933 resultados para everyday criminality


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The aim of this study was to assess the usefulness of virtual environments representing situations that are emotionally significant to subjects with eating disorders (ED). These environments may be applied with both evaluative and therapeutic aims and in simulation procedures to carry out a range of experimental studies. This paper is part of a wider research project analyzing the influence of the situation to which subjects are exposed on their performance on body image estimation tasks. Thirty female patients with eating disorders were exposed to six virtual environments: a living-room (neutral situation), a kitchen with highcalorie food, a kitchen with low-calorie food, a restaurant with high-calorie food, a restaurant with low-calorie food, and a swimming-pool. After exposure to each environment the STAI-S (a measurement of state anxiety) and the CDB (a measurement of depression) were administered to all subjects. The results show that virtual reality instruments are particularly useful for simulating everyday situations that may provoke emotional reactions such as anxiety and depression, in patients with ED. Virtual environments in which subjects are obliged to ingest high-calorie food provoke the highest levels of state anxiety and depression.


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Résumé : La délinquance des étrangers se situe depuis quelques années au milieu de beaucoup de débats politiques. En même temps, la récidive constitue l'un des sujets d'étude classiques de la criminologie. Cette recherche combine ces deux phénomènes en s'intéressant aux causes de la délinquance et de l'éventuelle récidive d'un échantillon d'étrangers incarcérés en Suisse. Le cadre théorique repose sur une revue approfondie de la littérature scientifique sur la délinquance des étrangers ainsi que sur les facteurs influençant la récidive. Ces revues ont conduit à l'élaboration d'une série d'hypothèses qui ont été testées dans la partie empirique du travail. Cette dernière comprend l'étude des 500 dossiers des étrangers libérés des Etablissements pénitentiaires de la Plaine de l'Orbe (EPO, canton de Vaud, Suisse) entre 1995 et 1999, ainsi que le suivi de ces personnes, avec l'aide des données fournies par l'Office fédéral de la statistique, afin d'établir si elles avaient récidivé durant les cinq années postérieures à leur libération. Elle comprend également l'analyse de 125 entretiens conduits auprès des détenus des EPO entre 2005 et 2006 dont le but était d'établir, entre autres, leur perception subjective sur les causes de la délinquance et de la récidive. Les résultats indiquent un taux de récidive d'environ 30%. En outre, ils corroborent l'influence sur la récidive des facteurs identifiés par les recherches précédentes bien que, vu les particularités de l'échantillon étudié, certains de ces facteurs -tel que l'âge à la première condamnation ou l'âge à la sortie de prison-, présentent des divergences. En outre, l'analyse des entretiens a permis l'élaboration d'une nouvelle classification des causes de la récidive. Finalement, la recherche permet une connaissance plus approfondie des causes de l'implication dans la délinquance de la population de référence. The delinquency of the foreigners: criminality, recidivism and the factors that influence to the return to prison Abstract : The foreigners' delinquency is today in the middle of political debates. Moreover, recidivism is one of the classical subjects studied in criminology. The present research combines these two phenomena by studying the causes of foreigners' delinquency and recidivism. With the purpose of doing this research, a theoretical framework on the criminality of foreigners has been established through an extensive review of research literature on this subject as well as on the factors influencing recidivism. These reviews have allowed the establishment of a series of hypotheses that have been tested in the empirical part of the study. This empirical research includes the study of 500 cases of all foreigners released from the Penitentiary Establishment of the Plaine de l'Orbe (EPO, in the Vaud region) between 1995 and 1999. This population was then followed-up by means of data provided by the Swiss Federal Office of Statistics in order to know whether they had recidivated during the five years following their release. The empirical study also includes the analysis of interviews conducted with 125 inmates of EPO between 2005 and 2006 to determine what are, in the opinion of the inmates interviewed, the causes of recidivism and the causes of crime. The results show a recidivism rate of approximately 30%. Furthermore, the factors which, according to research analyzed, influence recidivism, have also been related to the recidivism of our sample. However, due to the fact that the sample studied consists of foreigners, some factors, such as age of the first conviction or age of release of prison, show some differences with respect to the literature. Finally, the information obtained from the interviews has allowed the establishment of a new classification on the causes of recidivism, and to get a deeper knowledge of the causes of crime involvement of the population studied.


