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In order to assay the triatomine infestation and domiciliation in the rural area of Jaguaruana district, state of Ceará, Brazil, we studied, from November 2000 to April 2002, 4 localities comprising 158 domiciles as a whole, with an average of 4 inhabitants/house, who are dwelling in there for more than 7 years. Most houses have tile-covered roofs and the walls built with plaster-covered bricks (57%), followed by bricks without plaster (33%), and mud walls (7.5%). A total of 3082 triatomines were captured from different locations, according to the following capture plan: (a) intradomiciles: 238 Triatoma brasiliensis, 6 T. pseudomaculata, 9 Rhodnius nasutus, and 2 Panstrongylus lutzi; (b) peridomiciles (annexes): 2069 T. brasiliensis, 223 T. pseudomaculata, 121 R. nasutus, and 1 P. lutzi; (c) wild, in carnauba palms (Copernicia prunifera): 413 R. nasutus. From the captured triatomines, 1773 (57.5%) were examined. The natural index of Trypanosoma cruzi infection ranged from 10.8% to 30.2% (average of 17%), depending on the species and the location from where the triatomines were captured.
Insecticide effects of deltamethrin 2.5% SC (flowable solution) on different substrates and triatomine infestation rates in two indigenous villages (Estancia Salzar and Nueva Promesa) of the Paraguayan Chaco are reported. This field study was carried out to determine the extent to which variability in spray penetration may affect residual action of the insecticide. A total of 117 houses in the two villages were sprayed. Filter papers discs were placed on aluminium foil pinned to walls and roofs in selected houses and the applied insecticide concentration was determined by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The target dose rate was 25 mg a.i./m². The mean actual applied dose in Estancia Salazar was 11.2 ± 3.1 mg a.i./m² in walls and 11.9 ± 5.6 mg a.i./m² in roofs while in Nueva Promesa, where duplicates were carried out, the mean values were 19.9 ± 6.9 mg a.i./m² and 34.7 ± 10.4 mg a.i./m² in walls and 28.8 ± 19.2 mg a.i./m² and 24.9 ± 21.8 mg a.i./m² in roofs. This shows the unevenness and variability of applied doses during spraying campaigns, and also the reduced coverage over roof surfaces. However, wall bioassays with Triatoma infestans nymphs in a 72 h exposure test showed that deposits of deltamethrin persisted in quantities sufficient to kill triatomines until three months post spraying. Knockdown by deltamethrin on both types of surfaces resulted in 100% final mortality. A lower insecticidal effect was observed on mud walls. However, three months after treatment, sprayed lime-coated mud surfaces displayed a twofold greater capacity (57.5%) to kill triatomines than mud sprayed surfaces (25%). Re-infestation was detected by manual capture only in one locality, six months after spraying,
Both sexes of Sergentomyia (Parrotomyia) rectangulata sp. nov. from southern India are described with illustrations. The specimens were collected in tree holes, termite mounds, cattle sheds and mud-walled, thatched roof human dwellings in rural areas. Our findings reveal similarity with Sergentomyia (Parrotomyia) modii Lewis.
Peri-urban infestations with triatomine bugs, their sources and their dynamics have rarely been investigated. Here, we corroborated the reported occurrence of Triatoma infestans in a peri-urban area and in neighbouring rural houses in Pampa del Indio, in the Argentine Chaco, and identified its putative sources using spatial analysis and demographic questionnaires. Peri-urban householders reported that 10% of their premises had triatomines, whereas T. infestans was collected by timed manual searches or community-based surveillance in only nine (3%) houses. Trypanosoma cruzi-infected T. infestans and Triatoma sordida were collected indoors only in peri-urban houses and were infected with TcV and TcI, respectively. The triatomines fed on chickens, cats and humans. Peri-urban infestations were most frequent in a squatter settlement and particularly within the recently built mud houses of rural immigrants, with large-sized households, more dogs and cats and more crowding. Several of the observed infestations were most likely associated with passive bug transport from other sources and with active bug dispersal from neighbouring foci. Thus, the households in the squatter settlement were at a greater risk of bug invasion and colonisation. In sum, the incipient process of domestic colonisation and transmission, along with persistent rural-to-urban migratory flows and unplanned urbanisation, indicate the need for active vector surveillance and control actions at the peri-urban interface of the Gran Chaco.
