907 resultados para explanatory text
In this paper, we describe an interdisciplinary project in which visualization techniques were developed for and applied to scholarly work from literary studies. The aim was to bring Christof Schöch's electronic edition of Bérardier de Bataut's Essai sur le récit (1776) to the web. This edition is based on the Text Encoding Initiative's XML-based encoding scheme (TEI P5, subset TEI-Lite). This now de facto standard applies to machine-readable texts used chiefly in the humanities and social sciences. The intention of this edition is to make the edited text freely available on the web, to allow for alternative text views (here original and modern/corrected text), to ensure reader-friendly annotation and navigation, to permit on-line collaboration in encoding and annotation as well as user comments, all in an open source, generically usable, lightweight package. These aims were attained by relying on a GPL-based, public domain CMS (Drupal) and combining it with XSL-Stylesheets and Java Script.
There are numerous text documents available in electronic form. More and more are becoming available every day. Such documents represent a massive amount of information that is easily accessible. Seeking value in this huge collection requires organization; much of the work of organizing documents can be automated through text classification. The accuracy and our understanding of such systems greatly influences their usefulness. In this paper, we seek 1) to advance the understanding of commonly used text classification techniques, and 2) through that understanding, improve the tools that are available for text classification. We begin by clarifying the assumptions made in the derivation of Naive Bayes, noting basic properties and proposing ways for its extension and improvement. Next, we investigate the quality of Naive Bayes parameter estimates and their impact on classification. Our analysis leads to a theorem which gives an explanation for the improvements that can be found in multiclass classification with Naive Bayes using Error-Correcting Output Codes. We use experimental evidence on two commonly-used data sets to exhibit an application of the theorem. Finally, we show fundamental flaws in a commonly-used feature selection algorithm and develop a statistics-based framework for text feature selection. Greater understanding of Naive Bayes and the properties of text allows us to make better use of it in text classification.
We compare Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machines on the task of multiclass text classification. Using a variety of approaches to combine the underlying binary classifiers, we find that SVMs substantially outperform Naive Bayes. We present full multiclass results on two well-known text data sets, including the lowest error to date on both data sets. We develop a new indicator of binary performance to show that the SVM's lower multiclass error is a result of its improved binary performance. Furthermore, we demonstrate and explore the surprising result that one-vs-all classification performs favorably compared to other approaches even though it has no error-correcting properties.
El text 'Sobre els pedants' del filòsof Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) serveix d'excusa perquè dos catedràtics de la UdG exposin conceptes i reflexions sobre la ciència i el coneixement
This class introduces basics of web mining and information retrieval including, for example, an introduction to the Vector Space Model and Text Mining. Guest Lecturer: Dr. Michael Granitzer Optional: Modeling the Internet and the Web: Probabilistic Methods and Algorithms, Pierre Baldi, Paolo Frasconi, Padhraic Smyth, Wiley, 2003 (Chapter 4, Text Analysis)
Explanatory notes on why academic integrity is important for students in their professional and personal development.
A 4-minute video that shows how students with dyslexia or visual stress can change the text and background colours in Adobe Acrobat Reader to suit their needs.
This short 7-minute video shows two methods which can be used to highlight selected words or phrases on a PowerPoint slide.
Partiendo de la diversidad de efectos que se dan sobre una lengua propia cuando en este territorio se ha impuesto otra, se analiza la situación de la lengua catalana. Para conseguir la normalidad lingüística, tiene que desaparecer la imposición de la otra lengua y debe intensificarse la interrelación entre los ciudadanos de toda el área lingüística. Se destaca la importancia de la escuela como factor de cohesión lingüística, y la adecuación de los libros de texto a los currículums vigentes en el sistema educativo de las Islas Baleares, respetando las modalidades insulares de la lengua catalana. Para esta adaptación de los libros de texto existen diferentes vías, como la de substitución y la de la coincidencia.
Maximizing Accessibility in Software - by Denis's Angels
Poster describing the text tutorial on accessibility, created by Denis's Angels for INFO2009.
List of references in Harvard format for the accessibility text tutorial created by Denis's Angels.