988 resultados para germ plasm


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SUMMARY Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic mechanism of transcriptional regulation that ensures restriction of expression of a subset of mammalian genes to a single parental allele. The best studied example of imprinted gene regulation is the Igf2/H19 locus, which is also the most commonly altered by loss of imprinting (LOT) in cancer. LOT is associated with numerous hereditary diseases and several childhood, and adult cancers. Differential expression of reciprocal H19 and 1gf2 alleles in somatic cells depends on the methylation status of the imprinting control region (ICR) which regulates binding of CTCF, an ubiquitously expressed 11-zinc finger protein that binds specifically to non-methylated maternal ICR and thereby attenuates expression of Igf2, while it does not bind to methylated paternal ICR, which enables Igf2 expression. Initial ICR methylation occurs during gametogenesis by an as yet unknown mechanism. The accepted hypothesis is that the event of differential maternal and paternal DNA methylation depends on germ-line specific proteins. Our Laboratory identified a novel 11-zinc-finger protein CTCF-T (also known as CTCFL and BORIS) that is uniquely expressed in the male germ-line and is highly homologous within its zinc-finger region with CTCF. The amino-acid sequences flanking the zinc-finger regions of CTCF and CTCF-T have widely diverged, suggesting that though they could bind to the same DNA targets (ICRs) they are likely to have different functions. Interestingly, expression of CTCF-T and CTCF is mutually exclusive; CTCF-T-positive (CTCF-negative) cells occur in the stage of spermatogenesis that coincides with epigenetic reprogramming, including de novo DNA methylation. In our study we demonstrate the role that CTCF-T plays in genomic imprinting. Here we show that CTCF-T binds in vivo to the ICRs of Igf2/H19 and Dlk/Gt12 imprinted genes. In addition, we identified two novel proteins interacting with CTCF-T: a protein arginine methyltransferase PRMT7 and an arginine-rich histone H2A variant that we named trH2A. These interactions were confirmed and show that the two proteins interact with the amino-teiminal region of CTCF-T. Additionally, we show interaction of the amino- terminal region of CTCF-T with histones H1, H2A and H3. These results suggest that CTCF-T is a sequence-specific DNA (ICR) binding protein that associates with histones and recruits PRMT7. Interestingly, PRMT7 has a histone-methyltransferase activity. It has been shown that histone methylation can mark chromatin regions thereby directing DNA-methylation; thus, our hypothesis is that the CTCF-T protein-scaffold directs PRMT7 to methylate histone(s) assembled on ICRs, which marks chromatin for the recruitment of the de novo DNA methyltransferases to methylate DNA. To test this hypothesis, we developed an in vivo DNA-methylation assay using Xenopus laevis' oocytes, where H19 ICR and different expression cDNAs, including CTCF-T, PRMT7 and the de novo DNA methyltransferases (Dnmt3a, Dnmt3b and Dnmt3L) are microinjected into the nucleus. The methylation status of CpGs within the H19 ICR was analysed 48 or 72 hours after injection. Here we demonstrate that CpGs in the ICR are methylated in the presence of both CTCF-T and PRMT7, while control oocytes injected only with ICR did not show any methylation. Additionally, we showed for the first time that Dnmt3L is crucial for the establishment of the imprinting marks on H19 ICR. Moreover, we confirmed that Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b activities are complementary. Our data indicate that all three Dnmt3s are important for efficient de novo DNA methylation. In conclusion, we propose a mechanism for the establishment of de novo imprinting marks during spermatogenesis: the CTCF-T/PRMT7 protein complex directs histone methylation leading to sequence-specific de novo DNA methylation of H19 ICR. RESUME L'empreinte génomique parentale est un mécanisme épigénétique de régulation transcriptionelle qui se traduit par une expression différentielle des deux allèles de certains gènes, en fonction de leur origine parentale. L'exemple le mieux caractérisé de gènes soumis à l'empreinte génomique parentale est le locus Igf2/H19, qui