Early Cretaceous life and the environment were strongly influenced by the accelerated break up of Pangaea, which was associated with the formation of a multitude of rift basins, intensified spreading, and important volcanic activity on land and in the sea. These processes likely interacted with greenhouse conditions, and Early Cretaceous climate oscillated between "normal" greenhouse, predominantly arid conditions, and intensified greenhouse, predominantly humid conditions. Arid conditions were important during the latest Jurassic and early Berriasian, the late Barremian, and partly also during the late Aptian. Humid conditions were particularly intense and widespread during shorter episodes of environmental change (EECs): the Valanginian Weissert, the latest Hauterivian Faraoni, the latest Barremian earliest Aptian Taxy, the early Aptian Selli, the early late Aptian Fallot and the late Aptian-early Albian Paquier episodes. Arid conditions were associated with evaporation, low biogeochemical weathering rates, low nutrient fluxes, and partly stratified oceans, leading to oxygen depletion and enhanced preservation of laminated, organic-rich mud (LOM). Humid conditions enabled elevated biogeochemical weathering rates and nutrient fluxes, important runoff and the buildup of freshwater lids in proximal basins, intensified oceanic and atmospheric circulation, widespread upwelling and phosphogenesis, important primary productivity and enhanced preservation of LOM in expanded oxygen-minimum zones. The transition of arid to humid climates may have been associated with the net transfer of water to the continent owing to the infill of dried-out groundwater reservoirs in internally drained inland basins. This resulted in shorter-term sea-level fall, which was followed by sea-level rise. These sea-level changes and the influx of freshwater into the ocean may have influenced oxygen-isotope signatures. Climate change preceding and during the Early Cretaceous EECs may have been rapid, but in general, the EECs had a "pre"-history, during which the stage was set for environmental change. Negative feedback on the climate through increased marine LOM preservation was unlikely, because of the low overall organic-carbon accumulation rates during these episodes. Life and climate co-evolved during the Early Cretaceous. Arid conditions may have affected continental life, such as across the Tithonian/Berriasian boundary. Humid conditions and the corresponding tendency to develop dys- to anaerobic conditions in deeper ocean waters led to phases of accelerated extinction in oceans, but may have led to more luxuriant vegetation cover on continents, such as during the Valanginian, to the benefit of herbivores. During Early Cretaceous EECs, reef systems and carbonate platforms in general were particularly vulnerable. They were the first to disappear and the last to recover, often only after several million years. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Melipona bicolor schencki occurs in southern Brazil and at high elevations in southeastern Brazil. It has potential for use in meliponiculture but this stingless bee species is vulnerable to extinction and we have little knowledge about its ecology. In order to gather essential information for species conservation and management, we made a study of seasonal flight activities in its natural environment. We sampled bees entering the nests with pollen, nectar/water and resin/mud, in five colonies during each season. In parallel, we analyzed the influence of hour of the day and meteorological factors on flight activity. Flights were most intense during spring and summer, with daily mean estimates of 2,100 and 2,333 flights respectively, while in fall and winter the daily flight estimate was reduced to 612 and 1,104 flights, respectively. Nectar and water were the most frequently-collected resources, followed by pollen and building materials. This preference occurred in all seasons, but with variations in intensity. During spring, daily flight activity lasted over 14 hours; this period was reduced in the other seasons, reaching eight hours in winter. Meteorological factors were associated with 40.2% of the variation in flight and resource collection activity. Apparently, other factors that we did not measure, such as colony needs and availability of floral resources, also strongly influence the intensity of resource collection.
