860 resultados para humoral


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Mice genetically selected for high (H) and low (L) antibody production (Selection IV-A) were used as murine experimental model. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the macrophagic activity and to characterize the immune response in Mycobacterium bovis-AN5 infected mice (3×10 7 bacteria). The response profile previously observed in such strains was not similar to that obtained during M. bovis infection; however, it corroborated works carried out using Selection I, which is very similar to Selection IV-A regarding infection by M. tuberculosis and Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG). Considering bacterial recovery, LIV-A mice showed higher control of the infectious process in the lungs than in the spleen, whereas HIV-A mice presented more resistance in the spleen. With respect to macrophagic activity, hydrogen peroxide (H2O 2) was probably not involved in the infection control since there was an inhibition in the production of this metabolite. Nitric oxide (NO) and TNF-α production seemed to be important in the control of bacterial replication and varied according to the strain, period and organ. Evaluation of the antibody production indicated that the multi-specific effect commonly observed in these strains was not the same in the response to M. bovis. Antibody concentrations were higher in LIV-A than in HIV-A mice at the beginning of the infection, being similar afterwards. Such data were compared with delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH), which was more intense in HIV-A than in LIV-A mice, indicating that antibody production is independent of the capability to trigger DTH reactions and that cellular and humoral responses to M. bovis antigens show a polygenic control and an independent quantitative genetic regulation. Differences were observed among organs and metabolites, suggesting that different mechanisms play an important role in this infection in natural heterogeneous populations, indicating that NO, TNF-α and Th1 cytokines are involved in the infection control.


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Sjögren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease characterized by sialoadenitis and elevated titers of autoantibodies. To assess whether it is possible to induce inflammatory changes in salivary gland tissues, a series of immunizations in Balb/c mice have been undertaken, using salivary gland extract, modified or not, added to several adjuvants. Mice's humoral immune response to salivary gland antigens was monitored by ELISA. Inflammatory cells infiltrating gland tissue were seen 3 months after immunization with salivary gland extract modified with pepsin (AgGp) and metaperiodate (AgGMp). Although pathological progression was not observed, the histopathological picture was similar to the initial phase of Sjögren's syndrome. In addition, a monoclonal antibody reactive with 3 gland polypeptides and anhydrase carbonic II was rescued among B cells from immunized mice. Thus, immunizations with modified autoantigens were able to initiate pathological damage to glandular tissue and stimulate the proliferation of auto-reactive B cells.


