997 resultados para calcium oxide micro pulverized
Sand-sized basaltic glass fragments were recovered in the liner of Core 203-1243B-19R, the deepest recovery from Hole 1243B. Microprobe analysis of 582 glassy cuttings cluster into five compositionally distinct groups, most of which are unlike the lithologic units described on board ship. Drilling operations intended to sweep cuttings from the caving hole and differences between the cuttings and geochemically distinct lithologic units of the upper part of the basement indicate that the cuttings came mainly, if not entirely, from the lower part of the hole. They give information about the part of Hole 1243B that had poor core recovery. Enriched mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB) from the upper part of the hole and transitional MORB from two groups of cuttings from sources low in the hole may be a trace of the Galápagos plume on the Pacific plate or may be a normal consequence of eruptions from two distinct magmas on fast-spreading crust.
A ridge of strongly serpentinized, plagioclase-bearing peridotite crops out at the boundary between the Atlantic oceanic crust and the Galicia continental margin (western Spain). These peridotites, cored at Hole 637A (ODP Leg 103) have been mylonitized at high-temperature, low-pressure conditions and under large deviatoric stress during their uplift (Girardeau et al., 1988, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.103.135.1988). After this main ductile deformation event, the peridotite underwent a polyphase metamorphic static episode in the presence of water, with the crystallization of Ti- and Cr-rich pargasites at high-temperature (800°-900°C) interaction with a metasomatic fluid or alkaline magma. Introduction of water produced destabilization of the pyroxenes and the subsequent development of hornblendes and tremolite at temperatures decreasing from 750° to 350°C. The main serpentinization of the peridotite occurred at a temperature below 300°C, and possibly around 50°C, as a consequence of the introduction of a large amount of seawater, which is suggested by stable isotope (d18O and SD) data. Finally, calcite derived from seawater precipitated in late-formed fractures or locally pervasively impregnated the peridotite at low temperature (~10°C).
The basalts recovered during Legs 183 and 120 from the southern, central, and northernmost parts of the Kerguelen Plateau (Holes 1136A, 1138A, 1140A, and 747C, respectively), as well as those recovered from the eastern part of the crest of Elan Bank (Hole 1137A), represent derivates from tholeiitic melts. In the northern part of the Kerguelen Plateau (Hole 1140A), basalts may have formed from two sources located at different depths. This is reflected in the presence of both low- and high-titanium basalts. The basalts are variably altered by low-temperature hydrothermal processes (at temperatures up to 120°C), and some are affected by subaerial weathering. The hydrothermal alteration led mainly to the formation of smectites, chlorite minerals, mixed-layer hydromica-smectite and smectite-chlorite minerals, hydromica, serpentine(?), clinoptilolite, heulandite, stilbite, analcime, mordenite, thomsonite, natrolite(?), calcite, quartz, and dickite(?). Alteration of extrusive basalts is mainly related to horizontal fluid flow within permeable contact zones between lava flows. Under a nonoxidizing environment of alteration, the tendency to lose most of elements, including rare earth elements, from basalts dominates. Under on oxidizing environment, basalts accumulate many elements.
Major element, trace element, and radiogenic isotope compositions of samples collected from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 126 in the Izu-Bonin forearc basin are presented. Lavas from the center of the basin (Site 793) are high-MgO, low-Ti, two-pyroxene basaltic andesites, and represent the products of synrift volcanism in the forearc region. These synrift lavas share many of the geochemical and petrographic characteristics of boninites. In terms of their element abundances, ratios, and isotope systematics they are intermediate between low-Ti arc tholeiites from the active arc and boninites of the outer-arc high. These features suggest a systematic geochemical gradation between volcanics related to trench distance and a variably depleted source. A basement high drilled on the western flank of the basin (Site 792) comprises a series of plagioclase-rich two-pyroxene andesites with calc-alkaline affinities. These lavas are similar to calc-alkaline volcanics from Japan, but have lower contents of Ti, Zr, and low-field-strength elements (LFSE). Lavas from Site 793 show inter-element variations between Zr, Ti, Sr, Ni, and Cr that are consistent with those predicted during crystallization and melting processes. In comparison, concentrations of P, Y, LFSE, and the rare-earth elements (REE) are anomalous. These elements have been redistributed within the lava pile, concentrating particularly in sections of massive and pillowed flows. Relative movement of these two-element groupings can be related to the alteration of interstitial basaltic andesite glass to a clay mineral assemblage by a post-eruptive process. Fluid-rock interaction has produced similar effects in the basement lavas of Site 792. In this sequence, andesites and dacites have undergone a volume change related to silica mobility. As a result of this process, some lithologies have the major element characteristics of basaltic andesite and rhyolite, but can be related to andesitic or dacitic precursors by silica removal or addition.
Recent investigations of the southern Gulf of California (22°N) on Leg 65 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) allow important comparisons with drilled sections of ocean crust formed at different spreading rates. During Leg 65 the Glomar Challenger drilled seven basement holes at sites forming a transect across the ridge axis near the Tamayo Fracture Zone. An additional site was drilled on the fracture zone itself, where a small magnetic "diapir" was located. Together with the material from Site 474 (drilled during Leg 64) the cores recovered at these sites are representative of the upper basaltic and sedimentary crust formed since the initial opening of the Gulf. The pattern of magmatic accretion at the ridge axis is conditioned by the moderate to high rate of spreading (~6 cm/y.) and comparatively high sedimentation rates that now characterize the Gulf of California. In terms of spreading rate, this region is intermediate between the "superfast" East Pacific Rise axis to the south (up to 17 cm/y.) and the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge (2-4 cm/y.) both of which have been extensively studied by dredging and drilling.
Composition and distribution.of ice-rafted coarse debris from the Kara Sea bottom were investigated. This material was obtained on 42 stations in Cruise 49 of R/V Dmitry Mendeleev by Sigsby trawls, box corers, grabs, and gravity corers. Existence of two main petrographic provinces is suggested: (1) West Kara and (2) East Kara. They differ in composition and sources of debris material. It is supposed that debris was transported mainly by floating ice. In Upper Pleistocene time rafting by glaciers and icebergs was also very possible.