918 resultados para mean retention time
Among the various factors that contribute towards producing a successful maize crop, seed depth placement is a key determinant, especially in a no-tillage system. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the spatial variability of seed depth placement and crop establishment in a maize crop under no-tillage conditions, using precision farming technologies. The obtained results indicate that seed depth placement was significantly affected by soil moisture content, while a very high coefficient of variation of 39% was found for seed depth. Seeding depth had a significant impact on mean emergence time and percentage of emerged plants. Shallow average depth values and the high coefficient of variation suggest a need for improvement in controlling the seeder sowing depth.
The requirements for a good stand in a no-till field are the same as those for conventional planting as well as added field and machinery management. Among the various factors that contribute towards producing a successful maize crop, seed depth placement is a key determinant. Although most no-till planters on the market work well under good soil and residue conditions, adjustments and even modifications are frequently needed when working with compacted or wet soils or with heavy residues. The main objective of this study, carried out in 2010, 2011 and 2012, was to evaluate the vertical distribution and spatial variability of seed depth placement in a maize crop under no-till conditions, using precision farming technologies and conventional no-till seeders. The results obtained indicate that the seed depth placement was affected by soil moisture content and forward speed. The seed depth placement was negatively correlated with soil resistance and seeding depth had a significant impact on mean emergence time and the percentage of emerged plants. Shallow average depth values and high coefficients of variation suggest a need for improvements in controlling the seeders’ sowing depth mechanism or more accurate calibration by operators in the field.
Among the various factors that contribute towards producing a successful maize crop, seed depth placement is a key determinant, especially in a no-tillage system. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the spatial variability of seed depth placement and crop establishment in a maize crop under no-tillage conditions, using precision farming technologies. The obtained results indicate that seed depth placement was significantly affected by soil moisture content, while a very high coefficient of variation of 39% was found for seed depth. Seeding depth had a significant impact on mean emergence time and percentage of emerged plants. Shallow average depth values and the high coefficient of variation suggest a need for improvement in controlling the seeders sowing depth.
Debido al gran interés existente en el ahorro y recuperación de energía, y en el deseo de obtener productos que permitan usos beneficiosos del fango procedente de la depuración del agua residual, la digestión anaerobia es el proceso de estabilización de uso más extendido. El tiempo de retención de sólidos es un factor clave en el proceso de digestión anaerobia. En base al tiempo de retención de sólidos, se dimensiona el volumen de los digestores anaerobios para así obtener la reducción de materia orgánica deseada, con la correspondiente producción de biogás. La geometría del digestor y su sistema de agitación deben ser adecuados para alcanzar el tiempo de retención de sólidos de diseño. Los primeros trabajos sobre la agitación de los digestores realizaban únicamente experimentos con trazadores y otros métodos de medición. En otros casos, la mezcla era evaluada mediante la producción de biogás. Estas técnicas tenían el gran hándicap de no conocer lo que sucedía realmente dentro del digestor y sólo daban una idea aproximada de su funcionamiento. Mediante aplicación de la mecánica de fluidos computacional (CFD) es posible conocer con detalle las características del fluido objeto de estudio y, por lo tanto, simular perfectamente el movimiento del fango de un digestor anaerobio. En esta tesis se han simulado mediante CFD diferentes digestores a escala real (unos 2000 m3 de volumen) agitados con bomba/s de recirculación para alcanzar los siguientes objetivos: establecer la influencia de la relación entre el diámetro y la altura, de la pendiente de la solera, del número de bombas y del caudal de recirculación en dichos digestores, definir el campo de velocidades en la masa de fango y realizar un análisis energético y económico. Así, es posible conocer mejor cómo funciona el sistema de agitación de un digestor anaerobio a escala real equipado con bomba/s de recirculación. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que una relación diámetro/altura del digestor por encima de 1 empeora la agitación del mismo y que la pendiente en la solera del digestor favorece que la masa de fango esté mejor mezclada, siendo más determinante la esbeltez del tanque que la pendiente de su solera. No obstante, también es necesario elegir adecuadamente los parámetros de diseño del sistema de agitación, en este caso el caudal de recirculación de fango, para obtener una agitación completa sin apenas zonas muertas. En el caso de un digestor con una geometría inadecuada es posible mejorar su agitación aumentando el número de bombas de recirculación y el caudal de las mismas, pero no se llegará a alcanzar una agitación total de la masa de fango debido a su mal diseño original. Anaerobic digestion is the process for waste water treatment sludge stabilization of more widespread use due to the huge interest in saving and recovering energy and the wish to obtain products that allow beneficial uses for the sludge. The solids retention time is a key factor in the anaerobic digestion. Based on the solids retention time, volume anaerobic digester is sized to obtain the desired reduction in organic matter, with the corresponding production of biogas. The geometry of the digester and the stirring system should be adequate to achieve the design solid retention time. Early works on digesters stirring just performed tracer experiments and other measurement methods. In other cases, mixing was evaluated by biogas production. These techniques had the great handicap of not knowing what really happened inside the digester and they only gave a rough idea of its operation. By application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), it is possible to know in detail the characteristics of the fluid under study and, therefore, simulate perfectly the sludge movement of an anaerobic digester. Different full-scale digesters (about 2000 m3 of volume) agitated with pump/s recirculation have been simulated by CFD in this thesis to achieve the following objectives: to establish the influence of the relationship between the diameter and height, the slope of the bottom, the number of pumps and the recirculation flow in such digesters, to define the velocity field in the mass of sludge and carry out an energy and economic analysis. Thus, it is possible to understand better how the agitation system of a full-scale anaerobic digester equipped with pump/s recirculation works. The results achieved show that a diameter/height ratio of the digester above 1 worsens its stirring and that the slope of the digester bottom favors that the mass of sludge is better mixed, being more decisive the tank slenderness than the slope of its bottom. However, it is also necessary to select properly the design parameters of the agitation system, in this case the sludge recirculation flow rate, for a complete agitation with little dead zones. In the case of a digester with inadequate geometry, its agitation can be improved by increasing the number of recirculation pumps and flow of them, but it will not reach a full agitation of the mass of sludge because of the poor original design.
Mutation of the highly conserved leucine residue (Leu-247) converts 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) from an antagonist into an agonist of neuronal homomeric α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor expressed in Xenopus oocytes. We show here that acetylcholine (AcCho) activates two classes of single channels with conductances of 44 pS and 58 pS, similar to those activated by 5HT. However, the mean open time of AcCho-gated ion channels (11 ms) is briefer than that of 5HT-gated ion channels (18 ms). Furthermore, whereas the open time of AcCho channels lengthens with hyperpolarization, that of 5HT channels is decreased. In voltage-clamped oocytes, the apparent affinity of the α7 mutant receptor for 5HT is not modified by the presence of dihydro-β-erythroidine, which acts on the AcCho binding site in a competitive manner. This indicates a noncompetitive action of 5HT on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Considered together, our findings show that AcCho gates α7 mutant channels with similar conductance but with different kinetic profile than the channels gated by 5HT, suggesting that the two agonists act on different docking sites. These results will help to understand the crosstalk between cholinergic and serotonergic systems in the central nervous system.
Applying a brief repolarizing pre-pulse to a depolarized frog skeletal muscle fiber restores a small fraction of the transverse tubule membrane voltage sensors from the inactivated state. During a subsequent depolarizing test pulse we detected brief, highly localized elevations of myoplasmic Ca2+ concentration (Ca2+ “sparks”) initiated by restored voltage sensors in individual triads at all test pulse voltages. The latency histogram of these events gives the gating pattern of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) calcium release channels controlled by the restored voltage sensors. Both event frequency and clustering of events near the start of the test pulse increase with test pulse depolarization. The macroscopic SR calcium release waveform, obtained from the spark latency histogram and the estimated open time of the channel or channels underlying a spark, exhibits an early peak and rapid marked decline during large depolarizations. For smaller depolarizations, the release waveform exhibits a smaller peak and a slower decline. However, the mean use time and mean amplitude of the individual sparks are quite similar at all test depolarizations and at all times during a given depolarization, indicating that the channel open times and conductances underlying sparks are essentially independent of voltage. Thus, the voltage dependence of SR Ca2+ release is due to changes in the frequency and pattern of occurrence of individual, voltage-independent, discrete release events.
