983 resultados para mandibular glands


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Ropalidia marginata is a primitively eusocial paper wasp found in peninsular India, where recent work suggests the role of the Dufour's gland hydrocarbons in queen signaling. It appears that the queen signals her presence to workers by rubbing the tip of her abdomen on the nest surface, thereby presumably applying her Dufour's gland secretion to the nest. Since the queen alone produces pheromone from the Dufour's gland and also applies it on the nest surface, the activity level of queen gland should be higher than that of worker gland, as the gland contents would have to get replenished periodically for queens but not for workers. The difference in activity level can be manifested in difference in Dufour's gland morphology, larger glands implying higher activity levels and smaller glands implying lower activity levels, as positive correlation between gland size and gland activity has been reported in exocrine glands of various taxa (including Hymenopteran insects). Hence we investigated whether there is any size difference between Dufour's glands of queens and workers in R. marginata. We found that there was no difference between queens and workers in their Dufour's gland size, implying that Dufour's gland activity and Dufour's gland size are likely to be uncorrelated in this species.


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Heme metabolism is central to malaria parasite biology. The parasite acquires heme from host hemoglobin in the intraerythrocytic stages and stores it as hemozoin to prevent free heme toxicity. The parasite can also synthesize heme de novo, and all the enzymes in the pathway are characterized. To study the role of the dual heme sources in malaria parasite growth and development, we knocked out the first enzyme, d-aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS), and the last enzyme, ferrochelatase (FC), in the heme-biosynthetic pathway of Plasmodium berghei (Pb). The wild-type and knockout (KO) parasites had similar intraerythrocytic growth patterns in mice. We carried out in vitro radiolabeling of heme in Pb-infected mouse reticulocytes and Plasmodium falciparum-infected human RBCs using 4-(14) C] aminolevulinic acid (ALA). We found that the parasites incorporated both host hemoglobin-heme and parasite-synthesized heme into hemozoin and mitochondrial cytochromes. The similar fates of the two heme sources suggest that they may serve as backup mechanisms to provide heme in the intraerythrocytic stages. Nevertheless, the de novo pathway is absolutely essential for parasite development in the mosquito and liver stages. PbKO parasites formed drastically reduced oocysts and did not form sporozoites in the salivary glands. Oocyst production in PbALASKO parasites recovered when mosquitoes received an ALA supplement. PbALASKO sporozoites could infect mice only when the mice received an ALA supplement. Our results indicate the potential for new therapeutic interventions targeting the heme-biosynthetic pathway in the parasite during the mosquito and liver stages.


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The poison gland and Dufour's gland are the two glands associated with the sting apparatus in female Apocrita (Hymenoptera). While the poison gland usually functions as an integral part of the venom delivery system, the Dufour's gland has been found to differ in its function in various hymenopteran groups. Like all exocrine glands, the function of the Dufour's gland is to secrete chemicals, but the nature and function of the secretions varies in different taxa. Functions of the Dufour's gland secretions range from serving as a component of material used in nest building, larval food, and pheromones involved in communicative functions that are important for both solitary and social species. This review summarizes the different functions reported for the Dufour's gland in hymenopterans, illustrating how the Dufour's gland secretions can be adapted to give rise to various functions in response to different challenges posed by the ways of life followed by different taxa. Aspects of development, structure, chemistry and the evolution of different functions are also touched upon briefly.


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OBJECTIVE To investigate the level and location of phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) expression in rat prostate. METHODS The ventral, dorsal, and lateral lobes of rat prostate were examined for PDE5 expression by Western blotting. Intact rat urogenital complex, including the urinary bladder and accessory reproductive glands, was examined for PDE5 expression by immunohistochemistry. Individual prostatic lobes were further examined by immunofluorescence for expression of PDE5, alpha-smooth muscle actin, and rat endothelial cell antigen. RESULTS Western blot analysis showed that PDE5 was expressed at a significantly lower level in dorsal lobe (DL) than in ventral lobe (VL) or lateral lobe (LL). Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence analyses showed that PDE5 was expressed in both acinar epithelium and periacinar smooth muscle. However, although similar levels of smooth muscle PDE5 expression were observed in all 3 prostatic lobes, significantly lower level of epithelial PDE5 expression was found in DL compared with VL or LL. In prostatic blood vessels, PDE5 expression was clearly visible in the endothelium but not as easily detectable in the smooth muscle. CONCLUSION PDE5 was expressed in the acinar epithelium and periacinar smooth muscle of rat prostate. However, the epithelial PDE5 expression was significantly less in DL than in VL or LL. Regardless, the acinar wall, not the blood vessel wall, is the predominant PDE5 expression site in rat prostate. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc.


