993 resultados para glycine-rich


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Tuna oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids was microencapsulated in whey protein isolate (WPI)-gum arabic (GA) complex coacervates, and subsequently dried using spray and freeze drying to produce solid microcapsules. The oxidative stability, oil microencapsulation efficiency, surface oil and morphology of these solid microcapsules were determined. The complex coacervation process between WPI and GA was optimised in terms of pH, and WPI-to-GA ratio, using zeta potential, turbidity, and morphology of the microcapsules. The optimum pH and WPI-to-GA ratio for complex coacervation was found to be 3.75 and 3 : 1, respectively. The spray dried solid microcapsules had better stability against oxidation, higher oil microencapsulation efficiency and lower surface oil content compared to the freeze dried microcapsules. The surface of the spray dried microcapsules did not show microscopic pores while the surface of the freeze dried microcapsules was more porous. This study suggests that solid microcapsules of omega-3 rich oils can be produced using WPI-GA complex coacervates followed by spray drying and these microcapsules can be quite stable against oxidation. These microcapsules can have many potential applications in the functional food and nutraceuticals industry.


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This thesis focused on the use of enzyme "lipase" rather than chemicals to produce concentrates of omega-3 fatty acids. These enzymatic techniques are cheaper, greener and environmentally friendly.


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The focus of this paper is to test whether free market institutions that protect property rights and support freedom of choice and voluntary exchange can change the curse of natural resources into a blessing. To examine the above question, this paper uses the Fraser Institute's economic freedom index and its five sub-indices, namely government size, property rights, access to sound money, freedom to trade, and setting proper regulations. Using data from 99 sample countries over the period 1970-2010, the system GMM estimates suggest that the negative growth effects of resource rents may turn positive in countries with greater economic freedom.


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For an increasing number of biologists, cancer is viewed as a dynamic system governed by evolutionary and ecological principles. Throughout most of human history, cancer was an uncommon cause of death and it is generally accepted that common components of modern culture, including increased physiological stresses and caloric intake, favor cancer development. However, the precise mechanisms for this linkage are not well understood. Here, we examine the roles of ecological and physiological disturbances and resource availability on the emergence of cancer in multicellular organisms. We argue that proliferation of 'profiteering phenotypes' is often an emergent property of disturbed, resource-rich environments at all scales of biological organization. We review the evidence for this phenomenon, explore it within the context of malignancy, and discuss how this ecological framework may offer a theoretical background for novel strategies of cancer prevention. This work provides a compelling argument that the traditional separation between medicine and evolutionary ecology remains a fundamental limitation that needs to be overcome if complex processes, such as oncogenesis, are to be completely understood.


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This study reexamines the sustainability hypothesis by testing whether government revenues and expenditures for eight rich OECD countries between 1977Q1 and 2005Q4 are cointegrated. For this purpose, a nonstationary panel data approach is adopted, which is general enough to permit for cross-country dependence as well as structural breaks representing major shifts in fiscal policy. In contrast to many earlier studies, the results reported in this study suggest that the sustainability hypothesis cannot be rejected. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.


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In this study, we investigated the efficacy of an LNA (locked nucleic acid)-modified DNA aptamer named RNV66 targeting VEGF against various breast cancer cell lines. Our results demonstrate that RNV66 efficiently inhibits breast cancer cell proliferation both in vitro and in vivo. Introduction of LNA nucleotides were crucial for higher efficacy. Furthermore, the binding interaction of RNV66 with VEGF was investigated using molecular dynamic simulations leading to the first computational model of the LNA aptamer-VEGF complex blocking its interaction with VEGF-receptor.


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Nitrogen-14 solid-state NMR (SSNMR) is utilized to differentiate three polymorphic forms and a hydrochloride (HCl) salt of the amino acid glycine. Frequency-swept Wideband, Uniform Rate, Smooth Truncated (WURST) pulses were used in conjunction with Carr-Purcell Meiboom-Gill refocusing, in the form of the WURST-CPMG pulse sequence, for all spectral acquisitions. The 14N quadrupolar interaction is shown to be very sensitive to variations in the local electric field gradients (EFGs) about the 14N nucleus; hence, differentiation of the samples is accomplished through determination of the quadrupolar parameters CQ and ηQ, which are obtained from analytical simulations of the 14N SSNMR powder patterns of stationary samples (i.e., static NMR spectra). Additionally, differentiation of the polymorphs is also possible via the measurement of 14N effective transverse relaxation time constants, Teff2(14N). Plane-wave density functional theory (DFT) calculations, which exploit the periodicity of crystal lattices, are utilized to confirm the experimentally determined quadrupolar parameters as well as to determine the orientation of the 14N EFG tensors in the molecular frames. Several signal-enhancement techniques are also discussed to help improve the sensitivity of the 14N SSNMR acquisition method, including the use of selective deuteration, the application of the BRoadband Adiabatic INversion Cross-Polarization (BRAIN-CP) technique, and the use of variable-temperature (VT) experiments. Finally, we examine several cases where 14N VT experiments employing Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) refocusing are used to approximate the rotational energy barriers for RNH3+ groups.


