853 resultados para cloud computing accountability
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 56942
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 56939
The issue of effectively holding juveniles accountable for criminal behavior is a topic of public concern and debate. Congress created the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) program and appropriated new federal funds through the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). The goals of the program are to reduce juvenile delinquency, improve the juvenile justice system, and increase accountability for juvenile offenders.
L'objectiu principal d'aquest projecte final de carrera consisteix en desenvolupar una aplicació web que oferisca un entorn simplificat de desenvolupament integrat (IDE) en el llenguatge C/C++, on els estudiants de batxillerat (o secundària en general) puguen iniciar-se en el seu estudi. La finalitat és proveir un entorn agradable a l'alumnat perquè puga seguir correctament les pràctiques que proposa el professor independentment de les circumstàncies pròpies d'aquest (ubicació temporal o permanentde l'alumnat, sistema operatiu que utilitza, dispositiu emprat per a fer les pràctiques, etc..).
The alignment between competences, teaching-learning methodologies and assessment is a key element of the European Higher Education Area. This paper presents the efforts carried out by six Telematics, Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Education teachers towards achieving this alignment in their subjects. In a joint work with pedagogues, a set of recommended actions were identified. A selection of these actions were applied and evaluated in the six subjects. The cross-analysis of the results indicate that the actions allow students to better understand the methodologies and assessment planned for the subjects, facilitate (self-) regulation and increase students’ involvement in the subjects.
The increasing volume of data describing humandisease processes and the growing complexity of understanding, managing, and sharing such data presents a huge challenge for clinicians and medical researchers. This paper presents the@neurIST system, which provides an infrastructure for biomedical research while aiding clinical care, by bringing together heterogeneous data and complex processing and computing services. Although @neurIST targets the investigation and treatment of cerebral aneurysms, the system’s architecture is generic enough that it could be adapted to the treatment of other diseases.Innovations in @neurIST include confining the patient data pertaining to aneurysms inside a single environment that offers cliniciansthe tools to analyze and interpret patient data and make use of knowledge-based guidance in planning their treatment. Medicalresearchers gain access to a critical mass of aneurysm related data due to the system’s ability to federate distributed informationsources. A semantically mediated grid infrastructure ensures that both clinicians and researchers are able to seamlessly access andwork on data that is distributed across multiple sites in a secure way in addition to providing computing resources on demand forperforming computationally intensive simulations for treatment planning and research.
Classical planning has been notably successful in synthesizing finite plans to achieve states where propositional goals hold. In the last few years, classical planning has also been extended to incorporate temporally extended goals, expressed in temporal logics such as LTL, to impose restrictions on the state sequences generated by finite plans. In this work, we take the next step and consider the computation of infinite plans for achieving arbitrary LTL goals. We show that infinite plans can also be obtained efficiently by calling a classical planner once over a classical planning encoding that represents and extends the composition of the planningdomain and the B¨uchi automaton representingthe goal. This compilation scheme has been implemented and a number of experiments are reported.
[Acte. 1719-08-21. Paris]
[Acte. 1726-08-27. aux Tuileries]
To what extent do Voting Advice Applications (VAA) have an influence on voting behaviour and to what extent should providers be hold accountable for such tools? This paper puts forward some empirical evidence from the Swiss VAA smartvote. The enormous popularity of smartvote in the last national elections in 2007 and the feedback of users and candidates let us come to the conclusion that smartvote is more than a toy and likely to have an influence on the voting decisions. Since Swiss citizens not only vote for parties but also for candidates, and the voting recommendation of smartvote is based on the political positions of the candidates, smartvote turns out to be particularly helpful. Political scientists must not keep their hands off such tools. Scientific research is needed to understand their functioning and possibilities to manipulate elections. On the bases of a legal study we come to the conclusion, that a science driven way of setting up such tools is essential for their legitimacy. However, we do not believe that there is a single best way of setting up such a tool and rather support a market like solution with different competing tools, provided they meet minimal standards like transparency and equal access for all parties and candidates. Once the process of selecting candidates and parties are directly linked to the act of voting, all these questions will become even more salient.
Actualmente, na nossa sociedade apresenta desafios, está continuamente em busca de padrões éticos para uma melhoria da sociedade, é um padrão de grande importância para crescimento e desenvolvimento da Administração Publica cabo-verdiana (APCV). A gestão da coisa Pública é um dos fundamentos de” boa governação”. De acordo com os dados da pesquisa, a ética na APCV é um dos padrões que pouco se poem em pratica. Neste sentido o presente trabalho visa analisar” Ética na Administração Publica”, tendo como estudo de caso o Tribunal de Contas de Cabo Verde (TCCV). Para alcançar o objectivo deste trabalho, fez-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a ética na Administração Publica e sobre teorias relacionadas com a ética nas organizações. Utilizou-se o método inquisitivo baseado em questionários com perguntas abertas e fechadas para obter as percepçoes dos dirigentes públicos. O tratamento de dados foi feito recorrendo o Software SPSS versão 17 e Excel. Portanto na realização deste estudo foi utilizado o modelo American Psychological Association (APA) no que refere as citações e referências bibliográficas. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram que a ética é um dos instrumentos de extrema relevância para gestão da coisa pública.