748 resultados para lithium-ion
The authors present here a summary of their investigations of ultrathin films formed by gold nanoclusters embedded in polymethylmethacrylate polymer. The clusters are formed from the self-organization of subplantated gold ions in the polymer. The source of the low energy ion stream used for the subplantation is a unidirectionally drifting gold plasma created by a magnetically filtered vacuum arc plasma gun. The material properties change according to subplantation dose, including nanocluster sizes and agglomeration state and, consequently also the material electrical behavior and optical activity. They have investigated the composite experimentally and by computer simulation in order to better understand the self-organization and the properties of the material. They present here the results of conductivity measurements and percolation behavior, dynamic TRIM simulations, surface plasmon resonance activity, transmission electron microscopy, small angle x-ray scattering, atomic force microscopy, and scanning tunneling microscopy. (C) 2010 American Vacuum Society [DOI: 10.1116/1.3357287]
Al(2)O(3):Eu(3+)(1%) samples were prepared by combustion, ceramic, and Pechini methods annealed from 400 to 1400 degrees C. XRD patterns indicate that samples heated up to 1000 degrees C present disordered character of activated alumina (gamma-Al(2)O(3)). However, alpha-Al(2)O(3) phase showed high crystallinity and thermostability at 1200-1400 degrees C. The sample characterizations were also carried out by means of infrared spectroscopy (IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and specific surface areas analysis (BET method). Excitation spectra of Al(2)O(3):Eu(3+) samples present broaden bands attributed to defects of Al(2)O(3) matrices and to LMCT state of O -> Eu(3+), however, the narrow bands are assigned to (7)F(0) -> (5)D(J),(5)H(J) and (5)L(J) transitions of Eu(3+) ion. Emission spectra of samples calcined up to 1000 degrees C show broaden bands for (5)D(0) -> (7)F(J) transitions of Eu(3+) ion suggesting that the rare earth ion is in different symmetry sites showed by inhomogeneous line broadening of bands, confirming the predominance of the gamma-alumina phase. For all samples heated from 1200 to 1400 degrees C the spectra exhibit narrow (5)D(0) -> (7)F(J) transitions of Eu(3+) ion indicating the conversion of gamma to alpha-Al(2)O(3) phases, a high intensity narrow peak around 695 nm assigned to R lines of Cr(3+) ion is shown. Al(2)O(3):Eu(3+) heated up to 1100 degrees C presents an increase in the Omega(2) intensity parameter with the increase of temperatures enhancing the covalent character of metal-donor interaction. The disordered structural systems present the highest values of emission quantum efficiencies (eta). CIE coordinates of Al(2)O(3):Eu(3+) are also discussed. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The exclusive processes in electron-ion (eA) interactions are an important tool to investigate the QCD dynamics at high energies as they are in general driven by the gluon content of the target which is strongly subject to parton saturation effects. In this Letter we compute the cross sections for the exclusive vector meson production as well as the deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) relying on the color dipole approach and considering the numerical solution of the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation including running coupling corrections (rcBK). The production cross sections obtained with the rcBK solution and bCGC parametrization are very similar, the former being slightly larger. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The influence of different M(2+) cations on the effective magnetic anisotropy of systems composed of MFe(2)O(4) (M Fe, Co and Mn) nanoparticles was investigated. Samples were prepared by the high-temperature (538 K) solution phase reaction of Fe (acac) 3, Co (acac) 2 and Mn (acac) 2 with 1,2 octanodiol in the presence of oleic acid and oleylamine. The final particles are coated by an organic layer of oleic acid that prevents agglomeration. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images show that particles present near spherical form and a narrow grain size distribution, with mean diameters in the range of 4.5 - 7.6 nm. Powder samples were analyzed by ac susceptibility and Mossbauer measurements, and K(eff) for all samples was evaluated using both techniques, showing a strong dependence on the nature of the divalent cation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Thin zirconium nitride films were prepared on Si(l 00) substrates at room temperature by ion beam assisted deposition with a 2 keV nitrogen ion beam. Arrival rate ratios ARR(N/Zr) used were 0.19, 0.39, 0.92, and 1.86. The chemical composition and bonding structure of the films were analyzed with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Deconvolution results for Zr 3d, Zr 3p(3/2), N 1s, O 1s, and C 1s XPS spectra indicated self-consistently the presence of metal Zr-0, nitride ZrN, oxide ZrO2, oxymnide Zr2N2O, and carbide ZrC phases, and the amounts of these compounds were influenced by ARR(N/Zr). The chemical composition ratio N/Zr in the film increased with increasing ARR(N/Zr) until ARR(N/Zr) reached 0.92, reflecting the high reactivity of nitrogen in the ion beam, and stayed almost constant for ARR(N/Zr) >= 1, the excess nitrogen being rejected from the growing film. A considerable incorporation of contaminant oxygen and carbon into the depositing film was attributed to the getter effect of zirconium. