944 resultados para offshore sozietateak


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[ES]El objetivo de este trabajo fin de grado es analizar el recurso eólico presente en la parte peninsular español y diseñar un parque eólico en el que se considere el emplazamiento más óptimo. Para ello se analizan mapas de vientos, mapas de espacios protegidos, mapas de batimetría y de disposición del medio marino. Tras ello se concluye que ese punto óptimo se encuentra en la costa de Cádiz, cercana al Cabo de Trafalgar. En ese punto se diseña un parque eólico offshore. Adicionalmente, se calcula la generación de energía eléctrica anual en ese parque y se realiza su correspondiente planificación y análisis económico.


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As reservas brasileiras de petróleo e gás natural apresentarão um significativo crescimento a partir do desenvolvimento das reservas da camada do pré-sal. Segundo estimativas elaboradas pela EPE e pela EIA, nos próximos vinte anos, haverá um quadro de grande oferta de gás natural no país, com a oferta excedendo a demanda. Como o segmento de transporte do gás natural tem grande importância na formação do custo desse energético, uma tecnologia de transporte menos onerosa irá proporcionar um cenário mais vantajoso para a entrada do gás no mercado. A presente dissertação analisa duas tecnologias disponíveis para escoamento do gás natural da camada pré-sal gasoduto submarino e gás natural liquefeito embarcado e as possibilidades de utilização no mercado interno ou para ser exportado. De acordo com dados da Petrobras, foram utilizadas três rotas para escoar o gás do pré-sal. A metodologia Valor Presente Líquido (VPL) foi utilizada para analisar qual dos investimentos em transporte é mais viável economicamente. Os resultados mostraram que de acordo com as perspectivas de produção do gás natural no horizonte de tempo analisado as duas tecnologias serão viáveis, com o transporte por gasodutos a alternativa mais viável economicamente.


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The Bassam artificial inlet was opened (in September 22, 1987) in order to revacuate offshore invasive aquatic plants. This has considerably modified the hydro-sedimentary environment of the lagoonal domain at Grand-Bassam. Tidal currents effect has confered the lagoonal waters an estuarine feature, the saline intrusion (25-35%o) increased beyond the Moossou bridges up to the confluence of the Comoe river. This has led to a cleaning of the river lower course and above all to the bottoms of the lagoon, which were previously confined. The remobilization of mud (from lagoonal bottoms around Bouet Island) evacuated offshore, has exposed lagoonal and oceanic sandy features. This new system remains fragile, with the seasonal (low river-flow) clogging.


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Primary and secondary productions and nutrient regeneration in the Mauritanian upwelling area were studied by following a drogue for 9 days, from the point of upwelling till the water mass dives under offshore waters. The lag between phytoplanktonic bloom, zooplanktonic peak and bacterial activity is very short and may be explained by a well-settled biological cycle connected with an undercurrent. Organic production was estimated in two ways: (1) from chlorophyll 'a' values, considering a C/Chla ratio of 25 during the 5.5 day phytoplankton growth period, primary production computed by this method reaches 13.5 g C/m2; (2) from 14C values net primary production calculated for the same period reaches 10.5 g C/m2 and total organic production (net production + organic excretion) reaches 19.5 g C/m2. Organic production computed ratios, delta O/ delta C/ delta N/ delta Si/ delta P are equal to 130/43/11/7.4/1. Secondary production and 'grazing' are estimated from mesozooplankton respiration values and have a huge increase during the bloom. Net secondary production is assessed to be 1.0-4.2 g C/m2 for 6 days. Evidence of nutrient regeneration as ammonia, phosphate and silicate is given and regeneration rates are calculated. Zooplankton excretion plays an important part in nitrogen and phosphorus regeneration. Bacterial activity is induced by zooplankton organic excretion, then increased by phytoplankton decomposition at the end of the bloom.


