987 resultados para growth cycles


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A three-dimensional (3D) mathematical model of tumour growth at the avascular phase and vessel remodelling in host tissues is proposed with emphasis on the study of the interactions of tumour growth and hypoxic micro-environment in host tissues. The hybrid based model includes the continuum part, such as the distributions of oxygen and vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs), and the discrete part of tumour cells (TCs) and blood vessel networks. The simulation shows the dynamic process of avascular tumour growth from a few initial cells to an equilibrium state with varied vessel networks. After a phase of rapidly increasing numbers of the TCs, more and more host vessels collapse due to the stress caused by the growing tumour. In addition, the consumption of oxygen expands with the enlarged tumour region. The study also discusses the effects of certain factors on tumour growth, including the density and configuration of preexisting vessel networks and the blood oxygen content. The model enables us to examine the relationship between early tumour growth and hypoxic micro-environment in host tissues, which can be useful for further applications, such as tumour metastasis and the initialization of tumour angiogenesis.


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BACKGROUND: Rupture of atheromatous plaque in the carotid artery often leads to thrombosis and subsequent stroke. The mechanism of plaque rupture is not entirely clear but is thought to be a multi-factorial process involving thinning and weakening of the fibrous cap and biomechanical stress as the trigger leading to plaque rupture. As the cardiovascular system is a classic fatigue environment, the weakening of plaque leading to rupture may be a fatigue process, which is a symptomatically quiescent but potentially progressive failure process. In this study, we used a fatigue analysis based on in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to investigate the rupture initiation location, crack propagation path and fatigue life within plaques of asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals. METHODS: Forty non-consecutive subjects (20 symptomatic and 20 asymptomatic) underwent high-resolution multi-sequence in vivo MRI of the carotid bifurcation. Fatigue analysis was performed based on the plaque geometry derived from in vivo MRI of the carotid artery at the point of maximum stenosis. Paris’ Law in fracture mechanics is adopted to determine the fatigue crack growth rate. Incremental crack propagation was dynamically simulated based on stress distributions. Plaque initiation location, crack propagation path and fatigue cycle of symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals were compared. RESULTS: Cracks were often found to begin at the lumen wall at areas of stress concentration. The preferred rupture direction was radial from the lumen center. The crack initially advanced slowly but accelerated as it developed, depending on plaque morphology. The fatigue cycles of symptomatic plaques were significantly less than those in the asymptomatic group (2.3 ± 0.9 vs 3.1 ± 0.7 (x106); p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: The number of cycles to rupture in symptomatic patients was higher than those predicted in asymptomatic patients by fatigue analysis, suggesting the possibility that plaques with a less fatigue life may be more prone to be symptomatic and rupture. If further validated by large-scale longitudinal studies, fatigue analysis based on high resolution in vivo MRI could potentially act as a useful tool for risk assessment of carotid atheroma.


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Growth rate of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is thought to be an important indicator of the potential risk of rupture. Wall stress is also thought to be a trigger for its rupture. However, stress change during the expansion of an AAA is unclear. Forty-four patients with AAAs were included in this longitudinal follow-up study. They were assessed by serial abdominal ultrasonography and computerized tomography (CT) scans if a critical size was reached or a rapid expansion occurred. Patient-specific 3-dimensional AAA geometries were reconstructed from the follow-up CT images. Structural analysis was performed to calculate the wall stresses of the AAA models at both baseline and final visit. A non-linear large-strain finite element method was used to compute the wall stress distribution. The average growth rate was 0.66cm/year (range 0-1.32 cm/year). A significantly positive correlation between shoulder tress at baseline and growth rate was found (r=0.342; p=0.02). A higher shoulder stress is associated with a rapidly expanding AAA. Therefore, it may be useful for estimating the growth expansion of AAAs and further risk stratification of patients with AAAs.


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The nucleataon growth model of electrochemical phase formation is analysed for the hnear potential sweep input Apart from deducing diagnostic criteria and method~ of estimating model parameters, the predictions of the nucleation growth model are compared and contrasted with those of a sample adsorption model A dastlnCtlOn is made possible between adsorption and phase transition, which seems useful for understanding the nature of ECPF phenomena, especially underpotentlal deposition (UPD).


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Near threshold fatigue crack growth behavior of a high strength steel under different temper levels was investigated. It is found that the observed variations in ΔKth could predominantly be attributed to roughness induced crack closure. The closure-free component of the threshold stress intensity range, ΔKeff,th showed a systematic variation with monotonic yield strength.


