936 resultados para electrospray ionization mass spectrometry


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Huntington's disease (HD) is a fatal autosomal-dominant neurodegenerative disorder that affects approximately 3-10 people per 100 000 in the Western world. The median age of onset is 40 years, with death typically following 15-20 years later. In this study, we biochemically profiled post-mortem frontal lobe and striatum from HD sufferers (n = 14) and compared their profiles with controls (n = 14). LC-LTQ-Orbitrap-MS detected a total of 5579 and 5880 features for frontal lobe and striatum, respectively. An ROC curve combining two spectral features from frontal lobe had an AUC value of 0.916 (0.794 to 1.000) and following statistical cross-validation had an 83% predictive accuracy for HD. Similarly, two striatum biomarkers gave an ROC AUC of 0.935 (0.806 to 1.000) and after statistical cross-validation predicted HD with 91.8% accuracy. A range of metabolite disturbances were evident including but-2-enoic acid and uric acid, which were altered in both frontal lobe and striatum. A total of seven biochemical pathways (three in frontal lobe and four in striatum) were significantly altered as a result of HD. This study highlights the utility of high-resolution metabolomics for the study of HD. Further characterization of the brain metabolome could lead to the identification of new biomarkers and novel treatment strategies for HD.


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O trabalho de investigação desenvolvido teve como objectivo o estudo por espectrometria de massa com ionização por electrospray de compostos tetrapirrólicos (porfirinas e corróis) e das suas interacções com G-quadruplexes (estruturas de ADN de ordem superior, ricas em guanina). A química em fase gasosa de porfirinas catiónicas e neutras, e de corróis, foi investigada, tendo-se verificado a ocorrência de processos inesperados que foram objecto de um estudo aprofundado: redução das porfirinas catiónicas durante o processo global de electrospray e formação, na câmara de colisões, de aductos dos corróis com moléculas de água, ambos os processos detectados no modo de iões positivos. A redução das porfirinas ocorre através da formação de agregados catião-anião-solvente e catião-solvente-anião e os diferentes tipos de agregados conduzem a diferentes espécies reduzidas. A formação de aductos com água, bem como de outros iões-diagnóstico, permitiu a diferenciação dos isómeros posicionais dos corróis. Este último grupo de compostos foi igualmente estudado no modo de iões negativos. A espectrometria de massa com ionização por electrospray no modo de iões negativos foi também usada no estudo de aductos quadruplex-porfirina. Foi observada a formação de aductos do tipo [Q + nNH4+ + Pp+ -(z+n+p)H+ ]z- (Q=quadruplex, P=porfirina, p=0,1,2,3,4) para todas as porfirinas seleccionadas. A caracterização destes aductos foi efectuada através das suas decomposições induzidas por colisões. Verificou-se que o número de cargas presente nas porfirinas é um factor muito importante na estabilidade dos aductos formados, que aumenta com o aumento do número de cargas. O tipo e tamanho dos grupos substituintes presentes na porfirina não mostraram ter uma influência significativa nos processos de fragmentação. Os resultados obtidos apontam para uma ligação externa porfirina - G-quadruplex, com as porfirinas empilhadas nas extremidades dos quadruplexes.


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Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) plays a critical role in rennin-angiotensin system. Recently, natural products isolated from herbal medicines revealed inhibitory effects against ACE which suggested their potential activities in regulating blood pressure. In this study, ACE inhibition (ACEI) of 21 phenylethanoid glycosides and related phenolic compounds were investigated by measuring the production of HA a rapid, sensitive, accurate and specific ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) method. The test compounds showed different inhibitory potencies on ACE ranging from 5.29 to 95.01% at 50 mM, and the compounds with ACEI higher than 50% were selected for further IC50 determination. The IC50 values were from 0.53 ± 0.04 to 15.035 ± 0.036 mM. The structure-inhibition relationship were then explored and the result showed that cinnamoyl groups played an essential role in ACEI of phenylethanoid glycosides. Furthermore, the sub-structures of increasing ACEI for phenylethanoid glycosides is more hydroxyls and less steric hindrance to chelate the active site Zn2+ of ACE. In summary, our results suggested that phenylethanoid glycosides are a widely available source of anti-hypertensive natural products and the information provided from structure-inhibition relationship study could aid the design of structurally modified phenylethanoid glycosides as anti-hypertensive drugs.