On the nesting biology of Pirhosigma Giordani Soika (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae), with special reference to the use of vegetable matter. The use of vegetable matter in nest building is not widespread among the Eumeninae, and is reported for the first time for the two species of potter wasps Pirhosigma superficiale and P. limpidum. These wasps make mostly spherical mud nests over which they attach small pieces of unmasticated plant matter. Use of plant fragments in this group of wasps is interpreted as camouflage behavior.
Con relación a un programa de monitoreo de la especie en los alrededores de las islas Lobos de Afuera, se estudiaron aspectos biológicos pesqueros, abundancia relativa, y esfuerzo pesqueros de la anguila común en relación a parámetros ambientales.
Durante El Niño 1997, se estudiaron los sedimentos marinos superficiales de la bahía del Callao (11°50’S a 12°06’S), en 68 estaciones de muestreo situadas al interior de la bahía, incluyendo Ventanilla. Se situaron 35 estaciones complementarias entre las desembocaduras de los ríos Rímac y Chillón donde se concentran las descargas de desechos industriales, urbanos y de actividad portuaria. Se realizaron tres transectos, frente a: playa Ventanilla, al colector Comas y a Chucuito-La Punta. Frente a la playa Márquez se encuentra textura areno arcillosa y hacia el norte predomina el fango; frente a Oquendo las texturas son fango y arena arcillosa. Sedimentos de grano fino, con textura limo arcillosa y arcillo limosa existen en el fondo marino de zonas más profundas y alejadas de la costa; pero también están cerca de la costa, al sur y suroeste de la zona de operaciones portuarias, frente a Chucuito y La Punta. Texturas de arena se registraron al norte del río Chillón (La Pampilla y Ventanilla), en los alrededores del banco Camotal y frente a La Punta. En las áreas más profundas y abrigadas de la bahía, los sedimentos con granulometría muy fina presentan valores negativos de asimetría, característicos de ambientes de sedimentación. En sectores donde existen sedimentos de grano más grueso ocurren procesos de transporte (tipo y forma de ondulaciones) y erosión, apreciables en imágenes del fondo, y en el análisis de parámetros estadísticos. Los altos contenidos de materia orgánica se encuentran asociados a sedimentos de grano fino en ambientes de sedimentación principalmente, está condicionado por la tasa de aporte y origen (antrópico, marino o continental) y por las condiciones de escaso oxígeno que favorecen su preservación. Los más bajos contenidos orgánicos frente a la zona costera de Ventanilla, están asociadas a sedimentos con predominancia de fracciones de arena y origen terrígeno y mayor oxigenación.
En el Perú se han registrado 15 especies de estomatópodos “camarones brujo”, en esta clave sólo se han incluido 12 especies. En cuanto a los decápodos (langostinos, camarones, maruchas, muy-muyes, langostas, ermitaños, centollas y cangrejos) se incluyen 267 especies de las 403 registradas para Perú, correspondiéndole 15 especies a langostas, 73 especies a los anomuros y 179 especies a los braquiuros.
Se realizaron 2 evaluaciones, en agosto y noviembre-diciembre 2010, entre la desembocadura del Dren 1000 (Bodegones) y la del río Zaña. En el intermareal se registró la mayor temperatura superficial del mar, se registró anomalías de hasta +8,1°C (desembocadura del Dren 1000). En agosto en el submareal, la temperatura promedio fue 16,3 °C; en noviembre-diciembre fue 15,9 °C. Similar tendencia en superficie y fondo se observó en el oxígeno disuelto. Mayor cantidad de sólidos suspendidos totales (SST) se registró alrededor de la desembocadura del Dren 4000 (137,93 mg/L), sobrepasando los límites permisibles para aguas de CEMC y AMC. Aceites y grasas fluctuaron entre 0 y 0,3 mg/L encontrándose dentro de los límites permisibles de CEMC y AMC. En el submareal, los Coliformes Totales (CT) y coliformes Termotolerantes (CTT) cumplieron con la Ley General de Aguas para la clase V y VI; en el intermareal la demanda bioquímica de oxigeno (DBO5) en la desembocadura del Dren 3100, sobrepasó los límites permisibles de calidad de agua. En agosto se registraron 39 especies en el bentos, en noviembre y diciembre fueron 27 especies. Los índices de diversidad de Shannon Wiener y riqueza de especies del macrobentos submareal, se incrementaron de norte a sur, debido al predominio del sustrato fango-arenoso. Los puntos de alteración ambiental fueron las desembocaduras de los drenes 1000, 3100 y 4000, que reciben aguas servidas y desechos orgánicos e industriales de los centros poblados de Lambayeque, Pimentel y Santa Rosa, respectivamente.
