966 resultados para magnifying glasses


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Kale Brassica oleracea var. acephala is attacked by whitefly Bemisia tabaci, aphid Brevicoryne brassicae and Thrips tabaci. One of the main reasons for extensive insecticide application is the lack of information about factors that control insect population. The objectives of this study were to investigate the relationships between predators and parasitoids, organic compound leaves, levels of leaf nitrogen and potassium, total rainfall, relative humidity, sunlight and median temperature on the abundance of whitefly, aphid, and thrips in kale genotype "Talo Roxo". The beating tray method, direct counting and magnifying lens were used to estimate the number of these pests, predators and parasitoids. Median temperature, sunlight and relative humidity correlated to the amount of leaf nonacosane, which in turn was associated with aphids population increase. A tendency in the reduction of aphids and thrips populations with increase in total rainfall was observed. The whitefly can be a harmful pest in kale producing regions of higher temperature and smaller rainfall. In regions which present moderate temperature, where there is a high incidence of aphids, genotype with low leaf wax content should be chosen. Natural enemies, especially the parasitoid Adialytus spp., can control agents of the aphids population in kale.


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Background:  Heavy drinking and smoking during pregnancy are known to have a negative impact on the unborn child. However, the impact of low-to-moderate alcohol consumption and binge drinking has been debated recently. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship of moderate prenatal drinking and binge drinking with birthweight, being small for gestational age (SGA) at birth, preterm birth, and neonatal asphyxia. Methods:  Moderate alcohol drinking, binge drinking, and several possible confounders were assessed in 1,258 pregnant women; information on neonatal health was obtained at birth. Results:  Results indicate that 30.8% of the women drank at low levels (<2 glasses/wk), 7.9% drank moderately (2 to 4 glasses/wk), and 0.9% showed higher levels of drinking (≥5 glasses/wk); 4.7% reported binge drinking (defined as ≥3 glasses/occasion). 6.4% of the children were SGA (<10th percentile of birthweight adjusted for gestational age), 4.6% were preterm (<37th week of gestation), and 13.0% showed asphyxia (arterial cord pH <7.10 and/or arterial cord lactate >6.35 mmol and/or Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes). When controlling for maternal age, citizenship, occupational status, parity, smoking, use of prescription/over-the-counter drugs, illicit drug use, and child gender moderate drinking was related to lower birthweight (p < 0.01), and moderate drinking and binge drinking were associated with neonatal asphyxia at trend level (p = 0.06 and p = 0.09). Moderate drinking and binge drinking were not related to length of gestation. Conclusions:  In contrast to recent reviews in the field, our results assume that moderate drinking and binge drinking are risk factors for neonatal health.


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The discussion presented below concerns the section on "Unidentified Cement-Aggregate Reactions" in which mention is made of concrete deterioration related to argillaceous dolomitic limestone aggregates. A considerable amount of research has been conducted on carbonate aggregate-cement reactions as part of the general study on the suitability of carbonate rocks as concrete aggregate which inadvertently did not reach the authors in time to be incorporated in their paper. These reactions which occur in response to the alkaline environment of concrete are not typical alkali-aggregate reactions associated with siliceous aggregates such as opaline cherts, volcanic glasses and etc. The reactions are associated with certain carbonate aggregates whose service records indicate deleterious performance in concrete has occurred. It is my purpose to review briefly carbonate aggregate research conducted at Iowa State University and present some new data on the problem of carbonate aggregate-cement paste reactions.


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We report magnetic and magneto-optical measurements of two Mn12 single-molecule magnet derivatives isolated in organic glasses. Field-dependent magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) intensity curves (hysteresis cycles) are found to be essentially identical to superconducting quantum interference device magnetization results and provide experimental evidence for the potential of the optical technique for magnetic characterization. Optical observation of magnetic tunneling has been achieved by studying the decay of the MCD signal at weak applied magnetic field


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Manufacturing of glass from tin mining tailings in Bolivia Tailings from mining activities in Bolivia represent an environmental problem. In the vicinity of the tin mines of Llallagua,Potosí department, there are large dumps and tailings. We present a study of the use of these wastes as raw materials for the manufacture of glass. This procedure aims to contribute to environmental remediation of mining areas through the vitrification, a process which offers an alternative for stabilization of hazardous waste. In addition, the marketing of the obtained product would provide an additional income to the mining areas. For this study three samples of mining waste, with grain size between sand and silt, were used. The chemical composition of these raw materials, determined by X-ray fluorescence, is granitic, with high contents of heavy metals. On the basis of its composition, glass were made from silica glass by adding CaCO3 and Na2CO3. The thermal cycle has been determined from TDA. Tg values of glass range from 626º to 709 °C. Leaching tests of the obtained glasses confirm their capacity to retain heavy metals.


