1000 resultados para mancha-marrom de Alternária
Doñana National Park (DNP) in southern Spain is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve where commercial hunting and wildlife artificial feeding do not take place and traditional cattle husbandry still exists. Herein, we hypothesized that Mycobacterium bovis infection prevalence in wild ungulates will depend on host ecology and that variation in prevalence will reflect variation in the interaction between hosts and environmental risk factors. Cattle bTB reactor rates increased in DNP despite compulsory testing and culling of infected animals. In this study, 124 European wild boar, 95 red deer, and 97 fallow deer were sampled from April 2006 to April 2007 and analyzed for M. bovis infection. Modelling and GIS were used to identify risk factors and intra and inter-species relationships. Infection with M. bovis was confirmed in 65 (52.4%) wild boar, 26 (27.4%) red deer and 18 (18.5%) fallow deer. In the absence of cattle, wild boar M. bovis prevalence reached 92.3% in the northern third of DNP. Wild boar showed more than twice prevalence than that in deer (p<0.001). Modelling revealed that M. bovis prevalence decreased from North to South in wild boar (p<0.001) and red deer (p<0.01), whereas no spatial pattern was evidenced for fallow deer. Infection risk in wild boar was dependent on wild boar M. bovis prevalence in the buffer area containing interacting individuals (p<0.01). The prevalence recorded in this study is among the highest reported in wildlife. Remarkably, this high prevalence occurs in the absence of wildlife artificial feeding, suggesting that a feeding ban alone would have a limited effect on wildlife M. bovis prevalence. In DNP, M. bovis transmission may occur predominantly at the intra-species level due to ecological, behavioural and epidemiological factors. The results of this study allow inferring conclusions on epidemiological bTB risk factors in Mediterranean habitats that are not managed for hunting purposes. Our results support the need to consider wildlife species for the control of bTB in cattle and strongly suggest that bTB may affect animal welfare and conservation.
BACKGROUND We describe the diversity of two kinds of mycobacteria isolates, environmental mycobacteria and Mycobacterium bovis collected from wild boar, fallow deer, red deer and cattle in Doñana National Park (DNP, Spain), analyzing their association with temporal, spatial and environmental factors. RESULTS High diversity of environmental mycobacteria species and M. bovis typing patterns (TPs) were found. When assessing the factors underlying the presence of the most common types of both environmental mycobacteria and M. bovis TPs in DNP, we evidenced (i) host species differences in the occurrence, (ii) spatial structuration and (iii) differences in the degree of spatial association of specific types between host species. Co-infection of a single host by two M. bovis TPs occurred in all three wild ungulate species. In wild boar and red deer, isolation of one group of mycobacteria occurred more frequently in individuals not infected by the other group. While only three TPs were detected in wildlife between 1998 and 2003, up to 8 different ones were found during 2006-2007. The opposite was observed in cattle. Belonging to an M. bovis-infected social group was a significant risk factor for mycobacterial infection in red deer and wild boar, but not for fallow deer. M. bovis TPs were usually found closer to water marshland than MOTT. CONCLUSIONS The diversity of mycobacteria described herein is indicative of multiple introduction events and a complex multi-host and multi-pathogen epidemiology in DNP. Significant changes in the mycobacterial isolate community may have taken place, even in a short time period (1998 to 2007). Aspects of host social organization should be taken into account in wildlife epidemiology. Wildlife in DNP is frequently exposed to different species of non-tuberculous, environmental mycobacteria, which could interact with the immune response to pathogenic mycobacteria, although the effects are unknown. This research highlights the suitability of molecular typing for surveys at small spatial and temporal scales.
G17+1 está integrado por: Elena Primo (Biblioteca Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud), Verónica Juan (BV Andalucía), Montserrat Salas (BV Aragón), Mercedes Corrales y Raquel Lavandera (BV Asturias), Virgili Paéz (BV Baleares), Beatriz Duque (BV Canarias), Fanny Ribes (BV Cantabria), Marisa Alonso (BV Castilla-La Mancha), Pilar Díaz Ruiz (BV Castilla y León), Pilar Roqué (BV Cataluña), Francisco Javier Moreno (BV Extremadura), Teresa Mejuto (BV Galicia), Mayra García Berges y José Manuel Estrada (BV Madrid), Enrique Aguinaga y Juan Antonio Sánchez Sánchez (BV Murcia), Idoia Gaminde (BV Navarra) y Ricardo Aróstegui y Mª Asunción García Martín (BV País Vasco).
