713 resultados para cracking.


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Publisher's advertisement p. [2] facing facsimile.


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The chemical structure, synthesis, morphology, and properties of polyurethane elastomers are briefly discussed. The current understanding of the effect of chemical structure and the associated morphology on the stability of polyurethanes in the biological environments is reviewed. The degradation of conventional polyurethanes appears as surface or deep cracking, stiffening, and deterioration of mechanical properties, such as flex-fatigue resistance. Polyester and poly( tetramethylene oxide) based polyurethanes degrade by hydrolytic and oxidative degradation of ester and ether functional groups, respectively. The recent approaches to develop polyurethanes with improved long-term biostability are based on developing novel polyether, hydrocarbon, polycarbonate, and siloxane macrodiols to replace degradation-prone polyester and polyether macrodiols in polyurethane formulations. The new approaches are discussed with respect to synthesis, properties and biostability based on reported in vivo studies. Among the newly developed materials, siloxane-based polyurethanes have exhibited excellent biostability and are expected to find many applications in biomedical implants.


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Grain boundaries (GBs), particularly ferrite: ferrite GBs, of X70 pipeline steel were characterized using analytical electron microscopy (AEM) in order to understand its intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) mechanism(s). The microstructure consisted of ferrite (alpha), carbides at ferrite GBs, some pearlite and some small precipitates inside the ferrite grains. The precipitates containing Ti, Nb, V and N were identified as complex carbo-nitrides and designated as (Ti, Nb, WC, N). The GB carbides occurred (1) as carbides along ferrite GBs, (2) at triple points, and (3) at triple points and extending along the three ferrite GBs. The GB carbides were Mn rich, were sometimes also Si rich, contained no micro-alloying elements (Ti, Nb, V) and also contained no N. It was not possible to measure the GB carbon concentration due to surface hydrocarbon contamination despite plasma cleaning and glove bag transfer from the plasma cleaner to the electron microscope. Furthermore, there may not be enough X-ray signal from the small amount of carbon at the GBs to enable measurement using AEM. However, the microstructure does indicate that carbon does segregate to alpha : alpha GBs during microstructure development. This is particularly significant in relation to the strong evidence in the literature linking the segregation of carbon at GBs to IGSCC. It was possible to measure all other elements of interest. There was no segregation at alpha : alpha GBs, in particular no S, P and N, and also no segregation of the micro-alloying elements, Ti, Nb and V. (C) 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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The initiation of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) was studied using scanning electron microscope observations of linearly increasing stress test specimens. SCC initiation from the following surfaces was studied: (i) initiation from the commercial pipe surface covered by the Zn coating, (ii) initiation from a mechanically polished surface with a deformed layer, and (iii) initiation from an electro-polished surface. SCC initiation involved different features for these surfaces as follows. (i) For the Zn coated commercial pipe surface, a crack in the Zn coating led to the dissolution of the deformed layer and when the deformed layer was penetrated, intergranular SCC initiation became possible. (ii) For a mechanically polished surface with a deformed layer, cracks in the surface oxide concentrated the anodic dissolution to such an extent that there was transgranular SCC in the deformed layer. SCC was intergranular when the deformed layer had been penetrated. Transgranular stress corrosion cracks were stopped at ferrite grain boundaries (GBs) oriented perpendicular to the SCC propagation direction. (iii) For an electro-polished surface, the surface oxide film was cracked at many locations, but intergranular SCC only propagated into the steel when the oxide crack corresponded to a GB. An oxide crack away from a GB is expected to be healed. The observed SCC initiation mechanism was not associated with simple preferential chemical attack of the ferrite GBs. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this paper is to provide a succinct but nevertheless complete mechanistic overview of the various types of magnesium corrosion. The understanding of the corrosion processes of magnesium alloys builds upon our understanding of the corrosion of pure magnesium. This provides an understanding of the types of corrosion exhibited by,magnesium alloys, and also of the environmental factors Of most importance. This deep understanding is required as a foundation if we are to produce magnesium alloys much more resistant to corrosion than the present alloys. Much has already been achieved, but there is vast scope for improvement. This present analysis can provide a foundation and a theoretical framework for further, much needed research. There is still vast scope both for better fundamental understanding of corrosion processes, engineering usage of magnesium, and also on the corrosion protection of magnesium alloys in service.


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A comparative study of the mechanical properties of 20 experimental alloys has been carried out. The effect of different contents of Si, Cu, Mg, Fe and Mn, as well as solidification rate, has been assessed using a strength-ductility chart and a quality index-strength chart developed for the alloys. The charts show that the strength generally increases and the ductility decreases with an increasing content of Cu and Mg. Increased Fe (at Fe/Mn ratio 0.5) dramatically lowers the ductility and strength of low Si alloys. Increased Si content generally increases the strength and the ductility. The increase in ductility with increased Si is particularly significant when the Fe content is high. The charts are used to show that the cracking of second phase particles imposes a limit to the maximum achievable strength by limiting the ductility of strong alloys. The (Cu + Mg) content (at.%), which determines the precipitation strengthening and the volume fraction of Cu-rich and Mg-rich intermetallics, can be used to select the alloys for given strength and ductility, provided the Fe content stays below the Si-dependent critical level for the formation of pre-eutectic alpha-phase particles or beta-phase plates.


