721 resultados para customer engagement
As stated by Hoffmann and Coste-Manière (2012) “The web is a mass medium that contrast completely with the traditional codes of exclusivity associated with the luxury industry, and has long been simply rejected by the luxury industry for being an illegitimate distribution channel.” Meanwhile this market presents an incomparable pace of growth and is gradually changing the existing retailing business model and companies must be aware of this change and capable to adapt to it. The internet and cross-border sales already changed the competition throughout retailing and it will increase even more, so companies must be ready to face it. Internet has shown its great opportunity for all markets, although luxury/premium market is not yet taking the proper advantage of its potential, but the necessity to be an omnichannel business strategy is growing. This paper presents an exploratory research based on a case study of how premium fashion Brazilian brands are using Farfetch, e-commerce, as an entry market strategy and how this affects them. The research question of this study is: How is Farfetch helping on the internationalization of Brazilian premium fashion brands?, and in order to answer it was conducted an in-depth interview with the Brazilian head of business development of Farfetch, apart an extensive secondary data research. As expected the study found a list of trade-offs of using an e-commerce, luxury specialized, with a marketplace approach to the brands willing to internationalize. As stated by Altagamma and McKinsey (2015) study “[...] luxury brands have no choice but to embrace the digital era and become truly omnichannel. This will require them a radical rethinking of both their customer experience of their consumer engagement strategy.” Looking either from the Farfetch point of view, trying to understand why they offer this opportunity to the brands, or also from the brand side if this is a manageable approach. This study presents a contribution for both sides, trying to give tools to the brands on understanding the internationalization reasons and approach, as well as explaining Farfetch business model, and the advantages it can bring to them, at the same time of a general market trend analysis for Farfecth.
Which strategies can an educational business, such as a Kindergarten in Germany, develop to foster employee engagement? The goal of this master thesis is to identify effective and viable measures to engage employees, that could be potentially implemented in a Kindergarten in Germany. The literature concerning the notion of employee engagement is so inconsistent that even studies about the subject fail to find one common definition and have to acknowledge the variety of existing definitions (IES, 2014, p.52-53). This reflects the youth of the concept, which has only been partially studied by academics and practitioners in recent years. The literature gap about employee engagement concerns many aspects, among which small companies and educational businesses, in particular those focusing on early child development. Considering the low levels of employee engagement in Germany combined with the absence of studies on educational organizations focusing in early child development this master thesis studies engagement in German Kindergärten(s). This master thesis is divided in two parts consisting of a literature review and a case study. The literature review allows to follow the evolution of the concept along the years, while the case study focuses on assessing employee engagement in Montessori Kindergärten(s) in Munich & elaborating potential measures to increase engagement levels. Double sided research was undertaken for this case study. On the one hand a quantitative research was performed, through a survey, in order to uncover which strategies would be viable to foster employee engagement. On the other hand a qualitative research was undertaken, consisting in an internship in a Kindergarten, in order to shed light on how to do so. Findings in the quantitative research indicate overall engagement levels average to low. Results related to specific statements bring out the originality of the educational sector, which is in some aspects intrinsically engaging, similarly to the medical field (Seijts & Crim, 2006). Furthermore low engagement levels led to a conversely high number of positives responses to potential engagement strategies suggesting their potential effectiveness. Findings in the qualitative research are coherent with qualitative results and complement them
The main objective of this Thesis is to analyze Customer Intimacy Strategy in B2B technology businesses in Colombia and the variables that have a direct relationship with it like perception, trust and networking. And how a Customer Intimacy Strategy can affect a company to achieve positive or negative results in an operation, in terms of business opportunities, relations and profitable and sustainable sales if properly managed or mismanaged. With a population of almost 50 million people, GDP average growth of 4.22%(considering 2013 up to 2017), a strategic geographic location in Latin America close to the middle of the region with direct access to the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, on the verge to reach a peace agreement ending its long time social and security conflict with the local guerrillas, Colombia is a country with a stable economic present and promising future. But despite the appealing business landscape and opportunities both in number and size, it is a developing economy where firms who are willing to run a startup or who currently have B2B technology operations in this country will find out that uncertainty and mistrust are two of the most critical variables that need to be overcome in order to achieve success. Their relevance will vary from one region to another, but will still be considered of most importance throughout the country. This matter is highly important to B2B technology businesses in Colombia because few firms are aware of the importance of customer intimacy strategy, believing that it is just a matter of social relationships and not considering the diverse number of variables such us perception, trust and networking that compose it. Customer intimacy strategy at the end becomes the main and most relevant source of sales in a B2B technology environment in Colombia.