Economic evaluation of health care interventions has experienced a strong growth over the past decade and is increasingly present as a support tool in the decisions making process on public funding of health services and pricing in European countries. A necessary element using them is that agents that perform economic evaluations have minimum rules with agreement on methodological aspects. Although there are methodological issues in which there is a high degree of consensus, there are others in which there is no such degree of agreement being closest to the normative field or have experienced significant methodological advances in recent years. In this first article of a series of three, we will discuss on the perspective of analysis and assessment of costs in economic evaluation of health interventions using the technique Metaplan. Finally, research lines are proposed to overcome the identified discrepancies.
Hoje vivemos as consequências sociais e ambientais de 30 anos de descontrolado crescimento populacional e económico. A expansão da AML, centralizada e polarizada na capital, desencadeou, nos anos 60-80, uma crescente ocupação periféricos de Lisboa. A par da ocupação terciária do centro da cidade, desenvolveu-se um processo de expansão e de densificação social das periferias. Por outro lado, o forte crescimento populacional, bem como a ausência de políticas urbanas consistentes, estimularam um crescimento metropolitano desordenado, em “mancha de óleo” e, consequentemente fortemente desqualificado em termos sociais e urbanísticos.
Adultos de Chinavia pengue (Rolston, 1983) foram coletados em Garopaba, SC, e criados em laboratório sob condições controladas (24 ± 1°C; UR 70 ± 10%; 12hL:12hE). Como alimento, adultos e ninfas receberam vagens verdes de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Os ovos de C. pengue seguem o padrão de coloração e esculturação do cório e coloração e forma dos processos aero-micropilares descrito para as espécies neotropicais de Chinavia. Ninfas de 1º instar possuem uma mancha ovalada no dorso da cabeça e tórax, característica das espécies de Chinavia. Em C. pengue, essa mancha tem coloração laranja-avermelhada, e as manchas abdominais (4+4 manchas laterais e uma mediana) são brancas. Características exclusivas das ninfas de 2º a 5º ínstares de C. pengue são a coloração laranja-avermelhada das manchas do pro- e mesotórax e das manchas circulares no centro das placas abdominais laterais. Não se observou sobreposição nas medidas da largura da cabeça entre os cinco ínstares. Cada fêmea depositou 15,9 ± 4,18 posturas e 218,8 ± 48,60 ovos, sendo 14 ovos/postura o arranjo mais freqüente. A fertilidade foi de 70,0% ± 19,01; a mortalidade no 2º ao 5º estádio foi de 1,6% ± 4,49. A razão sexual obtida foi de 1 macho: 1 fêmea. A duração da fase imatura (ovo a adulto) foi de 45,7 ± 2,99 dias.
