de concentração de poder, para direcionar a educação num processo emancipatório, democrático, consciente das mudanças, de forma a incluir todos os saberes possíveis para acompanhar e valorizar a realidade escolar, através da participação de alta intensidade na construção e reconstrução do seu projeto político pedagógico. Para tanto, iremos discorrer sobre três escolas, a partir da análise de cada uma dentro da realidade construída por elas, buscando demonstrar que as escolas, dentro dos seus contextos educacionais, possuem diferentes realidades que não podem ser generalizadas, mas que devem ser compreendidas no sentido de que sejam promovidas a autonomia escolar e o fortalecimento da democracia educacional, objetivando a superação das condições atuais da educação para se adequar à sociedade e ao mundo atual. ABSTRACT: In the present society of communication and information, schools have not yet been able to understand their roles as facilitators of the knowledge that the world is promoting between the reality of school and the interest of the learner. One of the reasons for that is the growth of schools along the centuries as well as their constant need for getting over old problems, due to the expansion of education. These questions lead to a complex knowledge which describes reflections on our own human development and on our participation in the world we live in. These complexities lead to changes, especially in epistemological and paradigmatic questions, making it possible for new ways of conceiving knowledge, known as “ecology of knowledge”. In this context, there is a need for making a critical reading about school and its participation in the school community, with the objective to minimize the relations of domination, power concentration and discipline and to direct education towards a process of emancipation and democracy, in which there is conscience of the necessary changes to include all possible knowledge as a way to value the reality of school through a high intensity participation in the construction and reconstruction of its political and pedagogical project. Thus, this study will discuss three schools, basing this discussion on the analysis of each school within the reality built by them, trying to demonstrate that, within their educational contexts, each one possesses different realities that cannot be generalized. These differences must, however, be understood, in order to allow the promotion of school autonomy and the strengthening of educational democracy with the objective to get over education`s present conditions and adjust them to society and to the present world.