934 resultados para buck converter,conducted emission,2-150kHz,DC-microgrid


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Ilmastonmuutos ja fossiilisten polttoaineiden ehtyminen ovat edesauttaneet uusiutuvien energialähteiden tutkimusta huomattavasti. Lisäksi alati kasvava sähköenergian tarve lisää hajautetun sähköntuotannon ja vaihtoehtoisten energialähteiden kiinnostavuutta. Yleisimpiä hajautetun sähköntuotannon energialähteitä ovat tuulivoima, aurinkovoima ja uutena tulokkaana polttokennot. Polttokennon kytkeminen sähköverkkoon vaatii tehoelektroniikkaa, ja yleensä yksinkertaisessa polttokennosovelluksessa polttokenno kytketään galvaanisesti erottavan yksisuuntaisen DC/DC-hakkurin ja vaihtosuuntaajan kanssa sarjaan. Polttokennon rinnalla voidaan käyttää akkua tasaamaan polttokennon syöttämää jännitettä, jolloin akun ja polttokennon väliin tarvitaan kaksisuuntainen DC/DC-hakkuri, joka pystyy siirtämään energiaa molempiin suuntiin. Tässä diplomityössä on esitetty kaksisuuntaisen DC/DC-hakkurin tilayhtälökeskiarvoistusmenetelmään perustuva malli sekä mallin perusteella toteutettu virtasäätö. Tutkittava hakkuritopologia on kokosilta-tyyppinen boost-hakkuri, ja säätömenetelmä keskiarvovirtasäätö. Työn tuloksena syntyi tilayhtälömalli kaksisuuntaiselle FB boost -hakkurille sekä sen tulokelan virran säätämiseen soveltuva säädin. Säädin toimii normaalitilanteissa hyvin, mutta erikoistilanteissa, kuten hakkurin tulojännitteen äkillisessä muutostilanteessa, vaadittaisiin tehokkaampi säädin, jolla saavutettaisiin nopeampi nousuaika ilman ylitystä ja oskillointia.


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The 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, usually named 2,4-D is one of the most widely used herbicides in the world. Acute toxicity of 2,4-D herbicide was investigated through its effects on guppies (Poecilia vivipara Bloch et Schneider 1801). Fish were exposed to the herbicide at concentrations of 10, 20 and 40µl per liter of water for 24 hours to determine its effects on gills and liver epithelia. The estimated LC50 was 34.64µl of 2,4-D per liter of water. Histochemical analyses and Feulgen's reaction were conducted to detect glycoconjugates and DNA, respectively, in gills and liver epithelia. Histochemistry revealed qualitative variations of glycoconjugates present on mucous cells and granules. The four types of mucous cells contained neutral granules, acids, or both. Increasing amounts of syalomucins were observed from the control group to the group exposed to the highest concentration of 2,4-D, suggesting increased mucous viscosity and the formation of plaques that could inhibit gas exchange and osmoregulation. Lamellar fusion observed in the group exposed to 40µl of 2,4-D suggests a defense mechanism. Hepatocytes showed vacuolization in the 10 and 20µl/L groups. The 40 µl/L group showed normal hepatocytes as well as changed ones, many Ito cells, micronuclei, and nuclear swelling. These effects may be associated with toxicity or adaptative processes to cellular stress. The data from this study indicates the importance of assessing similar risks to aquatic species and suggests that Poecilia vivipara is an adequate biological model for analysis of environmental contamination.


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Abstract: Pre-operative electrocardiograms performed in 700 dogs were analyzed in order to establish correlation between sex, age, indication for surgery, body condition score, breed and weight. Initially a clinical questionnaire was filled out from each owner, including age, breed, sex, weight, clinical history and surgical indication. Dogs above 6 years of age or those showing any kind of cardiac auscultation disturbances were referred to electrocardiogram (ECG) evaluation. All ECG were performed and analyzed by the same veterinary specialist. Abnormalities at ECG were founnd in 364 of 700 (52%) evaluated dogs, and the most frequent variation was sinus arrhythmia, observed in 293 dogs (25.4%). No significant correlation was found between the electrocardiographic alterations with weight, sex and age of the animals. Therefore ECG should be conducted routinely regardless of age, sex, breed or surgical indication, highlighting its value for determining a safe anesthetic protocol that promotes minimal cardiopulmonary depression and allows rapid post-surgical recovery.


