878 resultados para continuous cooking
This work presents a new, field-deployable technique for continuous, high-resolution measurements of methane mixing ratios from ice cores. The technique is based on a continuous flow analysis system, where ice core samples cut along the long axis of an ice core are melted continuously. The past atmospheric air contained in the ice is separated from the melt water stream via a system for continuous gas extraction. The extracted gas is dehumidified and then analyzed by a Wavelength Scanned-Cavity Ring Down Spectrometer for methane mixing ratios. We assess the performance of the new measurement technique in terms of precision (±0.8 ppbv, 1σ), accuracy (±8 ppbv), temporal (ca. 100 s), and spatial resolution (ca. 5 cm). Using a firn air transport model, we compare the resolution of the measurement technique to the resolution of the atmospheric methane signal as preserved in ice cores in Greenland. We conclude that our measurement technique can resolve all climatically relevant variations as preserved in the ice down to an ice depth of at least 1980 m (66 000 yr before present) in the North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling ice core. Furthermore, we describe the modifications, which are necessary to make a commercially available spectrometer suitable for continuous methane mixing ratio measurements from ice cores.
A continuous and highly sensitive absorption method for detection of soluble phosphate in ice cores has been developed using a molybdate reagent and a 2m liquid waveg- uide (LWCC). The method is optimized to meet the low concentrations of phosphate in Greenland ice, it has a detection limit of around 0.1ppb and a depth resolution of approximately 2cm. The new method has been applied to obtain phosphate concen- trations from segments of two Northern Greenland ice cores: from a shallow firn core covering the most recent 120yr and from the recently obtained deep NEEM ice core in which sections from the late glacial period have been analysed. Phosphate con- centrations in 20th century ice are around 0.32ppb with no indication of anthropogenic influence in the most recent ice. In the glacial part of the NEEM ice core concentra- tions in the cold stadial periods are significantly higher, in the range of 6–24ppb, while interstadial ice concentrations are around 2ppb. In the shallow firn core, a strong cor- relation between concentrations of phosphate and insoluble dust suggests a similar deposition pattern for phosphate and dust. In the glacial ice, phosphate and dust also correlate quite strongly, however it is most likely that this correlation originates from the phosphate binding to dust during transport, with only a fraction coming directly from dust. Additionally a constant ratio between phosphate and potassium concentrations shows evidence of a possible biogenic land source.
A chronic pain syndrome, similar to the complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) described in human beings, was diagnosed in a cow with persisting severe pelvic limb lameness. Diagnosis was based on the disproportionate relationship between the severity and duration of pain and the lesion, the failure of conventional analgesic and surgical therapy and the presence of characteristic clinical features. Multimodal therapy, i.e. a mixture of methadone, ketamine and bupivacaine was administered continuously for 17 days via an extradural catheter to counteract nociceptive hypersensitization. Doses were adjusted daily after assessing the effect, using a composite pain score. Physiotherapy was also performed. The diagnosis of CRPS in cattle is unusual. In this case, treatment was successful and the cow was discharged mildly lame and in improving physical condition. Long-term extradural analgesia proved to be safe and effective in the treatment of this syndrome, which was nonresponsive to conventional therapy.
BACKGROUND: Stopping antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIV-1 infection can reduce costs and side-effects, but carries the risk of increased immune suppression and emergence of resistance. METHODS: 430 patients with CD4-positive T-lymphocyte (CD4) counts greater than 350 cells per muL, and viral load less than 50 copies per mL were randomised to continued therapy (n=146) or scheduled treatment interruptions (n=284). Median time on randomised treatment was 21.9 months (range 16.4-25.3). Primary endpoints were proportion of patients with viral load less than 50 copies per mL at the end of the trial, and amount of drugs used. Analysis was intention-to-treat. This study is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov with the identifier NCT00113126. FINDINGS: Drug savings in the scheduled treatment interruption group, compared with continuous treatment, amounted to 61.5%. 257 of 284 (90.5%) patients in the scheduled treatment interruption group reached a viral load less than 50 copies per mL, compared with 134 of 146 (91.8%) in the continued treatment group (difference 1.3%, 95% CI-4.3 to 6.9, p=0.90). No AIDS-defining events occurred. Diarrhoea and neuropathy were more frequent with continuous treatment; candidiasis was more frequent with scheduled treatment interruption. Ten patients (2.3%) had resistance mutations, with no significant differences between groups. INTERPRETATION: Drug savings with scheduled treatment interruption were substantial, and no evidence of increased treatment resistance emerged. Treatment-related adverse events were more frequent with continuous treatment, but low CD4 counts and minor manifestations of HIV infection were more frequent with scheduled treatment interruption.