1000 resultados para comunicación virtual
In 2006 the Library of the Andalusian Public Health System (BVSSPA) is constituted as a Virtual Library which provides Resources and Services that are accessed through inter-hospital local area network (corporate intranet) and Internet. On the other hand, the Hospital de la Axarquia still did not have any institutional or self-presence on the Internet and the librarian ask the need to create a space for communication with the "digital users" of the Library of the area through a website. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The reasons why we opted for a blog were: -It was necessary to make no financial outlay for its establishment. It allowed for great versatility, both in its administration and in its management by users. -The ability to compile on the same platform different Web 2.0 communication tools. Between different options available we chose Blogger Google Inc. The blog allowed entry to the 2.0 services or Social Web in the library. The benefits offered were many, especially the visibility of the service and communication with the user. 2.0 tools that have been incorporated into the library are: content syndication (RSS) which allowed users to stay informed about updates to the blog. Share documents and other multimedia as presentations through SlideShare, images through Flickr or Picasa, or videos (YouTube). And the presence on social network like Facebook and Twitter. RESULTS. The analysis of the activity we has been traking by Google Analytics tool, helping to determine the number of blog visits. Since its stablishment, on November 17th 2006, until November 29th 2010 the blog has received 15,787 visitors, 38,422 page views were consulted, at each visit on average 2.4 pages were consulted and each visit has an average stay at the site of 4'31''. DISCUSSION. The blog has served as a communication and information tool with the user. Since the creation of the blog we have incorporated technologies and tools to interact with the user. With all the tools used we have applied the concept of "open source" and the contents were generated from the activities organized in the Knowledge Management Unit from the anatomo-clinical sessions, the training activities, dissemination events, etc. The result has been the customization of library services, contextualized in the Knowledge Management Unit - Axarquia. In social networks we have shared information and files with the professionals and the community. CONCLUSIONS. The blog has allowed us to explore technologies that allow us to communicate with the user and the community, disseminate information and documents with the participation of users and become the "Interactive Library" we aspire to be.
This paper presents the distributed environment for virtual and/or real experiments for underwater robots (DEVRE). This environment is composed of a set of processes running on a local area network composed of three sites: 1) the onboard AUV computer; 2) a surface computer used as human-machine interface (HMI); and 3) a computer used for simulating the vehicle dynamics and representing the virtual world. The HMI can be transparently linked to the real sensors and actuators dealing with a real mission. It can also be linked with virtual sensors and virtual actuators, dealing with a virtual mission. The aim of DEVRE is to assist engineers during the software development and testing in the lab prior to real experiments
This paper highlights both the new functions taken on by UOC research librarians and the new skills that this professional profile requires, based on the experience of the UOC Virtual Library. By setting up a series of bibliometric units, the Library has been able to integrate itself into the University through bibliometric studies and other research support services. A group of research librarians provides support to researchers from the start of the research process to the assessment of their scientific output. They also provide support for the University's strategic decision-making through the analysis of bibliometric data.
This poster highlights both the new functions taken on by UOC research librarians and the new skills that this professional profile requires, based on the experience of the UOC Virtual Library. By setting up a series of bibliometric units, the Library has been able to integrate itself into the University through bibliometric studies and other research support services. A group of research librarians provides support to researchers from the start of the research process to the assessment of their scientific output. They also provide support for the University's strategic decision-making through the analysis of bibliometric data.
Presentado en la mesa redonda "Innovar en gestión de información: plataformas tecnológicas para creación de contenidos compartidos" de las XIII Jornadas Bibliotecarias de Andalucía (Granada, 5 y 6 Noviembre 2015).
In this paper the initiatives carried out by the Biblioteca Virtual UOC in relation to the information skills, in the UOC curricula as well as in the context of new European higher education area, are presented. Looking forward the catalogue of generic skills to be defined by the UOC, in relation to which the Virtual Library has submitted a proposal to introduce a course on information skills to be offered during the first semester, the Library has chosen to develop and carry out two complementary initiatives. On the one hand, to offer a course of information skills for teachers within the program of training courses for teachers organized by the Teaching Action Management Area. On the other, the Library participates in the presential meetings organized by the University by means of workshops to guide students in finding information.
