963 resultados para polimeri side-chain push-pull-push ottica non lineare (NLO) Third Harmonic Generation (THG)
Along with the increasing in demand of mobile computing, Push Notification (PN) is widely used in mobile phones and other devices. PN allows the developer to send messages to the end users even when the client application is not running at the moment. This solves the problem produced by non-supported multi-tasking feature as well as saving battery life. Microsoft Push Notification Service (MPNS) is one solution to use PNs in Windows Phones. The thesis gives the developers an idea of how to use PNs by introducing MPNS, comparing MPNS with other Push Notification Services, usage of different PN types analysis, and PN simulation system implementation.
European Union Series
The use of semiochemicals for manipulation of the pollen beetle Meligethes aeneus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) is being investigated for potential incorporation into a push-pull control strategy for this pest, which damages oilseed rape, Brassica napus L. (Brassicaceae), throughout Europe. The response of M. aeneus to non-host plant volatiles was investigated in laboratory assays to establish whether they have any effect on host plant location behaviour. Two approaches were used. First a novel, moving-air bioassay using air funnels was developed to compare the response of M. aeneus to several non-host plant essential oils. The beetles avoided the host plant flowers in the presence of non-host volatiles, suggesting that M. aeneus uses olfactory cues in host location and/or acceptance. The results were expressed as 'repellency values' in order to compare the effects of the different oils tested. Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia Miller) (Lamiaceae) essential oil gave the highest repellency value. In addition, a four-arm olfactometer was used to investigate olfactory responses, as this technique eliminated the influence of host plant visual and contact cues. The attraction to host plant volatiles was reduced by the addition of non-host plant volatiles, but in addition to masking the host plant volatiles, the non-host volatiles were avoided when these were presented alone. This is encouraging for the potential use of non-host plants within a push-pull strategy to reduce the pest colonisation of crops. Further testing in more realistic semi-field and field trials is underway.
A semiochemical based push-pull strategy for control of oilseed rape pests is being developed at Rothamsted Research. This strategy uses insect and plant derived semiochemicals to manipulate pests and their natural enemies. An important element within this strategy is an understanding of the importance of non-host plant cues for pest insects and how such signals could be used to manipulate their behaviour. Previous studies using a range of non-host plants have shown that, for the pollen beetle Meligethes aeneus (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), the essential oil of lavender, Lavandula angustifolia (Lamiaceae), was the most repellent. The aim of this study was to identify the active components in L. angustifolia oil, and to investigate the behaviour of M. aeneus to these chemicals, to establish the most effective use of repellent stimuli to disrupt colonisation of oilseed rape crops. Coupled gas chromatography-electroantennography (GC-EAG) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) resulted in the identification of seven active compounds which were tested for behavioural activity using a 4-way olfactometer. Repellent responses were observed with (±)-linalool and (±)-linalyl acetate. The use of these chemicals within a push-pull pest control strategy is discussed.
Gossip (or Epidemic) protocols have emerged as a communication and computation paradigm for large-scale networked systems. These protocols are based on randomised communication, which provides probabilistic guarantees on convergence speed and accuracy. They also provide robustness, scalability, computational and communication efficiency and high stability under disruption. This work presents a novel Gossip protocol named Symmetric Push-Sum Protocol for the computation of global aggregates (e.g., average) in decentralised and asynchronous systems. The proposed approach combines the simplicity of the push-based approach and the efficiency of the push-pull schemes. The push-pull schemes cannot be directly employed in asynchronous systems as they require synchronous paired communication operations to guarantee their accuracy. Although push schemes guarantee accuracy even with asynchronous communication, they suffer from a slower and unstable convergence. Symmetric Push- Sum Protocol does not require synchronous communication and achieves a convergence speed similar to the push-pull schemes, while keeping the accuracy stability of the push scheme. In the experimental analysis, we focus on computing the global average as an important class of node aggregation problems. The results have confirmed that the proposed method inherits the advantages of both other schemes and outperforms well-known state of the art protocols for decentralized Gossip-based aggregation.