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An experiment was conducted to assess the response of juvenile barramundi (Lates calcarifer) to four diets containing either marine- or non-marine derived neutral lipid (NL) or polar lipid (PL) sources for eight weeks in a 2 × 2 factorial design. The four diets contained 8.2% added lipid composed of a 1% fish oil base with 7.2% test lipid (n - 3 NL: Fish oil, n - 3 PL: Krill oil, n - 6 NL: Soybean oil, n - 6 PL: Soybean lecithin). The results demonstrated that the different lipid sources (either n - 3 or n - 6 omega series from either NL or PL class) had significant effects on growth performance and feed utilisation with some interaction terms noted. Growth was negatively affected in the n - 6 NL fish and the feed conversion (FCR) was highest in the n - 6 PL fish. Digestibility of total lipid and some specific fatty acids (notably 18:2n - 6 and 18:3n - 3) were also negatively affected in the n - 6 PL fish. Analysis of the whole body neutral lipid fatty acid composition showed that these mirrored those of the diets and significant interaction terms were noted. However, the whole body polar lipid fatty acids appeared to be more tightly regulated in comparison. The blood plasma biochemistry and hepatic transcription of several fatty acid metabolism genes in the n - 6 PL fed and to a lesser extent in the n - 6 NL fed fish demonstrated a pattern consistent with modified metabolic function. These results support that there are potential advantages in using phospholipid-rich oils however there are clear differences in terms of their origin. Statement of relevance: Juvenile barramundi may benefit from dietary phospholipid.


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Competition studies with soybeans, Glycine max (L.) Merr. "Bragg." and sicklepod, Cassia obtusifolia L., were conducted at the Agricultural Research and Education Center of the University of Florida in Quincy, Florida. Two field experiments were established, one on May 22, 1975. and the other four weeks later, on June 19, 1975, to determine the competitive effects of various sicklepod densities and the influences of soybean row distances on weed dry matter, soybear plant characteristics, yield components and seed yield, and on soil nutrient content. Control, low, medium, and high sicklepod densities in the first experiment were O, 25,000, 53,000, and 77,000 p1ants/ha, respectively; while the second experiment presented control, low, medium, and high sicklepod densities of O, 36,000, 68,000, and 122,000 plants/ha, respectively. Three soybean row distance treatments were tested using a constant pattern of 90-, 60-, and 45-cm widths throughout the growing season. Three other treatments, evaluated in a variable patern, were initially seeded in 30-cm row widths. Five weeks after planting, an appropriate number of soybean rows were harvested from the 30"cm pattern to establish row distances of 90, 60, and 30-60 cm for the remainder of the season. ln the greenhouse a test was conducted to evaluate the effects af those variables on seed germination and seedling vigor for the next soybean generation. As a result of full-season sicklepod competition, soybean plants were less branched, set fewer leaves, and presented thinner stems as compared to the control. However, height of soybean plants was not affected by the presence of sicklepod. ln one of the two experiments, number of nodes decreased for soybeans under weed campetition. The yield components--number of pods; number of seeds, and seed yield per soybean plant--were all similarly reduced due to weed competition. Seeds per pod were decreased to a lesser extent. Soybean seed yields per unit area were significantly diminished by increasing levels af sicklepod ínfestation. While the control produced 3120 kg/ha, the sicklepod densities of 25,000, 53,000, and 77,000 plants/ha reduced seed yíelds 47, 65, and 73%, respectively. As soybean row distances decreased, number of branches, number of leaves, and stem diameter of soybeans decreased. However, the height of soybean plants increased with narrwing of row width. The components of seed yield--number of pods, number of seeds, and seed yield per soybean plant--diminished as row spacing was reduced. Maximum difference between row distances for these attributes was attained for soybean plants under weed-free conditions. Generally, as row width decreased, soybean seed yield per unit area increased. Specifically, soybear.s in 90-cm rows, either in constant or variable row pattern, yielded less than soybeans in 60- and 30-60-cm rows in the variable pattern. Soil contents of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium were not affected by the various levels of sicklepod and soybean populalions. Neither the sicklepod densities nor the soybean row distances influenced seed germination and seedling vigor in the next soybean generation. Sicklepod was a strong competitor with soybeans at all density ranges investigated. Because sicklepod grows taller than soybeans during the reproductive stages of the crop, limited success can be reached by varying row spacing alone. However, this practice is considered an integral measure to complement other methods of sicklepod control. Compared to constant rows, the soybean cropping system using variable row spacings presents the choice of planting soybeans at close row spacings to provide early competition with weeds and the possibility of obtaining a forage crop after the first month of growth, without any decreases on the final seed yields.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi otimizar o sistema de transformação genética de embriões somáticos de soja [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] utilizando a biolística e o sistema Agrobacterium de maneira integrada. Os antibióticos, adicionados ao meio de cultura para supressão da bactéria após a transferência do transgene, foram o alvo do estudo. Inicialmente, comparou-se o efeito de diferentes tratamentos com antibióticos sobre o tecido embriogênico de soja e sua eficiência na supressão da linhagem LBA4404 de Agrobacterium tumefaciens durante o processo de transformação. A carbenicilina (500 mg/l) apresentou efeitos diferentes sobre o tecido vegetal das duas cultivares testadas. Os tecidos embriogênicos da cv. IAS5 não apresentaram diferenças significativas em relação ao controle, enquanto que a proliferação dos embriões somáticos da cv. Bragg foi três vezes maior com a adição deste antibiótico ao meio de cultura. Contudo, a presença da carbenicilina nas duas concentrações testadas (500 e 1000 mg/l) não foi eficiente para supressão de Agrobacterium. Por outro lado, nos tratamentos com cefotaxima sozinha (350 e 500 mg/l), ou cefotaxima (250 mg/l) + vancomicina (250 mg/l) esta bactéria foi completamente suprimida da superfície dos embriões somáticos após 49 dias de tratamento. No entanto, enquanto a presença de cefotaxima, em qualquer concentração, foi prejudicial à sobrevivência do tecido embriogênico, a combinação de cefotaxima + vancomicina não afetou significativamente os embriões somáticos de soja até os 63 dias de tratamento. Portanto, os resultados indicam que o tratamento com cefotaxima + vancomicina por um período de 49 - 63 dias é o mais adequado para a transformação genética de soja, por suprimir Agrobacterium e apresentar mínimos efeitos sobre o tecido embriogênico. Por fim, conjuntos de embriões somáticos de soja foram transformados e tratados com a combinação recomendada de antibióticos para avaliação da eficiência do método na obtenção de transformantes estáveis. Foram obtidos 48 e 232 clones higromicina-resistentes para Bragg e IAS5, respectivamente. Para cv. Bragg, 26 plantas foram obtidas de um único clone, enquanto 580 plantas foram regeneradas de 105 clones da cv. IAS5. As plantas transgênicas eram férteis e morfologicamente normais. A presença do transgene no genoma destas plantas foi confirmada por análises moleculares. Portanto, a adequação dos antibióticos permitiu o desenvolvimento de um método de transformação altamente eficiente para soja. Os resultados do presente trabalho constituem o primeiro registro (1) do efeito de antibióticos sobre tecidos de soja ou de leguminosas e (2) de obtenção de transformantes estáveis de soja utilizando a biolística e o sistema Agrobacterium de maneira integrada.


