986 resultados para money-equivalent value (MEV)


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With deregulation, the total transfer capability (TTC) calculation, which is the basis for evaluating available transfer capability (ATC), has become very significant. TTC is an important index in power markets with large volume of inter-area power exchanges and wheeling transactions taking place on an hourly basis. Its computation helps to achieve a viable technical and commercial transmission operation. The aim of the paper is to evaluate TTC in the interconnections and also to improve it using reactive optimization technique and UPFC devices. Computations are carried out for normal and contingency cases such as single line, tie line and generator outages. Base and optimized results are presented, and the results show how reactive optimization and unified power flow controller help to improve the system conditions. In this paper repeated power flow method is used to calculate TTC due to its ease of implementation. A case study is carried out on a 205 bus equivalent system, a part of Indian Southern grid. Parameters like voltage magnitude, L-index, minimum singular value and MW losses are computed to analyze the system performance.


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The equivalent coefficient of permeability of a stratified soil system calculated theoretically has been observed to be not the same as that directly measured, when the flow is normal to the orientation of the bedding planes. A hypothesis has been proposed in this investigation to explain this deviation according to which the permeability of the exit layer controls whether the measured permeability is greater or lesser than the theoretically calculated value. The proposed hypothesis has been used to successfully and satisfactorily explain the experimental observations made with the two-layer systems. It has been shown that the coefficient of permeability of a soil in a layered system cannot be considered as its property and that it depends upon the permeabilities of adjoining layers, their thicknesses, and the flow direction.


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We address the problem of allocating a single divisible good to a number of agents. The agents have concave valuation functions parameterized by a scalar type. The agents report only the type. The goal is to find allocatively efficient, strategy proof, nearly budget balanced mechanisms within the Groves class. Near budget balance is attained by returning as much of the received payments as rebates to agents. Two performance criteria are of interest: the maximum ratio of budget surplus to efficient surplus, and the expected budget surplus, within the class of linear rebate functions. The goal is to minimize them. Assuming that the valuation functions are known, we show that both problems reduce to convex optimization problems, where the convex constraint sets are characterized by a continuum of half-plane constraints parameterized by the vector of reported types. We then propose a randomized relaxation of these problems by sampling constraints. The relaxed problem is a linear programming problem (LP). We then identify the number of samples needed for ``near-feasibility'' of the relaxed constraint set. Under some conditions on the valuation function, we show that value of the approximate LP is close to the optimal value. Simulation results show significant improvements of our proposed method over the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism without rebates. In the special case of indivisible goods, the mechanisms in this paper fall back to those proposed by Moulin, by Guo and Conitzer, and by Gujar and Narahari, without any need for randomization. Extension of the proposed mechanisms to situations when the valuation functions are not known to the central planner are also discussed. Note to Practitioners-Our results will be useful in all resource allocation problems that involve gathering of information privately held by strategic users, where the utilities are any concave function of the allocations, and where the resource planner is not interested in maximizing revenue, but in efficient sharing of the resource. Such situations arise quite often in fair sharing of internet resources, fair sharing of funds across departments within the same parent organization, auctioning of public goods, etc. We study methods to achieve near budget balance by first collecting payments according to the celebrated VCG mechanism, and then returning as much of the collected money as rebates. Our focus on linear rebate functions allows for easy implementation. The resulting convex optimization problem is solved via relaxation to a randomized linear programming problem, for which several efficient solvers exist. This relaxation is enabled by constraint sampling. Keeping practitioners in mind, we identify the number of samples that assures a desired level of ``near-feasibility'' with the desired confidence level. Our methodology will occasionally require subsidy from outside the system. We however demonstrate via simulation that, if the mechanism is repeated several times over independent instances, then past surplus can support the subsidy requirements. We also extend our results to situations where the strategic users' utility functions are not known to the allocating entity, a common situation in the context of internet users and other problems.


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The relaxor ferroelectric compositions Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O-3 (PEN) and [Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O-3](0.8)-[PbTiO3](0.2) (PMN-PT) are studied for their radiation response to the high energy heavy ions (50 MeV Li3+, fluence 1 X 10(13)-1 X 10(14) ions/cm(2)) in terms of their structural, dielectric and piezoelectric properties. There was no change in the crystallinity of both the compositions after irradiation as seen from the XRD. The PEN composition did not show much change in the dielectric constant but the value of T-m decreased by 8degreesC. The PMN-PT composition showed an increase in the dielectric constant with increase in the irradiation fluence from 1 x 10(13) to 1 X 10(14) ions/cm(2) with no change in the value of T-m. The piezoelectric coefficient decreased in both the samples after irradiation. Among the compositions studied, PEN is observed to be more radiation resistant to changes in structural and dielectric properties than PM-PT. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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One of the major sources of interference for WLANs operating in 2.4GHz unlicensed ISM is Bluetooth (BT). Though OFDM based WLAN's have features like strong immunity to multipath channel effects, its performance detoriates severely whenever there is BT operating nearby. Even for high SIR (Signal to Interference Ratio), performance does not improve much because WLAN is not able to estimate correctly all its channel parameters in presence of BT interference. So, in this paper, the authors propose an algorithm for estimating BT interference and equivalent channel filter tap values.