The use of semiochemicals for the manipulation of the pollen beetle, Meliethes aeneus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), is being investigated for potential incorporation into a push-pull strategy for this pest, which damages oilseed rape, Brassica napus L. (Brassicaceae), throughout Europe. Previous laboratory behavioural studies using volatiles from non-host plants showed that M. aeneus is repelled by the odour of lavender, Lavendula angustifolia Mill. (Lamiaceae), essential oil. This article reports on semi-field and field trials to investigate this behaviour under more realistic conditions. Semi-field experiments were conducted to assess the relative importance of olfaction at different points in host location behaviour by M. aeneus. The results showed that oilseed rape plants treated with lavender odour were less colonised by M. aeneus in comparison with an untreated control, but that the treatment effect was much reduced if the lavender odour was applied after colonisation. The field experiment demonstrated that lavender odour caused a significant reduction in the number of adultM. aeneus infesting the oilseed rape plants in the treatment plots compared to the control plots. Overall, these findings are very encouraging for the future development of a push-pull pest control system.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
“Lean Thinking” non è semplicemente una nuova metodologia organizzativa, ma rappresenta un nuovo modo di ragionare, teso ad accrescere la flessibilità dell’impresa attraverso un ripensamento dell’intero flusso di creazione del valore, dalla progettazione fino alla gestione degli ordini. Questo lavoro presenta i risultati che un’azienda produttrice di macchine per l’agricoltura, la Gallignani di Russi, ha ottenuto in campo logistico e produttivo, grazie all’applicazione dei principi della Lean Production.
OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the initial and the artificially aged push-out bond strength between ceramic and dentin produced by one of five resin cements. METHODS: Two-hundred direct ceramic restorations (IPS Empress CAD) were luted to standardized Class I cavities in extracted human molars using one of four self-adhesive cements (SpeedCEM, RelyX Unicem Aplicap, SmartCem2 and iCEM) or a reference etch-and-rinse resin cement (Syntac/Variolink II) (n=40/cement). Push-out bond strength (PBS) was measured (1) after 24h water storage (non-aged group; n=20/cement) or (2) after artificial ageing with 5000 thermal cycles followed by 6 months humid storage (aged group; n=20/cement). Nonparametrical ANOVA and pairwise Wilcoxon rank-sum tests with Bonferroni-Holm adjustment were applied for statistical analysis. The significance level was set at alpha=0.05. In addition, failure mode and fracture pattern were analyzed by stereomicroscope and scanning electron microscopy. RESULTS: Whereas no statistically significant effect of storage condition was found (p=0.441), there was a significant effect of resin cement (p<0.0001): RelyX Unicem showed significantly higher PBS than the other cements. Syntac/Variolink II showed significantly higher PBS than SmartCEM2 (p<0.001). No significant differences were found between SpeedCEM, SmartCem2, and iCEM. The predominant failure mode was adhesive failure of cements at the dentin interface except for RelyX Unicem which in most cases showed cohesive failure in ceramic. SIGNIFICANCE: The resin cements showed marked differences in push-out bond strength when used for luting ceramic restorations to dentin. Variolink II with the etch-and-rinse adhesive Syntac did not perform better than three of the four self-adhesive resin cements tested.
Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) has become a popular area of research and study in recent years. This can be highlighted by the number of peer reviewed articles that have appeared in academic literature. This coupled with the realisation by companies that SCRM strategies are required to mitigate the risks that they face, makes for challenging research questions in the field of risk management. The challenge that companies face today is not only to identify the types of risks that they face, but also to assess the indicators of risk that face them. This will allow them to mitigate that risk before any disruption to the supply chain occurs. The use of social network theory can aid in the identification of disruption risk. This thesis proposes the combination of social networks, behavioural risk indicators and information management, to uniquely identify disruption risk. The propositions that were developed from the literature review and exploratory case study in the aerospace OEM, in this thesis are:- By improving information flows, through the use of social networks, we can identify supply chain disruption risk. - The management of information to identify supply chain disruption risk can be explored using push and pull concepts. The propositions were further explored through four focus group sessions, two within the OEM and two within an academic setting. The literature review conducted by the researcher did not find any studies that have evaluated supply chain disruption risk management in terms of social network analysis or information management studies. The evaluation of SCRM using these methods is thought to be a unique way of understanding the issues in SCRM that practitioners face today in the aerospace industry.
2002 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60K25.
