859 resultados para disabilities in college students
Leprosy will continue to be a public health problem for several decades. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that, for treatment purposes, leprosy cases be classified as either paucibacillary or multibacillary (MB). A uniform leprosy treatment regimen would simplify treatment and halve the treatment duration for MB patients. The clinical trial for uniform multidrug therapy (U-MDT) for leprosy patients (LPs) in Brazil is a randomised, open-label clinical trial to evaluate if the effectiveness of U-MDT for leprosy equals the regular regimen, to determine the acceptability of the U-MDT regimen and to identify the prognostic factors. This paper details the clinical trial methodology and patient enrolment data. The study enrolled 858 patients at two centres and 78.4% of participants were classified as MB according to the WHO criteria. The main difficulty in evaluating a new leprosy treatment regimen is that no reliable data are available for the current treatment regimen. Relapse, reaction and impaired nerve function rates have never been systematically determined, although reaction and impaired nerve function are the two major causes of nerve damage that lead to impairments and disabilities in LPs. Our study was designed to overcome the need for reliable data about the current treatment and to compare its efficacy with that of a uniform regimen.
Se examinan los comportamientos anticonceptivos de 225 jóvenes universitarios (22'7% hombres y 77'3% mujeres) con el objetivo de conocer su eficacia para evitar embarazos no deseados, SIDA y otras enfermedades de transmisión sexual (ETS). Se recogió información sobre los diferentes métodos anticonceptivos empleados por los sujetos con su última pareja, sin establecer ningún límite temporal. La mitad de los estudiantes no habían tenido nunca relaciones sexuales completas. La mitad de las conductas heterosexuales de los jóvenes sexualmente activos fueron adecuadas para protegerse frente al SIDA, otras ETS y embarazos no deseados (usar siempre preservativo); un tercio de las conductas únicamente eran útiles para evitar embarazos (píldora anticonceptiva) y las restantes (usar ocasionalmente el preservativo o el coitus interruptus ) les pusieron en riesgo frente a los tres problemas. Además, conforme se eleva la edad o el número de parejas de los estudiantes, es más frecuente el uso de píldoras anticonceptivas y menos probable el empleo de preservativo. Estos resultados sugieren que los estudiantes sexualmente activos están más interesados en la prevención de los embarazos no deseados que en evitar infectarse con el SIDA u otras ETS, por lo que seria conveniente promocionar entre ellos el uso del preservativo como método anticonceptivo, destacando sus ventajas frente a la píldora
Aunque el tema de la participación en losdistintos espacios de la vida comunitariaha irrumpido con fuerza en los últimostiempos, el sector universitario apenas haincorporado el debate de la participaciónen su funcionamiento universitario. Laparticipación estudiantil ha sido, y siguesiendo en la mayoría de los casos, simbólica.En este contexto, el artículo quepresentamos profundiza en el análisis dela participación de los estudiantes en laestructura académica universitaria a partirde un estudio realizado en la Universidadde Girona. Nos centramos en los resultadosderivados de la aplicación de uncuestionario electrónico a los estudiantespara conocer sus propias percepciones ypuntos de vista en relación con su participación en la universidad. A partir deeste análisis planteamos las orientacionesy estrategias que se configuran comoelementos y recursos favorecedores de laparticipación estudiantil, tratando aspectosdiversos como la mejora de la información,la necesidad de estrategias para facilitar la adaptación de los estudiantes a la dinámica de los órganos de gobierno oel reconocimiento del carácter formativode la participación
In accordance with 19B.5 of the Code of Iowa, the 2005 Affirmative Action in Iowa report illustrates the progress made during fiscal year 2005 to balance the State's worforce, the challenges that the State must address and the effort that the Department of Administratie Services must lead in order to remove barriers that limit the hiring, retention and advancement of females, minorities and persons with disabilities in the State's workforce. Highlighted in the report are four departments that initiated proactive and innovative measures to address their workplace equal opportunity, affirmative action and diversity programs. Additionally, the Department of Administrative Services-Human Resources Enterprise outlines its plan to build on its past efforts as well as pursue new initiatives to partner with advocacy groups and reach out to the commuity more directely to enhance employment opportunities for females, minorities and persons with disabilities in State of Iowa employment.
