604 resultados para multidrug


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Introducción: Las guías de Tokyo de 2013 lograron un consenso respecto al manejo antibiótico de la infección biliar. Sus recomendaciones están sustentadas en estudios internacionales de la epidemiología bacteriana, pero también recalcan la importancia de conocer la microbiología local para ajustar las guías de manejo. Materiales y métodos: Se diseñó un estudio descriptivo tipo serie de casos de pacientes tratados por colecistitis aguda moderada y severa en Méderi Hospital Universitario Mayor (HUM), describiendo los aislamientos microbiológicos y perfiles de resistencia de los cultivos de bilis tomados durante la cirugía. Resultados: Se analizaron 131 pacientes con una edad promedio de 63 años, la mayoría sin comorbilidades médicas. Se encontró un 48% de positividad en los cultivos, predominantemente enterobacterias siendo la más frecuente Escherichia coli, seguida de especies de Klebsiella y de Enterococcus. Los perfiles de resistencia evidenciaron un 93% de multisensibilidad antibiótica y se aislaron 4 microorganismos multirresistentes. No se encontraron diferencias en comorbilidades, alteraciones paraclínicas, presencia de síndrome biliar obstrutivo, pancreatitis o instrumentación previa de la vía biliar entre los pacientes con cultivo positivo y negativo. Conclusiones: Los resultados concuerdan con los reportes internacionales en cuanto a la flora bacteriana aislada, pero los perfiles de resistencia evidenciados en esta serie son diferentes a los que sustentan las guías de manejo de Tokio revisadas en 2013. Este hallazgo obliga a ajustar las guías de manejo institucionales con base en la epidemiología local.


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Introducción: La IVU es muy frecuenten en la (FCI - IC), Alrededor el 60% de los pacientes con diagnóstico de IVU nosocomial corresponden a gérmenes resistente, Desde el año 2010 el CLSI disminuyó los puntos de corte de sensibilidad en las enterobacteriaceae y removió la necesidad de tamizaje y confirmación de (BLEE), en el presente trabajo se pretende determinar el perfil epidemiológico de la formulación antibiótica en pacientes con IVU nosocomial. Diseño: Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal. Métodos: Se realizó un análisis univariado, bivariado y multivariado. El análisis bivariado y multivariado se realizó para determinar la medida de asociación teniendo en cuenta la formulación de Carbapenemico la variable dependiente, evaluándose mediante chi cuadrado. Resultados: Se revisaron 131 urocultivos, se incluyeron 116. Los aislamientos microbiológicos más frecuentemente encontrados fueron E. Coli y K. Pneumoniae, el 43.4% de los aislamientos, presentaron expresión de BLEE, 90% de los aislamientos fueron sensibles a Cefepime. La mayoría de los modelos obtenidos mostraron una fuerte asociación entre el reporte de BLEE en antibiograma con la formulación de carbapenémicos como terapia final OR 33,12 IC 95% (2,90 – 337,4). Conclusión: La epidemiologia de la IVU nosocomial en la FCI-IC no difiere de las referencias internacionales, no hay adherencia a las guías de manejo intrahospitalario y el reporte de la palabra BLEE en el antibiograma predice la formulación de antibiótico carbapenémico por el médico que lee el urocultivo


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The prognostic value of ABC transporters in Ewing sarcoma is still poorly explored and controversial. We described for the first time the impact of various ABCs on Ewing sarcoma prognosis by assessment of their gene expression in two independent cohorts of patients. Unexpected associations with favourable outcomes were observed for two ABCs of the A-subfamily, ABCA6 and ABCA7, whereas no associations with the canonical multidrug ABC transporters were identified. The ABCs of the A-subfamily are involved in cholesterol/phospholipids transportation and efflux from cells. Our clinical data support the drug-efflux independent contribution to cancer progression of the ABCAs, which has been confirmed in PDX-derived cell lines. The impact of these ABCA transporters on tumor progression seems to be mediated by lowering intracellular cholesterol, supporting the role of these proteins in lipid transport. In addition, the gene expression of ABCA6 and ABCA7 is regulated by transcription factors which control lipid metabolism: ABCA6 was induced by the binding of FoxO1/FoxO3a to its promoter and repressed by IGF1R/Akt signaling, whereas the expression of ABCA7 was regulated by p53. The data point to ABCA6 and ABCA7 as potential prognostic markers in Ewing sarcoma and suggest the IGF1/ABCA/lipid axis as an intriguing therapeutic target. Agonist monoclonal antibodies towards ABCA6/7 or inhibitors of cholesterol biosynthesis, such as statins or aminobiphoshonates, may be investigated as therapeutic options in combination with chemotherapy. Considering that no monoclonal antibodies selectively targeting extracellular domains of ABCA6/7 are available, the second part of the project has been dedicated to the generation of human antibody phage-display libraries as tools for selecting monoclonal antibodies. A novel synthetic human antibody phage-display library has been designed, cloned and characterized. The library takes advantages of the high variability of a designed naïve repertoire to be a useful tool for isolating antibodies towards all potential antigens, including the ABCAs.


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Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is the most aggressive form of lung cancer, characterized by rapid growth, early metastasis and acquired drug resistance. SCLC is usually sensitive to initial treatment, however, most patients relapse within few months; thus more effective therapies are urgently needed. Key genetic alterations very frequently observed in SCLC include loss of TP53 and RB1 and mutations in the MYC family genes (MYC, MYCL or MYCN). One of them is amplified and overexpressed in a mutually exclusive manner and represents the most prominent activating oncogene alteration in this malignancy. In particular, MYCN amplification is associated with tumor progression, treatment failure and poor prognosis. Given the role of MYCN in SCLC and its restricted expression profile, MYCN represents a promising therapeutic target; although it is considered undruggable by traditional approaches. An innovative approach to target the oncogene concerns specific MYCN expression inhibition, acting directly at the level of DNA, through an antigene peptide nucleic acid (agPNA) oligonucleotide, called BGA002. This thesis focused on the study of BGA002, as a possible targeted therapeutic strategy for the treatment of MYCN-related SCLC. In this context, BGA002 proved to be a specific and highly effective inhibitor. Furthermore, MYCN silencing induced alterations in many downstream pathways and led to apoptosis, in concomitance with autophagy reactivation. Moreover, systemic administration of BGA002 was effective in vivo as well, significantly increasing survival in MNA mouse models, even in the scenario of multidrug-resistance. In addition, BGA002 treatment successfully reduced N-Myc protein expression and, more importantly, caused a massive diminishment in tumor vascularization in the multidrug-resistant model. Overall, these results proved that MYCN inhibition by BGA002 may represent a new promising precision medicine approach, to treat MYCN-related SCLC.