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We report Monte Carlo results for a nonequilibrium Ising-like model in two and three dimensions. Nearest-neighbor interactions J change sign randomly with time due to competing kinetics. There follows a fast and random, i.e., spin-configuration-independent diffusion of Js, of the kind that takes place in dilute metallic alloys when magnetic ions diffuse. The system exhibits steady states of the ferromagnetic (antiferromagnetic) type when the probability p that J>0 is large (small) enough. No counterpart to the freezing phenomena found in quenched spin glasses occurs. We compare our results with existing mean-field and exact ones, and obtain information about critical behavior.


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Tässä työssä tutkittiin natriumsilikaatin (vesilasi) liuotukseen ja suodatukseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Työssä pyrittiin optimoimaan natriumsilikaatin liuotus- ja suodatuskapasiteetti J. M. Huber Finland Oy:n Haminan tehtaan liuotuslaitoksella. Kirjallisuusosassa perehdyttiin kiinteän natriumsilikaatin ja natriumsilikaatin vesiliuoksen ominaisuuksiin, sekä käsiteltiin soveltuvin osin liuotuksen ja suodatuksen teoriaa. Kokeellisessa osassa vertailtiin kahden eri valmistajan natriumsilikaatteja toisiinsa, sekä pyrittiin löytämään molemmille laseille optimaalisimmat prosessiparametrit liuotus- ja suodatuskokeiden avulla. Erilaisia prosessiparametreja ja ajotapoja testattiin tehdasmittakaavan koeajoilla todellisilla prosessilaitteilla. Eri natriumsilikaattien vertailu tehtiin tehdasmittakaavan koeajojen sekä laboratorioanalyysien avulla. Koeajojen tulosten perusteella Taavetista toimitettu vesilasi liukenee nopeammin kuin Puolasta toimitettu ostolasi, mutta puolalaisesta lasista liuotettu silikaatti suodattuu helpommin kuin Taavetin lasista liuotettu silikaatti. Liukenemisnopeuden eroon selitettävissä Taavetin lasin suuremmalla ominaispinta-alalla sekä hauraammalla rakenteella. Suodatuseroon ei löytynyt yksiselitteistä syytä, joten sen löytämiseksi vaadittaisiin jatkotutkimuksia. Kokeiden perusteellaparas keino puolalaisen lasin liuotuksen nopeuttamiseen olisi pitää liuotussäiliön lasiylimäärä mahdollisimman korkeana jokaisessa panoksessa ja nopeuttaa liuotussäiliön panostusta lasin ja veden yhtäaikaisella annostelulla. Tulosten perusteella paras keino Taavetin lasista liuotetun silikaatin suodatuksen helpottamiseen olisi laskea liuoksen tavoitetiheyttä nykyisestä arvostaan, jolloin viskositeetti pienenee merkittävästi ja suodatus onnistuu liuotuslaitoksen kapasiteetin kannalta paremmin. Edellä mainituilla ajotavoilla tehtyjen koeajojen perusteella, molemmilla laseilla on mahdollista päästä 150 MT/d tavoitekapasiteettiin, mutta varmin tapa kyseisen kapasiteetin saavuttamiseksi olisi lisätä suodatuskapasiteettia investoimalla toiseen silikaattisuodattimeen.


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Introduction: In periapical surgery, the absence of standardization between different studies makes it difficult to compare the outcomes. Objective: To compare the healing classification of different authors and evaluate the prognostic criteria of periapical surgery at 12 months. Material and methods: 278 patients (101 men and 177 women) with a mean age of 38.1 years (range 11 to 77) treated with periapical surgery using the ultrasound technique and a 2.6x magnifying glass, and silver amalgam as root-end filling material were included in the study. Evolution was analyzed using the clinical criteria of Mikkonen et al., 1983; radiographic criteria of Rud et al., 1972; the overall combined clinical and radiographic criteria of von Arx and Kurt, 1999; and the Friedman (2005) concept of functional tooth at 12 months of surgery. Results: After 12 months, 87.2% clinical success was obtained according to the Mikkonen et al., 1983 criteria; 73.9% complete radiographic healing using Rud et al. criteria; 62.1% overall success, following the clinical and radiographic parameters of von Arx and Kurt, and 91.9% of teeth were functional. The von Arx and Kurt criteria was found to be the most reliable. Conclusion: Overall evolution according to von Arx and Kurt agreed most closely with the other scales


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Introduction: In periapical surgery, the absence of standardization between different studies makes it difficult to compare the outcomes. Objective: To compare the healing classification of different authors and evaluate the prognostic criteria of periapical surgery at 12 months. Material and methods: 278 patients (101 men and 177 women) with a mean age of 38.1 years (range 11 to 77) treated with periapical surgery using the ultrasound technique and a 2.6x magnifying glass, and silver amalgam as root-end filling material were included in the study. Evolution was analyzed using the clinical criteria of Mikkonen et al., 1983; radiographic criteria of Rud et al., 1972; the overall combined clinical and radiographic criteria of von Arx and Kurt, 1999; and the Friedman (2005) concept of functional tooth at 12 months of surgery. Results: After 12 months, 87.2% clinical success was obtained according to the Mikkonen et al., 1983 criteria; 73.9% complete radiographic healing using Rud et al. criteria; 62.1% overall success, following the clinical and radiographic parameters of von Arx and Kurt, and 91.9% of teeth were functional. The von Arx and Kurt criteria was found to be the most reliable. Conclusion: Overall evolution according to von Arx and Kurt agreed most closely with the other scales


