909 resultados para freshwater sediments


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•Relationships of Cheirodontinae based on a broad taxonomic sample.•Results reject the monophyly of Cheirodontinae as previously conceived.•Exclusion of Amazonspinther and Spintherobolus from the subfamily Cheirodontinae.•The removal of Leptagoniates pi of the genus Leptagoniates and inclusion in Cheirodontinae.•Division of Cheirodontinae in three newly defined monophyletic tribes. Characidae is the most species-rich family of freshwater fishes in the order Characiformes, with more than 1000 valid species that correspond to approximately 55% of the order. Few hypotheses about the composition and internal relationships within this family are available and most fail to reach an agreement. Among Characidae, Cheirodontinae is an emblematic group that includes 18 genera (1 fossil) and approximately 60 described species distributed throughout the Neotropical region. The taxonomic and systematic history of Cheirodontinae is complex, and only two hypotheses about the internal relationships in this subfamily have been reported to date. In the present study, we test the composition and relationships of fishes assigned to Cheirodontinae based on a broad taxonomic sample that also includes some characid incertae sedis taxa that were previously considered to be part of Cheirodontinae. We present phylogenetic analyses of a large molecular dataset of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Our results reject the monophyly of Cheirodontinae as previously conceived, as well as the tribes Cheirodontini and Compsurini, and the genera Cheirodon, Compsura, Leptagoniates, Macropsobrycon, Odontostilbe, and Serrapinnus. On the basis of these results we propose: (1) the exclusion of Amazonspinther and Spintherobolus from the subfamily Cheirodontinae since they are the sister-group of all remaining Characidae; (2) the removal of Macropsobrycon xinguensis of the genus Macropsobrycon; (3) the removal of Leptagoniates pi of the genus Leptagoniates; (4) the inclusion of Leptagoniates pi in the subfamily Cheirodontinae; (5) the removal of Cheirodon stenodon of the genus Cheirodon and its inclusion in the subfamily Cheirodontinae under a new genus name; (6) the need to revise the polyphyletic genera Compsura, Odontostilbe, and Serrapinnus; and (7) the division of Cheirodontinae in three newly defined monophyletic tribes: Cheirodontini, Compsurini, and Pseudocheirodontini. Our results suggest that our knowledge about the largest Neotropical fish family, Characidae, still is incipient. © 2013 Elsevier Inc..


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Butyltin (BTs) quantification in environmental matrices can be affected by interfering species found primarily in complex matrices,such as sediment and biota tissues. This study investigated matrix effects in analytical procedures for butyltin (TBT,DBT and MBT) quantification and speciation in sediments and in two fish tissues (gill and liver) by gas chromatography with pulsed flame photometric detection (GC-PFPD) analysis. Unlike sediment samples,tissues exhibited a significant matrix effect,thus,the quantification should be made by curve over matrix to avoid quantification errors and loss of analytical accuracy. © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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Two new species of inseminating freshwater fishes of the genus Monotocheirodon, family Characidae, are described from Peru. Males and females of both new species have an external, visually obvious urogenital papilla that was not detected in the females in previous studies, with this longer in males, which use it as an inseminating organ. A third inseminating species from Bolivia, Monotocheirodon pearsoni, unstudied in any detail since its original description in 1924, is redescribed. This latter species lacks an inseminating organ. Monotocheirodon is redescribed, its phylogenetic relationships are briefly discussed and it is suggested that it is possibly related to the stevardiin genera Ceratobranchia, Othonocheirodus, and Odontostoechus.