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A multiresidue gas chromatographic method for the determination of six fungicides (captan, chlorthalonil, folpet, iprodione, procymidone and vinclozolin) and one acaricide (dicofol) in still and fortified wines was developed. Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) was chosen for the extraction of the compounds from the studied matrices and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) detection was used. The extraction consists in a solvent free and automated procedure and the detection is highly sensitive and selective. Good linearity was obtained with correlation coefficients of regression (R2) > 0.99 for all the compounds. Satisfactory results of repeatability and intermediate precision were obtained for most of the analytes (RSD < 20%). Recoveries from spiked wine ranged from 80.1% to 112.0%. Limits of quantification (LOQs) were considerably below the proposedmaximumresidue limits (MRLs) for these compounds in grapes and below the suggested limits for wine (MRLs/10), with the exception of captan.


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We have developed a new method for single-drop microextraction (SDME) for the preconcentration of organochlorine pesticides (OCP) from complex matrices. It is based on the use of a silicone ring at the tip of the syringe. A 5 μL drop of n-hexane is applied to an aqueous extract containing the OCP and found to be adequate to preconcentrate the OCPs prior to analysis by GC in combination with tandem mass spectrometry. Fourteen OCP were determined using this technique in combination with programmable temperature vaporization. It is shown to have many advantages over traditional split/splitless injection. The effects of kind of organic solvent, exposure time, agitation and organic drop volume were optimized. Relative recoveries range from 59 to 117 %, with repeatabilities of <15 % (coefficient of variation) were achieved. The limits of detection range from 0.002 to 0.150 μg kg−1. The method was applied to the preconcentration of OCPs in fresh strawberry, strawberry jam, and soil.


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Multiclass analysis method was optimized in order to analyze pesticides traces by gas chromatography with ion-trap and tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). The influence of some analytical parameters on pesticide signal response was explored. Five ion trap mass spectrometry (IT-MS) operating parameters, including isolation time (IT), excitation voltage (EV), excitation time (ET),maximum excitation energy or “q” value (q), and isolationmass window (IMW) were numerically tested in order to maximize the instrument analytical signal response. For this, multiple linear regression was used in data analysis to evaluate the influence of the five parameters on the analytical response in the ion trap mass spectrometer and to predict its response. The assessment of the five parameters based on the regression equations substantially increased the sensitivity of IT-MS/MS in the MS/MS mode. The results obtained show that for most of the pesticides, these parameters have a strong influence on both signal response and detection limit.Using the optimized method, a multiclass pesticide analysis was performed for 46 pesticides in a strawberry matrix. Levels higher than the limit established for strawberries by the European Union were found in some samples.


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A new procedure for determining eleven organochlorine pesticides in soils using microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) is described. The studied pesticides consisted of mirex, α- and γ-chlordane, p,p’-DDT, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide isomer A, γ-hexachlorocyclohexane, dieldrin, endrin, aldrine and hexachlorobenzene. The HS-SPME was optimized for the most important parameters such as extraction time, sample volume and temperature. The present analytical procedure requires a reduced volume of organic solvents and avoids the need for extract clean-up steps. For optimized conditions the limits of detection for the method ranged from 0.02 to 3.6 ng/g, intermediate precision ranged from 14 to 36% (as CV%), and the recovery from 8 up to 51%. The proposed methodology can be used in the rapid screening of soil for the presence of the selected pesticides, and was applied to landfill soil samples.


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A procedure for the determination of seven indicator PCBs in soils and sediments using microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) prior to GC-MS/MS is described. Optimization of the HS-SPME was carried out for the most important parameters such as extraction time, sample volume and temperature. The adopted methodology has reduced consumption of organic solvents and analysis runtime. Under the optimized conditions, the method detection limit ranged from 0.6 to 1 ng/g when 5 g of sample was extracted, the precision on real samples ranged from 4 to 21% and the recovery from 69 to 104%. The proposed method, which included the analysis of a certified reference material in its validation procedure, can be extended to several other PCBs and used in the monitoring of soil or sediments for the presence of PCBs.


