916 resultados para orange fiber
The objective of this research is the fabrication of a composite reinforced with dyed sisal fiber and polyester matrix for application in the fields such as, fashion, clothing, interior textiles; fashion accessories are some of the examples. For the fabrication of the composite, the sisal fibers were subjected to processes such as: chemical treatment with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in the removal of impurities; bleaching for removing the yellowish color of the natural fiber and dyeing with direct dyes to confer the colors blue, green and orange. The search for new technologies ecologically correct has become a major concern in recent decades. Studies show that composite polymer reinforced by natural fibers is suitable for a large number of applications, and its use is advantageous in terms of economic and ecological. The dyed fibers were cut to a length of 30 mm, is used in the confection of webs. For this purpose, a web preparer by immersion, developed in the Laboratory of Chemical Textile of UFRN. The composite sheets measuring 300 x 300 x3 mm were molded by compression, with unsaturated orthophthalic polyester as matrix, and the samples in sizes 150 x 25 x 3 mm were cut with the aid of a laser machine, to be subjected to traction and flexion. The mechanical properties of traction and flexion in three points were performed in the Laboratory of metal and mechanical tests of Materials Engineering of UFRN. The resulting samples from the tests were evaluated in scanning electron microscope (SEM) at CTGas RN. On the basis of the analysis of the results from the mechanical tests, it was observed that the composite had good mechanical behavior, both in traction as in flexion. Furthermore, it was observed that in the water absorption test, the samples had a different percentage among themselves, this occurred due to the variation of density found in the fibre webs. The images of the SEM showed the failures from the manufacturing process and the adhesion of fibre/matrix. When the samples were prepared with the dyed fibers to be applied in fashion, the results were positive, and it can be concluded that the main objective of this work was achieved
The Brazilian caatinga is characterized by low annual rainfall and arid soils. Several cactaceae, either native or adapted species, grow in this semi-arid region, including the prickly pear (Opuntia fícus indica) and facheiro ((Philosocereus pachycladus Ritter) which produce underexploited edible fruits. In addition to these species, the algaroba is a leguminous with little studied technological applications and bioactive potential so far. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the physicochemical, bioactive and functional attributes of the prickly pear and facheiro fruit pulps and the algaroba flour. Specifically, this study approaches the physicochemical characterization, total phenolic compounds (TPC) and the betalain identification and quantification by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS. It is also investigated the DPPH antioxidant capacity and the antienzymatic activities against alpha-amylase and alphaglucosidase of water and ethanolic extracts of these food material. In order to address their potential to be used as food ingredients, juice blends prepared with mixtures of cajá and prickly pear, biofilms with facheiro and cereal bars with algaroba flour were elaborated and analyzed. The prickly pear fruits presented low acidity and high sugar content when compared to facheiro. The Philosocereus pachycladus Ritter fruits had higher protein and ash content, but the algaroba flour was the species with higher protein and sugar content among all. The algaroba flour also presented outstanding food fiber content, which reveals its potentiality to be used as a natural intestinal regulator. The TPC of water and ethanol extracts ranged from 3.87 to 16.21 mg GAE/100g for algaroba flour, 79.24 to 110.20 GAE/ 100g for prickly pear and 412.23 to 539.14 mg GAE/100g for facheiro. The 70% (w/v) ethanol extract reached the highest DPPH antioxidant activity, which was linearly correlated to its high TPC content. In regard to the enzymatic inhibitory activities, the best performance was observed for the prickly pear extracts which presented a moderate inhibition for both investigated enzymes, but interestingly, no alpha-glucosidase inhibition was observed for facheiro extracts. This work shows, for the first time in the literature, the functional attributes of facheiro fruits, as well as the presence of betacianins and isobetanin in the pulp of