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Lorsqu'il est amené à témoigner de sa conversion, le membre d'une assemblée pentecôtiste insiste avant tout sur la dimension personnelle de son choix de vie et sur les manifestations divines qui l'ont encouragées et qui l'encouragent encore chaque jour dans cette voie. Avoir fait l'expérience personnelle de l'agir divin est un élément constitutif de tout récit de conversion. Cet article, basée sur des recherches doctorales menées auprès de deux assemblées pentecôtistes de l'Est de la France, cherche à mettre en évidence que cette relation personnelle et intime entre le fidèle et son créateur se construit dans le cadre communautaire : à travers l'harmonisation des récits de conversion et la structuration des réunions de prières assurant par les manifestations charismatiques la mise en présence de l'Esprit Saint au sein de la communauté des fidèles. C'est en effet sur une validation communautaire que reposent en partie les convictions individuelles. When he has to testify of his conversion, the member of a Pentecostal assembly insists above all on the personal dimension of his choice of life and on the divine intervention which has encouraged him and which will encourage him in his everyday life in this way. The personal experience of God's action is a constituent element of any narrative of conversion. This article, based on my PhD researches carried on with two Pentecostal assemblies located in the east of France, tries to highlight that this personal and intimate relation between the believer and his creator is built in the community framework : harmonization of the narratives of conversion, structuralization of the meetings of prayers and charismatic interventions of the Holy Spirit within the community of the believers. Individual convictions are partly based and validated by the community.


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Iowa’s adult correctional system carries out its legal mandate of protecting the public and promoting offender rehabilitation through a continuum of institution and community evidence based services and interventions. This continuum is designed with recognition that for most offenders, reentry planning starts upon admission to the corrections system. The effective and efficient management of offenders in accordance with their risk and criminogenic needs (those needs that contribute to criminality) is accomplished through targeted programming, release preparation, and transition services. Success in these endeavors assists offenders to become productive members of the community and makes it less likely that they will re-offend, resulting in lowered recidivism rates. In 1990 the Department’s prison recidivism rate was 44.7% and today it is 30.3%. Our overall desired outcome is to reduce the prison recidivism rate to 25% during the next five years by focusing resources toward our highest risk offenders.


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Malnutrition concerns up to 50% at in-hospital admission. Its diagnosis and treatment are fundamental parts of the surgical approach because nutritional status directly influences the clinical outcome. The Nutritional Risk Score (NRS-2002) represents the recommended screening tool by the European Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ESPEN). Patients with a score > or = 3 and aged > 70 years old, should receive a nutritional support during 7-14 day before surgery. Depending on patient's clinical conditions, the enteral route of administration should be preferred. Despite strong evidence in favor of nutritional supplementation, much effort must be done to implement these supportive strategies in the everyday clinical practice.


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Desde enfermería es necesario realizar una valoración integral del usuario de los servicios sanitarios. La persona es un ser biopsicosocial y se hace necesario una visión en su integridad. La sexualidad forma parte de nuestra vida cotidiana y es un aspecto fundamental en la vida de todos nosotros. Sin embargo, parece ser excluida por los profesionales de enfermería, cuando el usuario entra dentro del sistema de salud. Independientemente de la patología que sufra el sujeto de nuestros cuidados, la sexualidad está presente y forma parte de su vivencia personal y cotidiana. La influencia del sistema biomédico hace que muchas veces la sexualidad sea tratada desde la patogenia, obviando la valoración de una vivencia de una sexualidad saludable. La sexualidad es observada, en muchas ocasiones desde una perspectiva únicamente heterosexual, o ligada únicamente a la reproducción, negando con esta actitud la vivencia de una sexualidad a muchos de nuestros pacientes. Deberíamos ofrecer unos cuidados integrales y holísticos, pero tanto en la formación enfermera como en la práctica, en muchas ocasiones, excluimos el patrón sexualidad, convirtiéndolo así en un tema tabú.A través de un estudio cuantitativo, no experimental descriptivo y transversal se pretende conocer por qué las enfermeras y enfermeros no exploramos suficientemente el patrón de sexualidad de los usuarios y cuáles son las causas que nos impiden hacerlo. El estudio se realizará a partir de un cuestionario, distribuido entre los enfermeros y enfermeras de los diferentes servicios sanitarios del parc de salut mar.