O presente estudo tem como objectivo compreender a relação entre as estratégias de coping, e os sintomas de burnout, caracterizado por exaustão emocional, despersonalização e falta de realização profissional. Pretende-se ainda perceber de que forma o engagement, representado por uma atitude de vigor, dedicação e absorção face ao trabalho, é vivenciado pelos professores e de que forma estes três construtos – burnout, coping e engagement - se relacionam entre si e perante as variáveis sócio-demográficas e profissionais. Este estudo contou com a participação de 432 professores dos diferentes níveis de ensino, pertencentes à Secretaria Regional de Educação e Cultura da Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM). Os resultados sugerem que, o engagement está negativamente relacionado com a exaustão emocional e despersonalização e positivamente relacionado com a dimensão realização profissional do burnout. Os professores tendem a utilizar mais estratégias de coping de controlo, seguidas de estratégias de evitamento e por último de gestão de sintomas. Concluímos ainda, que os professores que utilizam mais estratégias de coping de controlo, obtêm pontuações mais elevadas na realização profissional e nas três dimensões do engagement. Quanto às variáveis sócio-demográficas, nomeadamente o género, observámos que as mulheres apresentaram valores mais significativos na dimensão absorção do engagement e na dimensão exaustão emocional do burnout, enquanto os homens manifestam mais sentimentos de despersonalização. Relativamente à idade, os professores mais novos manifestam mais burnout na dimensão exaustão emocional do que os professores mais velhos. Também constatamos que os professores com mais tempo de serviço experimentam mais vigor e adoptam mais estratégias de coping de controlo ou confronto que os colegas que estão no fim da carreira. Já os professores com menos tempo de serviço revelam mais exaustão emocional e menos realização profissional do que os colegas com mais tempo de serviço.
Este estudo teve como objetivos compreender a inteligência emocional e o engagement como fator de proteção face ao burnout, bem como estudar as relações entre a inteligência emocional, o engagement e o burnout. Mayer e Salovey (1997) definem a inteligência emocional como a capacidade de perceber, avaliar e de expressar as emoções, baseada em quatro níveis: capacidade de perceber, usar, conhecer e regular as emoções para facilitar o pensamento. O engagement é um construto recente a nível mundial, integrado na corrente da psicologia positiva. O oposto ao engagement é o Burnout, expressão inglesa para designar aquilo que deixou de funcionar por exaustão de energia (França, 1987, citado por, Carlotto,2012). A amostra foi constituída por 250 professores do 2º ciclo (26.4%), 3º ciclo (57.2%) e Secundário (16.4 %), do género feminino (70.4%) e do masculino (29.6%), da Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM). Como instrumentos, utilizámos um Questionário de Dados Sócio-Demográficos e Profissionais, o Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24), o Questionário de Expressividade e o de Regulação Emocional de Berkeley, o Questionário de Engagement e o Inventário de Burnout de Maslach (MBI). Para confirmar a relação estatística entre a inteligência emocional, o engagement e o burnout foi realizado um teste de correlação de Spearman entre as variáveis. Encontrámos correlações significativas entre a atenção emocional e o vigor, na dedicação, na absorção e na realização profissional. Relativamente à inteligência emocional dos professores, revelou-se como adequada em ambos os sexos nas três dimensões do construto. No que concerne ao engagement, os professores revelaram valores altos de vigor, dedicação e absorção. Concluiu-se que quanto maior a reparação das emoções, o vigor e a dedicação, menor é a exaustão emocional. Por outro lado, quanto maior a reavaliação das emoções, maior a exaustão emocional.
Este estudo avalia as dimensões do engagement que os professores utilizam para lidar com o seu trabalho docente. Para a avaliação das dimensões utilizou-se a Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) elaborada por Schaufeli e Bakker (2003), distinguindo-se as variáveis vigor, dedicação e absorção. Os resultados obtidos nesta investigação (N=54) coincidem com estudos anteriores quanto à consistência interna das três subescalas, que é estável e satisfatória. Revelam também que a UWES apresenta-se como um instrumento válido e adequado para ser utilizado em investigações futuras.