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work presents the electro-optical characterization of metal-organic interfaces prepared by the Ion Beam Assisted Deposition (IBAD) method. IBAD applied in this work combines simultaneously metallic film deposition and bombardment with an independently controlled ion beam, allowing different penetration of the ions and the evaporated metallic elements into the polymer. The result is a hybrid, non-abrupt interface, where polymer, metal and ion coexists. We used an organic light emitting diode, which has a typical vertical-architecture, for the interface characterization: Glass/Indium Tin Oxide (ITO)/Poly[ethylene-dioxythiophene/poly{styrenesulfonicacid}]) (PEDOT:PSS) /Emitting Polymer/Metal. The emitting polymer layer comprised of the Poly[(9,9-dioctyl-2,7-divinylenefluorenylene)-alt-co-{2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene}] (PFO) and the metal layer of aluminum prepared with different Ar(+) ion energies varying in the range from 0 to 1000 eV. Photoluminescence, Current-Voltage and Electroluminescence measurements were used to study the emission and electron injection properties. Changes of these properties were related with the damage caused by the energetic ions and the metal penetration into the polymer. Computer simulations of hybrid interface damage and metal penetration were confronted with experimental data. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Irradiation with heavy ions can produce several modifications in the chain structure of polymers. These modifications can be related to scissioning and cross-linking of chemical bonds. which depend on the ion fluence and the density of energy deposited in the material. Stacked thin film Makrofol-KG (R) samples were irradiated with 350 MeV Au(26+) ions and FTIR absorption spectroscopy was used to determine the bond changes in the samples. Data on the absorption bands as a function of the fluence indicated a higher probability for simple-bonds scissioning than for double-bonds scissioning and no dependence on the number of double bonds breaking with ion fluence. Since sample irradiation was done in a non-track-overlapping regime, a novel process for double bonds formation is suggested: the excitation of a site in the material by only one incident ion followed by a double bond formation during the de-excitation process. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We study the effects of several approximations commonly used in coupled-channel analyses of fusion and elastic scattering cross sections. Our calculations are performed considering couplings to inelastic states in the context of the frozen approximation, which is equivalent to the coupled-channel formalism when dealing with small excitation energies. Our findings indicate that, in some cases, the effect of the approximations on the theoretical cross sections can be larger than the precision of the experimental data.
An imaginary potential with universal normalization for dissipative processes in heavy-ion reactions
In this work we present new coupled channel calculations with the Sao Paulo potential (SPP) as the bare interaction, and an imaginary potential with system and energy independent normalization that has been developed to take into account dissipative processes in heavy-ion reactions. This imaginary potential is based on high-energy nucleon interaction in nuclear medium. Our theoretical predictions for energies up to approximate to 100 MeV/nucleon agree very well with the experimental data for the p, n + nucleus, (16)O + (27)Al, (16)O + (60)Ni, (58)Ni + (124)Sn, and weakly bound projectile (7)Li + (120)Sn systems. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Heavy-ion total reaction cross-section measurements for more than 1100 reaction cases covering 61 target nuclei in the range (6)Li-(238)U and 158 projectile nuclei from (2)H to (84)Kr (mostly exotic ones) have been analyzed in a systematic way by using an empirical, three-parameter formula that is applicable to the cases of projectile kinetic energies above the Coulomb barrier. The analysis has shown that the average total nuclear binding energy per nucleon of the interacting nuclei and their radii are the chief quantities that describe the cross-section patterns. A great amount of cross-section data (87%) has been quite satisfactorily reproduced by the proposed formula; therefore, the total reaction cross-section predictions for new, not yet experimentally investigated reaction cases can be obtained within 25% (or much less) uncertainty.
