716 resultados para perceptions and outcomes.
Russia in 2004 politely rejected the offer to become a participant in the European Neighbourhood Policy, preferring instead to pursue bilateral relations with the EU under the heading of ‘strategic partnership’. Five years later, its officials first reacted with concern to the ENP’s eastern dimension, the Eastern Partnership initiative. Quickly, however, having become convinced that the project would not amount to much, their concern gave way to indifference and derision. Furthermore, Russian representatives have failed to support idealistic or romantic notions of commonality in the area between Russia and the EU, shunned the terminology of ‘common European neighbourhood’ and replaced it in EU-Russian documents with the bland reference to ‘regions adjacent to the EU and Russian borders’. Internally, the term of the ‘near abroad’ was the official designation of the area in the Yeltsin era, and unofficially it is still in use today. As the terminological contortions suggest, Moscow officials consider the EU’s eastern neighbours as part of a Russian sphere of influence and interest. Assurances to the contrary notwithstanding, they look at the EU-Russia relationship as a ‘zero-sum game’ in which the gain of one party is the loss of the other. EU attempts to persuade the Russian power elite to regard cooperation in the common neighbourhood not as a competitive game but providing ‘win-win’ opportunities have been to no avail. In fact, conceptual approaches and practical policies conducted vis-à-vis the three Western CIS countries (Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova) and the southern Caucasus (Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan) confirm that, from Moscow’s perspective, processes of democratisation, liberalisation and integration with Western institutions in that region are contrary to Russian interests. In each and every case, therefore, the area’s ‘frozen conflicts’ have not been regarded by the Kremlin as an opportunity to promote stability and prosperity in the countries concerned but as an instrument to prevent European choices in their domestic and foreign policy. The current ‘reset’ in Russia’s relations with the United States and the ‘modernisation partnership’ with the EU have as yet failed to produce an impact on Russia’s policies in ‘its’ neighbourhood. The EU is nevertheless well advised to maintain its course of attempting to engage that country constructively, including in the common neighbourhood. However, its leverage is small. For any reorientation to occur in Moscow towards perceptions and policies of mutual benefit in the region, much would depend on Russia’s internal development.
In 2009 the European Union (EU) reached a crucial moment in its history, in which the terms Europe and crisis became conjoined: the European sovereign-debt crisis, or Euro-crisis. Yet enlargement remains on the agenda, with the EU’s next enlargement starting on 1st July 2013 with the accession of Croatia, Iceland and FYROM looking set to follow in the near future, and probably other Western Balkan states and possibly Turkey in the long term. Enlargement therefore will soon come back into focus. Focusing on climate and energy security policy, this working paper first reflects upon the impact of the 2004/2007 enlargement on the EU. A reflection on the EU’s recent past with some of the lessons that can be learnt then follows, with a consideration that predictions of decision- and policy-making gridlock were not realised, that newer member states have proved influential, and that prospective member states cannot be expected to be passive nor impotent. The latter part of this paper evaluates the potential prospects and outcomes of these lessons with regard to future enlargement from within (Scotland and Catalonia), and without (Turkey), and the political factors which may dictate whether these possible enlargements are realised.
BACKGROUND: Despite stroke's high prevalence in the elderly, intravenous thrombolysis is licensed in Europe only for patients younger than 80 years old. We aimed to compare the functional outcomes and complication rates in patients older versus younger than 80 years old treated with intravenous thrombolysis. METHODS: A retrospective observational study of patients who received intravenous thrombolysis in a stroke unit between January 1, 2009, and June 30, 2012, was conducted. Variables were compared between 2 subgroups (≤80 and >80 years). RESULTS: Overall, 512 patients underwent intravenous thrombolysis, of which 13.1% were over 80 years. The mean age was 65.4 years in the younger subgroup and 82.9 years in the older subgroup. Prior independence rates did not differ between the subgroups. Prevalence of atrial fibrillation and cardioembolic stroke was higher in the older subgroup (P = .004 and .026). Only 3% of the elderly with atrial fibrillation were taking oral anticoagulants. Symptoms-to-needle time was lower in the older subgroup (P = .048). Stroke severity was higher in patients over 80 years (P = .026). There was significant improvement in the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score 7 days after intravenous thrombolysis (P < .001) in both subgroups. The proportion of patients with 3 months' favorable outcome and independence, hemorrhagic transformation, and mortality rates were similar in both subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: Elderly patients' benefits and outcomes from intravenous thrombolysis treatment were identical to the younger subgroup without excess hemorrhagic transformation or mortality. These results favor the use of intravenous thrombolysis in patients over 80 years.
