632 resultados para dea Senuna
To compare the accuracy of different forecasting approaches an error measure is required. Many error measures have been proposed in the literature, however in practice there are some situations where different measures yield different decisions on forecasting approach selection and there is no agreement on which approach should be used. Generally forecasting measures represent ratios or percentages providing an overall image of how well fitted the forecasting technique is to the observations. This paper proposes a multiplicative Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model in order to rank several forecasting techniques. We demonstrate the proposed model by applying it to the set of yearly time series of the M3 competition. The usefulness of the proposed approach has been tested using the M3-competition where five error measures have been applied in and aggregated to a single DEA score.
This thesis has its origin in a previous work: “The Catalan theatrical life in the magazine ‘El Teatre Català’ (1912-1917)” (DEA, UCM, 2004-2005), focused on the history, description and the indexes of that magazine. Among the historical and literary references ordered there, we chose a figure that would make a monographic work resulting in the present Doctoral Thesis. The choice fell on Avel·lí Artís i Balaguer (1881-1954), whose personality and literary corpus, allow additional possibilities for research. The cultural and literary reach of his life and his work covers a whole historical cycle in Catalan culture and literature, which moves from its contemporary consolidation towards the drama of its temporal dislocation, between the Spanish Civil War and the exile experience. This e historical itinerary is represented by Avel·lí Artís i Balaguer, being a playwright and a publisher. He’s been considered a comedy playwright since his editions bear titles such as “comedy”, “pas comedy”, “sainet” “quadro”, “farce” or “dialogue”, at most we find the word “Drama” once and “tragicomedy” twice, and we can find all this, in a series of texts for the representation ranging from 1909 to 1938. Secondly, as a professional fully involved in printing and publishing, thereby covering since its first steps as a compositor in the late nineties of the 19th century until his activity as a crucial character for magazines and other publishing projects, from the first decade of the 20th century until the last year of his Mexican exile...
Water sorption-induced crystallization, α-relaxations and relaxation times of freeze-dried lactose/whey protein isolate (WPI) systems were studied using dynamic dewpoint isotherms (DDI) method and dielectric analysis (DEA), respectively. The fractional water sorption behavior of lactose/WPI mixtures shown at aw ≤ 0.44 and the critical aw for water sorption-related crystallization (aw(cr)) of lactose were strongly affected by protein content based on DDI data. DEA results showed that the α-relaxation temperatures of amorphous lactose at various relaxation times were affected by the presence of water and WPI. The α-relaxation-derived strength parameter (S) of amorphous lactose decreased with aw up to 0.44 aw but the presence of WPI increased S. The linear relationship for aw(cr) and S for lactose/WPI mixtures was also established with R2 > 0.98. Therefore, DDI offers another structural investigation of water sorption-related crystallization as governed by aw(cr), and S may be used to describe real time effects of structural relaxations in noncrystalline multicomponent solids.
We review the Psychodinae of Mallorca, recognising fifteen species based on recent collections and available literature. Previously unpublished data is presented for eleven species, of which Neoarisemus ibericus Wagner, 1978, Mormia tenebricosa (Vaillant, 1954), Clogmia albipunctata (Williston, 1893), Lepiseodina rothschildi (Eaton, 1913), Paramormia ustulata (Walker, 1856), Philosepedon pyrenaicus Vaillant, 1974 and Psychoda (Psycha) grisescens Tonnoir, 1922 are first records for Mallorca. An old record of Pericoma trifasciata (Meigen, 1804) is considered doubtful. Pericoma unipennata sp. n is described and illustrated based on a male collected at Deía. Distributional data are reviewed for all newly recorded species. Based on the Psychodinae fauna, the zoogeographical affinities of Mallorca are briefly discussed.
A compreensão emocional é uma componente-chave da competência emocional, que se tem vindo a constatar ser importante para um melhor entendimento do desenvolvimento infantil. Este artigo faz uma revisão teórica desse construto, situando-o nos estudos sobre inteligência emocional e clarificando a sua definição. Apresentam-se, igualmente, os diferentes instrumentos que existem para a sua avaliação assim como os estudos que trazem evidências sobre o seu desenvolvimento. Concluiu-se que está demonstrada a existência de importantes mudanças na compreensão emocional da criança entre os 18 meses e os 12 anos. No entanto, é ainda necessário: a) reduzir a inconsistência conceptual presente nesse construto; b) determinar o que prediz; c) determinar se o seu ensino tem um efeito desejável no comportamento dos indivíduos.