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It is known that MCM-41 structures have very weak acid sites because of the lack of the bridging hydroxyl groups present in zeolites. Strong acidity however is required for the potential use of these materials in some specific applications such as: cracking and hydrotreating of heavy residue molecules, cracking of waste plastic, etc. The acidity enhancement of the MCM-41 materials was assessed using the n-hexane and polyethylene cracking reactions. MCM-41 samples were impregnated using heteropolyacid (HPA) such as tungestophospheric acid. The catalyst samples were characterized also by x-ray diffraction and benzene adsorption.


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Precipitation morphology and habit planes of the delta-phase Zr hydrides, which were precipitated within the a-phase matrix grains and along the grain boundaries of recrystallized Zircaloy-2 cladding tube, have been examined by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Radially-oriented hydrides, induced by residual tensile stress, precipitated in the outside region of the cladding, and circumferentially-oriented hydrides in the stress-free middle region of the cladding. The most common crystallographic relationship for both types of the hydrides precipitated at the inter- and intra-granular sites was identical at (0001)(alpha) // {111}(delta), with {1017}(alpha) // {111}(delta) being the occasional exception only for the inter-granular radial hydrides. When tensile stress was loaded, the intra-granular hydrides tended to preferentially precipitate in the grains with circumferential basal pole textures. The inter-granular hydrides tended to preferentially precipitate on the grain faces opposite to tensile axis. The change of prioritization in the precipitation sites for the hydrides due to tensile stress could be explained in terms of the relaxation effect of constrained elastic energy on the terminal solid solubility of hydrogen at hydride precipitation.


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The morphology of the fruit and difficulties with fruit processing impose major limitations to germination of Persoonia sericea and P. virgata. The mesocarp must be removed without harming the embryo. Fermentation of fruit or manual removal of the mesocarp was effective but digestion in 32% hydrochloric acid (HCl) completely inhibited germination. The endocarp is extremely hard and therefore very difficult and time consuming to remove without damaging the seeds. The most efficient method was cracking the endocarp with pliers, followed by manual removal of seeds. Germination was completely inhibited unless at least half of the endocarp was removed. Microbial contamination of the fruit and seeds was controlled by disinfestation and germination of the seed under aseptic conditions. The results suggest that dormancy in these species is primarily due to physical restriction of the embryo by the hard endocarp.


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The long-term biostability of a novel thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer (Elast-Eon(TM) 2 80A) synthesized using poly(hexamethylene oxide) (PHMO) and poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) macrodiols has been studied using an in vivo ovine model. The material's biostability was compared with that of three commercially available control materials, Pellethane(R) 2363-80A, Pellethane(R) 2363-55D and Bionate(R) 55D, after subcutaneous implantation of strained compression moulded flat sheet dumbbells in sheep for periods ranging from 3 to 24 months. Scanning electron microscopy, attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were used to assess changes in the surface chemical structure and morphology of the materials. Gel permeation chromatography, differential scanning calorimetry and tensile testing were used to examine changes in bulk characteristics of the materials. The results showed that the biostability of the soft flexible PDMS-based test polyurethane was significantly better than the control material of similar softness, Pellethane(R) 80A, and as good as or better than both of the harder commercially available negative control polyurethanes. Pellethane(R) 55D and Bionate(R) 55D. Changes observed in the surface of the Pellethane(R) materials were consistent with oxidation of the aliphatic polyether soft segment and hydrolysis of the urethane bonds joining hard to soft segment with degradation in Pellethane(R) 80A significantly more severe than that observed in Pellethane(R) 55D. Very minor changes were seen on the surfaces of the Elast-Eon(TM) 2 80A and Bionate(R) 55D materials. There was a general trend of molecular weight decreasing with time across all polymers and the molecular weights of all materials decreased at a similar relative rate. The polydispersity ratio, M-w/M-n, increased with time for all materials. Tensile tests indicated that UTS increased in Elast-Eon(TM) 2 80A and Bionate(R) 55D following implantation under strained conditions. However, ultimate strain decreased and elastic modulus increased in the explanted specimens of all three materials when compared with their unimplanted unstrained counterparts. The results indicate that a soft, flexible PDMS-based polyurethane synthesized using 20% PHMO and 80% PDMS macrodiols has excellent long-term biostability compared with commercially available polyurethanes. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The mode II fracture toughness of an oriented PVC pipe was measured using an End Notched Flexure test geometry. A relatively low value of G(IIC) was found of 1.07 kJ m(-2) and this indicates that it is energetically more favorable for a crack to propagate in the tangential direction rather than radially through the wall of the pipe. Examination of the mechanism of crack advanced showed that although the crack was propagating globally in mode II, micro-cracks were opening ahead of the crack in mode I or in mixed mode. Growth of the crack occurred by linking up of these micro-cracks. This is similar to the mechanism found for mode II cracking in carbon fibre epoxy composites. (C) 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Corrosion research by Atrens and co-workers has made significant contributions to the understanding of the service performance of engineering materials. This includes: (1) elucidated corrosion mechanisms of Mg alloys, stainless steels and Cu alloys, (2) developed an improved understanding of passivity in stainless steels and binary alloys such as Fe-Cr, Ni-Cr, Co-Cr, Fe-Ti, and Fe-Si, (3) developed an improved understanding of the melt spinning of Cu alloys, and (4) elucidated mechanisms of environment assisted fracture (EAF) of steels and Zr alloys. This paper summarises contributions in the following: (1) intergranular stress corrosion cracking of pipeline steels, (2) atmospheric corrosion and patination of Cu, (3) corrosion of Mg alloys, and (4) transgranular stress corrosion cracking of rock bolts.