est aussi le plus fréquemment altéré par relaxation d'empreinte (en anglais: loss of imprinting, LOI) dans les cancers. Cette relaxation d'empreinte est aussi associée à de nombreuses maladies héréditaires, ainsi qu'à de nombreux cancers chez l'enfant et l'adulte. Dans les cellules somatiques, les différences d'expression des allèles réciproques H19 et Ig12 est sous le contrôle d'une région ICR (Imprinting Control Region). La méthylation de cette région ICR régule l'ancrage de la protéine à douze doigts de zinc CTCF, qui se lie spécifiquement à l'ICR maternel non-méthylé, atténuant ainsi l'expression de Igf2, alors qu'elle ne s'ancre pas à l'ICR paternel méthyle. Le mécanisme qui accompagne la méthylation initiale de la région ICR durant la gamétogenèse n'a toujours pas été élucidé. L'hypothèse actuelle propose que la différence de méthylation entre l'ADN maternel et paternel résulte de l'expression de protéines propres aux zones germinales. Notre laboratoire a récemment identifié une nouvelle protéine à douze doigts de zinc, CTCF-T (aussi dénommée CTCFL et BORRIS), qui est exprimée uniquement dans les cellules germinales mâles, dont la partie à douze doigts de zinc est fortement homologue à la protéine CTCF. La séquence d'acides aminés de part et d'autre de cette région est quant à elle très divergente, ce qui implique que CTCF-T se lie sans doute au même ADN cible que CTCF, mais possède des fonctions différentes. De plus, l'expression de CTCF-T et de CTCF s'oppose mutuellement; l'expression de la protéine CTCF-T (cellules CTCF-T positives, CTCF negatives) qui a lieu pendant la spermatogenèse coïncide avec la reprogrammation épigénétique, notamment la méthylation de novo de l'ADN. La présente étude démontre le rôle essentiel joué par la protéine CTCF-T dans l'acquisition de l'empreinte génomique parentale. Nous montrons ici que CTCF-T s'associe in vivo avec les régions ICR des loci Igf2/H19 et Dlk/Gt12. Nous avons également identifié deux nouvelles protéines qui interagissent avec CTCF-T : une protéine arginine méthyl transférase PRMT7, et un variant de l'histone H2A, riche en arginine, que nous avons dénommé trH2A. Ces interactions ont été analysées plus en détail, et confinnent que ces deux protéines s'associent avec la région N-terminale de CTCF-T. Aussi, nous présentons une interaction de la région N-terminale de CTCF-T avec les histones H1, H2, et H3. Ces résultats suggèrent que CTCF-T est une protéine qui se lie spécifiquement aux régions ICR, qui s'associe avec différents histones et qui recrute PRMT7. PRMT7 possède une activité méthyl-tansférase envers les histones. Il a été montré que la méthylation des histones marque certains endroits de la chromatine, dirigeant ainsi la méthylation de l'ADN. Notre hypothèse est donc la suivante : la protéine CTCF-T sert de base qui dirige la méthylation des histones par PRMT7 dans les régions ICR, ce qui contribue à marquer la chromatine pour le recrutement de nouvelles méthyl transférases pour méthyler l'ADN. Afin de valider cette hypothèse, nous avons développé un système de méthylation de l'ADN in vivo, dans des oeufs de Xenopus laevis, dans le noyau desquels nous avons mico-injecté la région ICR du locus H19, ainsi que différents vecteurs d'expression pour CTCF-T, PRMT7, et les de novo méthyl transférases (Dnmt3a, Dnmt3b et Dnmt3L). Les CpGs méthyles de la région ICR du locus H19 ont été analysé 48 et 72 heures après l'injection. Cette technique nous a permis de démontrer que les CpGs de la région ICR sont méthyles en présence de CTCF-T et de PRMT7, tandis que les contrôles injectés seulement avec la région ICR ne présentent aucun signe de méthylation. De plus, nous démontrons pour la première fois que la protéine méthyl transférase Dnmt3L est déterminant pour l'établissement de l'empreinte génomique parentale au niveau de la région ICR du locus H19. Aussi, nous confirmons que les activités méthyl transférases de Dnmt3a et Dnmt3b sont complémentaires. Nos données indiquent que les trois protéines Dnmt3 sont impliquées dans la méthylation de l'ADN. En conclusion, nous proposons un mécanisme responsable de la mise en place de nouvelles empreintes génomiques pendant la spermatogenèse : le complexe protéique CTCF-T/PRMT7 dirige la méthylation des histones aboutissant à la méthylation de novo de l'ADN au locus H19.