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West syndrome is a severe epilepsy, occurring in infancy, that comprises epileptic seizures known as spasms, in clusters, and a unique EEG pattern, hypsarrhythmia, with psychomotor regression. Maturation of the brain is a crucial component. The onset is within the first year of life, before 12 months of age. Patients are classified as cryptogenic (10 to 20%), when there are no known or diagnosed previous cerebral insults, and symptomatic (80 to 90%), when associated with pre-existing cerebral damages. The time interval from a brain insult to infantile spasms onset ranged from 6 weeks to 11 months. West syndrome has a time-limited natural evolutive course, usually disappearing by 3 or 4 years of age. In 62% of patients, there are transitions to another age-related epileptic encephalopathies, the Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome and severe epilepsy with multiple independent foci. Spontaneous remission and remission after viral infections may occur. Therapy with ACTH and corticosteroids are the most effective. Reports about intravenous immunoglobulins action deserve attention. There is also immune dysfunction, characterized mainly by anergy, impaired cell-mediated immunity, presence of immature thymocytes in peripheral blood, functional impairment of T lymphocytes induced by plasma inhibitory factors, and altered levels of immunoglobulins. Changes in B lymphocytes frequencies and increased levels of activated B cells have been reported. Sensitized lymphocytes to brain extract were also described. Infectious diseases are frequent and may, sometimes, cause fatal outcomes. Increase of pro-inflamatory cytokines in serum and cerebrospinal fluid of epileptic patients were reported. Association with specific HLA antigens was described by several authors (HLA-DR7, HLA-A7, HLA-DRw52, and HLA-DR5). Auto-antibodies to brain antigens, of several natures (N-methyl-d-aspartate glutamate receptor, gangliosides, brain tissue extract, synaptic membrane, and others), were described in epileptic patients and in epileptic syndromes. Experimental epilepsy studies with anti-brain antibodies demonstrated that epileptiform discharges can be obtained, producing hyperexcitability leading to epilepsy. We speculate that in genetically prone individuals, previous cerebral lesions may sensitize immune system and trigger an autoimmune disease. Antibody to brain antigens may be responsible for impairment of T cell function, due to plasma inhibitory effect and also cause epilepsy in immature brains. © 2008 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background: Protein-calorie malnutrition (PCM) is the most common type of malnutrition. PCM leads to immunodeficiency and consequent increased susceptibility to infectious agents. In addition, responses to prophylactic vaccines depend on nutritional status. This study aims to evaluate the ability of undernourished mice to mount an immune response to a genetic vaccine (pVAXhsp65) against tuberculosis, containing the gene coding for the heat shock protein 65 from mycobacteria. Methods: Young adult female BALB/c mice were fed ad libitum or with 80% of the amount of food consumed by a normal diet group. We initially characterized a mice model of dietary restriction by determining body and spleen weights, hematological parameters and histopathological changes in lymphoid organs. The ability of splenic cells to produce IFN-gamma and IL-4 upon in vitro stimulation with LPS or S. aureus and the serum titer of specific IgG1 and IgG2a anti-hsp65 antibodies after intramuscular immunization with pVAXhsp65 was then tested. Results: Dietary restriction significantly decreased body and spleen weights and also the total lymphocyte count in blood. This restriction also determined a striking atrophy in lymphoid organs as spleen, thymus and lymphoid tissue associated with the small intestine. Specific antibodies were not detected in mice submitted to dietary restriction whereas the well nourished animals produced significant levels of both, IgG1 and IgG2a anti-hsp65. Conclusion: 20% restriction in food intake deeply compromised humoral immunity induced by a genetic vaccine, alerting, therefore, for the relevance of the nutritional condition in vaccination programs based on these kinds of constructs. © 2009 Ishikawa et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Were used 64 piglets submitted eight treatments: ration with skim milk (SM), three rations with crescent levels of swine plasma (SP), three rations with whole egg (WE) and a ration with high inclusion of soybean meal (SB). Were monitored the blood parameters (BP) in pigs at 27 and at 34 days of age. The piglets were slaugther at 28 and at 35 days of age, for collections pancreas and posterior mensurements of absolut (AW) and relative weigth (RW) of pancreas and trypsin activity (TA). Treatments not influencied AW and TA. Significant effect of the crescent levels was verified of SP, with lineal reduction of the leukocytes and increase of the globular volume, to the 27 days; while to the 34 days, lineal increase of the hematias was observed. At 27 days, animals feds rations with crescent levels of SP have inferior percentage of eosinophils than others that consumed crescent levels of WE. The utilization of SP promoted smaller stimulus to the immune reply, while the use of WE promoted larger humoral reply of the piglets.


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The ELISA technique was used to evaluate and compare young ovine humoral immune response during crotalic antiserum production. Animals were clinically evaluated throughout this process, and the neutralizing capacity of antisera raised against natural (NV) and Cobalt-60 irradiated (IrV) venoms of Crotalus durissus terrificus (C.d.t.) was verified by means of in vitro challenges. Three groups of six animals each were used: G1 received NV; G2 was inoculated with IrV; and G3 was used as control. Animals received six immunizations during 84 days at 14-day intervals. ELISA of antibody profile showed significant difference (p<5%) between experimental groups (G1


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The aim of this study was to determine the serum concentrations of immunoglobulin G, TP and the γ globulin electrophoretic fraction, as well as the enzymatic activities of GGT and ALP. This was done in order to explore the possibility of using changes in activities of these enzymes as indirect indicators of adequate humoral immunity and/ or failure of immune passive transfer in lambs. Pearson correlation was performed between variable of four groups of age during the first 30 days of life. Blood samples (191) from lambs from 21 different farms in Araçatuba region- São Paulo. The following tests were perfomed: radial immunodiffusion, spectrophotometry and electrophoresis to stain the amount of IgG, TP and γ globulin, respectively. GGT and ALP values were determinate using commercial kits. There was a statistically significant correlation between ALP and GGT. The same correlation was observed from TP, IgG and GGT. A positive γ globulin correlation was found between GGT, IgG and TP. ALP activity cannot be used as an indicator of immune passive transfer.