RODRIGUES, Ricardo Mendes. Dinâmica da População e Seus Impactos em Áreas Urbanas: O Caso de Município de Tarrafal de Santiago. 2011. 91f Dissertação (Mestrado em Ordenamento e Desenho do Território) – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ordenamento e Desenho do Território, UniCV, Praia. O tecido urbano do Município de Tarrafal de Santiago, ao longo da sua história, cresceu desprovido de instrumentos urbanísticos adequados de disciplina do solo, sendo o mais importante, operante, o plano de loteamento de abrangência territorial diminuta. Nos últimos 20 anos verificou-se um fenómeno de urbanização a um ritmo, relativamente elevado, contrastando com o despovoamento rural. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa analisa o processo de urbanização do Município, designadamente, a expansão da mancha urbana; a oferta dos equipamentos colectivos; sistema viário qualificado e a acessibilidade topológica das áreas de expansão (1970/09) aos equipamentos colectivos, baseado no método de Sintaxe Espacial, à luz da ferramenta Sistema de Informação Geográfica. Os resultados evidenciam dois modelos diferentes da expansão da mancha urbana e um ciclo de atraso considerável na qualificação do sistema viário das áreas de expansão, determinando um quadro escasso de provimento de equipamentos públicos. Contrariamente, a área melhor dotada de sistema viário, o bairro de Vila Centro, localizado na Cidade do Tarrafal, centro do tecido urbano, alberga a maior concentração de equipamentos, não obstante, uma nítida tendência de perda da centralidade, em favor de bairros emergentes. Paradoxalmente, no conjunto urbano, a Cidade do Tarrafal ostenta a melhor acessibilidade topológica das áreas de expansão, concretamente, de 1990/00 e 2000/09, a Sul e Sudeste, enquadrando nos níveis zero (0) e um (1), mas também alberga a área de expansão mais segregada, localizada a Leste, correspondendo ao período 2000/09, atingindo, sensivelmente nível mediana, na escala de zero (0) a nove (9), de maior para menor acessibilidade. A área de expansão de 1990/09 a Sul e Sudeste do Aglomerado de Chão Bom, a mais afastada, em distância métrica do centro do tecido urbano, figura no segundo posto no ranking das áreas mais segregadas topologicamente
In this paper we examine whether access to markets had a significant influence onmigration choices of Spanish internal migrants in the inter-war years. We perform astructural contrast of a New Economic Geography model that focus on the forwardlinkage that links workers location choice with the geography of industrial production,one of the centripetal forces that drive agglomeration in the NEG models. The resultshighlight the presence of this forward linkage in the Spanish economy of the inter-warperiod. That is, we prove the existence of a direct relation between workers¿ localizationdecisions and the market potential of the host regions. In addition, the direct estimationof the values associated with key parameters in the NEG model allows us to simulatethe migratory flows derived from different scenarios of the relative size of regions andthe distances between them. We show that in Spain the power of attraction of theagglomerations grew as they increased in size, but the high elasticity estimated for themigration costs reduced the intensity of the migratory flows. This could help to explainthe apparently low intensity of internal migrations in Spain until its upsurge during the1920s. This also explains the geography of migrations in Spain during this period,which hardly affected the regions furthest from the large industrial agglomerations (i.e.,regions such as Andalusia, Estremadura and Castile-La Mancha) but had an intenseeffect on the provinces nearest to the principal centres of industrial development.
In this paper we examine whether access to markets had a significant influence onmigration choices of Spanish internal migrants in the inter-war years. We perform astructural contrast of a New Economic Geography model that focus on the forwardlinkage that links workers location choice with the geography of industrial production,one of the centripetal forces that drive agglomeration in the NEG models. The resultshighlight the presence of this forward linkage in the Spanish economy of the inter-warperiod. That is, we prove the existence of a direct relation between workers¿ localizationdecisions and the market potential of the host regions. In addition, the direct estimationof the values associated with key parameters in the NEG model allows us to simulatethe migratory flows derived from different scenarios of the relative size of regions andthe distances between them. We show that in Spain the power of attraction of theagglomerations grew as they increased in size, but the high elasticity estimated for themigration costs reduced the intensity of the migratory flows. This could help to explainthe apparently low intensity of internal migrations in Spain until its upsurge during the1920s. This also explains the geography of migrations in Spain during this period,which hardly affected the regions furthest from the large industrial agglomerations (i.e.,regions such as Andalusia, Estremadura and Castile-La Mancha) but had an intenseeffect on the provinces nearest to the principal centres of industrial development.
In this paper we examine whether access to markets had a significant influence onmigration choices of Spanish internal migrants in the inter-war years. We perform astructural contrast of a New Economic Geography model that focus on the forwardlinkage that links workers location choice with the geography of industrial production,one of the centripetal forces that drive agglomeration in the NEG models. The resultshighlight the presence of this forward linkage in the Spanish economy of the inter-warperiod. That is, we prove the existence of a direct relation between workers¿ localizationdecisions and the market potential of the host regions. In addition, the direct estimationof the values associated with key parameters in the NEG model allows us to simulatethe migratory flows derived from different scenarios of the relative size of regions andthe distances between them. We show that in Spain the power of attraction of theagglomerations grew as they increased in size, but the high elasticity estimated for themigration costs reduced the intensity of the migratory flows. This could help to explainthe apparently low intensity of internal migrations in Spain until its upsurge during the1920s. This also explains the geography of migrations in Spain during this period,which hardly affected the regions furthest from the large industrial agglomerations (i.e.,regions such as Andalusia, Estremadura and Castile-La Mancha) but had an intenseeffect on the provinces nearest to the principal centres of industrial development.