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Visando aumentar a resistência a moléstias fúngicas, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo introduzir um gene (chit1) que codifica uma quitinase do fungo Metarhizium anisopliae em cultivares de soja [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]. A co-transformação foi a estratégia escolhida, visando a obtenção de plantas livres de transgenes marcadores na progênie das plantas transformadas. A co-transformação foi realizada via biolística, tendo como tecido-alvo conjuntos de embriões somáticos globulares das cultivares MG/BR46 Conquista e IAS-5. O plasmídeo pGusHyg, que contém o gene repórter gusA e o gene marcador hpt, foi bombardeado concomitantemente com o plasmídeo pMOG463chit1, que porta o gene chit1. Os conjuntos de embriões bombardeados foram transferidos para meio seletivo contendo higromicina, visando a obtenção de material estavelmente transformado. Os conjuntos embriogênicos higromicina-resistentes foram transferidos seqüencialmente para meios de proliferação D-20 (sem higromicina), maturação e regeneração. No total, foram obtidos 387 e 380 embriões histodiferenciados das cultivares MG/BR46 Conquista e IAS-5, respectivamente. Plantas transgênicas adultas e férteis foram regeneradas. Para avaliar a eficiência da estratégia de cotransformação, foram realizadas análises moleculares de embriões histodiferenciados e de plantas regeneradas. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho permitiram o cálculo da taxa de co-transformação de 44% para os embriões histodiferenciados da cultivar MG/BR46 Conquista e de 50% para plantas de IAS-5. Não existem, até o momento, relatos de trabalhos em soja utilizando embriões somáticos globulares em proliferação como alvo para estudos de co-transformação.


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Fuel is a self-depleting resource and long term dependency on this commodity alone will not suffice. An export trade oriented approach can lead to faster industrialization while diversification leads to economic sustainable growth. This research seeks to understand how countries compete for foreign direct investments, and how certain activities have the most impact in the competitive global marketplace. Research suggests that when companies decide to invest abroad, they seek only to find countries that facilitate their strategic objectives. The results conclude with appropriate levels of government accountability, credibility and visibility with the private sector, foreign direct investment is attracted by policy advocacy and policy reform. By reviewing countries such as United Arab Emirates in direct comparison to Western Asian countries, including Kuwait and Iraq with high levels of fuel exports, along with Qatar with optimistic marketplace indicators and plentitude of skills and capabilities – research seems to suggest that despite high capabilities and attractive GDP, promotional investment activities yield the highest returns using policy advocacy and reform.