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Abstract: Background: Cancer/testis (CT) genes are expressed only in the germ line and certain tumors and are most frequently located on the X-chromosome (the CT-X genes). Amongst the best studied CT-X genes are those encoding several MAGE protein families. The function of MAGE proteins is not well understood, but several have been shown to potentially influence the tumorigenic phenotype. Methodology/Principal Findings: We undertook a mutational analysis of coding regions of four CT-X MAGE genes, MAGEA1, MAGEA4, MAGEC1, MAGEC2 and the ubiquitously expressed MAGEE1 in human melanoma samples. We first examined cell lines established from tumors and matching blood samples from 27 melanoma patients. We found that melanoma cell lines from 37% of patients contained at least one mutated MAGE gene. The frequency of mutations in the coding regions of individual MAGE genes varied from 3.7% for MAGEA1 and MAGEA4 to 14.8% for MAGEC2. We also examined 111 fresh melanoma samples collected from 86 patients. In this case, samples from 32% of the patients exhibited mutations in one or more MAGE genes with the frequency of mutations in individual MAGE genes ranging from 6% in MAGEA1 to 16% in MAGEC1. Significance: These results demonstrate for the first time that the MAGE gene family is frequently mutated in melanoma.


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Pulmonary infection on cystic fibrosis (CF) patients are associated with a limited qualitative number of microorganisms. During the colonization process, Staphylococcus aureus usually preceedes Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This latter is at first non-mucoid, being replaced or associated to a mucoid morphotype which is rare in other diseases. In 1980, Pseudomonas cepacia appeared as an important agent in CF pulmonary infections with a mean frequency of about 6.1% isolations in different parts of the world. The primus colonization mainly occurs in the presence of pre-existent tissue lesions and the clinical progress of the disease is variable. In some patients it can be fulminant; in others it can cause a gradual and slow decrease in their pulmonary functions. The concern with this germ isolation is justified by its antibiotic multiple resistence and the possibility of direct transmission from a colonized patient to a non-colonized one. We reported the first case of P. cepacia infection in a CF patient in our area. The microbiological attendance to this patient had been made from 1986 to 1991 and the first positive culture appeared in 1988. The sensitivity profile showed that the primus colonization strain was sensitive to 9 of 17 tested antibiotics, however in the last culture the strain was resistent to all antibiotics. These data corroborate the need for monitoring the bacterial flora on CF patients respiratory system.


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Diferents aspectes de la reproducció de la cabra de mar Maja brachydactyla s’han estudiat amb l’objectiu d’obtenir coneixements bàsics i aplicats al cultiu en captivitat d’aquesta espècie de gran interès comercial i aqüícola. L’anatomia interna de l’aparell reproductor masculí, el procés d’espermatogènesi, amb especial èmfasi amb la formació de l’acrosoma, i l’estructura i organització l’espermatozoide s’han descrit amb tècniques microscòpiques avançades. El desenvolupament de les gònades durant els primeres fases del desenvolupament post- embrionari (fases larvàries i primer cranc juvenil) han estat descrites mitjançant la quantificació de l’expressió del gen vasa, el qual és expressat específicament per les cèl•lules de la línia germinal. Aquests coneixements són bàsics per a la comprensió del paper dels mascles en la la reproducció i la seva aplicació posterior en condicions de captivitat. La reproducció en captivitat s’ha estudiat amb una sèrie d’experiments amb l’objectiu de determinar la quantitat, pes sec i composició bioquímica proximal de les larves acabades d’eclosionar en condicions de captivitat i l’efecte de les condicions ambientals, com ara el fotoperíode i la salinitat, sobre aquests paràmetres. Aquests experiments demostren què es poden obtenir larves de la cabra de mar en condicions de captivitat què podrien ser utilitzades per a la producció i l’efecte sobre la reproducció del fotoperíode i salinitat.


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Presentem un estudi teòric comparatiu de les sensibilitats en volum dels sensors d’índex de refracció basats en polaritó de plasmó superficial (SPP) i en ressonància localitzada de plasmó superficial (LSPR). Els resultats demostren que el sensor SPP, àmpliament conegut i comercialitzat, ofereix una major sensibilitat en volum comparada amb la del sensor LSPR, estant aquest últim basat en l’ús de nanorods d’or. A més, la figura de mèrit del sensor LSPR, emprada per a analitzar la seva capacitat sensora, exhibeix una regió sensora òptima quan la longitud d’ona de ressonància es troba propera a 700 nm.