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The interest for environmental fate assessment of chiral pharmaceuticals is increasing and enantioselective analytical methods are mandatory. This study presents an enantioselective analytical method for the quantification of seven pairs of enantiomers of pharmaceuticals and a pair of a metabolite. The selected chiral pharmaceuticals belong to three different therapeutic classes, namely selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (venlafaxine, fluoxetine and its metabolite norfluoxetine), beta-blockers (alprenolol, bisoprolol, metoprolol, propranolol) and a beta2-adrenergic agonist (salbutamol). The analytical method was based on solid phase extraction followed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry with a triple quadrupole analyser. Briefly, Oasis® MCX cartridges were used to preconcentrate 250 mL of water samples and the reconstituted extracts were analysed with a Chirobiotic™ V under reversed mode. The effluent of a laboratory-scale aerobic granular sludge sequencing batch reactor (AGS-SBR) was used to validate the method. Linearity (r2 > 0.99), selectivity and sensitivity were achieved in the range of 20–400 ng L−1 for all enantiomers, except for norfluoxetine enantiomers which range covered 30–400 ng L−1. The method detection limits were between 0.65 and 11.5 ng L−1 and the method quantification limits were between 1.98 and 19.7 ng L−1. The identity of all enantiomers was confirmed using two MS/MS transitions and its ion ratios, according to European Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. This method was successfully applied to evaluate effluents of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in Portugal. Venlafaxine and fluoxetine were quantified as non-racemic mixtures (enantiomeric fraction ≠ 0.5). The enantioselective validated method was able to monitor chiral pharmaceuticals in WWTP effluents and has potential to assess the enantioselective biodegradation in bioreactors. Further application in environmental matrices as surface and estuarine waters can be exploited.


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The potential and applicability of UHPSFC-MS/MS for anti-doping screening in urine samples were tested for the first time. For this purpose, a group of 110 doping agents with diverse physicochemical properties was analyzed using two separation techniques, namely UHPLC-MS/MS and UHPSFC-MS/MS in both ESI+ and ESI- modes. The two approaches were compared in terms of selectivity, sensitivity, linearity and matrix effects. As expected, very diverse retentions and selectivities were obtained in UHPLC and UHPSFC, proving a good complementarity of these analytical strategies. In both conditions, acceptable peak shapes and MS detection capabilities were obtained within 7min analysis time, enabling the application of these two methods for screening purposes. Method sensitivity was found comparable for 46% of tested compounds, while higher sensitivity was observed for 21% of tested compounds in UHPLC-MS/MS and for 32% in UHPSFC-MS/MS. The latter demonstrated a lower susceptibility to matrix effects, which were mostly observed as signal suppression. In the case of UHPLC-MS/MS, more serious matrix effects were observed, leading typically to signal enhancement and the matrix effect was also concentration dependent, i.e., more significant matrix effects occurred at the lowest concentrations.


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Drug abuse is a widespread problem affecting both teenagers and adults. Nitrous oxide is becoming increasingly popular as an inhalation drug, causing harmful neurological and hematological effects. Some gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) methods for nitrous oxide measurement have been previously described. The main drawbacks of these methods include a lack of sensitivity for forensic applications; including an inability to quantitatively determine the concentration of gas present. The following study provides a validated method using HS-GC-MS which incorporates hydrogen sulfide as a suitable internal standard allowing the quantification of nitrous oxide. Upon analysis, sample and internal standard have similar retention times and are eluted quickly from the molecular sieve 5Å PLOT capillary column and the Porabond Q column therefore providing rapid data collection whilst preserving well defined peaks. After validation, the method has been applied to a real case of N2O intoxication indicating concentrations in a mono-intoxication.