Basados en la compilación de resultados de análisis sedimentológicos (granulometría, contenido orgánico) de 1191 estaciones realizadas por IMARPE, de 1975 a 2001, la compilación de información sobre el tema entre los 3°30’S y los 15°30’S y con el conocimiento de la morfología del fondo marino de esta región, se definen tres grandes áreas: al norte de los 6°15’S, de 6°15’S a 9°30’S y entre 9°30’ y 15°30’S. Entre los 3°30’ y los 6°15’S los contenidos de materia orgánica son mayores a 5% y menores a 10%, el carbono orgánico predomina con valores <1% a 2%. Los sedimentos corresponden a facies de fango y arenas, de origen terrígeno. El ancho de la plataforma es variable aproximadamente de 3 a 30 mn (14 mn promedio), la pendiente del talud superior es bastante pronunciada, presenta caídas bruscas. El relieve es disparejo, con fuertes desmembramientos en el borde exterior de la plataforma y el talud superior debido a que se encuentra surcado por cañones submarinos. En el extremo noroccidental de esta zona, se halla el Banco de Máncora cuyo fondo es rocoso e irregular. Entre los 6°30’S y los 9°30’S los contenidos de materia orgánica se incrementan de 5% a 15%, los contenidos de carbono orgánico son >2% y llegan a 5%, en algunos casos localmente superan este valor casi en tres puntos más. En los sedimentos del sector norte de esta zona predominan facies texturales de arenas y fango de origen terrígeno y también biógenos (foraminíferos), hacia el sur de esta zona predominan sedimentos de origen biogénico y autigénico (principalmente fosforita). El ancho de la plataforma se incrementa hasta alcanzar su máxima magnitud, esta es variable, aproximadamente de 22 a 70 mn. El talud superior tiene un declive moderado. El relieve del fondo marino en el borde exterior de la plataforma y talud superior se hallan surcados por cañones submarinos (7° - 9°S). Frente a Punta Chao aproximadamente a 65 mn se encuentra el Banco de Chimbote cuyo fondo es rocoso e irregular. La granulometría de los sedimentos y sus estadígrafos muestran un cambio definido desde los 10°30’S. Desde los 9°30’ a los 15°45’S los valores de materia orgánica por lo general sobrepasan el 15% y pueden alcanzar hasta 32,12%, los contenidos de carbono orgánico varían de 5% a 11,14%. En esta zona se encuentra presente, principalmente fango limoso y fango arcilloso terrígeno y biógeno (diatoméico). El ancho de la plataforma varía de modo general entre 10 y 50 mn (24 mn promedio aproximadamente). La pendiente del talud superior es suave en casi toda su extensión, el relieve del fondo marino es bastante uniforme, surcado por algunos pequeños cañones submarinos que no afectan la regularidad del relieve. De la interpretación de la data, análisis de parámetros estadísticos generados y condiciones de los sedimentos, se encontró coincidencia en la zona de la plataforma y talud superior de más de uno de los factores medio ambiente deposicional que permiten la preservación del contenido de materia orgánica tales como: Tipo y condiciones geoquímicas del sedimento y fondo marino, morfología del fondo marino, hidrodinámica, fuente de suministro, tasa de sedimentación, bioturbación.