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The evolution of a plankton copepod population in the Mauritania upwelling was studied by following a drogue for 9 days, from the point of upwelling till the water-mass dives under offshore waters. The Shannon index of specific diversity and the tropic structure allow separation into several stages in the studied succession. The upwelling brings near the shore a rather poor, highly diverse fauna, with a low filter-feeder rate. The phytoplanktonic development induces an increase in the copepod number. The filter-feeders become dominant and the diversity decreases. When the increase of copepod number stops, the diversity decreases and the omnivore and carnivore rate increases.


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A cruise of the R. V. Capricorne in May 1973, in inner part of the gulf of Guinea, allowed the authors to identify the main part of the Atlantic circulation at the longitude of 5 degrees E, between 4 degrees N and 4 degrees S. It gave new data on the termination of the equatorial undercurrent. At the equator, under the westward south equatorial current flows the Atlantic equatorial undercurrent with a maximum eastward velocity of 90 cm/sec at 30 m depth linked to a salinity maximum higher than 36.20 ppt. Below the equatorial undercurrent, about 80-100 m depth, flows a westward current with a velocity as high as 30 cm/sec. At 4 degrees S, the south equatorial countercurrent is well delineated by a high salinity core (more than 36.10 ppt) at 30 m depth with an eastward velocity core of 40 cm/sec. On the contrary, near 3 degrees 30N, a high salinity core (36.10 ppt) flows westwards with a speed of 40 cm/sec at 40 m depth: it is the "return flow" of the undercurrent (Hisard and Moliere 1974). At 4 degrees N the Guinea current carries eastwards surface salinities of 34.50 ppt at 40 cm/sec. Off Cape Lopez (0 degrees 35'S-8 degrees 42'E) the high salinity core of the undercurrent becomes wider near the shore. It is 25m wide offshore, and 70 m wide near the cape. A part of undercurrent water extends northwards, then flows westwards with the subsurface westward circulation in the inner part of the Gulf of Guinea. Another part flows south-southwestwards in a high salinity tongue along the African coast to 4 degrees S. South-west of Cape Lopez, the trades divergence contributes to an upwelling of cold and high salinity water; this water increases at the Cape Lopez front.


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Nos diversos segmentos da Geotecnia e em especial na área de fundações, o engenheiro se depara com uma série de incertezas. Algumas destas incertezas são inerentes à variabilidade local do solo, às condições de carregamento, aos efeitos do tempo, às diferenças nos processos executivos, erros de sondagens, que influenciam diretamente a estimativa da capacidade de carga da fundação, seja por ocasião de seu carregamento estático, seja durante ou logo após a cravação. O objetivo desta dissertação é a adaptação, a estacas em terra (onshore), de um procedimento concebido originalmente para emprego em estacas offshore, que trata da atualização da estimativa da resistência durante a cravação, com base em registros documentados durante a execução. Neste procedimento a atualização é feita através da aplicação dos conceitos da análise Bayesiana, assumindo que os parâmetros da distribuição probabilística utilizada sejam variáveis randômicas. A incerteza dos parâmetros é modelada por distribuições a priori e a posteriori. A distribuição a posteriori é calculada pela atualização da distribuição a priori, utilizando uma função de máxima verossimilhança, que contém a observação obtida dos registros de cravação. O procedimento é aplicado a um conjunto de estacas de um extenso estaqueamento executado na Zona Oeste do Rio de Janeiro. As estimativas atualizadas são posteriormente comparadas aos resultados dos ensaios de carregamento dinâmico. Várias aplicações podem surgir com o emprego deste procedimento, como a seleção das estacas que, por apresentarem reduzido valor de estimativa atualizada de resistência, ou uma maior incerteza desta estimativa, devam ser submetidas a provas de carga. A extensão deste estudo a diferentes tipos de estacas em perfis de solo de natureza distintos poderá levar ao desenvolvimento de sistemas mais adequados de controle de execução, capazes de identificar as principais incertezas presentes nos diferentes tipos de execução de estacas, contribuindo assim para a otimização de futuros projetos de fundações.