this exotic fruit. When it comes to the food products developed here, the sensory attributes that better described the juice blend cajá-prickly pear were sweetness, acidity, color yellow-orange, body, turbidity and cajá flavor. The discriminative test applied for cereal bars produced with and without algaroba revealed that the texture was the only sensory attribute that differed (p<0.05) between these two samples. It was also observed that the addition of facheiro extracts did not influence the visual characteristics of the biofilms. Overall, this work unveils the physicochemical and bioactive attributes of these commercial and technologically underexploited species widely found in the Brazilian caatinga and presents alternatives for their rational use
Objective This study investigated how consumption of orange juice associated with aerobic training affected serum lipids and physical characteristics of overweight middle-aged womenMethods The experimental group consisted of 13 women who consumed 500 mL/d of orange juice and did 1 h aerobic training 3 times a week for 3 months The control group consisted of another 13 women who did the same aerobic training program but did not consume orange juiceResults At the end of the experiment the control group lost an average of 15% of fat mass (P < 0 05) and 25% of weight (P < 0 05) whereas the experimental group lost 11% of fat mass and 1 2% of weight (P < 0 05) Consumption of orange juice by the experimental group was associated with Increased dietary intake of vitamin C and folate by 126% and 61% respectively Serum LDL-C decreased 15% (P < 0 05) and HDL-C increased 18% (P < 0 05) in the experimental group but no significant change was observed in the control group Both groups improved the anaerobic threshold by 20% (P < 0 05) but blood lactate concentration decreased 27% in the experimental group compared to the 17% control group suggesting that experimental group has less muscle fatigue and better response to trainingConclusions The consumption of 500 mL/d of orange juice associated with aerobic training in overweight women decreased cardiovascular disease risk by reducing LDL-C levels and increasing HDL-C levels This association also decreased blood lactate concentration and increased anaerobic threshold showing some improvement in the physical performance (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
Total antioxidant activity (TAA), total phenolic compounds (TPC), and physicochemical characteristics of ready-to-drink orange juice and nectar from the most consumed brands available in Brazil were evaluated. TPC ranged from 18.7 to 54.2 mg of gallic acid/100 mL, and TAA varied from 57.88 to 349.32 mu mol TEAC/100 mL ready-to-drink orange juice and nectar. The ascorbic acid content was the only physicochemical parameter that showed strong variation among packages and brands. Correlation of TPC with TAA showed that the higher the level of TPC the higher the TAA. Correlation of ascorbic acid content with TAA is higher for ready-to-drink orange juice than nectar. The same was found for the correlation of ascorbic acid content with TPC. The results confirm the contribution of the TPC to TAA.
Four citrus fruit varieties cultivated in Brazil (two kinds of sweet orange and two kinds of tangerine) were analyzed for physicochemical characteristics contents of total phenolics, total carotenoids and ascorbic acid, and antioxidant activities. The antioxidant activities of aqueous, methanolic, and acetone extracts of the citrus fruit juices were assessed on the basis of their ability to scavenge 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH(center dot)). The cravo tangerine has the highest content of citric acid, while the pera orange is richest in ascorbic acid. The lima orange has the highest total phenolic contents, and the ponkan the highest total carotenoids. The antioxidant activities, expressed as the concentration of antioxidant able to scavenge 50% of the initial DPPH(center dot) (EC(50)), ranged from 139.1+/-27.3 to 182.2+/-28.8 g extract/l for juice of orange varieties and 186.3+/-29.6 to 275.5+/-3.3g extract/l for juice of tangerine citrus varieties. In methanolic extracts the EC(50) ranged from 192.5+/-43.1 to 267.4+/-41.4 g extract/l for orange varieties and from 225.2+/-69.8 to 336.3+/-27.2 g extract/l for tangerine varieties. For EC(50) values of acetone fractions, there were no statistically significant differences between the different varieties. For every citrus fruit in the present study, the radical scavenging capacity was higher in the aqueous than in the methanolic or acetone fractions.