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The Guarani aquifer system (GAS) represents one of the biggest aquifers in the world and is the most relevant groundwater resource in South America. For the first time, by combining field and laboratory measurements, a high-resolution aquifer analog model of fluvial-aeolian sediments of the GAS in São Paulo State (Brazil) is constructed. Three parallel sections of frontal outcrops, 28 m × 5.8 m, and two parallel sections of lateral outcrops, 7 m × 5.8 m, are recorded during open-pit mining of sandy sediments and describe in detail the three-dimensional distribution of the local lithofacies and hydrofacies. Variations of hydraulic conductivity, K, and porosity, n, are resolved on the centimeter scale, and the most permeable units of the fluvial-aeolian facies association are identified. The constructed aquifer analog model shows moderate hydraulic heterogeneity and a mean K value of 1.36 × 10-4 m/s, which is greater than the reported range of K values for the entire GAS in São Paulo State. The results suggest that the examined sedimentary unit constitutes a relevant portion of the GAS in São Paulo State in the context of groundwater extraction and pollution. Moreover, the constructed aquifer analog is considered an ideal basis for future numerical model experiments, aiming at in-depth understanding of the groundwater flow and contaminant transport patterns at this GAS portion or at comparable fluvial-aeolian facies associations. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We report the discovery of 13 synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within a fragment of HSC70 gene in Macrobrachium amazonicum. Polymorphisms were assessed using the reference sequence of the HSC70 gene in Macrobrachium rosenbergii to the primers design. The minor allele frequency ranged from 0.011 to 0.213. None of the SNPs deviated significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. These SNPs will be useful to access the genetic variation of populations and to the study of their relations with characteristics of interest for aquaculture. Both cases, favoring the conservation of the natural stocks of Amazon river prawn. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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Santos-São Vicente Estuarine System is a highly populated coastal zone in Brazil and where it is located the major port of Latin America. Historically, port activities, industrial and domestic effluents discharges have constituted the main sources of contaminants to estuarine system. This study aimed to assess the recent status of sediment quality from 5 zones of Port of Santos by applying a lines-of-evidence approach through integrating results of: (1) acute toxicity of whole sediment and chronic toxicity of liquid phases; (2) grain size, organic matter, organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, trace metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, linear alkylbenzenes and butyltins; (3) benthic community descriptors. Results revealed a gradient of increasing contamination for metals and organic compounds, alongside with their geochemical carriers. Sediment liquid phases were more toxic compared to whole sediment. Low number of species and individuals indicated the impoverishment of benthic community. The use of site-specific sediment quality guidelines was more appropriate to predict sediment toxicity. The integration of results through Sediment Quality Triad approach and principal component analysis allowed observing the effects of natural stressors and dredging on sediment quality and benthic distribution. Even with recent governmental efforts to control, pollution is still relevant in Port of Santos and a threat to local ecosystems. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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This study aimed to evaluate the environmental quality of the marine portion of Xixová-Japuí State Park (XJSP), an urban marine protected area, which is influenced by multiple contamination sources, by using ecotoxicological and geochemical analyses. Sediments were predominantly sandy, with low CaCO3 and organic matter contents, and presented contamination by metals (Cd,Cu,Zn). Acute toxicity was detected in three tested samples, and copepod exposed to sediments from four stations exhibited lower fecundities, despite the absence of significant effects. Contamination and toxicity seemed to be associated, suggesting that the environment is degraded and presents risks to the biota. Whole sediment TIE indicated ammonia as a main responsible for toxicity, suggesting sewage is a main contributor to sediment degradation. As external contamination sources seem to be negatively influencing the sediment quality, the park conservation objectives are not being fully reached, demanding actions to mitigate impacts. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The physiological control to support the absence of O2 for long periods of diving, and oxidative damage impact caused by the whole process of hypoxia/reperfusion in freshwater turtles is well known. However, effects of contaminants may act as co-varying stressors and cause biological damage, disrupting the hypoxia/reperfusion oxidative damage control. In order to investigate the action of environmental stressors present in domestic or industrial wastewater effluent, we performed a biochemical analysis of biotransformation enzymes, oxidative stress, as well as neuromuscular, physiological and morphological parameters in Phrynops geoffroanus, an hypoxic-tolerant freshwater turtle endemic of South America, using animals sampled in urban area, contaminated by sewage and industrial effluents and animals sampled in control area. Here we demonstrate the physiological and biochemical impact caused by pollution, and the effect that these changes cause in antioxidant activity. Animals from the urban area exhibited higher EROD (ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase, CYP1A1), GST (glutathione S-transferase), G6PDH (glucose-6-phosphate deshydrogenase), AChE (acetilcholinesterase) activities and also TEAC (trolox-equivalent antioxidant capacity) and TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) values. We examined whether two morphometric indices (K - condition factor and HIS - hepatosomatic index) which help in assessing the general condition and possible liver disease, respectively, were modified. The K of the urban animals was significantly decreased compared to the control animals, but the HIS value was increased in animals from the urban area, supporting the idea of an impact in physiology and life quality in the urban freshwater turtles. We propose that this freshwater turtle specie have the ability to enhance its antioxidants defenses in order to protect from tissue damage caused by hypoxia and reperfusion, but also that caused by environmental contamination and that the oxidative damage control in hypoxic conditions has resulted in an adaptive condition in hypoxic-tolerant freshwater turtle species, in order to better tolerate the release of contaminated effluents resulting from human activity. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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O camarão de água doce Macrobrachium equidens, nativo da região do Indo-Pacífico, foi registrada pela primeira vez na costa da Amazônia Brasileira. Esta espécie foi encontrada habitando o mesmo ambiente que duas espécies nativas do gênero Macrobrachium: M. amazonicum e M. acanthurus, e é morfologicamente muito similar à última. A identificação dessa espécie foi confirmada pela análise da sequencia genética do gene mitocondrial Citocromo Oxidase (COI). Uma descrição detalhada das características morfológicas e biologia reprodutiva de M. equidens neste novo ambiente que é apresentada.