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The dilemma efficiency versus equity, together with political partisan interests, has received increasing attention to explain the territorial allocation of investments. However, centralization intended to introduce or reinforce hierarchization in the political system has not been object as of now of empirical analysis. Our main contribution to the literature is providing evidence that meta-political objectives related to the ordering of political power and administration influence regional investment. In this way, we find evidence that network mode’s (roads and railways) investment programs are influenced by the centralization strategy of investing near to the political capital, while investment effort in no-network modes (airports and ports) appears to be positively related to distance. Since investment in surface transportation infrastructures is much higher than that in airports and ports, and taken into account that regions surrounding the political capital are poorer than the average, we suggest that centralization rather than redistribution has been the driver for the concentration of public investment on these regions.


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In Abedus ovatus Stal, the female reproductive system consists of a pair of ovaries leading to oviduct and opens out by genital aperture. Each ovary is composed of five telotrophic ovarioles, with four different regions, terminal filament, germarium, vitellarium and pedicel. Germarium and vitellarium are the germ tubes in which the development of oocyte occurs. In the germarium, the differentiation of trophocytes into young oocytes was observed in three zones, ZI, ZII and ZIII. Further development of oocytes in the vitellarium could be divided into seven stages, STI STVII. The developed eggs are lodged in the pedicel


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The identity of minor lymphocytes stimulating (Mls) antigens, endogenous superantigens that can activate, or induce the deletion of, large portions of the T-cell repertoire, has recently been revealed: they are encoded by mouse mammary tumor viruses (MMTV) that have integrated into the germ line as DNA proviruses. As Hans Acha-Orbea and Ed Palmer point out, Mls-mediated modulation may be only the tip of the retrovirus iceberg; already murine leukemia virus (MuLV), with similar superantigen properties, has been discovered.


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The mammalian gastrointestinal (GI) tract harbors a diverse population of commensal species collectively known as the microbiota, which interact continuously with the host. From very early in life, secretory IgA (SIgA) is found in association with intestinal bacteria. It is considered that this helps to ensure self-limiting growth of the microbiota and hence participates in symbiosis. However, the importance of this association in contributing to the mechanisms ensuring natural host-microorganism communication is in need of further investigation. In the present work, we examined the possible role of SIgA in the transport of commensal bacteria across the GI epithelium. Using an intestinal loop mouse model and fluorescently labeled bacteria, we found that entry of commensal bacteria in Peyer's patches (PP) via the M cell pathway was mediated by their association with SIgA. Preassociation of bacteria with nonspecific SIgA increased their dynamics of entry and restored the reduced transport observed in germ-free mice known to have a marked reduction in intestinal SIgA production. Selective SIgA-mediated targeting of bacteria is restricted to the tolerogenic CD11c(+)CD11b(+)CD8(-) dendritic cell subset located in the subepithelial dome region of PPs, confirming that the host is not ignorant of its resident commensals. In conclusion, our work supports the concept that SIgA-mediated monitoring of commensal bacteria targeting dendritic cells in the subepithelial dome region of PPs represents a mechanism whereby the host mucosal immune system controls the continuous dialogue between the host and commensal bacteria.