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of continuously released BDNF on peripheral nerve regeneration in a rat model. Initial in vitro evaluation of calcium alginate prolonged-release-capsules (PRC) proved a consistent release of BDNF for a minimum of 8 weeks. In vivo, a worst case scenario was created by surgical removal of a 20-mm section of the sciatic nerve of the rat. Twenty-four autologous fascia tubes were filled with calcium alginate spheres and sutured to the epineurium of both nerve ends. The animals were divided into 3 groups. In group 1, the fascial tube contained plain calcium alginate spheres. In groups 2 and 3, the fascial tube contained calcium alginate spheres with BDNF alone or BDNF stabilized with bovine serum albumin, respectively. The autocannibalization of the operated extremity was clinically assessed and documented in 12 additional rats. The regeneration was evaluated histologically at 4 weeks and 10 weeks in a blinded manner. The length of nerve fibers and the numbers of axons formed in the tube was measured. Over a 10-week period, axons have grown significantly faster in groups 2 and 3 with continuously released BDNF compared to the control. The rats treated with BDNF (groups 2 and 3) demonstrated significantly less autocannibalization than the control group (group 1). These results suggest that BDNF may not only stimulate faster peripheral nerve regeneration provided there is an ideal, biodegradable continuous delivery system but that it significantly reduces the neuropathic pain in the rat model.
A prothrombotic state may contribute to the elevated cardiovascular risk in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). We investigated the relationship between apnea severity and hemostasis factors and effect of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment on hemostatic activity. We performed full overnight polysomnography in 44 OSA patients (mean age 47+/-10 years), yielding apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and mean nighttime oxyhemoglobin saturation (SpO2) as indices of apnea severity. For treatment, subjects were double-blind randomized to 2 weeks of either therapeutic CPAP (n = 18), 3 l/min supplemental nocturnal oxygen (n = 16) or placebo-CPAP (<1 cm H2O) (n = 10). Levels of von Willebrand factor antigen (VWF:Ag), soluble tissue factor (sTF), D-dimer, and plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI)-1 antigen were measured in plasma pre- and posttreatment. Before treatment, PAI-1 was significantly correlated with AHI (r = 0.47, p = 0.001) and mean nighttime SpO2 (r = -0.32, p = 0.035), but these OSA measures were not significantly related with VWF:Ag, sTF, and D-dimer. AHI was a significant predictor of PAI-1 (R2 = 0.219, standardized beta = 0.47, p = 0.001), independent of mean nighttime SpO2, body mass index (BMI), and age. A weak time-by-treatment interaction for PAI-1 was observed (p = 0.041), even after adjusting for age, BMI, pre-treatment AHI, and mean SpO2 (p = 0.046). Post hoc analyses suggested that only CPAP treatment was associated with a decrease in PAI-1 (p = 0.039); there were no changes in VWF:Ag, sTF, and D-dimer associated with treatment with placebo-CPAP or with nocturnal oxygen. Apnea severity may be associated with impairment in the fibrinolytic capacity. To the extent that our sample size was limited, the observation that CPAP treatment led to a decrease in PAI-1 in OSA must be regarded as tentative.
BACKGROUND: To overcome the ototoxicity of cisplatin, single bolus infusions were replaced by repeated prolonged infusions of lower doses or by continuous infusions at still lower infusion rates. However, considering ototoxicity little is, in fact, known about the tolerance of repeated prolonged or continuous infusion in children. PROCEDURE: Auditory function was monitored along with plasma concentrations of free and total platinum (Pt), and with standard serum parameters (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, chloride, and creatinine) in 24 children receiving cisplatin by continuous infusion for the treatment of neuroblastoma and osteosarcoma or by repeated 1 or 6 hr infusions for the treatment of germ cell tumors. RESULTS: Hearing deteriorated in 10/15 osteosarcoma patients, 2/3 neuroblastoma patients, and 1/6 patients with germ cell tumors. Ototoxicity occurred after cumulative doses between 120 and 360 mg/m(2) cisplatin. In osteosarcoma patients, ototoxicity was associated with a comparatively higher mean plasma concentration of free Pt. However, Pt plasma concentrations did not discriminate between patients with or without ototoxicity. In patients experiencing ototoxicity serum creatinine increased by 45% compared to pre-treatment levels (mean). Serum creatinine increased by 26% in patients without ototoxicity (P < 0.05, Mann-Whitney Rank sum test). Despite standardized hydration, discrete but significant changes of potassium, sodium, magnesium, and phosphate were observed during and/or after cisplatin infusion, which, however, did not discriminate between patients with and without ototoxicity. CONCLUSIONS: While continuous cisplatin infusions are less nephrotoxic than repeated prolonged infusions, we observed considerable ototoxicity in patients treated with continuous cisplatin infusions, which necessitates further evaluations on the tolerance of continuous cisplatin infusions in children.
