933 resultados para multi-site analysis


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This paper answers the question of whether a design intervention on Washington Adventist Hospital’s Takoma Park campus can combine stormwater Best Management Practices with outdoor healing spaces, to improve the health of the local creek (Sligo Creek) while creating a restorative environment for the hospital community. To improve the health of Sligo Creek, a campus-wide stormwater analysis was undertaken, in addition to an intervention-site-specific stormwater analysis, and a literature review of stormwater best management practices. To create a restorative environment, a literature review of healing gardens was undertaken, in addition to a campus-wide site analysis, to uncover the most ideally suited site to create a restorative environment.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Tecnologia Ambiental e Recursos Hídricos, 2015.


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In den vergangenen Jahren hat die Diskussion um kulturelle Teilhabe im Rahmen der Ergebnisse großer Bildungsstudien zugenommen. Diese hatten eine hochgradige Abhängigkeit des Bildungserfolgs und des Kompetenzerwerbs vom sozialen Hintergrund der Kinder und ihrer Familien konstatiert (u.a. Ehmke & Jude 2010, S. 250). Auch für den Teilaspekt der kulturellen Teilhabe ließen sich in Studien soziale Disparitäten feststellen: Die rezeptive Nutzung kultureller Angebote durch Kinder und Jugendliche unterliegt einer deutlichen sozialen Selektivität (Autorengruppe Bildungsberichterstattung 2012, S. 165). Gleichzeitig ist mit dem Programm Jedem Kind ein Instrument eine große Initiative zur Förderung frühen Instrumentallernens in der Grundschulzeit angelaufen. Die Initiatoren verfolgen dabei explizit das Ziel, die Kluft „zwischen kulturaffinen Elternhäusern und bildungsfernen Schichten" (Kulturstiftung des Bundes, 2012) in Bezug auf kulturelle Bildung zu verringern, eine „Grundversorgung" (ebd.) sicherzustellen und im demokratischen Sinne niemanden von der Alphabetisierung in Sachen Kunst auszuschließen (Völckers, 2007). Die Teilnahme von Kindern an Instrumentalunterricht während der Grundschulzeit wird hier also als ein Aspekt aktiver kultureller Teilhabe gedeutet und wird im Folgenden einer Analyse unterzogen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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There is evidence that students benefit from teachers’ explicit fostering of metacognitive strategy knowledge (MSK). However, there is insufficient understanding about the effect of implicit promotion of MSK in regular school instruction. This study investigates the relationship between perceived characteristics of learning environments (social climate, support, autonomy, self-reflection) and students’ MSK. A representative cohort of students (Nt1 = 1,272/Nt2 = 1,126) in Grades 10 and 11 at schools at the upper secondary education level (ISCED Level 3A) in Switzerland participated in this two-wave longitudinal study. Multilevel analysis showed effects on both the individual and the class level. Students who experienced higher social integration showed a higher extent of MSK at the beginning of the school year than students who experienced less social integration. Perceived autonomy was also positively related to students’ MSK on the individual level. In contrast, the results showed a negative relationship between perceived self-reflection and students’ MSK. On the class level, there was a negative relationship between self-reflection and students’ MSK. Teachers’ support did not correlate with students’ MSK on either the individual or the class level. Implications of these results for education and further studies are discussed. (DIPF/Orig.)


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The main contribution of this special issue is to present evaluation studies involving large-scale experiences of implementation of positive parenting programs delivered through home, group-based, and on-line formats in Spain. Two research questions were addressed: (1) what factors affect implementation; and (2) for whom and under which implementation conditions the programs lead to positive outcomes. Target populations were mainly families from low and middle socioeconomic backgrounds, and parents at psychosocial risk attending family support services in need of improving their parenting skills. All the programs fall under the umbrella of the positive parenting initiative launched by the Council of Europe, are evidence-based, follow a collaborative schema with national, regional, or local authorities, have multi-site implementation, and are supported by highly experienced researchers from Spanish universities. Special attention is given to the program adaptations to different contexts, the profile of parents who benefited most from the programs, analyses of the implementation process, and the assessment of parenting programs in the community. The information provided will help to increase our knowledge of evidence-based parenting programs in Spain, their implementation processes and results, and the future challenges that need to be addressed to continue the current expansion of evidence-based parenting programs.