Recent research indicates that social identity theory offers an important lens to improve our understanding of founders as enterprising individuals, the venture creation process, and its outcomes. Yet, further advances are hindered by the lack of a valid scale that could be used to measure founders' social identities - a problem that is particularly severe because social identity is a multidimensional construct that needs to be assessed properly so that organizational phenomena can be understood. Drawing on social identity theory and the systematic classification of founders' social identities (Darwinians, Communitarians, Missionaries) provided in Fauchart and Gruber (2011), this study develops and empirically validates a 12-item scale that allows scholars to capture the multidimensional nature of social identities of entrepreneurs. Our validation tests are unusually comprehensive and solid, as we not only validate the developed scale in the Alpine region (where it was originally conceived), but also in 12 additional countries and the Anglo-American region. Scholars can use the scale to identify founders' social identities and to relate these identities to micro-level processes and outcomes in new firm creation. Scholars may also link founders' social identities to other levels of analysis such as industries (e.g., industry evolution) or whole economies (e.g., economic growth).
Social identity theory offers an important lens to improve understanding of founders as enterprising individuals, the venture creation process, and its outcomes. Yet, further advances are hindered by the lack of valid scales to measure founders’ social identities. Drawing on social identity theory and a systematic classification of founders’ social identities (Darwinians, Communitarians, and Missionaries), we develop and test a corresponding 15-item scale in the Alpine region and validate it in 13 additional countries and regions. The scale allows identifying founders’ social identities and relating them to processes and outcomes in entrepreneurship. The scale is available online in 15 languages.
Numerous scholars have accumulated evidence on the positive effects that employees’ organizational justice perceptions exert on work-related outcomes such as affective commitment. However, research still lacks understanding of the underlying mechanisms connecting the two constructs. In this article we aim to narrow this gap by examining the concept of psychological ownership as a possible mediator between organizational justice perceptions and affective commitment. Investigating a sample of 619 employees, we find distributive justice to be positively related to psychological ownership, and observe psychological ownership as a full mediator of the distributive justice and affective commitment relationship. These insights offer a new explanation in understanding the justice-commitment connection, contributing to both organizational justice and psychological ownership literature and opening up ways for promising future research.
Aiming at success in the currently challenging Brazilian market, luxury firms must consider a number of factors. Not only the adaptation to certain economic and political conditions but also the understanding of Brazilian luxury consumers’ characteristics as well as their value perceptions towards luxury are crucial in order to create an effective marketing strategy. This study investigated the value perceptions and purchasing motives of 428 Brazilian consumers. Brazilians purchase luxury goods in order to conspicuously put them on show to certain social reference group or to the general public. Thus, they display their wealth, income and social status. Social groups therefore play a distinct role in the purchasing decision process. Moreover, Brazilians are found to be hedonic consumers, seeking pleasurable moments and the reduction of stress when consuming luxury products. In addition to that, they use luxurious products to express their own personality. Brazilians hence place a much higher importance on self-expressive, emotional product benefits rather than on rational, functional product benefits. Marketers of luxury goods are advised to make use of this knowledge in order to adequately address consumers’ needs, wants and beliefs. The study focuses on consumers living in Rio de Janeiro and does not take into account different value perceptions on different luxury product categories. Therefore, suggestions for further research include replicating the study in different Brazilian regions and probing for differences among product categories.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Objective: To summarize the current state of knowledge on the use of seclusion and restraint with children and adolescents and to report the findings of an exploratory study to identify factors that place a child or adolescent at increased risk of seclusion during their admission. Method: Literature searches were undertaken on MEDLINE, CINAHL and PsycINFO databases. Articles were identified that focused specifically on seclusion and restraint use with children and adolescents or contained material significant to this population. The study reports findings from a retrospective review of patient charts, seclusion registers and staffing from an Australian acute inpatient facility. Results: The data available in regard to seclusion use in this population is limited and flawed. Further research is needed on the use and outcomes of seclusion and restraint and on alternative measures in the containment of dangerousness. Both the literature and this study find that patients with certain factors are at increased risk of being secluded during an inpatient stay. These factors include being male, diagnoses of disruptive behaviour disorder and a previous history of physical abuse. Staffing factors did not show a relationship to the use of seclusion. Conclusions: There are patient factors that predict increased risk of seclusion; these factors and their interrelationships require further elucidation. Further research is also needed on the outcomes, both positive and negative, of seclusion use and of alternatives to seclusion.