High-resolution side scan sonar has been used for mapping the seafloor of the Ría de Pontevedra. Four backscatter patterns have been mapped within the Ría: (1) Pattern with isolated reflections, correlated with granite and metamorphic outcrops and located close to the coastal prominence and Ons and Onza Islands. (2) Pattern of strong reflectivity usually located around the basement outcrops and near the coastline and produced by coarse-grained sediment. (3) Pattern of weak backscatter is correlated with fine sand to mud and comprising large areas in the central and deep part of the Ría, where the bottom currents are weak. It is generally featureless, except where pockmarks and anthropogenic features are present. (4) Patches of strong and weak backscatter are located in the boundary between coarse and fine-grained sediments and they are due to the effect of strong bottom currents. The presence of megaripples associated to both patterns of strong reflectivity and sedimentary patches indicate bedload transport of sediment during high energy conditions (storms). Side scan sonar records and supplementary bathymetry, bottom samples and hydrodynamic data reveal that the distribution of seafloor sediment is strongly related to oceanographic processes and the particular morphology and topography of the Ría.
Safety i s a very important aspect o f the highway program. The Iowa DOT initiated an inventory o f the friction values of all paved primary roadways i n 1969. This inventory, with an ASTM E-274 test unit, has continued to the present time. The t e s t i n g frequency varies based upon traffic volume and the previous friction value. Historically , the state o f Iowa constructed a substantial amount o f pcc pavement during the 1928-30 period t o "get Iowa out o f the mud". Some of that pavement has never been resurfaced and has been subjected to more than 50 years o f wear. The textured surface has been worn away and has subsequently polished. Even though some pavements from 15 t o 50 years old continue t o function structurally , because of the loss of friction , they do not provide the desired level o f safety to the driver. As a temporary measure, "Sl ippery -When -Wet " signs have been posted on many older pcc roads due to friction numbers below t h e desirable level. These signs warn the motorist of the current conditions. An economical method of restoring the high quality frictional properties i s needed.
New biostratigraphic data significantly improve the age assignment of the Ladinian succession of Monte San Giorgio (UNESCO World Heritage List site, Southern Alps, Switzerland), whose world-famous fossil marine vertebrate faunas are now dated to the substage and zone levels. High-resolution single-zircon U-Pb dating was performed using ID-TIMS and chemical abrasion (CA) pre-treatment technique on volcanic ash layers intercalated in the biostratigraphically-defined intervals of the Meride Limestone. It yielded ages of 241.07 +/- 0.13 Ma (Cava superiore beds, P. gredleri Zone), 240.63 +/- 0.13 Ma (Cassina beds, P gredleri/P. archelaus transition Zone) and 239.51 +/- 0.15 Ma (Lower Kalkschieferzone, P. archelaus Zone). Our results suggest that the time interval including the vertebrate-bearing Middle Triassic section spans around 4 Myr and is thus significantly shorter than so far assumed. The San Giorgio Dolomite and the Meride Limestone correlate with intervals of the Buchenstein Formation and the Wengen Formation in the reference section at Bagolino, where the Global boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Ladinian was defined. The new radio-isotopic ages of the Meride Limestone are up to 2 Myr older than those published for the biostratigraphically-equivalent intervals at Bagolino but they are consistent with the recent re-dating of the underlying Besano Formation, also performed using the CA technique. Average sedimentation rates at Monte San Giorgio are by more than an order of magnitude higher compared to those assumed for the Buchenstein Formation, which formed under sediment-starved pelagic conditions, and reflect prevailing high subsidence and high carbonate mud supply from the adjoining Salvatore/Esino platforms. Finally, the high-resolution U-Pb ages allow a correlation of the vertebrate faunas of the Cava superiore/Cava inferiore beds with the marine vertebrate record of the Prosanto Formation (Upper Austroalpine), so far precluded by the poor biostratigraphic control of the latter.