We report here that the rat heart is a site of oxytocin (OT) synthesis and release. Oxytocin was detected in all four chambers of the heart. The highest OT concentration was in the right atrium (2128 ± 114 pg/mg protein), which was 19-fold higher than in rat uterus but 3.3-fold lower than in the hypothalamus. OT concentrations were significantly greater in the right and left atria than in the corresponding ventricles. Furthermore, OT was released into the effluent of isolated, perfused rat heart (34.5 ± 4.7 pg/min) and into the medium of cultured atrial myocytes. Reverse-phase HPLC purification of the heart extracts and heart perfusates revealed a main peak identical with the retention time of synthetic OT. Southern blots of reverse transcription–PCR products from rat heart revealed gene expression of specific OT mRNA. OT immunostaining likewise was found in atrial myocytes and fibroblasts, and the intensity of positive stains from OT receptors paralleled the atrial natriuretic peptide stores. Our findings suggest that heart OT is structurally identical, and therefore derived from, the same gene as the OT that is primarily found in the hypothalamus. Thus, the heart synthesizes and processes a biologically active form of OT. The presence of OT and OT receptor in all of the heart’s chambers suggests an autocrine and/or paracrine role for the peptide. Our finding of abundant OT receptor in atrial myocytes supports our hypothesis that OT, directly and/or via atrial natriuretic peptide release, can regulate the force of cardiac contraction.
Steroids produced locally in brain (neurosteroids), including dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), influence cognition and behavior. We previously described a novel cytochrome P450, Cyp7b, strongly expressed in rat and mouse brain, particularly in hippocampus. Cyp7b is most similar to steroidogenic P450s and potentially could play a role in neurosteroid metabolism. To examine the catalytic activity of the enzyme mouse Cyp7b cDNA was introduced into a vaccinia virus vector. Extracts from cells infected with the recombinant showed NADPH-dependent conversion of DHEA (Km, 13.6 μM) and pregnenolone (Km, 4.0 μM) to slower migrating forms on thin layer chromatography. The expressed enzyme was less active against 25-hydroxycholesterol, 17β-estradiol and 5α-androstane-3β,17β-diol, with low to undetectable activity against progesterone, corticosterone, and testosterone. On gas chromatography and mass spectrometry of the Cyp7b metabolite of DHEA the retention time and fragmentation patterns were identical to those obtained with authentic 7α-hydroxy DHEA. The reaction product also comigrated on thin layer chromatography with 7α-hydroxy DHEA but not with 7β-hydroxy DHEA; when [7α-3H]pregnenolone was incubated with Cyp7b extracts the extent of release of radioactivity into the medium suggested that hydroxylation was preferentially at the 7α position. Brain extracts also efficiently liberated tritium from [7α-3H]pregnenolone and converted DHEA to a product with a chromatographic mobility indistinguishable from 7α-hydroxy DHEA. We conclude that Cyp7b is a 7α-hydroxylase participating in the synthesis, in brain, of neurosteroids 7α-hydroxy DHEA, and 7α-hydroxy pregnenolone.
Presented analysis of human and fly life tables proves that with the specified accuracy their entire survival and mortality curves are uniquely determined by a single point (e.g., by the birth mortality q0), according to the law, which is universal for species as remote as humans and flies. Mortality at any age decreases with the birth mortality q0. According to life tables, in the narrow vicinity of a certain q0 value (which is the same for all animals of a given species, independent of their living conditions), the curves change very rapidly and nearly simultaneously for an entire population of different ages. The change is the largest in old age. Because probability to survive to the mean reproductive age quantifies biological fitness and evolution, its universal rapid change with q0 (which changes with living conditions) manifests a new kind of an evolutionary spurt of an entire population. Agreement between theoretical and life table data is explicitly seen in the figures. Analysis of the data on basic metabolism reduces it to the maximal mean lifespan (for animals from invertebrates to mammals), or to the maximal mean fission time (for bacteria), and universally scales them with the total number of body atoms only. Phenomenological origin of this unification and universality of metabolism, survival, and evolution is suggested. Their implications and challenges are discussed.