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In my first project, I analyzed the role of the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel ENaC) in the skin during wound healing. ENaC is present in the skin and a function in keratinocyte differentiation and barrier formation has been demonstrated. Previous findings suggested, that ENaC might be implicated in keratinocyte migration, although its role in wound healing was not analyzed yet. Using skin-specific (K14-Cre) conditional ENaC knockout and overexpressing mice, I determined the wound closure kinetic and performed morphometric measurements. The time course of wound repair was not significantly different in knockouts or transgenics when compared to control mice and the morphology of the closing wound was not altered. In my second project, I studied the glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ, Tsc22d3). GILZ is widely expressed and an important role has been predicted in immunity, adipogenesis and renal sodium handling. Mice were generated that constitutively lack all the functional domains of the Gilz gene. In these mice, the expression of GILZ mRNA transcripts and protein were completely abolished in all tissues tested. Surprisingly, knockout mice survived. To test whether GILZ mimicks glucocorticoid action, we studied its implication in T- and B- cell development and in a model of sepsis. We measured cytokine secretion in different inflammatory models, like in peritoneal and bone marrow-derived macrophages, in splenocytes and a model of sepsis. In all our experiments, cytokine secretion from GILZ- deficient cells was not different from controls. From 6 months onwards, knockout mice contained significantly less body fat and were lighter. Following sodium and water deprivation experiments, water and salt homeostasis was preserved. Sterility of knockout males was associated with a severe testis dysplasia, smaller seminiferous tubules, the number of Sertoli and germ cell was reduced while increased apoptosis, but not cell proliferation, was evidenced. The interstitial Leydig cell population was augmented, and higher plasma FSH and testosterone levels were found. Interestingly, the expression of the target gene Ppar2 was diminished in the testis and in the liver, but not in the skin, kidney or fat. Tsc22d1 mRNA transcript level was found to be upregulated in testis, but not in the kidney or fat tissue. In most tissue, excepted the testis, GILZ-deficient mice reveal functional redundancy amongst members of the Tsc22d family or genes involved in the same regulatory pathways. In summary, contrarily to the published in vitro data, GILZ does not play a crucial role attributed in immunology or inflammation, but we identified a novel function in spermatogenesis. -- Dans mon premier projet, j'ai analysé le rôle du canal épithélial sodique sensible à l'amiloride (ENaC) dans la cicatrisation de la peau. ENaC est présent dans la peau et il a une fonction dans la différenciation des kératinocytes et dans la formation de la barrière. Des études suggèrent qu'ENaC pourrait être impliqué dans la migration des kératinocytes, cependant, son rôle dans la cicatrisation n'a pas encore été étudié. A l'aide de souris qui surexpriment ou qui sont knockout pour ENaC, spécifiquement dans la peau (K14-Cre), j'ai analysé le temps de clôture de la cicatrice et j'ai aussi étudié la morphologie de la plaie guérissant. Chez les souris qui surexpriment ou chez les knockouts, la vitesse de fermeture et la morphologie de la cicatrice étaient identiques aux souris contrôles. Dans mon second projet, j'ai étudié le glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper (GILZ, Tsc22d3). GILZ est largement exprimé et un rôle important a été prédit dans l'immunité, l'adipogénèse et le transport sodique rénal. Des souris ont été générées dont les domaines fonctionnels du gène Gilz sont éliminés. L'expression de GILZ en ARNm et protéine a été complètement abolie dans tous les tissus testés. Étonnamment, ces souris knockout survivent. Afin de tester si GILZ imite les effets des glucocorticoïdes, nous avons étudié son implication dans le développement des cellules T et B ainsi qu'un modèle de septicémie. Nous avons mesuré la sécrétion de cytokines à partir de différents modèles d'inflammation tels que des macrophages péritonéaux ou de moelle, de splénocytes ou encore d'un modèle de septicémie. Dans toutes nos expériences, la sécrétion de cytokines de cellules GILZ-déficientes était semblable. Dès 6 mois, les knockouts contenaient significativement moins de graisses et étaient plus légères. Suite à une privation sodique et aqueuse, l'homéostasie du sel et de l'eau était préservée. Les mâles knockouts présentaient une stérilité accompagnée d'une dysplasie testiculaire sévère, de tubules séminifères étaient plus petits et contenaient un nombre réduit de cellules de Sertoli et de cellules germinales. L'apoptose était augmentée dans ces cellules mais pas la prolifération cellulaire. Le nombre de cellules de Leydig était aussi plus élevé, ainsi que la FSH et la testostérone. L'expression du gène cible Pparγ2 était diminuée dans le testicule et le foie, mais pas dans la peau, le rein ou le tissu adipeux. L'ARNm de Tsc22d1 était plus exprimé dans le testicule, mais pas dans le rein ou le tissu adipeux. Dans la plupart des tissus, sauf le testicule, les souris knockouts révélaient une redondance fonctionnelle des autres membres de la famille Tsc22d ou de gènes impliqués dans les mêmes voies de régulation. En résumé, contrairement aux données in vitro, GILZ ne joue pas un rôle essentiel en immunologie, mais nous avons identifié une nouvelle fonction dans la spermatogénèse.