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We carried out a large-scale phylogenetic analysis of fejervaryan (dicroglossid frogs with `Fejervaryan lines' on the ventral side of the body) frogs, distributed in South and SE Asia, using published and newly generated sequences of unidentified individuals from the northern Western Ghats. The results corroborate the presence of a larger fejervaryan clade with a sister relationship to a clade composed of Sphaerotheca. Two sister clades could be discerned within the lager fejervaryan clade. The unidentified individuals formed a monophyletic group and showed a strong support for a sister relationship with Minervarya sahyadris. The species was found to be highly divergent (16S rRNA-4% and tyr-1%) from its sister lineage Minervarya sahyadris, and the clade composed of these two lineages were found to be deeply nested within the larger clade of Fejervarya. Based on this, the genus Minervarya Dubois, Ohler and Biju, 2001 is synonymized under the genus Fejervarya Bolkay, 1915. The unidentified lineage is recognized, based on phylogenetic position, genetic divergence and morphological divergence, as a distinct species and named here as Fejervarya gomantaki sp. nov. The presence of rictal glands was observed to be a synapomorphic character shared by the nested clade members, Fejervarya sahyadris and Fejervarya gomantaki sp. nov. Based on the presence of rictal gland and small size, Minervarya chilapata, a species from a lowland region in the Eastern Himalayas, is synonymized under Fejervarya and evidence for morphological separation from the new species, Fejervarya gomantaki sp. nov. is provided. For the fejervaryan frogs, currently three generic names (Frost, 2015) are available for the two phylogenetic subclades; the genus Fejervarya Bolkay, 1915 for the species of fejervaryan frogs having distribution in the South East Asia; the genus Zakerana Howlader, 2011 for the species of fejervaryan frogs having distribution in the South Asia and the genus Minervarya Dubois, Ohler and Biju, 2001 nested within the `Zakerana clade'. In the phylogenetic analysis Minervarya sahyadris, the new species described herein as Fejervarya gomantaki sp. nov. are nested within the `Zakerana clade', if the `Zakerana clade' for the fejervaryan frogs having distribution in the South Asia is provided a generic status the nomen `Minervarya' should be considered as per the principle of priority of the ICZN Code. Taking into consideration the overlapping distribution ranges of members of the sister clades within the larger fejervaryan clade and the absence of distinct morphological characteristics, we also synonymize the genus Zakerana Howlader, 2011, a name assigned to one of the sister clades with members predominantly distributed in South Asia, under the genus Fejervarya Bolkay, 1915. We discuss the need for additional sampling to identify additional taxa and determine the geographical ranges of the members of the sister clades within Fejervarya to resolve taxonomy within this group.


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A new bufonid amphibian, belonging to a new monotypic genus, is described from the Andaman Islands, in the Bay of Bengal, Republic of India, based on unique external morphological and skeletal characters which are compared with those of known Oriental and other relevant bufonid genera. Blythophryne gen. n. is distinguished from other bufonid genera by its small adult size (mean SVL 24.02 mm), the presence of six presacral vertebrae, an absence of coccygeal expansions, presence of an elongated pair of parotoid glands, expanded discs at digit tips and phytotelmonous tadpoles that lack oral denticles. The taxonomic and phylogenetic position of the new taxon (that we named as Blythophryne beryet gen. et sp. n.) was ascertained by comparing its 12S and 16S partial genes with those of Oriental and other relevant bufonid lineages. Resulting molecular phylogeny supports the erection of a novel monotypic genus for this lineage from the Andaman Islands of India.


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Small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV) are members of the Retrovirus family comprising the closely related Visna/Maedi Virus (VMV) and the Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis Virus (CAEV), which infect sheep and goats. Both infect cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage and cause lifelong infections. Infection by VMV and CAEV can lead to Visna/Maedi (VM) and Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis (CAE) respectively, slow progressive inflammatory diseases primarily affecting the lungs, nervous system, joints and mammary glands. VM and CAE are distributed worldwide and develop over a period of months or years, always leading to the death of the host, with the consequent economic and welfare implications. Currently, the control of VM and CAE relies on the control of transmission and culling of infected animals. However, there is evidence that host genetics play an important role in determining Susceptibility/Resistance to SRLV infection and disease progression, but little work has been performed in small ruminants. More research is necessary to understand the host-SRLV interaction.


