975 resultados para mu-oxo ruthenium trinuclear complexes


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Dans certaines conditions pathologiques, telles que l'hypertension artérielle ou l'infarctus du myocarde, le coeur répond à une augmentation de la post-charge par des processus de remodelage aboutissant à une hypertrophie du ventricule gauche. L'hypertrophie cardiaque est caractérisée par une croissance hypertrophique des cardiomyocytes, ainsi que par une différenciation des fibroblastes en un phenotype présentant une capacité accrue de synthèse protéiques, nommés myofibroblastes. Ceci résulte en une accumulation excessive des constituants de la matrice extracellulaire, ou autrement dit fibrose. En raison de son effet délétère sur la contractilité du coeur, menant sur le long terme à une insuffisance cardiaque, de nombreux efforts ont été déployés, afin de définir les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la réponse profibrotique. A ce jour, de nombreuses études indiquent que la petite GTPase RhoA pourrait être un médiateur important de la réponse profibrotique du myocarde. Cependant, les facteurs d'échanges impliqués dans la transduction de signaux profibrotiques, via la régulation de son activité au niveau des fibroblastes cardiaques, n'ont pas encore été identifiés. De précédentes études menées dans le laboratoire, ont identifiées une nouvelle protein d'ancrage de la PKA, exprimée majoritairement dans le coeur, nommée AKAP-Lbc. Il a été montré que cette protéine, en plus de sa fonction de protein d'ancrage, possédait une activité de facteur d'échange de nucléotide guanine (GEF) pour la petite GTPase RhoA. Au niveau des cardiomyocytes, il a été montré que l'AKAP-Lbc participe à une voie de signalisation pro-hypertrophique, incluant la sous-unité alpha de la protéine G hétérotrimerique G12 et RhoA. Chose intéressante, des observations antérieures à cette étude, indiquent que dans le coeur, l'AKAP-Lbc est également exprimée dans les fibroblastes. Cependant aucunes études n'a encore reporté de fonction pour ce facteur d'échange dans les fibroblastes cardiaques. Dans ce travail, les résultats obtenus indiquent que dans les fibroblastes cardiaques, I'activation de RhoA par l'AKAP-Lbc est impliquée dans la transmission de signaux profibrotiques, en aval des récépteurs à l'angiotensine II. En particulier, nous avons observé que la suppression de l'expression de l'AKAP-Lbc dans les fibroblastes ventriculaires de rat adultes, réduisait fortement Γ activation de Rho induite par l'angiotensine II, la déposition de collagène, la capacité migratoire des fibroblastes ainsi que leur différenciation en myofibroblastes. A notre connaissance, l'AKAP-Lbc est le premier RhoGEF identifié comme médiateur de la réponse profibrotique dans les fibroblastes cardiaques. - In pathological conditions such as chronic hypertension or myocardial infarction, the myocardium is subjected to various biomechanical and biochemical stresses, and undergoes an adverse ventricular remodelling process associated with cardiomyocytes hypertrophy and excess deposition of extracellular matrix proteins resulting in fibrosis. During the fibrotic response, cardiac fibroblasts differentiate into a more mobile and contractile phenotype termed myofibroblasts. These cells, possess a greater synthetic ability to produce ECM proteins and have been implicated in diseases with increased ECM deposition including cardiac fibrosis. Because fibrosis impairs myocardial contractility and is associated with the progression to heart failure, a major cause of lethality worldwide, many efforts have been made to define the molecular players involved in this process. During these last years, increasing evidence suggests a role for the small GTPase RhoA in mediating the fibrotic response in CFbs. However the identity of the exchange factors that modulate its activity and transduce fibrotic signals in CFbs is still unknown. Earlier work in our laboratory identified a novel PKA anchoring protein expressed in the heart termed AKAP-Lbc that has been shown to function as anchoring protein as well as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for the small GTPase RhoA. In response to several hypertrophic stimuli we have shown that RhoGEF activity of AKAP-Lbc mediated by Gan promotes the activation of a signaling pathway including RhoA, leading to cardiomyocytes hypertrophy. Within the heart, previous observations made in the laboratory indicated that AKAP-Lbc was also expressed in fibroblasts. However its role in cardiac fibroblasts remained to be determined. In the present study, we show that AKAP-Lbc is critical for activating RhoA and transducing profibrotic signals downstream of angiotensin II receptors in cardiac fibroblasts. In particular, our results indicate that suppression of AKAP-Lbc expression by infecting adult rat ventricular fibroblasts with lentiviruses encoding AKAP-Lbc specific short hairpin RNAs strongly reduces angiotensin II-induced RhoA activation, collagen deposition as well as cell migration and differentiation. These findings identify AKAP-Lbc as the first Rho-guanine nucleotide exchange factor involved in a profibrotic signalling pathway at the level of cardiac fibroblasts.