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L'any 2011 la malaltia d'Alzheimer es situava com la quarta causa de mort més freqüent amb un augment de fins a 11.907, més del doble de morts que l'any 2000 (INE). Aquestes dades demostren l'augment del número de persones que pateixen una demència a mesura que envelleixen i una de les explicacions és l'augment de l'esperança de vida. Per aquest motiu l'estudi de la qualitat de vida ha adquirit una gran importància des de la dècada dels 90. La qualitat de vida és un concepte especialment subjectiu pel fet que cada persona la viu segons la pròpia percepció de salut i benestar i el grau d'adaptació a l'entorn que l'envolta. Per aquest motiu es planteja un programa de psicoestimulació integral (PPI) centrat en les individualitats de cada persona: valors, interessos, història ocupacional..., des de la filosofia de la Teràpia Ocupacional. El projecte està elaborat mitjançant la metodologia qualitativa utilitzant l'enquesta en profunditat semi-estructurada per a realitzar les entrevistes i obtenir la informació principal a l'inici i al final del programa juntament amb tota la informació que s'obtingui de l'observació participant del dia a dia de cada un dels professionals per tal d'estudiar fins a quin punt aquesta atenció centrada en la persona contribueix a millorar la qualitat de vida de les persones afectades de Malaltia d'Alzheimer que reben tractaments no farmacològics com el proposat en aquest projecte. Com a tot estudi es poden trobar alguns factors condicionants com pot ser l'evolució pròpia de la malaltia amb les conseqüències negatives que això comporta i/o el número de participants que formen la mostra.


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A partir de la complejidad argumental y temática de la película Eyes Wide Shut, dirigida por Stanley Kubrick, se presenta una propuesta interpretativa que analiza la relación entre el tema de la película, la trama narrativa y la novela en que se basa, Traumnovelle (Relato soñado), de Arthur Schnitzler. La estructura argumental se sostiene en un elemento temático específico, los impulsos sexuales de una pareja –y los sueños y las fantasías vinculados–, en una trama en la que se suceden episodios que representan estos impulsos. Las escenas proyectan las tendencias del inconsciente de los personajes (en sueños, en fantasías y también en situaciones dudosamente reales) de forma cada vez más intensa, hasta llegar al anticlímax de cotidianidad con que concluye la película.


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The Baby and the Couple provides an insider's view on how infant communication develops in the context of the family and how parents either work together as a team or struggle in the process. The authors present vignettes from everyday life as well as case studies from a longitudinal research project of infants and their parents interacting together in the Lausanne Trilogue Play (LTP), an assessment tool for very young families. Divided into three parts, the book focuses not only on the parents, but also on the infant's contribution to the family. Part 1 presents a case study of Lucas and his family, from infancy to age 5. With each chapter we see how, in the context of their families, infants learn to communicate with more than one person at a time. Part 2 explores how infants cope when their parents struggle to work together - excluding, competing or only connecting through their child. The authors follow several case examples from infancy through to early childhood to illustrate various forms of problematic co-parenting, along with the infant's derailed trajectory at different ages and stages. In Part 3, prevention and intervention models based on the LTP are presented. In addition to an overview of these programs, chapters are devoted to the Developmental Systems Consultation, which combines use of the LTP and video feedback, and a new model, Reflective Family Play, which allows whole families to engage in treatment. The Baby and the Couple is a vital resource for professionals working in the fields of infant and preschool mental health including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, family therapists and educators, as well as researchers.