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Experiment on induced spawning of Clarias lazera and C. anguillaris using human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) freshly prepared toad and Clarias pituitary hormogenates were carried out. Clarias pituitary hormogenates induced spawning in C. lazera and C. anguillaris at dosage levels of 0.27-0.46 mg/150 g body weight or 2 glands/fish of equivalent weights. HCG induced spawning in C. anguillaris at 500 i.u/500 g body weight but failed in C. lazera. Toad pituitary was not successful at even a higher dosage level of 0.60 mg/150 g body weight. The implications of these results are discussed. Spawning occurred in the HCG (and Clarias pituitary treated females in less than 12 hours after injection and subsequent examination of ovaries of the spawned fish showed incomplete spawning. Furthermore, fertilization occurred, following spawning in the piscine pituitary hormone treated male and female fish but failed in the HCG (treated pair. A mean fertilization rate of 50-90% was recorded. Possible explanations of these observations are advanced. The hatching time of 24-48 hours and a mean hatching rate of 75-90% were recorded. A high larval mortality of up to 95% was observed in the post yolk-sac stag after 8 days. The need for the development of appropriate larval food for Clarias species in culture practice is stressed


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Diffusible proteins regulate neural development at a variety of stages. Using a novel neuronal culture assay, I have identified several cytokines that regulate the expression of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides in sympathetic neurons. These cytokines fall into two families. The first group is termed the neuropoietic cytokines, while including CDF/LIF, CNTF, OSM and GPA, induces expression of the same set of neuropeptide mRNAs in cultured sympathetic neurons. These four factors not only exhibit similar biological activities; they also share a predicted secondary structure and bind to a signal-transducing receptor subunit in common with IL-6 and IL-11. The latter two cytokines display a weaker activity in this assay. In addition, I find that several members of the TGF-β superfamily, activin A, BMP-2, and BMP-6, have a selective overlap with the neuropoietic family in the spectrum of neuropeptides that these cytokines induce in sympathetic neurons. Different patterns of neuropeptides induced by the TGF-β family members, however, demonstrate that the activities of these cytokines are distinct from those of the neuropoietic family. Another 30 cytokines are without detectable effect in this neuronal assay.

Activin A induces a set of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides that is somewhat similar to the phenotype of sympathetic neurons innervating sweat glands in rat footpads. In situ hybridization and RNase protection were carried out to test whether activins were involved in the phenotypic transition when sympathetic neurons contact sweat glands. I find that activin mRNA is present in both cholinergic and noradrenergic targets. Moreover, homogenates of footpads do not contain activin-like activity in the neuronal assay in vitro. Taken together, these data do not support activins as the best candidates for the sweat gland factor.

Several novel factors that regulate neuropeptide expression exist in heart cell conditioned medium. I attempted to purify these factors in collaboration with Dr. Jane Talvenheimo. Our results suggest that these factors are sensitive to the storage conditions used. Several modifications of purification strategy are discussed.


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In recent years interest in the production and description of kinin-type substances has been greatly intensified. So, for example, bradykinin, phyllokinin, physalaemin, ranatensin and caerulein could be extracted from the skin of amphibians as well as. eledoisin out of the salivary glands of Eledon moschata. An examination of lampreys seemed to us particularly profitable in the search for the incidence of further kinins. Ammocoetes of different sizes and also adults of both sexes of the species Eudontomyzon danfordi vladykovi were studied in this research. This species is found in many tributaries of the Danube. Skin extracts were tested on on isolated rat uterus, rat duodenum, guinea pig ileum and rabbit jejunum, further tests were done in order to determine a peptide character of the biologically active substance.