Objectives : To provide a preliminary clinical profile of the resolution and outcomes of oral-motor impairment and swallowing function in a group of paediatric dysphagia patients post-traumatic brain injury (TBI). To document the level of cognitive impairment parallel to the return to oral intake, and to investigate the correlation between the resolution of impaired swallow function versus the resolution of oral-motor impairment and cognitive impairment. Participants : Thirteen children admitted to an acute care setting for TBI. Main outcome measures : A series of oral-motor (Verbal Motor Production Assessment for Children, Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment, Schedule for Oral Motor Assessment) and swallowing (Paramatta Hospital's Assessment for Dysphagia) assessments, an outcome measure for swallowing (Royal Brisbane Hospital's Outcome Measure for Swallowing), and a cognitive rating scale (Rancho Level of Cognitive Functioning Scale). Results : Across the patient group, oral-motor deficits resolved to normal status between 3 and 11 weeks post-referral (and at an average of 12 weeks post-injury) and swallowing function and resolution to normal diet status were achieved by 3-11 weeks post-referral (and at an average of 12 weeks post-injury). The resolution of dysphagia and the resolution of oral-motor impairment and cognitive impairment were all highly correlated. Conclusion : The provision of a preliminary profile of oral-motor functioning and dysphagia resolution, and data on the linear relationship between swallowing impairment and cognition, will provide baseline information on the course of rehabilitation of dysphagia in the paediatric population post-TBI. Such data will contribute to more informed service provision and rehabilitation planning for paediatric patients post-TBI.
This paper, focusing principally on post-Lapita times, outlines the course and outcomes of work undertaken over the last two decades in the West New Britain-Vitiaz Strait-north New Guinea coastal region. It presents two principal arguments. The first is that major periods of movement and abandonment documented in the archaeological sequences of this region from about 3,500 years ago coincide with the record of volcanism in the Talasea-Cape Hoskins area. The second is that the post-Lapita sequences of this region differ significantly from the post-Lapita sequences emerging in the island arc reaching from Manus via New Ireland to southern and eastern island Melanesia, which show continuous occupation and pottery production.
This article describes the construction and use of a systematic structured method of mental health country situation appraisal, in order to help meet the need for conceptual tools to assist planners and policy makers develop and audit policy and implementation strategies. The tool encompasses the key domains of context, needs, resources, provisions and outcomes, and provides a framework for synthesizing key qualitative and quantitative information, flagging up gaps in knowledge, and for reviewing existing policies. It serves as an enabling tool to alert and inform policy makers, professionals and other key stakeholders about important issues which need to be considered in mental health policy development. It provides detailed country specific information in a systematic format, to facilitate global sharing of experiences of mental health reform and strategies between policy makers and other stakeholders. Lastly, it is designed to be a capacity building tool for local stakeholders to enhance situation appraisal, and multisectorial policy development and implementation.
The concept of the burden of disease, introduced and estimated for a broad range of diseases in the World Bank report of 1993 illustrated that mental and neurological disorders not only entail a higher burden than cancer, but are responsible, in developed and developing countries, for more than 15% of the total burden of all diseases. As a consequence, over the past decade, mental disorders have ranked increasingly highly on the international agenda for health. However, the fact that mental health and nervous system disorders are now high on the international health agenda is by no means a guarantee that the fate of patients suffering from these disorders in developing countries will improve. In most developing countries the treatment gap for mental and neurological disorders is still unacceptably high. To address this problem, an international network of collaborating institutions in low-income countries has been set up. The establishment and the achievements of this network-the International Consortium on Mental Health Policy and Services-are reported. Sixteen institutions in developing countries collaborate (supported by a small number of scientific resource centres in industrialized nations) in projects on applied mental health systems research. Over a two-year period, the network produced the key elements of a national mental health policy; provided tools and methods for assessing a country's current mental health status (context, needs and demands, programmes, services and care and outcomes); established a global network of expertise, i.e., institutions and experts, for use by countries wishing to reform their mental health policy, services and care; and generated guidelines and examples for upgrading mental health policy with due regard to the existing mental health delivery system and demographic, cultural and economic factors.
The practice of participatory planning in discrete Indigenous settlements has been established since the early 1990s. In addition to technical and economic goals, participatory planning also seeks community development outcomes, including community control, ownership and autonomy. This paper presents an evaluation of one such planning project, conducted at Mapoon in 1995. The Plan successfully improved physical infrastructure and housing, but had mixed success in terms of community development. Despite various efforts to follow participatory processes, the Plan was essentially a passing event, community control progressively diminished after its completion, and outcomes fell short of notions of ownership and autonomy. This suggests some misunderstandings between the practice of participatory planning and the workings of governance.