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Sadannan vaikutus vedenpinnan tasoon kohosuolla


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) replicates its genome in a membrane-associated replication complex, composed of viral proteins, replicating RNA and altered cellular membranes. We describe here HCV replicons that allow the direct visualization of functional HCV replication complexes. Viable replicons selected from a library of Tn7-mediated random insertions in the coding sequence of nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) allowed the identification of two sites near the NS5A C terminus that tolerated insertion of heterologous sequences. Replicons encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP) at these locations were only moderately impaired for HCV RNA replication. Expression of the NS5A-GFP fusion protein could be demonstrated by immunoblot, indicating that the GFP was retained during RNA replication and did not interfere with HCV polyprotein processing. More importantly, expression levels were robust enough to allow direct visualization of the fusion protein by fluorescence microscopy. NS5A-GFP appeared as brightly fluorescing dot-like structures in the cytoplasm. By confocal laser scanning microscopy, NS5A-GFP colocalized with other HCV nonstructural proteins and nascent viral RNA, indicating that the dot-like structures, identified as membranous webs by electron microscopy, represent functional HCV replication complexes. These findings reveal an unexpected flexibility of the C-terminal domain of NS5A and provide tools for studying the formation and turnover of HCV replication complexes in living cells.


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The basic photosynthetic unit containing the reaction centre and the light-harvesting I complex (RC-LHI) of the purple non-sulphur bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum was purified and reconstituted into two-dimensional (2D) membrane crystals. Transmission electron microscopy using conventional techniques and cryoelectron microscopy of the purified single particles and of 2D crystals yielded a projection of the RC-LHI complex at a resolution of at least 1.6 nm. In this projection the LHI ring appears to have a square symmetry and packs in a square crystal lattice. The square geometry of the LHI ring was observed also in images of single isolated particles of the RC-LHI complex. However, although the LHI units are packed identically within the crystal lattice, a new rotational analysis developed here showed that the reaction centres take up one of four possible orientations within the ring. This fourfold disorder supports our interpretation of a square ring symmetry and suggests that a hitherto undetected component may be present within the photosynthetic unit.


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Sequentially along B cell differentiation, the different classes of membrane Ig heavy chains associate with the Ig alpha/Ig beta heterodimer within the B cell receptor (BCR). Whether each Ig class conveys specific signals adapted to the corresponding differentiation stage remains debated. We investigated the impact of the forced expression of an IgA-class receptor throughout murine B cell differentiation by knocking in the human C alpha Ig gene in place of the S mu region. Despite expression of a functional BCR, homozygous mutant mice showed a partial developmental blockade at the pro-B/pre-BI and large pre-BII cell stages, with decreased numbers of small pre-BII cells. Beyond this stage, peripheral B cell compartments of reduced size developed and allowed specific antibody responses, whereas mature cells showed constitutive activation and a strong commitment to plasma cell differentiation. Secreted IgA correctly assembled into polymers, associated with the murine J chain, and was transported into secretions. In heterozygous mutants, cells expressing the IgA allele competed poorly with those expressing IgM from the wild-type allele and were almost undetectable among peripheral B lymphocytes, notably in gut-associated lymphoid tissues. Our data indicate that the IgM BCR is more efficient in driving early B cell education and in mucosal site targeting, whereas the IgA BCR appears particularly suited to promoting activation and differentiation of effector plasma cells.