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The appropriate use of wastes is a significant issue for the pig industry due to increasing pressure from regulatory authorities to protect the environment from pollution. Nitrogen contained in piggery pond sludge ( PPS) is a potential source of supplementary nutrient for crop production. Nitrogen contribution following the application of PPS to soil was obtained from 2 field experiments on the Darling Downs in southern Queensland on contrasting soil types, a cracking clay ( Vertosol) and a hardsetting sandy loam (Sodosol), and related to potentially mineralisable N from laboratory incubations conducted under controlled conditions and NO3- accumulation in the field. Piggery pond sludge was applied as-collected ( wet PPS) and following stockpiling to dry ( stockpiled PPS). Soil NO3- levels increased with increased application rates of wet and stockpiled PPS. Supplementary N supply from PPS estimated by fertiliser equivalence was generally unsatisfactory due to poor precision with this method, and also due to a high level of NO3- in the clay soil before the first assay crop. Also low recoveries of N by subsequent sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor) and wheat ( Triticum aestivum) assay crops at the 2 sites due to low in-crop rainfall in 1999 resulted in low apparent N availability. Over all, 29% ( range 12 - 47%) of total N from the wet PPS and 19% ( range 0 - 50%) from the stockpiled PPS were estimated to be plant-available N during the assay period. The high concentration of NO3- for the wet PPS application on sandy soil after the first assay crop ( 1998 barley, Hordeum vulgare) suggests that leaching of NO3- could be of concern when high rates of wet PPS are applied before infrequent periods of high precipitation, due primarily to the mineral N contained in wet PPS. Low yields, grain protein concentrations, and crop N uptake of the sorghum crop following the barley crop grown on the clay soil demonstrated a low residual value of N applied in PPS. NO3- in the sandy soil before sowing accounted for 79% of the variation in plant N uptake and was a better index than anaerobically mineralisable N ( 19% of variation explained). In clay soil, better prediction of crop N uptake was obtained when both anaerobically mineralisable N (39% of variation explained) and soil pro. le NO3- were used in combination (R-2 = 0.49).


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Owing to the high degree of vulnerability of liquid retaining structures to corrosion problems, there are stringent requirements in its design against cracking. In this paper, a prototype knowledge-based system is developed and implemented for the design of liquid retaining structures based on the blackboard architecture. A commercially available expert system shell VISUAL RULE STUDIO working as an ActiveX Designer under the VISUAL BASIC programming environment is employed. Hybrid knowledge representation approach with production rules and procedural methods under object-oriented programming are used to represent the engineering heuristics and design knowledge of this domain. It is demonstrated that the blackboard architecture is capable of integrating different knowledge together in an effective manner. The system is tailored to give advice to users regarding preliminary design, loading specification and optimized configuration selection of this type of structure. An example of application is given to illustrate the capabilities of the prototype system in transferring knowledge on liquid retaining structure to novice engineers. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The depths of cracks in desiccating plastic concrete are estimated by considering the effects of the suction (negative pore pressure) associated with desiccation and applying five failure models derived from fracture, theories combined with theories drawn from geotechnical engineering under the assumption that plastic concrete is a frictional particulate material. The estimated crack depths vary with the depth of desiccation, the suction profile, and a small number of material parameters that depend on the model adopted and are comparatively easy to estimate accurately. Four of the models predict excessively large crack depths. The fifth, however, predicts shallower crack depths that increase with the age of the concrete and are consistent with those of analogous desiccation cracks in coal mine tailings. It thus offers a relatively robust method of estimating the depth of desiccation cracks. Confirmation of this with data for plastic concrete is clearly desirable but not possible at present.