Ponència presentada a "I Jornada Rebiun de Préstamo Interbibliotecario", Campus de Toledo de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 27 de marzo de 2009
Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt, feofícea originaria de Japón (Pacífico Oeste), está extendiendo rápidamente su área de distribución, asociada a los transportes de ostras japonesas (CRITCHLEY, A. & R. DIJKEMA, Bot. Mar. 27:211-216,1984). Actualmente está citada en el Japón, en la costa Pacífica de América del Norte, en el Atlántico europeo de Inglaterra, Canal de la Mancha y Holanda y en el Mediterráneo francés (CRITCHLEY, A. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 63: 617-625, 1983).
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho produtivo, a estabilidade da produção e a adaptabilidade de três cultivares de amendoim em diversos ambientes típicos de cultivo e severidade das doenças foliares que podem ocorrer no Estado de São Paulo. Foram avaliadas as cultivares Tatu, Florunner e IAC-Caiapó sob três níveis de controle de doenças foliares, em experimentos onde as doenças predominantes foram a mancha-preta (Cercosporidium personatum) e a ferrugem (Puccinia arachidis). Os experimentos utilizaram delineamento em parcelas subdivididas com quatro repetições, em subparcelas de quatro linhas de 5 m de comprimento. As parcelas principais consistiram de controle químico com duas ou quatro pulverizações, e um tratamento sem controle das doenças. Estimaram-se, também, a estabilidade e adaptabilidade entre os ambientes, dentro de cada nível de controle das doenças. A cultivar Florunner mostrou as maiores respostas ao controle químico, em relação à produtividade e adaptabilidade aos ambientes onde as doenças foram bem controladas. As cultivares Tatu e IAC-Caiapó apresentaram comportamentos semelhantes em resposta ao controle das doenças e superaram a cultivar Florunner em produtividade, na qual a pressão das doenças foi maior. A cultivar IAC-Caiapó mostrou produtividade, maior que a da cultivar Tatu e desempenho produtivo mais estável (previsível) do que as outras cultivares, nos três níveis de controle das doenças.
The purpose of this work is to analyze the bronze table found in Montealegre de Campos. The study of Syntax, Anthroponimy and formular expression of this text shows two different chronological levels, with the insertion of un older text as a fragmentum into another of trajanean datation.
Três experimentos de competição entre genótipos de feijão-fradinho (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) foram instalados em Coimbra (17 de novembro de 1993), Ponte Nova (19 de novembro de 1993) e Viçosa (1º de dezembro de 1994), municípios da Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais, com o objetivo de avaliar-lhes o comportamento na primavera-verão, nessa região. Foram testados 18 genótipos em 1993 e 10 em 1994. Foi utilizado o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com três (1993) e quatro (1994) repetições. Os rendimentos variaram de 106 a 2.562 kg/ha. Em 1993, quando houve veranico nas três primeiras semanas de fevereiro, os rendimentos máximos foram de 1.587 (Coimbra) e 1.438 kg/ha (Ponte Nova), obtidos com a linhagem precoce e de porte intermediário IT 85F-2687. Em 1994, quando choveu regularmente até o mês de março, o rendimento máximo (2.562 kg/ha) foi alcançado com a linhagem de ciclo tardio e porte semi-ereto IT 85F-899. A mancha-café (Colletotrichum falcatum f. truncata) foi a única doença observada e as linhagens IT 85F-2687, IT 85D-34284, IT 83S-818, IT 83S-899 e IT 86D-716 foram consideradas resistentes. A primeira colheita foi realizada entre 69 e 79 dias após a emergência, e o período de colheita variou de 16 a 62 dias, dependendo do genótipo e do regime de chuvas.