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Os implantes osteointegráveis assumiram condição prioritária na reabilitação da perda dentária unitária ou múltipla em função das elevadas taxas de sucesso e previsibilidade no tratamento e vêm sendo cada vez mais utilizados por especialistas e clínicos. Atualmente existe a preocupação com a manutenção dos tecidos moles periimplantares, principalmente em áreas estéticas. De modo geral, um ano após a instalação dos implantes osteointegráveis ocorre uma perda óssea proximal de 1,5 mm e em média 0,1 mm durante os anos subsequentes. Nos últimos anos, achados clínicos evidenciaram menor perda óssea inicial associada a intermediários de diâmetro reduzido em relação à plataforma dos implantes. Com o objetivo de comparar, por meio de imagens radiográficas o comportamento ósseo proximal ao redor de implantes osteointegráveis com plataformas convencionais e plataformas de diâmetro intermediário reduzido, foi estabelecido o seguinte desenho de estudo clínico prospectivo: em 08 pacientes totalmente edentados, foram instalados 40 implantes, 5 implantes mandibulares por paciente. Cada paciente recebeu 3 implantes com plataforma convencional e 2 com plataforma associada aos intermediários de diâmetro reduzido (cone morse). Foram confeccionadas próteses em resina acrílica e fixadas precocemente aos implantes por intermédio de parafusos, seguindo o modelo protocolo Bränemark. Foram feitas radiografias periapicais padronizadas em intervalos de 21 dias, 3, 6 e 12 meses, após a instalação dos implantes. As imagens radiográficas foram digitalizadas e realizada a subtração radiográfica digital pelo programa emago, sendo comparadas com a radiografia inicial. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo mostraram uma regularidade no remodelamento ósseo ao longo do tempo para todos os implantes, não tendo sido encontradas diferenças significativas entre os diferentes implantes analisados.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar in vitro a dissipação de tensões em incisivos centrais superiores humanos restaurados com facetas de cerâmica feldspática, através da análise do método dos elementos finitos, considerando cargas funcionais de mastigação e corte dos alimentos, em função de três tipos de preparos utilizados: sem proteção incisal; com proteção incisal em ângulo e com proteção incisal em degrau palatino. Foram utilizadas modelagens bidimensionais de um incisivo central superior e suas estruturas de suporte, simulando três situações: (Primeira modelagem) incisivo central superior com desgaste vestibular (em forma de janela); (Segunda modelagem) incisivo central superior com desgaste vestibular e proteção incisal em plano inclinado; (Terceira modelagem) incisivo central superior com desgaste vestibular, e proteção incisal com degrau palatino. Foi considerada uma carga (P=100N) com uma inclinação de 45 concentrada, simulando a região de contato do incisivo central inferior com o superior durante a mastigação e uma na região de contato topo a topo dos incisivos superior e inferior, simulando o corte dos alimentos. Após a análise dos dados obtidos pela distribuição de tensões, pode-se concluir que quanto à dissipação das tensões em todo o sistema proposto, com a aplicação de carga em 45, não foram observadas mudanças no estado tensional nos três diferentes preparos. Quando foi aplicada carga vertical, simulando o contato de topo, houve variação no estado tensional no sistema do dente com preparo em janela. Nas facetas, com a aplicação de carga em 45, nos preparos em janela e com proteção incisal em plano inclinado o resultado foi semelhante nos valores tensionais enquanto, nas facetas em dentes preparados com proteção incisal com degrau palatino, a distribuição foi mais homogênea tendo valores superiores, mostrando que o abraçamento do dente diminuiu a flexão.


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In species of Cladocera not forming ephippia, the latent eggs have a sheath formed by glands of the reproductive canals. Representatives of the families Daphniidae and Moinidae Goulden, 1968, in connection with the formation of their complex-structured ephippia, lost these glands. It was investigated whether there are such glands in species the latent eggs of which are enclosed in primitive ephippia. For this, with the help of histological methods, 55 females of Acroperus elongatus (Sars) (Chydoridea) and 88 females of Lathonura rectirostris (O. F. Muller), (Macrothricidae) were collected near Leningrad, were studied.


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo quantificar, comparativamente, a área de preenchimento de dois materiais obturadores sólidos, cones de guta-percha (GP) e cones de Resilon (R), no terço apical de incisivos inferiores humanos, ex vivo, obturados pela técnica da onda contínua de condensação. Os espécimes foram submetidos a um protocolo, desde a cirurgia de acesso até o final do preparo químico-mecânico e divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos, de 21 dentes cada, de acordo com o material utilizado. Não foi utilizado cimento endodôntico em nenhuma das amostras. Após a obturação, as amostras foram seccionadas transversalmente em dois níveis, a 3 e a 5mm do ápice, e subdivididas em grupos de acordo com a altura de corte e do material obturador, sendo estabelecido: GP3 (guta-percha com corte a 3mm), GP5 (guta-percha com corte a 5mm), R3 (Resilon com corte a 3mm) e R5 (Resilon com corte a 5mm). Posteriormente, as amostras foram submetidas a um processo de lixamento e polimento e examinadas em microscópio óptico por reflexão com aumento de 50x a 100x. Para a análise e processamento digital das imagens, foi utilizado o sistema de imagens Axio Vision 4.6 para Windows, sendo obtidas as medidas para cada área observada em micrômetros (μm); uma da área da cavidade, e outra da área de material obturador. Foi aferido o grau de circularidade de cada amostra, por uma fórmula matemática utilizada automaticamente pelo programa, onde 1 (um) é considerado o círculo perfeito e, quanto mais achatado o canal, mais tendente a 0 (zero) nesta escala. Obteve-se a área do canal, a circularidade de 0 a 1, a área preenchida pelo material obturador e, a porcentagem da área de preenchimento do material obturador em relação à área do canal. Foi realizado o cruzamento dos grupos dois a dois pelo teste t de Student, sendo verificada diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos GP3 e R3, tendo o grupo R3 apresentado maior porcentagem de área do canal radicular preenchida pelo material obturador em suas amostras (p<0,05). Na relação da circularidade com a quantidade de preenchimento, com o teste de Correlação de Pearson, não foi observada forte correlação entre a forma final do canal (relação de circularidade) e a quantidade de preenchimento do canal radicular pelos materiais obturadores testados. Conclui-se que houve grande variação de preenchimento mínimo e máximo em todos os grupos testados e o Resilon apresentou maior porcentagem de preenchimento de área do canal radicular em suas amostras.