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Intestinal microfold (M) cells possess a high transcytosis capacity and are able to transport a broad range of materials including particulate antigens, soluble macromolecules, and pathogens from the intestinal lumen to inductive sites of the mucosal immune system. M cells are also the primary pathway for delivery of secretory IgA (SIgA) to the gut-associated lymphoid tissue. However, although the consequences of SIgA uptake by M cells are now well known and described, the mechanisms whereby SIgA is selectively bound and taken up remain poorly understood. Here we first demonstrate that both the Cα1 region and glycosylation, more particularly sialic acid residues, are involved in M cell-mediated reverse transcytosis. Second, we found that SIgA is taken up by M cells via the Dectin-1 receptor, with the possible involvement of Siglec-5 acting as a co-receptor. Third, we establish that transcytosed SIgA is taken up by mucosal CX3CR1⁺ dendritic cells (DCs) via the DC-SIGN receptor. Fourth, we show that mucosal and systemic antibody responses against the HIV p24-SIgA complexes administered orally is strictly dependent on the expression of Dectin-1. Having deciphered the mechanisms leading to specific targeting of SIgA-based Ag complexes paves the way to the use of such a vehicle for mucosal vaccination against various infectious diseases.


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Stable ternary transcription complexes assembled in vitro, using a HeLa whole-cell extract, have been isolated and visualized by electron microscopy. The formation of these stable complexes on the DNA fragment used as template, the 5' end region of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin gene B2, depends on factors present in the whole-cell extract, RNA polymerase II and at least two nucleotides. Interestingly, bending in the DNA fragment was frequently observed at the binding site of RNA polymerase II. Dinucleotides that can prime initiation within a short sequence of approximately 10 contiguous nucleotides centered around the initiation site used in vivo, also favour the formation of stable complexes. In addition, pre-initiation complexes were isolated and it was shown that factors in the extract involved in their formation are more abundant than the RNA polymerase II molecules available for binding. The possible implication of this observation relative to the in vivo situation is discussed.


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This paper reports molar heat capacities of Ru50SixGe(50-x) and Ru40SiyGe(60-y) ternary solid solutions determined by differential scanning calorimetry. A second order transition has been characterised for alloys ranging from Ru40Ge60 to Ru40Si10Ge50 at temperatures ranging from 850 to 1040 K, respectively. Tie lines have been established at 1000-900-800-700-600 degrees C by electron microprobe measurements on annealed alloys of the two phase domains: Ru50SixGe(50-x)-Ru40SiyGe(60-y) and Ru40SiyGe(60-y)-SizGe(100-z).


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A new study in Caenorhabditis elegans shows that homologous autosomes segregate non-randomly with the sex chromosome in the heterogametic sex. Segregation occurs according to size, small autosomes segregating with, and large autosomes segregating away from the X-chromosome. Such sex-biased transmission of autosomes could facilitate the spread of sexually antagonistic alleles whose effects favor the fitness of one sex at the expense of the other. This may provide a first step toward the evolution of new sex determination systems.


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Peptide Ags presented by class I MHC molecules on human melanomas and that are recognized by CD8(+) T cells are the subjects of many studies of antitumor immunity and represent attractive candidates for therapeutic approaches. However, no direct quantitative measurements exist to reveal their expression hierarchy on the cell surface. Using novel recombinant Abs which bind these Ags with a peptide-specific, MHC-restricted manner, we demonstrate a defined pattern of expression hierarchy of peptide-HLA-A2 complexes derived from three major differentiation Ags: gp100, Melan-A/Mart-1, and tyrosinase. Studying melanoma cell lines derived from multiple patients, we reveal a surprisingly high level of presentation of tyrosinase-derived complexes and moderate to very low expression of complexes derived from other Ags. No correlation between Ag presentation and mRNA expression was found; however, protein stability may play a major role. These results provide new insights into the characteristics of Ag presentation and are particularly important when such targets are being considered for immunotherapy. These results may shed new light on relationships between Ag presentation and immune response to cancer Ags.


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The magnetic structure of the [Cu4(bpy)4(aspartate)2(H2O)3](ClO4)4·2.5 H2Ocrystal - using fractional coordinates determined at room-temperature ¿ has beenanalysed in detail. This analysis has been carried out by extending our first principlesbottom-up theoretical approach, which was initially designed to study through-spacemagnetic interactions, to handle through-bond magnetic interactions. The only input datarequired by this approach are the values of the computed JAB exchange parameters for allthe unique pairs of spin-containing centres. The results allow the magnetic structure ofthe crystal, which presents two types of isolated tetranuclear CuII clusters, to be definedin quantitative terms. Each of these clusters presents ferro and antiferromagneticinteractions, the former being stronger, although outnumbered by the latter. Thecomputed magnetic susceptibility curve shows the same qualitative features as theexperimental data. However, there are small differences that are presumed to beassociated with the use of room-temperature crystal coordinates.