999 resultados para montana Tech Library
In this issue...International Club, Circle K Club, The Anaconda Company, Sigma Rho, Y.M.C.A., Michael Hickey, Marcus Daly, Continental Oil Company, Student Union Building
In this issue...St. James Nursing School, Maria Schmalz, Intramural basketball, Henry Ford Museum, Aro Club, Dr. Nile, Y.M.C.A., Bob Laughlin, Marcus Daly
In this issue...Coed Dance, Student Wives Club, Dandy Larson, Intramurals, Coach Ed Simonich, Custer Battlefield, The Anaconda Company, Father Rossi, Montana Power
In this issue...Books for Korea, International Club, U. S. Army, March of Dimes, Bob Knievel, Clark Park, speed skating, Butte Civic Center, Martin White, hockey, Russia
In this issue...Miners hockey, SUB, M Club, Scandia Hall, Canyon Ferry Lake, Georgetown Lake, Orediggers, coffee shop, Metal's Bank, U.S. Mint, Mine Rescue and First Aid
In this issue...M Days, beard contest, Anderson - Carlisle Society, Honor Roll, South Africa, Magma, International Club, First Aid, Bob Hauck, Continental Oil Company, Montana Power
In this issue...Anderson-Carlisle Society, E Days, Rock Hounds, Hebgen Lake, Dr. Sidney R. Groff, Circle K Club, Harlan Higinbotham, coffee shop, Henry Jacobs, Smorgasbord
In this issue...Coach Bill Cullen, Butte Rotary Club, American Cancer Society, Montana AAU, Magma staff, Dr. Arthur L. Underwood, Mines baseball, National Audubon Society
In this issue...Copper Lounge, Small Business Administration, Copper Guards, Marcus Daly, cheating, Student Wive's Club, Red Rooster, Frank Larvie, M- Day
In this issue...Copper Lounge, Union Pacific Railway, Air Force, Circle K Club, Petroleum Engineers, Montana Power Company, Historical Geology Field Trip, Lime Spur Quarry
In this issue...Junior Prom, Finlen Hotel, Miners baseball, Vegas Club, Ken Erickson, Texaco, The Anaconda Company, Butte Rotary Club, college drinking, Dr. Edwin G. Koch
In this issue...Year in Photos, First Semester Experience, Building Butte, Social Security, Book Review, Patrick Rothfuss, Butte Silver-Bow, Charlie Oredigger, ASMT Safe Rides
The possible benefits of oxygen enriched atmosphere roasting have been known to metallurgists for many years, but only since the development of equipment and processes to produce cheap oxygen in very large amounts has much serious consideration been given this matter.
The field work was conducted in areas adjacent to Whitehall, Montana, as has been the custom for the past several years. Instruction in the proper use of the telescopic and open sight alidades, and the Brunton compass for surveying geologic features was given. Advantages of pacing and speedometer mapping were pointed out and used.
Alberta, responsible for ninety per cent of Canada's output, had, by 1947 entered into her fifth year of production decline. Only ten per cent of Canada's oil requirements were secured from home fields. Ninety per cent had to be imported, mainly from the United States. How long could imports be maintained on present levels? During the year, the United States had started rationing; in one sector of its domain. Would this become general? If so, what was the answer for Canada?