Ca2+-induced inhibition of α1C voltage-gated Ca2+ channels is a physiologically important regulatory mechanism that shortens the mean open time of these otherwise long-lasting high-voltage-activated channels. The mechanism of action of Ca2+ has been a matter of some controversy, as previous studies have proposed the involvement of a putative Ca2+-binding EF hand in the C terminus of α1C and/or a sequence downstream from this EF-hand motif containing a putative calmodulin (CaM)-binding IQ motif. Previously, using site directed mutagenesis, we have shown that disruption of the EF-hand motif does not remove Ca2+ inhibition. We now show that the IQ motif binds CaM and that disruption of this binding activity prevents Ca2+ inhibition. We propose that Ca2+ entering through the voltage-gated pore binds to CaM and that the Ca/CaM complex is the mediator of Ca2+ inhibition.
Prostaglandins formed by cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) or COX-2 produce hyperalgesia in sensory nerve endings. To assess the relative roles of the two enzymes in pain processing, we compared responses of COX-1- or COX-2-deficient homozygous and heterozygous mice with wild-type controls in the hot plate and stretching tests for analgesia. Preliminary observational studies determined that there were no differences in gross parameters of behavior between the different groups. Surprisingly, on the hot plate (55°C), the COX-1-deficient heterozygous groups showed less nociception, because mean reaction time was longer than that for controls. All other groups showed similar reaction times. In the stretching test, there was less nociception in COX-1-null and COX-1-deficient heterozygotes and also, unexpectedly, in female COX-2-deficient heterozygotes, as shown by a decreased number of writhes. Measurements of mRNA levels by reverse transcription–PCR demonstrated a compensatory increase of COX-1 mRNA in spinal cords of COX-2-null mice but no increase in COX-2 mRNA in spinal cords of COX-1-null animals. Thus, compensation for the absence of COX-1 may not involve increased expression of COX-2, whereas up-regulation of COX-1 in the spinal cord may compensate for the absence of COX-2. The longer reaction times on the hot plate of COX-1-deficient heterozygotes are difficult to explain, because nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs have no analgesic action in this test. Reduction in the number of writhes of the COX-1-null and COX-1-deficient heterozygotes may be due to low levels of COX-1 at the site of stimulation with acetic acid. Thus, prostaglandins made by COX-1 mainly are involved in pain transmission in the stretching test in both male and female mice, whereas those made by COX-2 also may play a role in the stretching response in female mice.
Graft loss from chronic rejection has become the major obstacle to the long-term success of whole organ transplantation. In cardiac allografts, chronic rejection is manifested as a diffuse and accelerated form of arteriosclerosis, termed cardiac allograft vasculopathy. It has been suggested that T-cell recognition of processed alloantigens (allopeptides) presented by recipient antigen-presenting cells through the indirect pathway of allorecognition plays a critical role in the development and progression of chronic rejection. However, definitive preclinical evidence to support this hypothesis is lacking. To examine the role of indirect allorecognition in a clinically relevant large animal model of cardiac allograft vasculopathy, we immunized MHC inbred miniature swine with synthetic polymorphic peptides spanning the α1 domain of an allogeneic donor-derived swine leukocyte antigen class I gene. Pigs immunized with swine leukocyte antigen class I allopeptides showed in vitro proliferative responses and in vivo delayed-type hypersensitivity responses to the allogeneic peptides. Donor MHC class I disparate hearts transplanted into peptide-immunized cyclosporine-treated pigs not only rejected faster than unimmunized cyclosporine-treated controls (mean survival time = 5.5 +/−1.7 vs. 54.7 +/−3.8 days, P < 0.001), but they also developed obstructive fibroproliferative coronary artery lesions much earlier than unimmunized controls (<9 vs. >30 days). These results definitively link indirect allorecognition and cardiac allograft vasculopathy.