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Con la llegada del nuevo paradigma del “envejecimiento activo” planteado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS, 2002), estamos asistiendo a una nueva manera de enfocar el progresivo envejecimiento de la población. Este enfoque trata de fomentar la consecución de una esperanza de vida saludable y libre de discapacidad, gracias a la promoción de políticas y programas cuyos objetivos principales se centran en la independencia y en la autonomía a lo largo del proceso de envejecimiento. Acorde con este enfoque pensamos que las ocupaciones significativas son una buena herramienta para mantener la autonomía de estas personas al fomentar la prevención y la promoción de su salud, motivo por el cual desarrollamos este estudio. Los objetivos principales del presente estudio son conocer y comprender que ocupaciones adquieren un significado y satisfacción personal en las personas mayores-jóvenes, que han concluido su etapa laboral, que cuentan con buena salud y condiciones psicofísicas favorables y que viven de manera autónoma en la comunidad, así como explorar también si se establece en estas personas alguna vinculación entre las actividades que eligen desarrollar en la actualidad con su perfil e historia ocupacional previa. Por último, este estudio pretende conocer el tipo de gestión que cada persona prefiere para llevar a cabo las actividades cotidianas que les son más significativas, a partir de los contextos en los que se inscribe. El marco teórico se desarrolla a partir de la conceptualización aportada por diversos autores sobre el envejecimiento activo y la ciencia de la ocupación. La metodología utilizada es de carácter cualitativo, enfocado desde un paradigma constructivista. Los resultados del estudio muestran que se inicia tímidamente un cambio de tendencias en la elección y el significado que las personas mayores-jóvenes atribuyen a sus ocupaciones. Muestran también que las ocupaciones elegidas como más significativas por estas personas mantienen una vinculación con las que ya realizaban con anterioridad a la jubilación, con su historia o perfil 6 ocupacional previo. Y finalmente demuestran que el tipo de gestión que eligen para efectuarlas influye en la elección del entorno donde las llevan a término.


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The Information Society has provided the context for the development of a new generation, known as the Millennials, who are characterized by their intensive use of technologies in everyday life. These features are changing the way of learning, prompting educational institutions to attempt to better adapt to youngneeds by incorporating technologies into education. Based on this premise, wehave reviewed the prominent reports of the integration of ICT into education atdifferent levels with the aim of evidencing how education is changing, and willchange, to meet the needs of Millennials with ICT support. The results show thatmost of the investments have simply resulted in an increase of computers andaccess to the Internet, with teachers reproducing traditional approaches to education and e-learning being seen as complementary to face-to-face education.While it would seem that the use of ICT is not revolutionizing learning, it isfacilitating the personalization, collaboration and ubiquity of learning.