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The aim of the present paper is to study the relationship between the fracture modes in hydrogen-assisted cracking (HAC) in microalloied steel and the emission of acoustic signals during the fracturing process. For this reason, a flux-cored arc weld (FCAW) was used in a high-strength low-alloy steel. The consumable used were the commercially available AWS E120T5-K4 and had a diameter of 1.6 mm. Two different shielding gases were used (CO2 and CO2+5% H2) to obtain complete phenomenon characterization. The implant test was applied with three levels of restriction stresses. An acoustic emission measurement system (AEMS) was coupled to the implant test apparatus. The output signal from the acoustic emission sensor was passed through an electronic amplifier and processed by a root mean square (RMS) voltage converter. Fracture surfaces were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and image analysis. Fracture modes were related with the intensity, the energy and the number of the peaks of the acoustic emission signal. The shielding gas CO2+5% H2 proved to be very useful in the experiments. Basically, three different fracture modes were identified in terms of fracture appearance: microvoid coalescence (MVC), intergranular (IG) and quasi-cleavage (QC). The results show that each mode of fracture presents a characteristic acoustic signal.


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Auxyn type herbicides such as dicamba and 2,4-D are alternative herbicides that can be used to control glyphosate-resistant hairy fleabane. With the forthcoming possibility of releasing dicamba-resistant and 2,4-D-resistant crops, use of these growth regulator herbicides will likely be an alternative that can be applied to the control of glyphosate resistant hairy fleabane (Conyza bonariensis). The objective of this research was to model the efficacy, through dose-response curves, of glyphosate, 2,4-D, isolated dicamba and glyphosatedicamba combinations to control a brazilian hairy fleabane population resistant to glyphosate. The greenhouse dose-response studies were conducted as a completely randomized experimental design, and the rates used for dose response curve construction were 0, 120, 240, 480, 720 and 960 g a.i. ha-1 for 2,4-D, dicamba and the dicamba combination, with glyphosate at 540 g a.e. ha-1. The rates for glyphosate alone were 0, 180, 360, 540, 720 and 960 g a.e. ha-1. Herbicides were applied when the plants were in a vegetative stage with 10 to 12 leaves and height between 12 and 15 cm. Hairy fleabane had low sensitivity to glyphosate, with poor control even at the 960 g a.e. ha-1 rate. Dicamba and 2,4-D were effective in controlling the studied hairy fleabane. Hairy fleabane responds differently to 2,4-D and dicamba. The combination of glyphosate and dicamba was not antagonistic to hairy fleabane control, and glyphosate may cause an additive effect on the control, despite the population resistance.


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ABSTRACT The seed (nutlet) morphology of four Onobrychis Miller (Fabaceae: subfamily Papilionoideae, Section Hymenobrychis DC.) taxa from Turkey, including three endemic taxa, was examined using scanning electron microscopy. Onobrychis tournefortii, O. galegifolia, O. cappadocica, O. albiflora. The seed examined exhibited variation in size, shape, colour, and surface sculpturing. Seed size ranged between 4.0-5.2 mm length and 2.0-3.6 mm width. Observed shapes included; ellipticus anguste asymmtricus reniformis, Ovatus anguste asymmetricus reniformis and ellipticus reniformis. Seed surface sculpturing revealed two distinct types: reticulate and rugulate. Species of Onobrychisare generally similar and confused with those of Hedysarumduring the identification process. Seed surface micromorphology can suggest taxonomical diagnostic characters for distinguishing species. Many of these characteristics are diagnostic at both the generic and specific levels.


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(O gênero Siphanthera Pohl ex DC. (Melastomataceae) no estado de Minas Gerais). O gênero Siphanthera está representado no Brasil por treze espécies, que ocorrem nos campos rupestres e nas áreas de campo úmido associadas aos cerrados. Em Minas Gerais ocorrem seis espécies: S. arenaria (DC.) Cogn., S. cordata Pohl ex DC., S. dawsonii Wurdack, S. foliosa (Naudin) Wurdack, S. gracillima (Naudin) Wurdack e S. paludosa (DC.) Cogn. A elaboração do presente trabalho foi baseada no estudo de exsicatas depositadas em vários herbários e em observações de campo. É acrescentado um novo registro para Minas Gerais, S. dawsonii, e duas novas citações na literatura, S. gracillima e S. foliosa. São apresentadas chave para as espécies, descrições, ilustrações, distribuição geográfica e discussão de seus problemas taxonômicos.


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Nesta espécie ocorrem dois tipos de tricomas secretores: glândula perolada e tricoma saculiforme. Ambos originam-se na protoderme do primórdio foliar e atingem sua maturidade nas folhas jovens presentes no ápice caulinar. A densidade dos dois tipos de tricomas diminui durante a expansão do limbo, sendo raros na folha adulta. As glândulas peroladas são constituídas por uma célula basal e por uma célula apical grande cuja forma varia de semi-globóide a espatulada. A liberação da secreção ocorre após a ruptura da cutícula distendida. Os tricomas saculiformes são constituídos por uma célula basal, 1-2 células colares e uma célula apical cônica, de posição inclinada à superfície foliar. A secreção acumula-se em espaços subcuticulares diminutos, não tendo sido observada ruptura da cutícula.