Aquest projecte conté l'estudi de la comunicació entre quatre Centres de Processament de Dades (CPD) per via WAN. L'estudi consisteix en simular aquestes comunicacions en un entorn de proves físic i també en entorn de proves virtual on s'han extret resultats dels protocols de seguretat, d'enrutament, a més dels temps de resposta i limitacions dels equips físics i virtuals.
O objetivo neste artigo é apresentar uma investigação das inter-relações entre as práticas religiosas, econômicas e políticas cunhadas pela Igreja Católica na ocasião da Festa do Jubileu do Bom Jesus, na cidade mineira de Congonhas do Campo. Pretende-se compreender melhor como ocorrem manipulações simbólicas entre o sagrado e o profano no interior das organizações. Assim, a partir de um estudo no contexto da Igreja Católica, visou-se trazer novos insights ao campo dos estudos organizacionais que tratam da esfera simbólica de forma geral. Optou-se por um estudo de caso qualitativo, de cunho exploratório-descritivo usando entrevistas e observações registradas em diário de campo. As entrevistas foram feitas com moradores da cidade, comerciantes e com o padre responsável pela paróquia. Para interpretação dos dados, utilizou-se a análise do discurso, situando o discurso como manifestação objetiva de um arcabouço histórico e ideológico. Nos resultados, aponta-se para uma dualidade entre sagrado e profano, emergindo a flexibilização de concepções religiosas dominantes para absorver práticas econômicas que financiem o capital religioso da referida igreja.
És objectiu d'aquest projecte dotar la comunitat UOC d'una aplicació per a dispositius Android que proporcioni als usuaris de la comunitat UOC un eina, àgil, còmode i intuïtiva d'accés al Campus Virtual i als recursos formatius que conté.
El siguiente proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de una tienda virtual dedicada a la venta de vino ecológico. El objetivo a grandes rasgos de la tienda virtual no debe ser diferente al de una tienda física. Además de la propia tecnología J2EE, se han utilizado patrones de diseño (MVC), frameworks (Struts2, JavaEmail), contenido web (JSP, CSS) y tratamientos de bases de datos (SQL).
El proyecto consiste en la creación de un sistema de mensajería que permita el envío y recepción de ficheros generados por el software de gestión sanitaria UNIT4 Ekon Salus. Las tareas a realizar son, por un lado, la portabilidad del sistema actual basado en Visual Basic a Java y, por el otro, la implementación de un sistema de control y notificación de errores, ya sean generados por el contenido de los ficheros o por la comunicación entre los programas de envío y recepción que constituyen el sistema de mensajería.
Este TFC consiste en una aplicación web sobre ASP.NET que gestiona el catálogo de una librería y permite realizar pedidos de libros.
En aquesta memòria es presenta el desenvolupament d'un entorn virtual orientat a la didàctica de la lògica proposicional, aplicada en assignatures de Lògica Computacional i Estructura i Tecnologia de Computadors. L'entorn en si té com a objectiu ser un reforç a l'aprenentatge autodidacta per part de l'alumne en aquestes matèries, així com una eina de seguiment per part del professor.
Aquest treball explica el funcionament del simulador ESPADDA i les técniques utilitzades. A partir d'aqui l'objectiu es implementar i explicar les noves funcionalitats afegides en el simulador. Aquestes són la integració del subsistema de memoria virtual, l'extensió del simulador cap a un entorn multiprogramat a nivell de tasques locals i tasques paral·leles i la implementació de les neus algorismes de mapping que tenen en compte els recursos limitats de l'estructura del sistema.
El propòsit que es vol assolir amb aquest projecte és la possibilitat de tenir un portafoli virtual de les feines realitzades durant les diverses assignatures, amb una connotació temporal per poder veure l'evolució, millores i aprenentatge que han tingut els alumnes.