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A number of metal complexes containing the ligand 5,5,7,12,12,14-hexamethyl-l,4,8,11-tetra-azatetradecane were synthesized and analyzed using electron impact (EI) and fast atom bombardment (FAB). The FAB mass spectra were obtained in positive and negative ion mode. FAB in the positive ion mode proved to be the most successful technique for the identification of these compounds. In the majority of cases the spectra obtained using positive ion FAB were structurally informative, although not all showed molecular (M+) or quasimolecular ([M+H]+) ions. The fragmentations observed were characteristic of the ligands, and were interpreted based on the chemistry of these compounds.


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In order to investigate the use of Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometry (FAB-MS) as a tool for structural characterization, two groups of complexes are analyzed. The first group is a set of ruthenium(II) coordination complexes containing bidentate polypyridyl ligands. The positive and negative ion FAB-MS spectra are found to be sufficient to allow for an almost complete characterization of the central metal atom, the ligands and the counter anions contained in the intact complex. An unusual observation of mUltiply charged ions in the positive ion FAB-MS spectra (i.e. [RUL 3 ]2+) is explained to be as a result of the oxidative quenching of the excited state of the doubly charged ion by the matrix, 3-nitrobenzyl alcohol. An analysis of a mixture shows that the technique is a good one for identifying components therein. A group of triptycene and related complexes containing Group V elements is also analyzed by FAB-MS and the results. in terms of relative abundances of fragment ions, are found to be consistent with known metal-carbon bond strengths.


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Linear alkylbenzenes, LAB, formed by the Alel3 or HF catalyzed alkylation of benzene are common raw materials for surfactant manufacture. Normally they are sulphonated using S03 or oleum to give the corresponding linear alkylbenzene sulphonates In >95 % yield. As concern has grown about the environmental impact of surfactants,' questions have been raised about the trace levels of unreacted raw materials, linear alkylbenzenes and minor impurities present in them. With the advent of modem analytical instruments and techniques, namely GCIMS, the opportunity has arisen to identify the exact nature of these impurities and to determine the actual levels of them present in the commercial linear ,alkylbenzenes. The object of the proposed study was to separate, identify and quantify major and minor components (1-10%) in commercial linear alkylbenzenes. The focus of this study was on the structure elucidation and determination of impurities and on the qualitative determination of them in all analyzed linear alkylbenzene samples. A gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, (GCIMS) study was performed o~ five samples from the same manufacturer (different production dates) and then it was followed by the analyses of ten commercial linear alkylbenzenes from four different suppliers. All the major components, namely linear alkylbenzene isomers, followed the same elution pattern with the 2-phenyl isomer eluting last. The individual isomers were identified by interpretation of their electron impact and chemical ionization mass spectra. The percent isomer distribution was found to be different from sample to sample. Average molecular weights were calculated using two methods, GC and GCIMS, and compared with the results reported on the Certificate of Analyses (C.O.A.) provided by the manufacturers of commercial linear alkylbenzenes. The GC results in most cases agreed with the reported values, whereas GC/MS results were significantly lower, between 0.41 and 3.29 amu. The minor components, impurities such as branched alkylbenzenes and dialkyltetralins eluted according to their molecular weights. Their fragmentation patterns were studied using electron impact ionization mode and their molecular weight ions confirmed by a 'soft ionization technique', chemical ionization. The level of impurities present i~ the analyzed commercial linear alkylbenzenes was expressed as the percent of the total sample weight, as well as, in mg/g. The percent of impurities was observed to vary between 4.5 % and 16.8 % with the highest being in sample "I". Quantitation (mg/g) of impurities such as branched alkylbenzenes and dialkyltetralins was done using cis/trans-l,4,6,7-tetramethyltetralin as an internal standard. Samples were analyzed using .GC/MS system operating under full scan and single ion monitoring data acquisition modes. The latter data acquisition mode, which offers higher sensitivity, was used to analyze all samples under investigation for presence of linear dialkyltetralins. Dialkyltetralins were reported quantitatively, whereas branched alkylbenzenes were reported semi-qualitatively. The GC/MS method that was developed during the course of this study allowed identification of some other trace impurities present in commercial LABs. Compounds such as non-linear dialkyltetralins, dialkylindanes, diphenylalkanes and alkylnaphthalenes were identified but their detailed structure elucidation and the quantitation was beyond the scope of this study. However, further investigation of these compounds will be the subject of a future study.