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In this paper, we consider the problem of selecting, for any given positive integer k, the top-k nodes in a social network, based on a certain measure appropriate for the social network. This problem is relevant in many settings such as analysis of co-authorship networks, diffusion of information, viral marketing, etc. However, in most situations, this problem turns out to be NP-hard. The existing approaches for solving this problem are based on approximation algorithms and assume that the objective function is sub-modular. In this paper, we propose a novel and intuitive algorithm based on the Shapley value, for efficiently computing an approximate solution to this problem. Our proposed algorithm does not use the sub-modularity of the underlying objective function and hence it is a general approach. We demonstrate the efficacy of the algorithm using a co-authorship data set from e-print arXiv (www.arxiv.org), having 8361 authors.


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In this paper we address the problem of forming procurement networks for items with value adding stages that are linearly arranged. Formation of such procurement networks involves a bottom-up assembly of complex production, assembly, and exchange relationships through supplier selection and contracting decisions. Research in supply chain management has emphasized that such decisions need to take into account the fact that suppliers and buyers are intelligent and rational agents who act strategically. In this paper, we view the problem of procurement network formation (PNF) for multiple units of a single item as a cooperative game where agents cooperate to form a surplus maximizing procurement network and then share the surplus in a fair manner. We study the implications of using the Shapley value as a solution concept for forming such procurement networks. We also present a protocol, based on the extensive form game realization of the Shapley value, for forming these networks.


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Prebreakdown currents in a coaxial cylindrical geometry in nitrogen have been measured with and without a crossed magnetic field. The range of parameters used in the investigation are 2.6 ÿ p ÿ 14.5 torr, 50 ÿ (E/p) ÿ 420 V cm-1 torr-1, and 43.0 ÿ H/p ÿ 1185 Oe torr-1 (p is the pressure, E is the electric field, and H is the magnetic field). The initial photoelectric current is obtained by allowing photons produced in an auxiliary glow discharge to strike the cathode. Ions and electrons produced in the auxiliary discharge are prevented from reaching the main gap by suitable shielding. By modifying the Rice equation for back diffusion, the measured ionization current multiplication without a crossed magnetic field is compared with the multiplication predicted by the Townsend growth equation for nonuniform electric fields. It is observed that over the range of 50 Ã�¿ (E/P)max Ã�¿ 250 [(E/P)max is the value of E/p at the central electrode of the coaxial system] measured and calculated multiplication of current agree with each other. With a crossed magnetic field the prebreakdown currents have been measured and compared with the theoretically calculated currents using the equivalent pressure concept. Agreement between the calculated and measured currents is not satisfactory, and this has been attributed more to the uncertainty in the collision frequency data available than nonuniformity of the electric field. Sparking potentials have been measured with and without a crossed magnetic field.


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This paper reports the results of employing an artificial bee colony search algorithm for synthesizing a mutually coupled lumped-parameter ladder-network representation of a transformer winding, starting from its measured magnitude frequency response. The existing bee colony algorithm is suitably adopted by appropriately defining constraints, inequalities, and bounds to restrict the search space and thereby ensure synthesis of a nearly unique ladder network corresponding to each frequency response. Ensuring near-uniqueness while constructing the reference circuit (i.e., representation of healthy winding) is the objective. Furthermore, the synthesized circuits must exhibit physical realizability. The proposed method is easy to implement, time efficient, and problems associated with the supply of initial guess in existing methods are circumvented. Experimental results are reported on two types of actual, single, and isolated transformer windings (continuous disc and interleaved disc).


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Analytical solution is presented to convert a given driving-point impedance function (in s-domain) into a physically realisable ladder network with inductive coupling between any two sections and losses considered. The number of sections in the ladder network can vary, but its topology is assumed fixed. A study of the coefficients of the numerator and denominator polynomials of the driving-point impedance function of the ladder network, for increasing number of sections, led to the identification of certain coefficients, which exhibit very special properties. Generalised expressions for these specific coefficients have also been derived. Exploiting their properties, it is demonstrated that the synthesis method essentially turns out to be an exercise of solving a set of linear, simultaneous, algebraic equations, whose solution directly yields the ladder network elements. The proposed solution is novel, simple and guarantees a unique network. Presently, the formulation can synthesise a unique ladder network up to six sections.