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Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) are the primary cause of urinary tract infection (UTI) in humans. For the successful colonisation of the human urinary tract, UPEC employ a diverse collection of secreted or surface-exposed virulence factors including toxins, iron acquisition systems and adhesins. In this study, a comparative proteomic approach was utilised to define the UPEC pan and core surface proteome following growth in pooled human urine. Identified proteins were investigated for subcellular origin, prevalence and homology to characterised virulence factors. Fourteen core surface proteins were identified, as well as eleven iron uptake receptor proteins and four distinct fimbrial types, including type 1, P, F1C/S and a previously uncharacterised fimbrial type, designated UCA-like (UCL) fimbriae in this study. These pathogenicity island (PAI)-associated fimbriae are related to UCA fimbriae of Proteus mirabilis, associated with UPEC and exclusively found in members of the E. coli B2 and D phylogroup. We further demonstrated that UCL fimbriae promote significant biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces and mediate specific attachment to exfoliated human uroepithelial cells. Combined, this study has defined the surface proteomic profiles and core surface proteome of UPEC during growth in human urine and identified a new type of fimbriae that may contribute to UTI.


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Crystal growth of YIG from fluxes containing lead sulphate in place of lead oxide in the usual lead oxide-lead fluoride-boron oxide flux system has been tried. Lead sulphate decomposes during crystal growth giving lead oxide and sulphur trioxide. Due to the influence of sulphur trioxide in the system the yield of crystals almost doubles. There is no change either in the morphology of the crystals or their lattice parameter. It is possible that solubility of YIG is different in the new flux and the changed solubility causes the increase in yield of crystals.


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Commercial environments may receive only a fraction of expected genetic gains for growth rate as predicted from the selection environment This fraction is the result of undesirable genotype-by-environment interactions (G x E) and measured by the genetic correlation (r(g)) of growth between environments. Rapid estimates of genetic correlation achieved in one generation are notoriously difficult to estimate with precision. A new design is proposed where genetic correlations can be estimated by utilising artificial mating from cryopreserved semen and unfertilised eggs stripped from a single female. We compare a traditional phenotype analysis of growth to a threshold model where only the largest fish are genotyped for sire identification. The threshold model was robust to differences in family mortality differing up to 30%. The design is unique as it negates potential re-ranking of families caused by an interaction between common maternal environmental effects and growing environment. The design is suitable for rapid assessment of G x E over one generation with a true 0.70 genetic correlation yielding standard errors as low as 0.07. Different design scenarios were tested for bias and accuracy with a range of heritability values, number of half-sib families created, number of progeny within each full-sib family, number of fish genotyped, number of fish stocked, differing family survival rates and at various simulated genetic correlation levels


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This paper presents a maximum likelihood method for estimating growth parameters for an aquatic species that incorporates growth covariates, and takes into consideration multiple tag-recapture data. Individual variability in asymptotic length, age-at-tagging, and measurement error are also considered in the model structure. Using distribution theory, the log-likelihood function is derived under a generalised framework for the von Bertalanffy and Gompertz growth models. Due to the generality of the derivation, covariate effects can be included for both models with seasonality and tagging effects investigated. Method robustness is established via comparison with the Fabens, improved Fabens, James and a non-linear mixed-effects growth models, with the maximum likelihood method performing the best. The method is illustrated further with an application to blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra) for which a strong growth-retarding tagging effect that persisted for several months was detected


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The contemporary methodology for growth models of organisms is based on continuous trajectories and thus it hinders us from modelling stepwise growth in crustacean populations. Growth models for fish are normally assumed to follow a continuous function, but a different type of model is needed for crustacean growth. Crustaceans must moult in order for them to grow. The growth of crustaceans is a discontinuous process due to the periodical shedding of the exoskeleton in moulting. The stepwise growth of crustaceans through the moulting process makes the growth estimation more complex. Stochastic approaches can be used to model discontinuous growth or what are commonly known as "jumps" (Figure 1). However, in stochastic growth model we need to ensure that the stochastic growth model results in only positive jumps. In view of this, we will introduce a subordinator that is a special case of a Levy process. A subordinator is a non-decreasing Levy process, that will assist in modelling crustacean growth for better understanding of the individual variability and stochasticity in moulting periods and increments. We develop the estimation methods for parameter estimation and illustrate them with the help of a dataset from laboratory experiments. The motivational dataset is from the ornate rock lobster, Panulirus ornatus, which can be found between Australia and Papua New Guinea. Due to the presence of sex effects on the growth (Munday et al., 2004), we estimate the growth parameters separately for each sex. Since all hard parts are shed too often, the exact age determination of a lobster can be challenging. However, the growth parameters for the aforementioned moult processes from tank data being able to estimate through: (i) inter-moult periods, and (ii) moult increment. We will attempt to derive a joint density, which is made up of two functions: one for moult increments and the other for time intervals between moults. We claim these functions are conditionally independent given pre-moult length and the inter-moult periods. The variables moult increments and inter-moult periods are said to be independent because of the Markov property or conditional probability. Hence, the parameters in each function can be estimated separately. Subsequently, we integrate both of the functions through a Monte Carlo method. We can therefore obtain a population mean for crustacean growth (e. g. red curve in Figure 1). [GRAPHICS]


