951 resultados para carrier lifetime
We present novel Terahertz (THz) emitting optically pumped Quantum Dot (QD) photoconductive (PC) materials and antenna structures on their basis both for pulsed and CW pumping regimes. Full text Quantum dot and microantenna design - Presented here are design considerations for the semiconductor materials in our novel QD-based photoconductive antenna (PCA) structures, metallic microantenna designs, and their implementation as part of a complete THz source or transceiver system. Layers of implanted QDs can be used for the photocarrier lifetime shortening mechanism[1,2]. In our research we use InAs:GaAs QD structures of varying dot layer number and distributed Bragg reflector(DBR)reflectivity range. According to the observed dependence of carrier lifetimes on QD layer periodicity [3], it is reasonable to assume that electron lifetimes can be potentially reduced down to 0.45ps in such structures. Both of these features; long excitation wavelength and short carriers lifetime predict possible feasibility of QD antennas for THz generation and detection. In general, relatively simple antenna configurations were used here, including: coplanar stripline (CPS); Hertzian-type dipoles; bow-ties for broadband and log-spiral(LS)or log-periodic(LP)‘toothed’ geometriesfor a CW operation regime. Experimental results - Several lasers are used for antenna pumping: Ti:Sapphire femtosecond laser, as well as single-[4], double-[5] wavelength, and pulsed [6] QD lasers. For detection of the THz signal different schemes and devices were used, e.g. helium-cooled bolometer, Golay cell and a second PCA for coherent THz detection in a traditional time-domain measurement scheme.Fig.1shows the typical THz output power trend from a 5 um-gap LPQD PCA pumped using a tunable QD LD with optical pump spectrum shown in (b). Summary - QD-based THz systems have been demonstrated as a feasible and highly versatile solution. The implementation of QD LDs as pump sources could be a major step towards ultra-compact, electrically controllable transceiver system that would increase the scope of data analysis due to the high pulse repetition rates of such LDs [3], allowing real-time THz TDS and data acquisition. Future steps in development of such systems now lie in the further investigation of QD-based THz PCA structures and devices, particularly with regards to their compatibilitywith QD LDs as pump sources. [1]E. U. Rafailov et al., “Fast quantum-dot saturable absorber for passive mode-locking of solid-State lasers,”Photon.Tech.Lett., IEEE, vol. 16 pp. 2439-2441(2004) [2]E. Estacio, “Strong enhancement of terahertz emission from GaAs in InAs/GaAs quantum dot structures. Appl.Phys.Lett., vol. 94 pp. 232104 (2009) [3]C. Kadow et al., “Self-assembled ErAs islands in GaAs: Growth and subpicosecond carrier dynamics,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 75 pp. 3548-3550 (1999) [4]T. Kruczek, R. Leyman, D. Carnegie, N. Bazieva, G. Erbert, S. Schulz, C. Reardon, and E. U. Rafailov, “Continuous wave terahertz radiation from an InAs/GaAs quantum-dot photomixer device,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 101(2012) [5]R. Leyman, D. I. Nikitichev, N. Bazieva, and E. U. Rafailov, “Multimodal spectral control of a quantum-dot diode laser for THz difference frequency generation,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 99 (2011) [6]K.G. Wilcox, M. Butkus, I. Farrer, D.A. Ritchie, A. Tropper, E.U. Rafailov, “Subpicosecond quantum dot saturable absorber mode-locked semiconductor disk laser, ” Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol 94, 2511 © 2014 IEEE.
Visible light communications is a technology with enormous potential for a wide range of applications within next generation transmission and broadcasting technologies. VLC offers simultaneous illumination and data communications by intensity modulating the optical power emitted by LEDs operating in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum (~370-780 nm). The major challenge in VLC systems to date has been in improving transmission speeds, considering the low bandwidths available with commercial LED devices. Thus, to improve the spectral usage, the research community has increasingly turned to advanced modulation formats such as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing. In this article we introduce a new modulation scheme into the VLC domain; multiband carrier-less amplitude and phase modulation (m-CAP) and describe in detail its performance within the context of bandlimited systems.