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Dentre as diversas árvores frutíferas nativas dos cerrados, a cagaiteira (Eugenia dysenterica DC.) merece destaque pelo seu amplo potencial econômico. A fim de fornecer algumas informações relativas ao padrão espacial da variabilidade genética desta espécie, foram realizadas análises de autocorrelação espacial das freqüências alélicas em dez subpopulações locais da região sudeste do Estado de Goiás. Foram utilizados marcadores isoenzimáticos, em um total de seis sistemas enzimáticos (SKDH, 6-PGD, alfa-EST, MDH, PGI e PGM), com oito locos polimórficos. Foi realizada uma análise de autocorrelação espacial, utilizando índices I de Moran estimados em quatro classes de distância geográfica. Os correlogramas mostraram que, de fato, a divergência genética está estruturada no espaço em um padrão clinal de variação. Simulações de evolução neutra da variação nas freqüências alélicas entre as subpopulações, geradas a partir de um processo Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (O-U), foram utilizadas para avaliar os padrões espaciais sob essa hipótese e compará-los com os correlogramas obtidos com as freqüências alélicas. As análises indicaram que um processo estocástico (evolução neutra) deve ser o responsável pela diferenciação genética dessas populações, havendo assim um balanço entre fluxo gênico em pequenas distâncias geográficas e deriva genética dentro das populações locais, como o esperado para modelos de isolamento-por-distância ou "stepping-stone".


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Acacia polyphylla é uma espécie arbórea característica dos estádios iniciais da sucessão secundária, de grande utilidade na recuperação de áreas degradadas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a germinação de suas sementes sob diferentes condições de temperatura e luz. Avaliaram-se os efeitos das temperaturas constantes de 15, 20, 25 e 30 ºC e alternada de 20-30 ºC, sob fotoperíodo de oito horas de luz branca. A temperatura constante de 25 ºC foi a mais adequada para a germinação e o estudo de luz foi realizado nessa temperatura. As sementes foram submetidas à ausência de luz e a fotoperíodos de 1 a 12 horas sob luz branca (alta relação vermelho/vermelho-extremo), além de fotoperíodos sob luz branca iniciados e finalizados com luz de sombreamento (baixa relação vermelho/vermelho-extremo). A porcentagem de germinação não foi afetada pelos diferentes fotoperíodos sob luz branca testados, mas fotoperíodo igual ou superior a quatro horas favoreceu o desenvolvimento inicial das plântulas. A germinação não foi afetada pela luz com baixa relação vermelho/vermelho-extremo, mas na ausência de luz as sementes germinaram em menores porcentagem e velocidade.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the photosynthetic performance in populations of two legume tree species, Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mimosoideae), typical from Cerrado, and Cassia ferruginea (Caesalpinoideae) from the Atlantic Rain Forest. The photosynthetic traits were assessed by measures of chlorophyll fluorescence in progenies of naturally pollinated plants from three populations of S. adstringens and a population of C. ferruginea. Plants of S. adstringens growing under similar conditions of C. ferruginea plants demanded higher light values for photosynthesis saturation, 600 µmol.m-2.s-1 and 350 µmol.m-2.s-1 respectively, and showed higher intrinsic photosynthetic efficiency of photosystem II, Fv/Fm of 0.814 versus 0.783 in C. ferruginea. The highest values of Fv/Fm observed in S. adstringens can explain the highest electron transport rates (ETR) obtained for this species. No significant differences were found among progenies from different C. ferruginea trees nor among populations of S. adstringens, and only in few cases, variation among progenies within populations were found for S. adstringens plants. The fact that fluorescence parameters distinguished species but not populations or most of progenies may be related to low intraspecific genetic variation of these chlorophyll fluorescence traits or due to lack of expression on genetic differences in plants under no stressful conditions.