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Sistemas estruturais em suas variadas aplicações incluindo-se veículos espaciais, automóveis e estruturas de engenharia civil tais como prédios, pontes e plataformas off-shore, acumulam dano durante suas vidas úteis. Em muitas situações, tal dano pode não ser visualmente observado. Do ponto de vista da segurança e da performance da estrutura, é desejável monitorar esta possível ocorrência, localizá-la e quantificá-la. Métodos de identificação de sistemas, que em geral, são classificados numa categoria de Técnicas de Avaliação Não-Destrutivas, podem ser utilizados para esta finalidade. Usando dados experimentais tais como frequências naturais, modos de vibração e deslocamentos estáticos, e um modelo analítico estrutural, parâmetros da estrutura podem ser identificados. As propriedades estruturais do modelo analítico são modificadas de modo a minimizar a diferença entre os dados obtidos por aquele modelo e a resposta medida. Isto pode ser definido como um problema inverso onde os parâmetros da estrutura são identificados. O problema inverso, descrito acima, foi resolvido usando métodos globais de otimização devido à provável presença de inúmeros mínimos locais e a não convexidade do espaço de projeto. Neste trabalho o método da Evolução Diferencial (Differential Evolution, DE) foi utilizado como ferramenta principal de otimização. Trata-se de uma meta-heurística inspirada numa população de soluções sucessivamente atualizada por operações aritméticas como mutações, recombinações e critérios de seleção dos melhores indivíduos até que um critério de convergência seja alcançado. O método da Evolução Diferencial foi desenvolvido como uma heurística para minimizar funções não diferenciáveis e foi aplicado a estruturas planas de treliças com diferentes níveis de danos.


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The overall objective of the project is the reduction of poverty in rural areas of Solomon Islands through creation of livelihoods based on sustainable aquaculture. This fits within the over-arching goals of the WorldFish Center in the Pacific to reduce poverty and hunger in rural communities, and with the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to stimulate rural development and to develop aquaculture. It has been recognised that the nature of the pearl farming industry means that a high chance of success requires a long term investment from an established pearl farming organisation. This project has been specifically designed to compile the elements of a pre-feasibility study to provide offshore pearl companies with sufficient information to investigate the potential for long-term investment in pearl farming in Solomon Islands. This report also includes the following 6 appendices: Appendix I) Past research and development on black-lip pearl oysters in Solomon Islands; Appendix II) Suitability of habitats in the Solomon Islands and other regions of the Pacific for growth of black-lip and silver-lip pearl oysters; Appendix III) Water temperature and cyclone frequency in the Solomon Islands and other key regions of the Pacific: implications for pearl farming; Appendix IV) Abundance, size structure and quality of silver-lip pearl oysters in Solomon Islands; Appendix V) Solomon Islands: the investment climate for pearl farming; Appendix VI) Pearl farming policy and management guidelines.


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During the last century, the population of Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) in the California Current Ecosystem has exhibited large fluctuations in abundance and migration behavior. From approximately 1900 to 1940, the abundance of sardine reached 3.6 million metric tons and the “northern stock” migrated from offshore of California in the spring to the coastal areas near Oregon, Washington, and Vancouver Island in the summer. In the 1940s, the sardine stock collapsed and the few remaining sardine schools concentrated in the coastal region off southern California, year-round, for the next 50 years. The stock gradually recovered in the late 1980s and resumed its seasonal migration between regions off southern California and Canada. Recently, a model was developed which predicts the potential habitat for the northern stock of Pacific sardine and its seasonal dynamics. The habitat predictions were successfully validated using data from sardine surveys using the daily egg production method; scientific trawl surveys off the Columbia River mouth; and commercial sardine landings off Oregon, Washington, and Vancouver Island. Here, the predictions of the potential habitat and seasonal migration of the northern stock of sardine are validated using data from “acoustic–trawl” surveys of the entire west coast of the United States during the spring and summer of 2008. The estimates of sardine biomass and lengths from the two surveys are not significantly different between spring and summer, indicating that they are representative of the entire stock. The results also confirm that the model of potential sardine habitat can be used to optimally apply survey effort and thus minimize random and systematic sampling error in the biomass estimates. Furthermore, the acoustic–trawl survey data are useful to estimate concurrently the distributions and abundances of other pelagic fishes.