A novel multichannel carrier-suppressed return-to-zero (CSRZ) to non-return-to-zero (NRZ) format conversion scheme based on a single custom-designed fiber Bragg grating (FBG) with comb spectra is proposed. The spectral response of each channel is designed according to the algebraic difference between the CSRZ and NRZ spectra outlines. The tailored group delays are introduced to minimize the maximum refractive index modulation. Numerical results show that four-channel 200-GHz-spaced CSRZ signals at 40 Gbits/s can be converted into NRZ signals with high Q-factor and wide-range robustness. It is shown that our proposed FBG is robust to deviations of bandwidth and central wavelength detuning. Another important merit of this scheme is that the pattern effects are efficiently reduced owing to the well-designed spectra response.
We present the compensation of the equalization enhanced phase noise (EEPN) in the long-haul n-level phase shift keying (n-PSK) coherent optical transmission system, by employing a scheme of phase modulated optical pilot carrier. © OSA 2013.
A semi-quantitative model is put forward elucidating the role of spatial inhomogeneity of charge carrier mobility in organic field-effect transistors. The model, based on electrostatic arguments, allows estimating the effective thickness of the conducting channel and its changes in function of source-drain and gate voltages. Local mobility gradients in the direction perpendicular to the insulator/semiconductor interface translate into voltage dependences of the average carrier mobility in the channel, resulting in positive or negative deviations of current-voltage characteristics from their expected shapes. The proposed effect supplements those described in the literature, i.e., density-dependent mobility of charge carriers, short-channel effects, and contribution of contact resistance.
We study InGaAs QD laser operating simultaneously at ground (GS) and excited (ES) states under 30ns pulsed-pumping and distinguish three regimes of operation depending on the pump current and the carrier relaxation pathways. An increased current leads to an increase in ES intensity and to a decrease in GS intensity (or saturation) for low pump range, as typical for the cascade-like pathway. Both the GS and ES intensities are steadily increased for high current ranges, which prove the dominance of the direct capture pathway. The relaxation oscillations are not pronounced for these ranges. For the mediate currents, the interplay between the both pathways leads to the damped large amplitude relaxation oscillations with significant deviation of the relaxation oscillation frequency from the initial value during the pulse.
Analysis of carrier phase extraction methods in 112-Gbit/s NRZ-PDM-QPSK coherent transmission system
We present a comparative analysis on three carrier phase extraction approaches, including a one-tap normalized least mean square method, a block-average method, and a Viterbi-Viterbi method, in coherent transmission system considering equalization enhanced phase noise. © OSA 2012.
We report a unidirectional frequency dissemination scheme for high-fidelity optical carriers deployable over telecommunication networks. For the first time, a 10 Gb/s Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) signal from an ultra-narrow linewidth laser was transmitted through a field-installed optical fibre with round-trip length of 124 km between Cork City and town of Clonakilty, without inline optical amplification. At the receiver, using coherent communication techniques and optical injection-locking the carrier was recovered with noise suppression. The beat signal between the original carrier at the transmitter and recovered carrier at the receiver shows a linewidth of 2.8 kHz. Long term stability measurements revealed fractional instabilities (True Allan deviation) of 3.3 × 10-14 for 1 s averaging time, prior to phase noise cancellation.