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Background / Purpose : Lemierre Syndrome (LS) is defined by a recent oro-pharangeal infection, the clinical presence or radiological demonstration of internal jugular vein (IJV) thrombosis and documented anaerobe germ, principally Fusobacterium necrophorum (Fn) leading to septicaemia and septic embolization. It is a rare infection described since 1900 and it nearly disappeared since the beginning of the antibiotic area. Even if it is seldom described in the literature, this infection is reappearing in the last 10 years, either because of the increase of antibiotic resistance or by modification of antibiotic prescription. The aim of this study is to describe the role of medical imaging in the diagnosis, staging and follow up of Lemierre syndrome, as well as to describe the ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of this rare disease. Patients and methods : Radiological and medical files of patients diagnosed with Lemierre syndrome in the past 6 years at CHUV hospital were analysed retrospectively. The CT scan, US, colour Doppler US (CDUS) and MRI examinations that were performed have been examined so as to define their specific imaging findings. Results IJV thrombosis was demonstrated in 2 cases by US, by CT in 6 cases and MRI in one case. Septic pulmonary emboli were detected by CT in 5 patients. Complications of the LS were depicted by MR in one case and by CT in 1 case. Conclusion : In the appropriate clinical settings, US, CT or MR evidence of IJV thrombosis and chest CT suggestive of septic emboli, should lead the physician to consider the diagnosis of LS. As a consequence, imaging allows a faster diagnosis and a more efficient treatment of this infection, which in case of insufficient therapy can lead to death.


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SAMHD1 is a deoxynucleoside triphosphate triphosphohydrolase and a nuclease that restricts HIV-1 in noncycling cells. Germ-line mutations in SAMHD1 have been described in patients with Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS), a congenital autoimmune disease. In a previous longitudinal whole genome sequencing study of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), we revealed a SAMHD1 mutation as a potential founding event. Here, we describe an AGS patient carrying a pathogenic germ-line SAMHD1 mutation who developed CLL at 24 years of age. Using clinical trial samples, we show that acquired SAMHD1 mutations are associated with high variant allele frequency and reduced SAMHD1 expression and occur in 11% of relapsed/refractory CLL patients. We provide evidence that SAMHD1 regulates cell proliferation and survival and engages in specific protein interactions in response to DNA damage. We propose that SAMHD1 may have a function in DNA repair and that the presence of SAMHD1 mutations in CLL promotes leukemia development.


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Anopheles albitarsis embryogenesis was analyzed through confocal microscopy of clarified eggs. Using Drosophila melanogaster as reference system, the major morphogenetic events (blastoderm, gastrulation, germ band extension, germ band retraction, dorsal closure) were identified. The kinetics of early events is proportionally similar in both systems, but late movements (from germ band retraction on) progress slower in An. albitarsis. Major differences in An. albitarsis related to D. melanogaster were: (1) pole cells do not protrude from the blastoderm; (2) the mosquito embryo undergoes a 180º rotation movement, along its longitudinal axis; (3) the head remains individualized throughout embryogenesis; (4) extraembryonary membranes surround the whole embryo. A novel kind of malaria control is under development and is based on the use of genetically modified mosquitoes. Phenotypic analysis of the embryonic development of mutants will be imposed as part of the evaluation of effectiveness and risk of employment of this strategy in the field. In order to accomplish this, knowledge of the wild type embryo is a prerequisite. Morphological studies will also serve as basis for subsequent development biology approaches.


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Authors describe genitourinary changes in male hamsters infected and reinfected with Trypanosoma cruzi. Changes in genital organs have been described in human and in experimental chagasic infection. Genital dysfunctions in chronic chagasic patients affect ejaculation, libido and sexual potency, and testis biopsies may show arrested maturation of germ cells, oligozoospermia and azoospermia. Sixty-five male hamsters were inoculated and reinoculated with 2x10³ trypomastigotes of T. cruzi VIC strain, and 22 non-infected animals constituted the control group. Animals were necropsied and fragments from testis, epididymis, seminal vesicle and bladder were collected and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Peroxidase anti-peroxidase procedure was utilized to detect tissue parasitism. T. cruzi nests were found in testis, epididymis and seminal vesicle of these hamsters. Such parasitism plays a role in the origin of genital lesions observed in humans and laboratory animals during chronic chagasic infection.