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Spatial hearing refers to a set of abilities enabling us to determine the location of sound sources, redirect our attention toward relevant acoustic events, and recognize separate sound sources in noisy environments. Determining the location of sound sources plays a key role in the way in which humans perceive and interact with their environment. Deficits in sound localization abilities are observed after lesions to the neural tissues supporting these functions and can result in serious handicaps in everyday life. These deficits can, however, be remediated (at least to a certain degree) by the surprising capacity of reorganization that the human brain possesses following damage and/or learning, namely, the brain plasticity. In this thesis, our aim was to investigate the functional organization of auditory spatial functions and the learning-induced plasticity of these functions. Overall, we describe the results of three studies. The first study entitled "The role of the right parietal cortex in sound localization: A chronometric single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation study" (At et al., 2011), study A, investigated the role of the right parietal cortex in spatial functions and its chronometry (i.e. the critical time window of its contribution to sound localizations). We concentrated on the behavioral changes produced by the temporarily inactivation of the parietal cortex with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). We found that the integrity of the right parietal cortex is crucial for localizing sounds in the space and determined a critical time window of its involvement, suggesting a right parietal dominance for auditory spatial discrimination in both hemispaces. In "Distributed coding of the auditory space in man: evidence from training-induced plasticity" (At et al., 2013a), study B, we investigated the neurophysiological correlates and changes of the different sub-parties of the right auditory hemispace induced by a multi-day auditory spatial training in healthy subjects with electroencephalography (EEG). We report a distributed coding for sound locations over numerous auditory regions, particular auditory areas code specifically for precise parts of the auditory space, and this specificity for a distinct region is enhanced with training. In the third study "Training-induced changes in auditory spatial mismatch negativity" (At et al., 2013b), study C, we investigated the pre-attentive neurophysiological changes induced with a training over 4 days in healthy subjects with a passive mismatch negativity (MMN) paradigm. We showed that training changed the mechanisms for the relative representation of sound positions and not the specific lateralization themselves and that it changed the coding in right parahippocampal regions. - L'audition spatiale désigne notre capacité à localiser des sources sonores dans l'espace, de diriger notre attention vers les événements acoustiques pertinents et de reconnaître des sources sonores appartenant à des objets distincts dans un environnement bruyant. La localisation des sources sonores joue un rôle important dans la façon dont les humains perçoivent et interagissent avec leur environnement. Des déficits dans la localisation de sons sont souvent observés quand les réseaux neuronaux impliqués dans cette fonction sont endommagés. Ces déficits peuvent handicaper sévèrement les patients dans leur vie de tous les jours. Cependant, ces déficits peuvent (au moins à un certain degré) être réhabilités grâce à la plasticité cérébrale, la capacité du cerveau humain à se réorganiser après des lésions ou un apprentissage. L'objectif de cette thèse était d'étudier l'organisation fonctionnelle de l'audition spatiale et la plasticité induite par l'apprentissage de ces fonctions. Dans la première étude intitulé « The role of the right parietal cortex in sound localization : A chronometric single pulse study » (At et al., 2011), étude A, nous avons examiné le rôle du cortex pariétal droit dans l'audition spatiale et sa chronométrie, c'est-à- dire le moment critique de son intervention dans la localisation de sons. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur les changements comportementaux induits par l'inactivation temporaire du cortex pariétal droit par le biais de la Stimulation Transcrânienne Magnétique (TMS). Nous avons démontré que l'intégrité du cortex pariétal droit est cruciale pour localiser des sons dans l'espace. Nous avons aussi défini le moment critique de l'intervention de cette structure. Dans « Distributed coding of the auditory space : evidence from training-induced plasticity » (At et al., 2013a), étude B, nous avons examiné la plasticité cérébrale induite par un entraînement des capacités de discrimination auditive spatiale de plusieurs jours. Nous avons montré que le codage des positions spatiales est distribué dans de nombreuses régions auditives, que des aires auditives spécifiques codent pour des parties données de l'espace et que cette spécificité pour des régions distinctes est augmentée par l'entraînement. Dans « Training-induced changes in auditory spatial mismatch negativity » (At et al., 2013b), étude C, nous avons examiné les changements neurophysiologiques pré- attentionnels induits par un entraînement de quatre jours. Nous avons montré que l'entraînement modifie la représentation des positions spatiales entraînées et non-entrainées, et que le codage de ces positions est modifié dans des régions parahippocampales.


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Under various stresses, mutation-sensitised proteins may spontaneously convert into inactive, aggregation-prone structures, which may be cytotoxic and infectious. In the cell, this new kind of "molecular criminality" is actively fought against by a network of molecular chaperones that can specifically identify, isolate and unfold damaged (delinquent) proteins and favour their subsequent native refolding. Irreversibly damaged molecules unable to natively refold are preferentially "executed" and recycled by proteases. Failing that, they are "imprisoned" within compact amyloids, or "evicted" from the cell. Thus, striking parallels, although of questionable ethical value, exist between protein and human criminality, and between the cellular and social responses to these different types of criminality. Fundamental differences also exist. Whereas programmed death (apoptosis) is the preferred solution chosen by aged and aggregation-stressed cells, collective suicide is seldom an option chosen by lawless human societies. More significantly, there is no clear cellular equivalent for the role of the family and the education system, which are so essential to the proper shaping of functional individuals in the society, and give rise to humanism, that favours crime prevention, reeducation and reinsertion programs over capital punishment. To the cardiologist and transplantation surgeon, the interest of molecular chaperones, in particular of Hsp70, Hsp90 and Hsp27, lays in their ability to inhibit the signalling pathway of programmed cell death. Their induction before and during ischemia, by various treatments and drugs could significantly reduce damages from the post ischemic reperfusion of organs.