Negli ultimi decenni i polimeri coniugati, grazie alla loro peculiarità di essere dei semiconduttori organici, hanno attirato l’attenzione della ricerca scientifica, e tra questi composti rientrano i politiofeni. Versatilità, robustezza chimica strutturale e fluorescenza sono alcune delle proprietà che caratterizzano tali composti e che hanno permesso di esplorare nuovi materiali da un punto di vista scientifico e tecnologico. Recentemente molto interessanti sono risultate essere le nanoparticelle politiofeniche poiché permettono di modulare le proprietà chimico-fisiche dei relativi polimeri, ampliandone le potenzialità a trovare applicazione in molteplici dispositivi elettronici, tra cui le celle solari (CS) organiche. Infatti, molto attivo è l’interesse della comunità scientifica per ottimizzare questi dispositivi ricercando nuovi prodotti che soddisfino diversi requisiti, come riduzione dell’impatto ambientale, la facilità di preparazione e compatibilità con substrati flessibili. In tale contesto, uno degli obiettivi della ricerca attualmente si focalizza sulla preparazione di nuovi accettori da usare in CS organiche alternativi ai derivati fullerenici, i quali presentano diversi svantaggi. Alla luce dei più recenti risultati si è visto che i politiofeni push-pull, caratterizzati dall’alternanza di gruppi accettori (A) e gruppi donatori (D), hanno una notevole potenzialità a rimpiazzare tali materiali e ad essere usati come accettori non-fullerenici. Infatti, questi hanno permesso di ottenere buoni risultati in termini di conversioni ed efficienze delle celle fotovoltaiche. Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è sintetizzare sei nuovi polimeri a base tiofenica (quattro con sequenza A-D e due con sequenza A-A) per studiarne le possibili applicazioni come materiali accettori non-fullerenici e la loro organizzazione in strutture ordinate di nanoparticelle.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
This study investigated the effects of the cement type and the water storage time on the push-out bond strength of a glass fiber post. Glass fiber posts (Fibrekor, Jeneric Pentron) were luted to post spaces using a self-cured resin cement (C&B Cement [CB]), a glass ionomer cement (Ketac Cem [KC]) or a resin-modified glass ionomer cement (GC FujiCEM [FC]) according to the manufacturers’ instructions. For each luting agent, the specimens were exposed to one of the following water storage times (n=5): 1 day (T1), 7 days (T7), 90 days (T90) and 180 days (T180). Push-out tests were performed after the storage times. Control specimens were not exposed to water storage, but subjected to the push-out test 10 min after post cementation. Data (in MPa) were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn`s test (α=0.05). Cement type and water storage time had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the push-out bond strength. CB showed significantly higher values of retention (p<0.05) than KC and FC, irrespective of the water storage time. Water storage increased significantly the push-out bond strength in T7 and T90, regardless of the cement type (p<0.05). The results showed that fiber posts luted to post spaces with the self-cured resin cement exhibited the best bonding performance throughout the 180-day water storage period. All cements exhibited a tendency to increase the bond strength after 7 and 90 days of water storage, decreasing thereafter.
The use of an adequate method for evaluation of the adhesion of root canal filling materials provides more reliable results to allow comparison of the materials and substantiate their clinical choice. The aims of this study were to compare the shear bond strength (SBS) test and push-out test for evaluation of the adhesion of an epoxy-based endodontic sealer (AH Plus) to dentin and gutta-percha, and to assess the failure modes on the debonded surfaces by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Three groups were established (n=7): in group 1, root cylinders obtained from human canines were embedded in acrylic resin and had their canals prepared and filled with sealer; in group 2, longitudinal sections of dentin cylinders were embedded in resin with the canal surface smoothed and turned upwards; in group 3, gutta-percha cylinders were embedded in resin. Polyethylene tubes filled with sealer were positioned on the polished surface of the specimens (groups 2 and 3). The push-out test (group 1) and the SBS test (groups 2 and 3) were performed in an Instron universal testing machine running at crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. Means (±SD) in MPa were: G1 (8.8±1.13), G2 (5.9±1.05) and G3 (3.8±0.55). Statistical analysis by ANOVA and Student's t-test (a=0.05) revealed statistically significant differences (p<0.01) among the groups. SEM analysis showed a predominance of adhesive and mixed failures of AH Plus sealer. The tested surface affected significantly the results with the sealer reaching higher bond strength to dentin than to gutta-percha with the SBS test. The comparison of the employed methodologies showed that the SBS test produced significantly lower bond strength values than the push-out test, was skilful in determining the adhesion of AH Plus sealer to dentin and gutta-percha, and required specimens that could be easily prepared for SEM, presenting as a viable alternative for further experiments.