Insulin promotes rapid delivery of N-methyl-d- aspartate receptors to the cell surface by exocytosis
Insulin potentiates N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) in neurons and Xenopus oocytes expressing recombinant NMDARs. The present study shows that insulin induced (i) an increase in channel number times open probability (nPo) in outside-out patches excised from Xenopus oocytes, with no change in mean open time, unitary conductance, or reversal potential, indicating an increase in n and/or Po; (ii) an increase in charge transfer during block of NMDA-elicited currents by the open channel blocker MK-801, indicating increased number of functional NMDARs in the cell membrane with no change in Po; and (iii) increased NR1 surface expression, as indicated by Western blot analysis of surface proteins. Botulinum neurotoxin A greatly reduced insulin potentiation, indicating that insertion of new receptors occurs via SNARE-dependent exocytosis. Thus, insulin potentiation occurs via delivery of new channels to the plasma membrane. NMDARs assembled from mutant subunits lacking all known sites of tyrosine and serine/threonine phosphorylation in their carboxyl-terminal tails exhibited robust insulin potentiation, suggesting that insulin potentiation does not require direct phosphorylation of NMDAR subunits. Because insulin and insulin receptors are localized to glutamatergic synapses in the hippocampus, insulin-regulated trafficking of NMDARs may play a role in synaptic transmission and plasticity, including long-term potentiation.
A Ca2+ channel from root-tip endomembranes of garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.) (LCC1) was characterized using the planar lipid-bilayer technique. Investigation of single-channel recordings revealed that LCC1 is voltage gated and strongly rectifying. In symmetrical 50 mm CaCl2 solutions, the single-channel conductance was 24 picosiemens. LCC1 showed a moderate selectivity for Ca2+ over K+ (9.4:1) and was permeable for a range of divalent cations (Ca2+, Ba2+, and Sr2+). In contrast to Bryonia dioica Ca2+ channel 1, a Ca2+-selective channel from the endoplasmic reticulum of touch-sensitive tendrils, LCC1 showed no bursting channel activity and had a low open probability and mean open time (2.83 ms at 50 mV). Inhibitor studies demonstrated that LCC1 is blocked by micromolar concentrations of erythrosin B (inhibitor concentration for 50% inhibition [IC50] = 1.8 μm) and the trivalent cations La3+ (IC50 = 5 μm) and Gd3+ (IC50 = 10 μm), whereas verapamil showed no blocking effect. LCC1 may play an important role in the regulation of the cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration in root-tip and/or root-cap cells. The question of whether this ion channel is part of the gravitropic signal transduction pathway deserves further investigation.
A membrane preparation from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cells contains at least one enzyme that is capable of transferring the methyl group from S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM) to the C6 carboxyl of homogalacturonan present in the membranes. This enzyme is named homogalacturonan-methyltransferase (HGA-MT) to distinguish it from methyltransferases that catalyze methyletherification of the pectic polysaccharides rhamnogalacturonan I or rhamnogalacturonan II. A trichloroacetic acid precipitation assay was used to measure HGA-MT activity, because published procedures to recover pectic polysaccharides via ethanol or chloroform:methanol precipitation lead to high and variable background radioactivity in the product pellet. Attempts to reduce the incorporation of the 14C-methyl group from SAM into pectin by the addition of the alternative methyl donor 5-methyltetrahydrofolate were unsuccessful, supporting the role of SAM as the authentic methyl donor for HGA-MT. The pH optimum for HGA-MT in membranes was 7.8, the apparent Michaelis constant for SAM was 38 μm, and the maximum initial velocity was 0.81 pkat mg−1 protein. At least 59% of the radiolabeled product was judged to be methylesterified homogalacturonan, based on the release of radioactivity from the product after a mild base treatment and via enzymatic hydrolysis by a purified pectin methylesterase. The released radioactivity eluted with a retention time identical to that of methanol upon fractionation over an organic acid column. Cleavage of the radiolabeled product by endopolygalacturonase into fragments that migrated as small oligomers of HGA during thin-layer chromatography, and the fact that HGA-MT activity in the membranes is stimulated by uridine 5′-diphosphate galacturonic acid, a substrate for HGA synthesis, confirms that the bulk of the product recovered from tobacco membranes incubated with SAM is methylesterified HGA.