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The appropriate feeding regime for larvae and post-larvae of crustacean decapods is essential for successful larval culture. Reports on the development and morphology of the mouthparts and foregut of these crustaceans have aided in the selection of appropriate larval foodstuffs and consequently increased larval survival and growth rate during development. In the present study, the functional morphology of foregut and mouthparts was investigated in larvae and post-larvae of the freshwater prawn M. amazonicum (Heller, 1862). From observations gathered on both the outer and inner feeding apparati the first stage larvae have obligatory lecithotrophy and feeding behaviour is initiated after molting to the second stage. The foregut of the larvae undergoes diverse morphological changes during larval development and the larval foregut of this species is primarily a mixing organ due to the absence of gastric mills and similar structures. After metamorphosis into post-larvae, drastic morphological changes occur in the foregut and mouthparts to adapt the animals to feed on the greater diversity of foods that are available in their new benthic habitat.


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Os estádios de desenvolvimento das gônadas de machos e fêmeas de caranguejos Sylviocarcinus pictus (H. Milne Eduards, 1853) foram descritos por meio de observações macroscópicas e microscópicas (técnica histológica). A descrição histológica foi baseada em 40 espécimes (20 de cada sexo). Foram identificados quatro estádios de desenvolvimento para as fêmeas: imaturo, em maturação, maturo e em reabsorção. As seguintes células foram encontradas: ovogônias, ovócitos em vitelogênese inicial, ovócitos em vitelogênese avançada, células foliculares e folículos pós-ovulatórios. Três estádios de desenvolvimento foram encontrados para os machos: imaturo, em maturação e maturo, com indicação de: espermatogônias, espermatócitos, espermátides, espermatozóides e espermatóforos. Tais dados sugerem o padrão descrito na literatura. O tamanho da maturidade sexual foi de 32,3 mm de largura da carapaça para machos e 31,5 mm para fêmeas. Os estádios gonadais observados macroscopicamente por meio do volume e da coloração das gônadas foram validados pela análise histológica, sendo um critério útil e ágil para a identificação da maturidade sexual para a espécie. O presente estudo oferece informações inéditas sobre a biologia reprodutiva de Sylviocarcinus pictus.


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A new ceratomyxid parasite was examined for taxonomic identification, upon being found infecting the gall bladder of Hemiodus microlepis (Teleostei: Hemiodontidae), a freshwater teleost collected from the Amazon River, Brazil. Light and transmission electron microscopy revealed elongated crescent-shaped spores constituted by two asymmetrical shell valves united along a straight sutural line, each possessing a lateral projection. The spores body measured 5.2 ± 0.4 µm (n = 25) in length and 35.5 ± 0.9 µm (n = 25) in total thickness. The lateral projections were asymmetric, one measuring 18.1 ± 0.5 µm (n = 25) in thickness and the other measuring 17.5 ± 0.5 µm (n = 25) in thickness. Two equal-sized subspherical polar capsules measuring 2.2 ± 0.3 µm in diameter were located at the same level, each possessing a polar filament with 5-6 coils. The sporoplasm was binucleate. Considering the morphometric data analyzed from the microscopic observations, as well as the host species and its geographical location, this paper describes a new myxosporean species, herein named Ceratomyxa microlepis sp. nov.; therefore representing the first description of a freshwater ceratomyxid from the South American region.


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No presente estudo foram realizados experimentos sobre alimentação, com a espécie de camarão de água doce Macrobrachium equidens. Foram, testados o tipo de alimento e a densidade de alimento adequada para o desenvolvimento das larvas. Para o experimento sobre o tipo de alimento, 8 tratamentos foram realizados: (I) inanição, (AL) microalgas, (RO) rotíferos, (NA) náuplios de Artemia, (RO + NA) rotíferos + Artemia, (AL + RO) microalgas + rotíferos, (AL + NA) microalgas + Artemia, (AL + RO + NA) microalgas + rotíferos + Artemia. Para o experimento sobre a densidade de alimento, foi utilizado o tipo de alimento que resultou em uma elevada taxa de sobrevivência no experimento anterior. Três tratamentos foram realizados: 4, 8 e 16 náuplios de Artemia/mL. A taxa de alimentação durante o desenvolvimento das larvas foi observada. A sobrevivência, o peso e o percentual de juvenis de cada experimento de alimentação foram determinados. Foi identificado que as larvas de M. equidens são carnívoras, no entanto, houve uma seletividade do tipo de alimento, pois as larvas concluíram o seu ciclo de zoea para a fase de juvenil somente quando os náuplios de Artemia foram disponibilizados. Verificouse também que as larvas se alimentam preferencialmente durante o período diurno, e são oportunistas em relação à densidade do alimento ofertado.