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Although canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) has been extensively studied, muscular damage due to Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi infection remains to be fully established. The aim of this study was to describe the electromyographic and histological changes, as well as search for the presence of amastigote forms of Leishmania spp, CD3+ T-lymphocytes, macrophages and IgG in skeletal muscles of dogs with visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Four muscles (triceps brachial, extensor carpi radialis, biceps femoris and gastrocnemius) from a total of 17 naturally infected and six healthy dogs were used in this study. Electromyographic alterations such as fibrillation potentials, positive sharp waves and complex repetitive discharges were observed in, at least, three muscles from all infected dogs. Myocyte necrosis and degeneration were the most frequent muscular injury seen, followed by inflammatory reaction, fibrosis and variation in muscle fibers size. Immunohistochemistry in muscle samples revealed amastigote forms in 4/17 (23. 53%), IgG in 12/17 (70. 58%), CD3+ T-lymphocytes in 16/17 (94. 12%) and macrophages in 17/17 (100%) dogs. Statistically positive correlation was observed between: inflammatory infiltrate (p=0. 0305) and CD3+ immunoreaction (p=0. 0307) in relation to the number of amastigote forms; inflammatory infiltrate (p=0. 0101) and macrophage immunoreaction (p=0. 0127) in relation to the amount of CD3+; and inflammatory infiltrate (p=0. 0044) and degeneration/necrosis (p<0. 0001) in relation to the presence of macrophages. Our results suggest that different mechanisms contribute to the development of myocytotoxicity, including celular and humoral immune responses and direct muscular injury by the parasite. Nevertheless, the catabolic nature of the disease can probably interact with other factors, but cannot be incriminated as the only responsible for myositis.


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Recent studies have shown that ingestion by the army worm Spodoptera frugiperda of Cry1Ac toxin from Bt cotton promotes histochemical and ultrastructural changes in the digestive cells of the predatory pentatomid bug Podisus nigrispinus. Therefore, mindful of the changes in the midgut of the predator, which represents the first line of defence in this insect, our aim was to test the hypothesis that the consumption of Bt cotton-fed S. frugiperda by P. nigrispinus might lead to alterations in components of the immune system of P. nigrispinus. The Cry1Ac toxin level in the leaves of Bt cotton, nitric oxide, phenoloxidase activity, and total proteins were quantified by ELISA. Total and differential hemocyte counts were evaluated, and hemocyte ultrastructure analysis was undertaken. We found that ingestion of the prey fed daily with approximately 23 ± 0.70 ng g-1 Cry1Ac by wet weight of leaves, and expressed by the Bt cotton, induces small ultrastructural changes in the predator's granulocytes and plasmatocytes. However, these changes did not affect the total number and differential and humoral variables analyzed for the bug's hemocytes. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Infection by Cryptosporidium serpentis is one of the most important diseases in reptiles and is characterized by chronic clinical or subclinical infection and the presence of hypertrophic gastritis, food regurgitation, progressive weight loss, mortality, and intermittent or continuous shedding of oocysts in the feces. The objectives of this study were to standardize an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect antibodies against C. serpentis and to evaluate the clinical, parasitological, and humoral immune response in snakes naturally infected with C. serpentis. Twenty-one snakes naturally infected with C. serpentis and housed at the Butantan Institute, São Paulo, Brazil, underwent clinical and parasitological analyses for C. serpentis infection through daily records of clinical signs and a monthly survey of fecal shedding of oocysts using the Kinyoun's acid-fast staining. The serological evaluation was performed monthly by indirect ELISA using crude total antigen from oocysts of C. serpentis to detect anti-C. serpentis antibodies. Clinical symptoms consisted of food regurgitation, inappetence, and progressive weight loss. The parasitological analysis revealed intermittent fecal shedding of a variable number of oocysts in all snakes, with positivity in 85.32% (157/184) of the samples. The indirect ELISA was positive in 68.25% (86/126) of the samples. A humoral immune response was observed in most animals; however, fluctuating antibodies levels, leading to alternating positive and negative results, were observed in most snakes. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)