El objetivo de este estudio de caso es demostrar en que medida la incapacidad del Estado influyó en el surgimiento de las Bacrim en el departamento de Antioquia. Para tal fin, se aborda la problemática desde una perspectiva tanto explicativa como analítica, dado que pretende examinar la relación causal entre el fenómeno armado en Antioquia y las causas que llevaron a su surgimiento mediante la aplicación de la Ley de Justicia y Paz, teniendo como punto de partida la incapacidad estatal en tres niveles: en infraestructura económica para el proceso de Desarme, Desmovilización y Reintegración con las Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia, en administración de justicia para el proceso de justicia transicional y para recuperar el monopolio legítimo de la violencia.
La reducción de la demanda, específicamente por medios alternativos al sistema penal tradicional, ha sido uno de los componentes más discutidos en los análisis que abordan la lucha contra las drogas. Este artículo se propone determinar el papel de la Organización de Estados Americanos en el establecimiento de los Tribunales de Tratamiento de Drogas en Estados Unidos como mecanismo de reducción del daño en el periodo comprendido entre 1989 y 2013. Se sugiere que la organización internacional, a través de la CICAD, ha jugado un papel de promoción, y evaluación de los Tribunales de Tratamiento de Drogas en Estados Unidos, generando presión entre sus Estados miembro, dada la necesidad de instaurar alternativas legales de reducción del daño. Sin embargo, se presentan deficiencias en los mecanismos de evaluación, ya que las indicaciones realizadas no tienen un carácter obligatorio y por tanto las determinaciones de la CICAD no necesariamente son adoptadas.
Este estudio de caso se realiza con el objetivo de analizar cómo la cooperación entre Colombia y África occidental en la lucha contra el tráfico de drogas repercute en la imagen del Estado colombiano como referente en esfuerzos antinarcóticos desde la periferia. En consecuencia, se busca conocer la forma en la cual los acuerdos bilaterales interinstitucionales, la participación en foros y la creación de una agenda internacional de lucha contra las drogas para un escenario nacional transformado, configuran la imagen del Estado colombiano. Para tal objetivo, el trabajo se desarrollará a través de los conceptos de identidad de Alexander Wendt, periferia de Mohammed Ayoob y Cooperación Sur-Sur de la Organización de Naciones Unidas y la Agencia Presidencial de Cooperación Internacional de Colombia.
This article contributes to the literature by testing six research hypotheses regarding the impact of partial privatisation on firms' performance. We measure performance using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), the Malmquist Index and ratios related to labour productivity, profitability and capacity utilisation. We use the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test to compare the performance after privatisation with that before privatisation. The hypotheses are tested with data from a chain of Portuguese heritage hotels, partially privatised in 2003. We conclude that productivity growth after privatisation is superior to productivity growth before privatisation due to technological progress. However, due to a frontier regress observed in the privatisation year, total factor productivity and profitability deteriorated after privatisation. This suggests that both efficiency changes and frontier shifts should be taken into account in order to accurately assess the impact of privatisation.
Objetivou-se verificar o desempenho agronômico da cultura do milho em função do tratamento de semen-tes com o inoculante Azo Total® composto de Azospirillum sp., com o bioestimulante Stimulate® e com o fertilizante líquido Cellerate®, individualmente e em combinação. O experimento foi conduzido a campo em Sete Lagoas, MG, utilizando-se o delineamento de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições e tratamentos dispostos em esquema fatorial 2x8, sendo duas cultivares de milho (P30F53 e P30F53 YH) e sete tratamentos de sementes mais a testemeunha (T1 = Testemunha; T2 = Azo Total®; T3 = Stimulate®; T4 = Cellerate®; T5 = Azo Total® + Stimulate®; T6 = Azo Total® + Cellerate®; T7 = Stimulate® + Cellerate®; T8 = Azo Total® + Cellerate® + Stimulate®). Para a análise do desempenho agronômico, foram avaliadas as características: altura de planta; altura de espiga; número de espigas; produtividade; diâmetro do colmo; análise foliar; estande final; índice de espiga; e peso de 1.000 grãos. Nas condições de realização deste trabalho, a cultivar P30F53YH proporciona maior produtividade de grãos quando tratada com os produtos Azo Total®, Stimulate® e Cellerate®. Tratamentos de sementes de milho com os produtos comerciais Azo Total®, Stimulate® e Cellerate® não incrementam significativamente a produtividade de grãos. Tratamento de sementes com Azo Total®, Stimulate® e Cellerate® não influenciam os teores foliares de nutrientes em plantas de milho.
Pantaneiro horses were submitted to a performance test.