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The universities rely on the Information Technology (IT) projects to support and enhance their core strategic objectives of teaching, research, and administration. The researcher’s literature review found that the level of IT funding and resources in the universities is not adequate to meet the IT demands. The universities received more IT project requests than they could execute. As such, universities must selectively fund the IT projects. The objectives of the IT projects in the universities vary. An IT project which benefits the teaching functions may not benefit the administrative functions. As such, the selection of an IT project is challenging in the universities. To aid with the IT decision making, many universities in the United States of America (USA) have formed the IT Governance (ITG) processes. ITG is an IT decision making and accountability framework whose purpose is to align the IT efforts in an organization with its strategic objectives, realize the value of the IT investments, meet the expected performance criteria, and manage the risks and the resources (Weil & Ross, 2004). ITG in the universities is relatively new, and it is not well known how the ITG processes are aiding the nonprofit universities in selecting the right IT projects, and managing the performance of these IT projects. This research adds to the body of knowledge regarding the IT project selection under the governance structure, the maturity of the IT projects, and the IT project performance in the nonprofit universities. The case study research methodology was chosen for this exploratory research. The convenience sampling was done to choose the cases from two large, research universities with decentralized colleges, and two small, centralized universities. The data were collected on nine IT projects from these four universities using the interviews and the university documents. The multi-case analysis was complemented by the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) to systematically analyze how the IT conditions lead to an outcome. This research found that the IT projects were selected in the centralized universities in a more informed manner. ITG was more authoritative in the small centralized universities; the ITG committees were formed by including the key decision makers, the decision-making roles, and responsibilities were better defined, and the frequency of ITG communication was higher. In the centralized universities, the business units and colleges brought the IT requests to ITG committees; which in turn prioritized the IT requests and allocated the funds and the resources to the IT projects. ITG committee members in the centralized universities had a higher awareness of the university-wide IT needs, and the IT projects tended to align with the strategic objectives. On the other hand, the decentralized colleges and business units in the large universities were influential and often bypassed the ITG processes. The decentralized units often chose the “pet” IT projects, and executed them within a silo, without bringing them to the attention of the ITG committees. While these IT projects met the departmental objectives, they did not always align with the university’s strategic objectives. This research found that the IT project maturity in the university could be increased by following the project management methodologies. The IT project management maturity was found higher in the IT projects executed by the centralized university, where a full-time project manager was assigned to manage the project, and the project manager had a higher expertise in the project management. The IT project executed under the guidance of the Project Management Office (PMO) has exhibited a higher project management maturity, as the PMO set the standards and controls for the project. The IT projects managed by the decentralized colleges by a part-time project manager with lower project management expertise have exhibited a lower project management maturity. The IT projects in the decentralized colleges were often managed by the business, or technical leads, who often lacked the project management expertise. This research found that higher the IT project management maturity, the better is the project performance. The IT projects with a higher maturity had a lower project delay, lower number of missed requirements, and lower number of IT system errors. This research found that the quality of IT decision in the university could be improved by centralizing the IT decision-making processes. The IT project management maturity could be improved by following the project management methodologies. The stakeholder management and communication were found critical for the success of the IT projects in the university. It is hoped that the findings from this research would help the university leaders make the strategic IT decisions, and the university’s IT project managers make the IT project decisions.


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Resumen La Evaluación Múlticriterio (EMC), integra las diferentes dimensiones de una realidad en un sólo marco de análisis, para brindar un acercamiento de la gestión del recurso hídrico en los cantones Barva, Santa Bárbara y San Rafael de Heredia, con el objetivo de generar las políticas hídricas locales adecuadas. Esta estructura metodológica presenta una gran transparencia como herramienta en la toma de decisiones, identificando claramente los diferentes actores involucrados, describiendo, al mismo tiempo los problemas de gestión del recurso hídrico en la zona; a la vez que permite delimitar los conflictos sociales y mostrar diferentes posibilidades para su solución a través de compromisos y diálogo entre las partes. De éste diálogo emergen soluciones concretas, estructuradas como políticas locales hídricas, tales como: Planes de Gestión Hídrica, Inversión Pública y Privada, Coordinación Institucional, Reforma Institucional/legal. La zona presenta una atmósfera conflictiva alrededor de la gestión del agua y por tanto en la estructuración de políticas hídricas locales. Esta conflictividad ‘sectorial’(es decir por cantón) se superpone a una extraordinaria conflictividad ‘territorial’. La escasez o competencia sobre el agua se fundamenta en unas demandas crecientes que son expresión de un proceso de desarrollo urbano y turístico acelerado y desordenado.   Abstract The Evaluation Multi-criteria analysis (EMA), integrates the different dimensions of a reality in an analysis mark, to offer an approach of the administration of the hydric resources in the Heredia´s cities of Barva, Santa Bárbara and San Rafael, with the objective of generating the local adequate hydrics policies. This methodological structure presents a great transparency like tool in the taking of decisions, identifying the different involved actors clearly, describing, at the same time, the problems of administration of the hydric resources in the area; and at the same time, it allows to define the social conflicts, as showing different possibilities for their solution through commitments and dialogue among the parts. Of this dialogue concrete solutions they emerge, structured as hydrics local policies, such as: Plans of hydric management, Public and Private Investment, Institutional Coordination, Institucional/legal reforms. The area presents a conflicting atmosphere around the administration of the water and therefore in the structuring of local hydrics policies. This conflict 'sectorial' (to say for canton) it is superimposed to an extraordinary 'territorial' conflict. The shortage or competition for water are based in some growing demands that are expression of a process of quick and disordered urban and tourist development.