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Sementes anidrobióticas (ortodoxas) podem ter seu teor de água reduzido a valores suficientemente baixos para minimizar o metabolismo e, dessa forma, manter a viabilidade por períodos prolongados. Sementes não-anidrobióticas (recalcitrantes) não perdem sua viabilidade desde que o teor de água seja mantido acima de determinados valores em que a quantidade da água ainda é elevada para manter o metabolismo ativo; no entanto, a longevidade dessas sementes é relativamente baixa. No presente trabalho procurou-se manter o teor de água dos embriões de ingá por meio do armazenamento em soluções de polietileno glicol 6000 (PEG), com potencial hídrico conhecido e pré-estabelecido, visando a prolongar a longevidade. Os resultados indicaram que embriões mantidos em substrato com solução de PEG a -2,4 MPa apresentaram germinação superior a 80% aos 90 dias de armazenamento a 10 ºC, enquanto os armazenados em substrato umedecido com água pura (0 MPa), na mesma temperatura, apresentaram germinação inferior a 60%.


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Sementes recalcitrantes são intolerantes à dessecação e a baixas temperaturas, que são as principais formas de conservação de sementes e, portanto, são de difícil armazenamento. Inga vera subsp. affinis produz sementes denominadas recalcitrantes, uma vez que não toleram redução do teor de água para valores inferiores a 35%. Neste trabalho é demonstrada a tolerância desses embriões a temperatura de -2 ºC. Embriões de I. vera de diferentes estádios de maturação foram armazenados por até 45 dias nas temperaturas de 8 ºC a -18 ºC, com ou sem secagens prévias até -4,0 e -6,0 MPa. Os resultados permitiram observar que, embora nenhum tratamento tenha proporcionado resistância à temperatura de -18 ºC, a secagem dos embriões maduros a -4 MPa proporcionou maior tolerância à redução de temperatura até níveis de congelamento da água (-2 ºC).


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The aim of this thesis is to study whether the use of biomethane as a transportation fuel is reasonable from climate change perspective. In order to identify potentials and challenges for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, this dissertation focuses on GHG emission comparisons, on feasibility studies and on the effects of various calculation methodologies. The GHG emissions calculations are carried out by using life cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies. The aim of these LCA studies is to figure out the key parameters affecting the GHG emission saving potential of biomethane production and use and to give recommendations related to methodological choices. The feasibility studies are also carried out from the life cycle perspective by dividing the biomethane production chain for various operators along the life cycle of biomethane in order to recognize economic bottlenecks. Biomethane use in the transportation sector leads to GHG emission reductions compared to fossil transportation fuels in most cases. In addition, electricity and heat production from landfill gas, biogas or biomethane leads to GHG reductions as well. Electricity production for electric vehicles is also a potential route to direct biogas or biomethane energy to transportation sector. However, various factors along the life cycle of biomethane affect the GHG reduction potentials. Furthermore, the methodological selections have significant effects on the results. From economic perspective, there are factors related to different operators along the life cycle of biomethane, which are not encouraging biomethane use in the transportation sector. To minimize the greenhouse gas emissions from the life cycle of biomethane, waste feedstock should be preferred. In addition, energy consumption, methane leakages, digestate utilization and the current use of feedstock or biogas are also key factors. To increase the use of biomethane in the transportation sector, political steering is needed to improve the feasibility for the operators. From methodological perspective, it is important to recognize the aim of the life cycle assessment study. The life cycle assessment studies can be divided into two categories: 1.) To produce average GHG information of biomethane to evaluate the acceptability of biomethane use compared to fossil transportation fuels. 2.) To produce GHG information of biomethane related to actual decision-making situations. This helps to figure out the actual GHG emission changes in cases when feedstock, biogas or biomethane are already in other use. For example directing biogas from electricity production to transportation use does not necessarily lead to additional GHG emission reductions. The use of biomethane seems to have a lot of potential for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as a transportation fuel. However, there are various aspects related to production processes, to the current use of feedstock or biogas and to the feasibility that have to be taken into account.


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The objective of the present study was to identify the single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and magnetic resonance (MR) findings in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) patients with CNS involvement and to try to correlate them with neurological clinical history data and neurological clinical examination. Nineteen patients with JSLE (16 girls and 3 boys, mean age at onset 9.2 years) were submitted to neurological examination, electroencephalography, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, SPECT and MR. All the evaluations were made separately within a period of 15 days. SPECT and MR findings were analyzed independently by two radiologists. Electroencephalography and cerebrospinal fluid analysis revealed no relevant alterations. Ten of 19 patients (53%) presented neurological abnormalities including present or past neurological clinical history (8/19, 42%), abnormal neurological clinical examination (5/19, 26%), and abnormal SPECT or MR (8/19, 42% and 3/19, 16%, respectively). The most common changes in SPECT were cerebral hypoperfusion and heterogeneous distribution of blood flow. The most common abnormalities in MR were leukomalacia and diffuse alterations of white matter. There was a correlation between SPECT and MR (P<0.05). We conclude that SPECT and MR are complementary and useful exams in the evaluation of neurological involvement of lupus.