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The growth of the Australian eastern king prawn (Melicertus plebejus) is understood in greater detail by quantifying the latitudinal effect. The latitudinal effect is the change in the species' growth rate during migration. Mark-recapture data (N = 1635, latitude 22.21 degrees S-34.00 degrees S) presents northerly movement of the eastern king prawn, with New South Wales prawns showing substantial average movement of 140 km (standard deviation: 176 km) north. A generalized von Bertalanffy growth model framework is used to incorporate the latitudinal effect together with the canonical seasonal effect. Applying this method to eastern king prawn mark-recapture data guarantees consistent estimates for the latitudinal and seasonal effects. For M. plebejus, it was found that growth rate peaks on 25 and 29 January for males and females, respectively; is at a minimum on 27 and 31 July, respectively; and that the shape parameter, k (per year), changes by -0.0236 and -0.0556 every 1 degree of latitude south increase for males and females, respectively.


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Previous studies have shown that the external growth records of the posterior adductor muscle scar (PAMS) of the bivalve Pinna nobilis are incomplete and do not produce accurate age estimations. We have developed a new methodology to study age and growth using the inner record of the PAMS, which avoids the necessity of costly in situ shell measurements or isotopic studies. Using the inner record we identified the positions of PAMS previously obscured by nacre and estimated the number of missing records in adult specimens with strong abrasion of the calcite layer in the anterior portion of the shell. The study of the PAMS and inner record of two shells that were 6 years old when collected showed that only 2 and 3 PAMS were observed, while 6 inner records could be counted, thus confirming our working methodology. Growth parameters of a P. nobilis population located in Moraira, Spain (western Mediterranean) were estimated with the new methodology and compared to those obtained using PAMS data and in situ measurements. For the comparisons, we applied different models considering the data alternatively as length-at-age (LA) and tag-recapture (TR). Among every method we tested to fit the Von Bertalanffy growth model, we observed that LA data from inner record fitted to the model using non-linear mixed effects and the estimation of missing records using the calcite width was the most appropriate. The equation obtained with this method, L = 573*(1 - e(-0.16(t-0.02))), is very similar to that calculated previously from in situ measurements for the same population.


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En 52 steel has been electroslag refined and the resultant effects of refining on its mechanical properties have been assessed. It was found that refining caused a decrease in fatigue crack growth rates and increases in fatigue strength, fracture toughness, Charpy fracture energy and tensile ductility. Fatigue crack growth rates in region I and in region III were found to be considerably lower in the electroslag refined steel: they were unaffected in region II. The fracture toughness values for the electroslag refined steel are nearly twice those estimated for the unrefined steel. Measurements on heat-treated samples have shown that the electroslag refined steel has a better response to heat-treatment. The improvement in the mechanical properties is explained in terms of the removal of nonmetallic inclusions and a reduction in the sulphur content of the steel.


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The Fabens method is commonly used to estimate growth parameters k and l infinity in the von Bertalanffy model from tag-recapture data. However, the Fabens method of estimation has an inherent bias when individual growth is variable. This paper presents an asymptotically unbiassed method using a maximum likelihood approach that takes account of individual variability in both maximum length and age-at-tagging. It is assumed that each individual's growth follows a von Bertalanffy curve with its own maximum length and age-at-tagging. The parameter k is assumed to be a constant to ensure that the mean growth follows a von Bertalanffy curve and to avoid overparameterization. Our method also makes more efficient use nf thp measurements at tno and recapture and includes diagnostic techniques for checking distributional assumptions. The method is reasonably robust and performs better than the Fabens method when individual growth differs from the von Bertalanffy relationship. When measurement error is negligible, the estimation involves maximizing the profile likelihood of one parameter only. The method is applied to tag-recapture data for the grooved tiger prawn (Penaeus semisulcatus) from the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia.


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Estimation of von Bertalanffy growth parameters has received considerable attention in fisheries research. Since Sainsbury (1980, Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 37: 241-247) much of this research effort has centered on accounting for individual variability in the growth parameters. In this paper we demonstrate that, in analysis of tagging data, Sainsbury's method and its derivatives do not, in general, satisfactorily account for individual variability in growth, leading to inconsistent parameter estimates (the bias does not tend to zero as sample size increases to infinity). The bias arises because these methods do not use appropriate conditional expectations as a basis for estimation. This bias is found to be similar to that of the Fabens method. Such methods would be appropriate only under the assumption that the individual growth parameters that generate the growth increment were independent of the growth parameters that generated the initial length. However, such an assumption would be unrealistic. The results are derived analytically, and illustrated with a simulation study. Until techniques that take full account of the appropriate conditioning have been developed, the effect of individual variability on growth has yet to be fully understood.