Os problemas referentes à profissão constituem uma preocupação constante de todos os trabalhadores, de tal modo que os agentes de stresse no trabalho são objeto, cada vez mais, de importância reconhecida pelos pesquisadores, pelos profissionais e pelas instituições. No que concerne à docência, esta é considerada uma profissão de alto risco mental e físico. Este estudo objetiva analisar a relação entre stresse, coping e engagement em docentes da educação especial da RAM. Sessenta e dois docentes da educação especial responderam ao Questionário de dados sociodemográficos e profissionais, ao Questionário de Stresse nos Professores (QSP), ao Coping Job Scale (CJS) e Escala de Avaliação do Engagement (UWES). Os resultados revelam que 40.4% dos professores percecionam a profissão como muito stressante e exigente. Indicam que as principais fontes de stresse são o trabalho burocrático/administrativo, o estatuto da carreira docente e as pressões de tempo/excesso de trabalho; que as estratégias mais utilizadas para lidarem com o stresse são as estratégias de controlo/confronto; que o vigor corresponde ao nível de engagement mais elevado. Apontam correlações significativas e positivas entre o nível geral de stresse, as dimensões do QSP, as estratégias de controlo/confronto e as dimensões do engagement; e indicam a absorção e a dedicação como preditores do stresse docente (R2 = 46.7). Não mostram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as variáveis sociodemográficas e profissionais e as subescalas das variáveis em estudo. Sugere-se a aplicação de programas de intervenção para a promoção do bem-estar entre os professores da educação especial.
Detection and Identification of Abnormalities in Customer Consumptions in Power Distribution Systems
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Envolver-se em estados de engajamento social com seus cuidadores é um déficit central de crianças com autismo. Este estudo verificou a efetividade de uma intervenção com cuidadores para a promoção de engajamento social em suas crianças com autismo. As interações de sete díades foram filmadas antes, durante e após a intervenção para registro da duração de onze estados de engajamento da atenção infantil, categorizados como social (ES) ou não social (ENS). Oito horas de intervenção foram divididas em encontros grupais e em monitoramentos individuais. Após a intervenção foram observadas diferenças significativas no aumento de ES e na diminuição de ENS e esses ganhos foram mantidos na avaliação de seguimento. O aumento em ES estava positivamente associado ao grau de adesão das cuidadoras ao tratamento. Concluímos que intervenções de curta duração podem capacitar cuidadores como mediadores competentes para aumentar engajamentos sociais.
This article conducted an analysis of Portal Brazil, specifically in the areas of “Education” and “Economy and Employment”, by according to the principles of e-engagement defined by the Organization for Economic Co- operation and Development (OECD). For understanding of this work, were elucidated concepts such as public communication - trajectory, principles and relations -, digital democracy, e-government and engagement and civic participation. Through this analysis was realized the importance of public communication in the processes of opinion formation and stimulus to citizen participation, as well as the performance of the internet as a facilitator instrument in the processes of relationship between State and Society
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper purpose is to analyze one of the main problems faced by cold rolling industry of the current time, the mechanical vibration. Factors such as strips with high velocity in order to increase the productivity and thickness becoming thinner and thinner cause the vibrations to be present at all times during rolling. These market requirements also drive the industry for technology development and thus bring the challenges that the operation of a new modern equipment and more powerful. The initial purpose is to analyze the forces that cause vibration in a rolling mill type four high with two stands, where is desirable to identify the origins of these vibrational forces to make possible dismiss them or at least control its intensity, in order to prevent damage in the rolling mill and ensure product quality to the customer. For it, will be used instruments to record and store the vibrations that occur during the lamination process. With this data will be able to analyze the characteristics of the vibrations and act at your elimination. At the end of the work is expected to demonstrate how important the critical view of the engineer in the analysis of graphics combined with the calculations of the natural vibration frequency and engagement of key parts of the laminator. With these two tools at hand, will be possible to increase the productivity of the rolling mill and act preventively in maintenance, thereby reducing your downtime and increasing its performance and efficiency
In this action research study of my classroom of 10th grade Algebra II students, I investigated three related areas. First, I looked at how heterogeneous cooperative groups, where students in the group are responsible to present material, increase the number of students on task and the time on task when compared to individual practice. I noticed that their time on task might have been about the same, but they were communicating with each other mathematically. The second area I examined was the effect heterogeneous cooperative groups had on the teacher’s and the students’ verbal and nonverbal problem solving skills and understanding when compared to individual practice. At the end of the action research, students were questioning each other, and the instructor was answering questions only when the entire group had a question. The third area of data collection focused on what effect heterogeneous cooperative groups had on students’ listening skills when compared to individual practice. In the research I implemented individual quizzes and individual presentations. Both of these had a positive effect on listing in the groups. As a result of this research, I plan to continue implementing the round robin style of in- class practice with heterogeneous grouping and randomly selected individual presentations. For individual accountability I will continue the practice of individual quizzes one to two times a week.