OBJECTIVE: NoGo-stimuli during a Continuous Performance Test (CPT) activate prefrontal brain structures such as the anterior cingulate gyrus and lead to an anteriorisation of the positive electrical field of the NoGo-P300 relative to the Go-P300, so-called NoGo-anteriorisation (NGA). NGA during CPT is regarded as a neurophysiological standard index for cognitive response control. While it is known that patients with chronic schizophrenia exhibit a significant reduction in NGA, it is unclear whether this also occurs in patients undergoing their first-episode. Thus, the aim of the present study was to determine NGA in a group of patients with first-episode schizophrenia by utilizing a CPT paradigm. METHODS: Eighteen patients with first-episode schizophrenia and 18 matched healthy subjects were investigated electrophysiologically during a cued CPT, and the parameters of the Go- and NoGo-P300 were determined using microstate analysis. Low resolution tomography analysis (LORETA) was used for source determination. RESULTS: Due to a more posterior Go- and a more anterior NoGo-centroid, NGA was greater in patients than in healthy controls. LORETA indicated the same sources for both groups after Go-stimuli, but a more anterior source in patients after NoGo-stimuli. In patients P300-amplitude responses to both Go- and NoGo-stimuli were decreased, and P300-latency to NoGo-stimuli was increased. After the Go-stimuli false reactions and reaction times were increased in patients. CONCLUSIONS: Attention was reduced in patients with first-episode schizophrenia, as indicated by more false reactions, prolongation of reaction time, P300-latencies and by a decrease in P300-amplitude. Significantly however, the NGA and prefrontal LORETA-sources indicate intact prefrontal brain structures in first-episode schizophrenia patients. Previously described changes in this indicator of prefrontal function may be related to a progressive decay in chronic schizophrenia. SIGNIFICANCE: The results support the idea of a possible new biological marker of first episode psychosis, which may be a useful parameter for the longitudinal measurement of changing prefrontal brain function in a single schizophrenia patient.
To compare the diabetes-specific quality of life in subjects with type 1 diabetes treating their diabetes with multiple daily injections (MDI) to that of subjects on continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII).
Microcirculatory dysfunction contributes significantly to tissue hypoxia and multiple organ failure in sepsis. Ischemia of the gut and intestinal hypoxia are especially relevant for the evolution of sepsis because the mucosal barrier function may be impaired, leading to translocation of bacteria and toxins. Because sympathetic blockade enhances intestinal perfusion under physiologic conditions, we hypothesized that thoracic epidural anesthesia (TEA) may attenuate microcirculatory perturbations during sepsis. The present study was designed as a prospective and controlled laboratory experiment to assess the effects of continuous TEA on the mucosal microcirculation in a cecal ligation and perforation model of sepsis in rats. Anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats underwent laparotomy and cecal ligation and perforation to induce sepsis. Subsequently, either bupivacaine 0.125% (n = 10) or isotonic sodium chloride solution (n = 9) was continuously infused via the thoracic epidural catheter for 24 h. In addition, a sham laparotomy was carried out in eight animals. Intravital videomicroscopy was then performed on six to ten villi of ileum mucosa. The capillary density was measured as areas encircled by perfused capillaries, that is, intercapillary areas. The TEA accomplished recruitment of microcirculatory units in the intestinal mucosa by decreasing total intercapillary areas (1,317 +/- 403 vs. 1,001 +/- 236 microm2) and continuously perfused intercapillary areas (1,937 +/- 512 vs. 1,311 +/- 678 microm2, each P < 0.05). Notably, TEA did not impair systemic hemodynamic variables beyond the changes caused by sepsis itself. Therefore, sympathetic blockade may represent a therapeutic option to treat impaired microcirculation in the gut mucosa resulting from sepsis. Additional studies are warranted to assess the microcirculatory effects of sympathetic blockade on other splanchnic organs in systemic inflammation.
A viscometric affinity sensor has been developed to measure the interstitial glucose concentration continuously. In a pilot clinical study its performance was assessed under conditions close to everyday life. Additionally, different insertion sites were tested for their suitability to apply subcutaneous glucose sensors.