The RIBRAS facility (Radioactive Ion Beams in Brasil) is installed in connection with the 8MV Pelletron tandem of the University of Sao Paulo Physics Institute. It consists of two superconducting solenoids which focalize light radioactive secondary beams of low energy, produced by transfer reactions. Recent experimental results include the elastic scattering and transfer reactions of (6)He halo nucleus on (9)Be, (27)Al, (51)V and (120)Sn targets. The elastic scattering and transfer of (8)Li and (7)Be on several targets is also being studied. The transfer reaction (8)Li(p,alpha)(5)He of astrophysical interest was also Studied in the E(cm)=0.2-2.5 MeV energy range.
We expect to observe parton saturation in a future electron-ion collider. In this Letter we discuss this expectation in more detail considering two different models which are in good agreement with the existing experimental data on nuclear structure functions. In particular, we study the predictions of saturation effects in electron-ion collisions at high energies, using a generalization for nuclear targets of the b-CGC model, which describes the ep HERA quite well. We estimate the total. longitudinal and charm structure functions in the dipole picture and compare them with the predictions obtained using collinear factorization and modern sets of nuclear parton distributions. Our results show that inclusive observables are not very useful in the search for saturation effects. In the small x region they are very difficult to disentangle from the predictions of the collinear approaches. This happens mainly because of the large uncertainties in the determination of the nuclear parton distribution functions. On the other hand, our results indicate that the contribution of diffractive processes to the total cross section is about 20% at large A and small Q(2), allowing for a detailed study of diffractive observables. The study of diffractive processes becomes essential to observe parton Saturation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We have revisited photoassociative ionization (PAI) in a cold sample of Na atmos. A two-color experiment was performed ina magneto-optical trap through the addition of aprobe laser. The observation of a marked change in the PAI rate for a definite frequency range can be attributed to the influence of repuisive levels and a possible avoided crossing between long-range molecular levels. (c) 2009 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WLLEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
In this work, the light-induced lens effect due to thermal and/or photorefractive processes was studied in pyroelectric (undoped and Fe(2+)-doped) lithium niobate crystals (LiNbO(3)) using thermal lens spectrometry with a two-beam (pump-probe) mode-mismatched configuration. The measurements were carried out at two pump beam wavelengths (514.5 and 750 nm) to establish a full understanding of the present effects in this material (thermal and/or photorefractive). We present an easy-to-implement method to determine quantitative values of the pyroelectric coefficient (dPs/dT), its contribution to the thermal effect and other thermo-optical parameters like thermal diffusivity (D), thermal conductivity (K) and temperature coefficient of the optical path length change (ds/dT). These measurements were performed in LiNbO(3) and LiNbO(3): Fe (0.1 ppm Fe(2+)) crystals with c axis along the direction of laser propagation.
Lithium nitrate has been used to prevent and to mediate the expansion caused by alkali-silica reaction (ASR). However, there is limited information on how it affects the existing reaction products caused by ASR. The aim of the present work is to determine the modifications caused by the LiNO3 treatment on the structure of the gel produced by ASR. ASR gel samples obtained from a concrete dam were exposed to an aqueous solution of lithium nitrate and sodium hydroxide with molar LiNO3/NaOH = 0.74, and the resulting products were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance of Si-29, Na-23, and Li-7. The treatment of the gel samples produces significant structural modifications in ASR products. A new amorphous silicate compound incorporating Li+ ions is formed, with an average silicate network that can be described as linear in contrast with the layered structure of the original gel. This elimination of the layered structure after the Li-based treatments may be related to the reduction of the tendency of the gel to expand. Also, several crystalline compounds containing potassium indicate the release of this species from the original ASR gel.