Cancer remains one of the world’s most devastating diseases, with more than 10 million new cases every year. However, traditional treatments have proven insufficient for successful medical management of cancer due to the chemotherapeutics’ difficulty in achieving therapeutic concentrations at the target site, non-specific cytotoxicity to normal tissues, and limited systemic circulation lifetime. Although, a concerted effort has been placed in developing and successfully employing nanoparticle(NP)-based drug delivery vehicles successfully mitigate the physiochemical and pharmacological limitations of chemotherapeutics, work towards controlling the subcellular fate of the carrier, and ultimately its payload, has been limited. Because efficient therapeutic action requires drug delivery to specific organelles, the subcellular barrier remains critical obstacle to maximize the full potential of NP-based delivery vehicles. The aim of my dissertation work is to better understand how NP-delivery vehicles’ structural, chemical, and physical properties affect the internalization method and subcellular localization of the nanocarrier. In this work we explored how side-chain and backbone modifications affect the conjugated polymer nanoparticle (CPN) toxicity and subcellular localization. We discovered how subtle chemical modifications had profound consequences on the polymer’s accumulation inside the cell and cellular retention. We also examined how complexation of CPN with polysaccharides affects uptake efficiency and subcellular localization. This work also presents how changes to CPN backbone biodegradability can significantly affect the subcellular localization of the material. A series of triphenyl phosphonium-containing CPNs were synthesized and the effect of backbone modifications have on the cellular toxicity and intracellular fate of the material. A mitochondrial-specific polymer exhibiting time-dependent release is reported. Finally, we present a novel polymerization technique which allows for the controlled incorporation of electron-accepting benzothiadiazole units onto the polymer chain. This facilitates tuning CPN emission towards red emission. The work presented here, specifically, the effect that side-chain and structure, polysaccharide formulation and CPN degradability have on material’s uptake behavior, can help maximize the full potential of NP-based delivery vehicles for improved chemotherapeutic drug delivery.
The purpose of this study was to correct some mistakes in the literature and derive a necessary and sufficient condition for the MRL to follow the roller-coaster pattern of the corresponding failure rate function. It was also desired to find the conditions under which the discrete failure rate function has an upside-down bathtub shape if corresponding MRL function has a bathtub shape. The study showed that if discrete MRL has a bathtub shape, then under some conditions the corresponding failure rate function has an upside-down bathtub shape. Also the study corrected some mistakes in proofs of Tang, Lu and Chew (1999) and established a necessary and sufficient condition for the MRL to follow the roller-coaster pattern of the corresponding failure rate function. Similarly, some mistakes in Gupta and Gupta (2000) are corrected, with the ensuing results being expanded and proved thoroughly to establish the relationship between the crossing points of the failure rate and associated MRL functions. The new results derived in this study will be useful to model various lifetime data that occur in environmental studies, medical research, electronics engineering, and in many other areas of science and technology.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
Inscription: Verso: Simon Thoreson, New York.
First-principles electronic structure methods are used to predict the rate of n-type carrier scattering due to phonons in highly-strained Ge. We show that strains achievable in nanoscale structures, where Ge becomes a direct bandgap semiconductor, cause the phonon-limited mobility to be enhanced by hundreds of times that of unstrained Ge, and over a thousand times that of Si. This makes highly tensile strained Ge a most promising material for the construction of channels in CMOS devices, as well as for Si-based photonic applications. Biaxial (001) strain achieves mobility enhancements of 100 to 1000 with strains over 2%. Low temperature mobility can be increased by even larger factors. Second order terms in the deformation potential of the Gamma valley are found to be important in this mobility enhancement. Although they are modified by shifts in the conduction band valleys, which are caused by carrier quantum confinement, these mobility enhancements persist in strained nanostructures down to sizes of 20 nm.
First-principles electronic structure methods are used to find the rates of inelastic intravalley and intervalley n-type carrier scattering in Si1-xGex alloys. Scattering parameters for all relevant Delta and L intra- and intervalley scattering are calculated. The short-wavelength acoustic and the optical phonon modes in the alloy are computed using the random mass approximation, with interatomic forces calculated in the virtual crystal approximation using density functional perturbation theory. Optical phonon and intervalley scattering matrix elements are calculated from these modes of the disordered alloy. It is found that alloy disorder has only a small effect on the overall inelastic intervalley scattering rate at room temperature. Intravalley acoustic scattering rates are calculated within the deformation potential approximation. The acoustic deformation potentials are found directly and the range of validity of the deformation potential approximation verified in long-wavelength frozen phonon calculations. Details of the calculation of elastic alloy scattering rates presented in an earlier paper are also given. Elastic alloy disorder scattering is found to dominate over inelastic scattering, except for almost pure silicon (x approximate to 0) or almost pure germanium (x approximate to 1), where acoustic phonon scattering is predominant. The n-type carrier mobility, calculated from the total (elastic plus inelastic) scattering rate, using the Boltzmann transport equation in the relaxation time approximation, is in excellent agreement with experiments on bulk, unstrained alloys..