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We modeled the probability of capturing Pacif ic mackerel (Scomber japonicus) larvae as a function of environmental variables for the Southern California Bight (SCB) most years from 1951 through 2008 and Mexican waters offshore of Baja California from 1951 through 1984. The model exhibited acceptable fit, as indicated by the area under a receiver-operating-characteristic curve of 0.80 but was inconsistent with the zero catches that occurred frequently in the 2000s. Two types of spawners overlapped spatially within the survey area: those that exhibited peak spawning during April in the SCB at about 15.5°C and a smaller group that exhibited peak spawning in August near Punta Eugenia, Mexico, at 20°C or greater. The SCB generally had greater zooplankton than Mexican waters but less appropriate (lower) geostrophic f lows. Mexican waters generally exhibited greater predicted habitat quality than the SCB in cold years. Predicted quality of the habitat in the SCB was greater from the 1980s to 2008 than in the earlier years of the survey primarily because temperatures and geostrophic flows were more appropriate for larvae. However, stock size the previous year had a larger effect on predictions than any environmental variable, indicating that larval Pacific mackerel did not fully occupy the suitable habitat during most years.


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Genetic structure and average long-term connectivity and effective size of mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis) sampled from offshore localities in the U.S. Caribbean and the Florida Keys were assessed by using nuclear-encoded microsatellites and a fragment of mitochondrial DNA. No significant differences in allele, genotype (microsatellites), or haplotype (mtDNA) distributions were detected; tests of selective neutrality (mtDNA) were nonsignificant after Bonferroni correction. Heuristic estimates of average long-term rate of migration (proportion of migrant individuals/generation) between geographically adjacent localities varied from 0.0033 to 0.0054, indicating that local subpopulations could respond independently of environmental perturbations. Estimates of average longterm effective population sizes varied from 341 to 1066 and differed significantly among several of the localities. These results indicate that over time larval drift and interregional adult movement may not be sufficient to maintain population sustainability across the region and that there may be different demographic stocks at some of the localities studied. The estimate of long-term effective population size at the locality offshore of St. Croix was below the minimum threshold size considered necessary to maintain the equilibrium between the loss of adaptive genetic variance from genetic drift and its replacement by mutation. Genetic variability in mutton snapper likely is maintained at the intraregional level by aggregate spawning and random mating of local populations. This feature is perhaps ironic in that aggregate spawning also renders mutton snapper especially vulnerable to overexploitation.


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Brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) are abundant along the Louisiana coast, a coastline that is heavily influenced by one of the world’s largest rivers, the Mississippi River. Stable carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur (CNS) isotopes of shrimp and their proventriculus (stomach) contents were assayed to trace riverine support of estuarine-dependent brown shrimp. Extensive inshore and of fshore collections were made in the Louisiana coastal zone during 1999–2006 to document shrimp movement patterns across the bay and shelf region. Results showed an unexpectedly strong role for nursery areas in the river delta in supporting the offshore fishery, with about 46% of immigrants to offshore regions arriving from riverine marshes. Strong river influences also were evident offshore, where cluster analysis of combined CNS isotope data showed three regional station groups related to river inputs. Two nearer-river mid-shelf station groups showed isotope values indicating river fertilization and productivity responses in the benthic shrimp food web, and a deeper offshore station group to the south and west showed much less river inf luence. At several mid-shelf stations where hypoxia is common, shrimp were anomalously 15N depleted versus their diets, and this d15N difference or mismatch may be useful in monitoring shrimp movement responses to hypoxia.