In accordance with 19B.5 of the Code of Iowa, the 2005 Affirmative Action in Iowa report illustrates the progress made during fiscal year 2005 to balance the State's worforce, the challenges that the State must address and the effort that the Department of Administratie Services must lead in order to remove barriers that limit the hiring, retention and advancement of females, minorities and persons with disabilities in the State's workforce. Highlighted in the report are four departments that initiated proactive and innovative measures to address their workplace equal opportunity, affirmative action and diversity programs. Additionally, the Department of Administrative Services-Human Resources Enterprise outlines its plan to build on its past efforts as well as pursue new initiatives to partner with advocacy groups and reach out to the commuity more directely to enhance employment opportunities for females, minorities and persons with disabilities in State of Iowa employment.
Objective:To analyze the influence of stress factors and socio-demographic characteristics on the sleep quality of nursing students. Method: An analytical cross-sectional and quantitative study, conducted with 151 nursing students in São Paulo between March and April of 2012. A form for socio-demographic characteristics, the Instrument to Evaluate Stress in Nursing Students and the Pittsburgh Sleep Index were applied. Results: High levels of stress was predominant for Time Management (27.8%) and Professional Training (30.5%) and low sleep quality (78.8%). The Professional Communication, Professional Training and Theoretical Activity are positively correlated to sleep quality. Work activity, academic year and time for daily studies contributed to a low quality of sleep. Conclusion: Few stress factors from the academic environment and some socio-demographic characteristics contributed to the reduction of sleep quality in students.
In accordance with 19B.5 of the Code of Iowa, the 2007 Affirmative Action in Iowa report illustrates the progress made during fiscal year 2007 to balance the State's workforce, the challenges that the State must address and the effort that the Department of Administrative Services must lead in order to remove barriers that limit the hiring, retention and advancement of females, minorities and persons with disabilities in the State's workforce. Highlighted in the report are the State's efforts to improve EEO/AA/Diversity training, coordinating targeted recruitment and partnering with disability organizations. Additionally, the Department of Administrative Services-Human Resources Enterprise outlines its plan to build on its past efforts and implement recommendations to remove barriers in the state selection processes and to improve its affirmative action and auditing processes.
In accordance with 19B.5 of the Code of Iowa, the 2006 Affirmative Action in Iowa report illustrates the progress made during fiscal year 2006 to balance the State's worforce, the challenges that the State must address and the effort that the Department of Administrative Services must lead in order to remove barriers that limit the hiring, retention and advancement of females, minorities and persons with disabilities in the State's workforce. Highlighted in the report are the qualitative achievements made by all departments setting goals for fiscal year 2006. Additionally, the Department of Administrative Services-Human Resources Enterprise outlines its plan to build on its past efforts as well as pursue new initiatives to partner with advocacy groups and reach out to the commuity more directly to enhance State employment opportunities for females, minorities and persons with disabilities.
Interview tips developed by Lois Smidt with Beyond Welfare in Ames, Iowa and shared at the Improving Transition Outcomes Resource Mapping Workshops
Results from a survey conducted in cooperation with Iowa's Youth Leadership Forum.
Business Plan template developed for use by the Improving Transition Outcomes community demonstration prototypes in preparing for sustainability without grant funding.
Business Plan template developed for use by the Improving Transition Outcomes community demonstration prototypes in preparing for sustainability without grant funding.
Business Plan template developed for use by the Improving Transition Outcomes community demonstration prototypes in preparing for sustainability without grant funding.
The representation of women in top corporate officer positions is steadily increasing. However, little is known about the impact this will have. A large literature documents that women are different from men in their choices and in their preferences, but most of this literature relies on samples of college students or workers at lower levels in the corporate hierarchy. If women must be like men to break the glass ceiling, we might expect gender differences to disappear among top executives. In contrast, using a large survey of all directors of publicly-traded corporations in Sweden, we show that female and male directors differ systematically in their core values and risk attitudes. While certain population gender differences disappear at the director level, others do not. Consistent with the findings for the Swedish population, female directors are more benevolent and universally concerned, but less power-oriented than men. However, they are less traditional and security-oriented than their male counterparts. Furthermore, female directors are slightly more risk-loving than male directors. This suggests that having a women on the board need not lead to more risk-averse decision-making.
We review the participation of the Faculty of Library Sciences and Documentation of the University of Barcelona in the Erasmus program since 1993. In general, student participation has been low. We present the results of a study conducted in May 2007 among the students of the Faculty, designed a) to assess their experience of the Erasmus program and their evaluation of it and b) to promote student participation. Though the vast majority of students have heard of the Erasmus program, their awareness of specific aspects of the program is relatively low