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Manufacturing of glass from tin mining tailings in Bolivia Tailings from mining activities in Bolivia represent an environmental problem. In the vicinity of the tin mines of Llallagua,Potosí department, there are large dumps and tailings. We present a study of the use of these wastes as raw materials for the manufacture of glass. This procedure aims to contribute to environmental remediation of mining areas through the vitrification, a process which offers an alternative for stabilization of hazardous waste. In addition, the marketing of the obtained product would provide an additional income to the mining areas. For this study three samples of mining waste, with grain size between sand and silt, were used. The chemical composition of these raw materials, determined by X-ray fluorescence, is granitic, with high contents of heavy metals. On the basis of its composition, glass were made from silica glass by adding CaCO3 and Na2CO3. The thermal cycle has been determined from TDA. Tg values of glass range from 626º to 709 °C. Leaching tests of the obtained glasses confirm their capacity to retain heavy metals.


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Abstract: Since ancient times, people have attributed a variety of health benefits to moderate consumption of fermented beverages such as wine and beer, often without any scientific basis. There is evidence that excessive or binge alcohol consumption is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, as well as with work related and traffic accidents. On the contrary, at the moment, several epidemiological studies have suggested that moderate consumption of alcohol reduces overall mortality, mainly from coronary diseases. However, there are discrepancies regarding the specific effects of different types of beverages (wine, beer and spirits) on the cardiovascular system and cancer, and also whether the possible protective effects of alcoholic beverages are due to their alcoholic content (ethanol) or to their non-alcoholic components (mainly polyphenols). Epidemiological and clinical studies have pointed out that regular and moderate wine consumption (one to two glasses a day) is associated with decreased incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD), hypertension, diabetes, and certain types of cancer, including colon, basal cell, ovarian, and prostate carcinoma. Moderate beer consumption has also been associated with these effects, but to a lesser degree, probably because of beer"s lower phenolic content. These health benefits have mainly been attributed to an increase in antioxidant capacity, changes in lipid profiles, and the anti-inflammatory effects produced by these alcoholic beverages. This review summarizes the main protective effects on the cardiovascular system and cancer resulting from moderate wine and beer intake due mainly to their common components, alcohol and polyphenols.


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Glasses with low silica content are very susceptible to suffer pronounced degradation when exposed to room atmosphere during short times. In this work the results of the degradation of the surface of a metasilicate glass with composition 2Na2O.1CaO.3SiO2 are presented. Optical and scanning electron microscopy observations, X-ray diffraction, infrared and Raman microprobe spectroscopic measurements of the modified surface of this glass show strong evidences that it is formed essentially by a crystalline carbonate layer.


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We describe the preparation and some optical properties of high refractive index TeO2-PbO-TiO2 glass system. Highly homogeneous glasses were obtained by agitating the mixture during the melting process in an alumina crucible. The characterization was done by X-ray diffraction, Raman scattering, light absorption and linear refractive index measurements. The results show a change in the glass structure as the PbO content increases: the TeO4 trigonal bipyramids characteristics of TeO2 glasses transform into TeO3 trigonal pyramids. However, the measured refractive indices are almost independent of the glass composition. We show that third-order nonlinear optical susceptibilities calculated from the measured refractive indices using Lines' theoretical model are also independent of the glass composition.


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SnO2 thin layers, prepared from aqueous colloidal suspensions by the sol-gel process, have been dip-coated on commercial borosilicate glasses. The effect of the conditions of deposition on the optical and structural characteristics of the thin layers was analysed by UV-Vis spectroscopy, x-ray reflectometry and electron scanning microscopy. Layers prepared with withdrawal speed in between 0.1 and 10cm/min show thickness smaller than 90nm, roughness of the order of 2nm and transmittance higher than 80%, resulting in good optical quality samples. The roughness increases from 2 to 11nm as the withdrawal speed increases from 10 to 80cm/min, what seems to be associated to the enlargement of the layers thickness (> 90nm). The measurements of mass loss, done after etching with fluoridric acid show that the coated samples are more corrosion resistant than the uncoated borosilicate glass.


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In this work we describe the synthesis and characterization of chalcogenide glass (0.3La2S3-0.7Ga2S 3) with low phonons frequencies. Several properties were measured like Sellmeier parameters, linear refractive index dispersion and material dispersion. Samples with the composition above were doped with Dy2S3. The absorption and emission characteristics were measured by electronic spectroscopy and fluorescence spectrum respectively. Raman and infrared spectroscopy shows that these glasses present low phonons frequencies and strucuture composed by GaS4 tetrahedrals. The Lines model was used for calculate the coefficients values of the non linear refractive index.