Orange juice (OJ) is regularly consumed worldwide, but its effects on plasma lipids have rarely been explored. This study hypothesized that consumption of OJ concentrate would improve lipid levels and lipid metabolism, which are important in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) function in normolipidemic (NC) and hypercholesterolemic (HCH) subjects. Fourteen HCH and 31 NC adults consumed 750 mL/day OJ concentrate (1:6 OJ/water) for 60 days. Eight control subjects did not consume OJ for 60 days. Plasma was collected before and on the last clay for biochemical analysis and an in vitro as
Changes in carotenoid pigment content of Brazilian Valencia orange juices due to thermal pasteurization and concentration were studied. Total carotenoid pigment content loss was not significant after thermal pasteurization and concentration. However, thermal effects on carotenoid pigment contents, especially violaxanthin and lutein, were clearly observed and significant (P < 0.05). Pasteurization reduced the content of violaxanthin by 38% and lutein by 20%. The concentration process resulted in loss of lutein (17%). With the loss of lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin became the major carotenoid in the pasteurized and concentrated juices. The provitarnin A content of the juice (beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin) and the amount of zeaxanthin, which are considered to be active against age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, did not significantly decrease after pasteurization and concentration. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The carotenoid composition of Brazilian Valencia orange juice was determined by open column chromatography (OCC) and high-performance liquid chromatography. Carotenoid pigments were extracted using acetone and saponified using 10% methanolic potassium hydroxide. Sixteen pigments were isolated by OCC and identified as alpha-carotene, zeta-carotene, beta-carotene, alpha-cryptoxanthin, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein-5,6-epoxide, violaxanthin, lutein, antheraxanthin, zeaxanthin, luteoxanthin A, luteoxanthin B, mutatoxanthin A, mutatoxanthin B, auroxanthin B and trollichrome B. Thirteen carotenoid pigments were separated using a ternary gradient (acetonitrile-methanol-ethyl acetate) elution on a C-18 reversed-phase column. Among these, violaxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-cryptoxanthin, zeta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and beta-carotene were quantified. The total carotenoid content was 12 +/- 6.7 mg/1, and the major carotenoids were lutein (23%), beta-cryptoxanthin (21%), and zeaxanthin (20%). 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Carbon fiber ultramicroelectrodes are shown to be suitable for adsorptive stripping potentiometric measurements of trace DNA and RNA. The origin of the carbon fiber has a profound effect upon its suitability for trace analysis of nucleic acids, with the 'Aesar' materials performing most favorably. The resulting ultramicroelectrodes offer effective adsorptive accumulation of DNA and RNA from unstirred microliter-volume solutions, and are shown to be useful in adsorptive stripping transfer experiments. The influence of the surface pretreatment and accumulation conditions is described, along with the analytical-performance characteristics. The detection limits are 6, 15 and 40 mu g/l tRNA, ssDNA and dsDNA, respectively (5 min accumulation). (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. S.A.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fiber reinforced epoxy composites are used in a wide variety of applications in the aerospace field. These materials have high specific moduli, high specific strength and their properties can be tailored to application requirements. In order to screening optimum materials behavior, the effects of external environments on the mechanical properties during usage must be clearly understood. The environmental action, such as high moisture concentration, high temperatures, corrosive fluids or ultraviolet radiation (UV), can affect the performance of advanced composites during service. These factors can limit the applications of composites by deteriorating the mechanical properties over a period of time. Properties determination is attributed to the chemical and/or physical damages caused in the polymer matrix, loss of adhesion of fiber/resin interface, and/or reduction of fiber strength and stiffness. The dynamic elastic properties are important characteristics of glass fiber reinforced composites (GRFC). They control the damping behavior of composite structures and are also an ideal tool for monitoring the development of GFRC's mechanical properties during their processing or service. One of the most used tests is the vibration damping. In this work, the measurement consisted of recording the vibration decay of a rectangular plate excited by a controlled mechanism to identify the elastic and damping properties of the material under test. The frequency amplitude were measured by accelerometers and calculated by using a digital method. The present studies have been performed to explore relations between the dynamic mechanical properties, damping test and the influence of high moisture concentration of glass fiber reinforced composites (plain weave). The results show that the E' decreased with the increase in the exposed time for glass fiber/epoxy composites specimens exposed at 80 degrees C and 90% RH. The E' values found were: 26.7, 26.7, 25.4, 24.7 and 24.7 GPa for 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days of exposure, respectively. (c) 2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.
The environmental factors, such as humidity and temperature, can limit the applications of composites by deteriorating the mechanical properties over a period of time. Environmental factors play an important role during the manufacture step and during composite's life cycle. The degradation of composites due to environmental effects is mainly caused by chemical and/or physical damages in the polymer matrix, loss of adhesion at the fiber/matrix interface, and/or reduction of fiber strength and stiffness. Composite's degradation can be measure by shear tests because shear failure is a matrix dominated property. In this work, the influence of moisture in shear properties of carbon fiber/epoxy composites ( laminates [0/0](s) and [0/90](s)) have been investigated. The interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) was measured by using the short beam shear test, and Iosipescu shear strength and modulus (G(12)) have been determinated by using the Iosipescu test. Results for laminates [0/0](s) and [0/90](s), after hygrothermal conditioning, exhibited a reduction of 21% and 18% on the interlaminar shear strenght, respectively, when compared to the unconditioned samples. Shear modulus follows the same trend. A reduction of 14.1 and 17.6% was found for [0/0](s) and [0/90](s), respectively, when compared to the unconditioned samples. Microstructural observations of the fracture surfaces by optical and scanning electron microscopies showed typical damage mechanisms for laminates [0/0](s) and [0/90](s).