990 resultados para complement deficiencies


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Universities are increasingly institutionalizing activities related to technology transfer and one of the main institutional mechanisms that has emerged is the “technology transfer unit” (TTU). Many of them are focusing their activities on the management of the university intellectual property. Studies have investigated factors that seem to affect their performance, but few have looked in detail at internal procedures and techniques that are used in their processes related to technology evaluation and licensing. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of some of the several steps that comprises the processes regarding technology evaluation and licensing, providing an analysis of the critical issues that affect each step of the process. A review of the literature was made, complemented with interviews to seven university TTUs, which was used as a check and a complement to the literature review and as way of perceiving from an insider perspective, the problems and issues that this paper wants to emphasize and to state clearly.


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Dissertação de mestrado em Estudos Interculturais Português / Chinês: Tradução, Formação e Comunicação Empresarial


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Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) became one of the biggest health problems in the workplace and one of the main concerns of ergonomics and despite all the technical improvements manual handling is still an important risk factor for WMSD. The current study was performed with the main objective of conducting an ergonomic analysis in a workplace that consists in packaging products in a pallet, in a food distribution industry, also called picking. In this perspective, the aim of the study is to identify if the tasks performed by operators present any risk of WMSD and, if so, to suggest proposals for minimizing the associated effort. The methodologies of ergonomic risk assessment that were initially applied were the Risk Reckoner and the Manual Handling Assessment Chart (MAC). Subsequently, in order to, on the one hand, complement the analysis performed using the two methods previously mentioned, and, on the other hand, allow an assessment of two important risk factors associated with this activity (work postures and loads handling), two additional methodologies were also selected: the Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation and the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). In all the performed approaches, the tasks of palletizing at lower levels were identified as the ones that most penalize workers in what regards the risk of development of WMSD. All methodologies identified levels of risk that require an immediate or short-term ergonomic intervention, aiming at ensuring the safety and health of workers performing such activity. The implementation of measures designed to eliminate or minimize the risk may involve the allocation of significant human and material resources that is increasingly necessary to manage efficiently. Taking into account the complexity and variability of the developed tasks, it is recommended that such a decision can be preceded by a new study using more accurate risk assessment methodologies, such as those that use monitoring tools.


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The MAP-i Doctoral Programme in Informatics, of the Universities of Minho, Aveiro and Porto


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Getting the attention of students has always been a hard task for most teachers. In this context the use of new technologies can be taken into consideration for giving the teacher new means to incentive his students. The tool described in this article gives importance to the opinion of the students for their own evaluation. Thanks to it a group of students from the University of Minho was able to post questions to their colleagues and to evaluate their peer’s works on the discipline of Power Electronics Complement.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Desenvolvimento Curricular).


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A Gß protein and the TupA Co-Regulator Bind to Protein Kinase A Tpk2 to Act as Antagonistic Molecular Switches of Fungal Morphological Changes


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Purpose: Fifty percent of patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) are estimated to have cognitive impairments leading to considerable decline in productivity and quality of life. Cognitive intervention has been considered to complement pharmacological treatments. However, a lack of agreement concerning the efficacy of cognitive interventions in MS still exists. A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted to assess the effects of cognitive interventions in MS. Methods: To overcome limitations of previous meta-analyses, several databases were searched only for Randomized Clinical Trials (RCTs) with low risk of bias. Results: Five studies (total of 139 participants) met our eligibility criteria. Although good completion and adherence rates were evident, we found no evidence of intervention effects on cognition or mood in post-intervention or follow-up assessments. Conclusions: This is the first meta-analysis assessing the effects of cognitive intervention in MS including only RCTs with comparable conditions. Research regarding efficacy, cost-effectiveness and feasibility is still in its infancy. Caution is advised when interpreting these results due to the small number of RCTs meeting the inclusion criteria. Considering the costs of disease, good completion and adherence rates of this approach, further research is warranted. Recommendations concerning improved research practices in the field are presented as well.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências - Formação Contínua de Professores (área de especialização em Biologia e Geologia)


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Dissertação de mestrado em Optometria Avançada


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It is well known that color coding facilitates search and iden- tification in real-life tasks. The aim of this work was to compare reac- tion times for normal color and dichromatic observers in a visual search experiment. A unique distracter color was used to avoid abnormal color vision vulnerability to background complexity. Reaction times for nor- mal color observers and dichromats were estimated for 2◦ central vision at 48 directions around a white point in CIE L∗a∗b∗ color space for systematic examination on the mechanisms of dichromatic color percep- tion. The results show that mean search times for dichromats were twice larger compared to the normal color observers and for all directions. The difference between the copunctual confusion lines and the confusion direction measure experimentally was 5.5◦ for protanopes and 7.5◦ for deuteranopes.


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Measurements of differential cross sections for J/ψ production in p+Pb collisions at sNN−−−−√=5.02 TeV at the CERN Large Hadron Collider with the ATLAS detector are presented. The data set used corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 28.1 nb−1. The J/ψ mesons are reconstructed in the dimuon decay channel over the transverse momentum range 8complement previously published results by covering a region of higher transverse momentum and more central rapidity. They thus constrain the kinematic dependence of nuclear modifications of charmonium and b-quark production in p+Pb collisions.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Comunicação - Especialidade em Comunicação Estratégica e Organizacional


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Dissertação de mestrado em Design de Comunicação de Moda