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O presente relatório, inserido no Mestrado em Gestão do Território, Área de Especialização em Deteção Remota e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica, lecionado pelo Departamento de Geografia e Planeamento Regional da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, pretende descrever o trabalho desenvolvido pelo mestrando enquanto estagiário no Observatório do Tráfico de Seres Humanos (OTSH). O relatório está estruturado em três capítulos distintos. No primeiro capítulo é realizada uma abordagem teórica sobre o Tráfico de Seres Humanos e a distinção entre o mesmo com o Auxílio à Imigração Ilegal. Neste, é também feita uma pequena referência à problemática dos novos fluxos de refugiados/migrantes que, no momento da realização do mesmo, constituem uma questão bastante complexa sobretudo ao nível europeu. No segundo capítulo é realizada uma caracterização da área de estudo, assim como a descrição dos dados utilizados e a metodologia aplicada no mesmo. No terceiro capítulo são apresentados os resultados finais do estudo e a cartografia de síntese que sustenta os mesmos. Para a realização deste estudo recorreu-se a uma análise multicritério em SIG para prever a localização de áreas de maior suscetibilidade de ocorrência de novos casos relativos ao crime do tráfico de seres humanos para exploração laboral na agricultura, na região do Alentejo (distritos de Beja, Évora e Portalegre), através do recurso a dados estatísticos disponibilizados tanto pelo OTSH, como por outras entidades. A metodologia apresentada integra um SIG baseado num modelo raster com o Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Através da realização deste estudo, a importância dos SIG como ferramenta no auxílio ao processo de tomada de decisão, pôde ser testada, conjuntamente com o processo metodológico AHP, através dos resultados apresentados. Com um possível desenvolvimento deste modelo analítico, pretende-se que o mesmo seja adaptável a outras regiões e em última instância, outros tipos de exploração e/ou tráfico.


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The study of Quality of Life (Qol) has been conducted on various scales throughout the years with focus on assessing overall quality of living amongst citizens. The main focus in these studies have been on economic factors, with the purpose of creating a Quality of Life Index (QLI).When it comes down to narrowing the focus to the environment and factors like Urban Green Spaces (UGS) and air quality the topic gets more focused on pointing out how each alternative meets this certain criteria. With the benefits of UGS and a healthy environment in focus a new Environmental Quality of Life Index (EQLI) will be proposed by incorporating Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Working with MCA on complex environmental problems and incorporating it with GIS is a challenging but rewarding task, and has proven to be an efficient approach among environmental scientists. Background information on three MCA methods will be shown: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Regime Analysis and PROMETHEE. A survey based on a previous study conducted on the status of UGS within European cities was sent to 18 municipalities in the study area. The survey consists of evaluating the current status of UGS as well as planning and management of UGS with in municipalities for the purpose of getting criteria material for the selected MCA method. The current situation of UGS is assessed with use of GIS software and change detection is done on a 10 year period using NDVI index for comparison purposes to one of the criteria in the MCA. To add to the criteria, interpolation of nitrogen dioxide levels was performed with ordinary kriging and the results transformed into indicator values. The final outcome is an EQLI map with indicators of environmentally attractive municipalities with ranking based on predefinedMCA criteria using PROMETHEE I pairwise comparison and PROMETHEE II complete ranking of alternatives. The proposed methodology is applied to Lisbon’s Metropolitan Area, Portugal.