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This thesis describes a project which has investigated the evaluation of information systems. The work took place in, and is related to, a specific organisational context, that of the National Health Service (NHS). It aims to increase understanding of the evaluation which takes place in the service and the way in which this is affected by the NHS environment. It also investigates the issues which surround some important types of evaluation and their use in this context. The first stage of the project was a postal survey in which respondents were asked to describe the evaluation which took place in their authorities and to give their opinions about it. This was used to give an overview of the practice of IS evaluation in the NHS and to identify its uses and the problems experienced. Three important types of evaluation were then examined in more detail by means of action research studies. One of these dealt with the selection and purchase of a large hospital information system. The study took the form of an evaluation of the procurement process, and examined the methods used and the influence of organisational factors. The other studies are concerned with post-implementation evaluation, and examine the choice of an evaluation approach as well as its application. One was an evaluation of a community health system which had been operational for some time but was of doubtful value, and suffered from a number of problems. The situation was explored by means of a study of the costs and benefits of the system. The remaining study was the initial review of a system which was used in the administration of a Breast Screening Service. The service itself was also newly operational and the relationship between the service and the system was of interest.
The computer systems of today are characterised by data and program control that are distributed functionally and geographically across a network. A major issue of concern in this environment is the operating system activity of resource management for different processors in the network. To ensure equity in load distribution and improved system performance, load balancing is often undertaken. The research conducted in this field so far, has been primarily concerned with a small set of algorithms operating on tightly-coupled distributed systems. More recent studies have investigated the performance of such algorithms in loosely-coupled architectures but using a small set of processors. This thesis describes a simulation model developed to study the behaviour and general performance characteristics of a range of dynamic load balancing algorithms. Further, the scalability of these algorithms are discussed and a range of regionalised load balancing algorithms developed. In particular, we examine the impact of network diameter and delay on the performance of such algorithms across a range of system workloads. The results produced seem to suggest that the performance of simple dynamic policies are scalable but lack the load stability of more complex global average algorithms.
This thesis is an evaluation of practices to control antibiotic prescribing in UK NHS hospitals. Within the past ten years there has been increasing international concern about escalating antibiotic resistance, and the UK has issued several policy documents for pmdent antibiotic prescribing. Chief Pharmacists in 253 UK NHS hospitals were surveyed about the availability and nature of documents to control antibiotic prescribing (formularies, policies and guidelines), and the role of pharmacists and medical microbiologists in monitoring prescribers' compliance with the recommendations of such documents. Although 235 hospitals had at least one document, only 60% had both an antibiotic formulary and guidelines, and only about one-half planned an annual revision of document(s). Pharmacists were reported as mostly checking antibiotic prescribing on every ward whilst medical microbiologists mostly visited selected units only. Response to a similar questionnaire was obtained from the Chief Medical Microbiologists in 131 UK NHS hospitals. Comparisons of the questionnaires indicated areas of apparent disagreement about the roles of pharmacists and medical microbiologists. Eighty three paired-responses received from pharmacists and medical microbiologists in the same hospital revealed poor agreement and awareness about controls. A total of 205 institutional prescribing guidelines were analysed for recommendations for the empirical antibiotic prescribing of Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP). Variation was observed in recommendations and agreement with national guidance from the British Thoracic Society (BTS). A questionnaire was subsequently sent to 235 Chief Pharmacists to investigate their awareness of this new guidance from the BTS, and subsequent revision of institutional guidelines. Documents had been revised in only about one-half of hospitals where pharmacists were aware of the new guidance. An audit of empirical antibiotic prescribing practices for CAP was performed at one hospital. Although problems were experienced with retrieval of medical records, diagnostic criteria were poorly recorded, and only 57% of prescribing for non-severe CAP was compliant with institutional guidelines. A survey of clinicians at the same hospital identified that almost one-half used the institutional guidelines and most found them useful. However, areas for improvement concernmg awareness of the guidelines and ease of access were identified. It is important that hospitals are equipped to react to changes in the hospital environment including frequent movement of junior doctors between institutions, the employment of specialist "infectious diseases pharmacists" and the increasing benefits offered by information technology. Recommendations for policy have been suggested.
This study examines the internal dynamics of white collar trade union branches in the public sector. The effects of a number of internal and external factors on branch patterns of action are evaluated. For the purposes of the study branch action is taken to be the approach to issues of job regulation, as expressed along the five dimensions of dependence on the outside trade union, focus in issues adopted, initiation of issues, intensity of action in issue pursuit and representativeness. The setting chosen for the study is four branches drawn from the same geographical area of the National and Local Government Officers Association. Branches were selected to give a variety in industry settings while controlling for the potentially influential variables of branch size, density of trade union membership and possession of exclusive representational rights in the employing organisation. Identical methods of data collection were used for each branch. The principal findings of the study are that the framework of national agreements and industry collective bargaining structures are strongly related to the industrial relations climate in the employing organisation and the structures of representation within the branch. Where agreements and collective bargaining structures formally restrict branch job regulation roles, there is a degree of devolution of bargaining authority from branch level negotiators to autonomous shop stewards at workplace level. In these circumstances industrial relations climate is characterised by a degree of informality in relationships between management and trade union activists. In turn, industrial relations climate and representative structures together with actor attitudes, have strong effects on all dimensions of approach to issues of job regulation.
This thesis examines the predictive value of a conceptual distinction between status-seeking associations and status-maintaining associations for enhancing understanding of ten selected professional associations and of the attitudes, values, behaviour and policies of their governing organs. Thirty four specific hypotheses have been tested by such research methods as questionnaires administered to individuals and associations, participant observation and an examination of association minutes and publications. Certain hypotheses have been found to be valid for particular matched pairs and/or groups of associations. The findings of the study suggest that the present conceptualisation of profession, the individual professional, professionalism, professionalisation, professional status and that relating to the role of the professions in society needs to be refined and modified in varying degrees in application to accounting associations, business graduate associations and management associations. The concept of the `ideal type' profession is shown to be of limited value in understanding certain aspects of the activities of business graduate and management associations. The findings of the study suggest that in future the professional associations examined may attach less importance to their qualifying role and lay more stress upon their representational role. The professional association faces a managerial challenge to adjust and adapt to a range of `external' pressures and `internal' demands from members and may increasingly need to be regarded as an organisation that possesses certain combinations or sets of characteristics rather than as a type of organisation that possesses a particular or relatively exclusive set. With a blurring of the distinction between the professional and state sector vocational education, and a growing customer/market orientation associated with the changing nature of work, membership of a professional association may, in future, come to be associated rather more with securing access to a relevant range of services and less with qualification for a particular career.
This study is a consumer-survey conducted with former Marriage Guidance Council clients. The objectives were to identify and examine why they chose the agency, what their expectations and experiences were of marital counselling and whether anything was achieved. The material was derived from tape recorded interviews with 51 former M.G. clients (17 men and 34 women) from 42 marriages and with 21 counsellors; data from written material and a card-sort completed by the research sample; and the case record sheets of the research population (174 cases). The results from the written data of clients showed that 49% were satisfied with counselling, 25.5% were satisfied in some ways but not in others, and 25.5% were dissatisfied. Forty-six percent rated they had benefited from counselling, either a great deal or to some degree, 4% were neutral and 50% recorded they had not benefited. However the counsellors' assessments were more optimistic. It was also ascertained that 50% of the research sample eventually separated or divorced subsequent to counselling. A cross-check revealed that the majority who rated they were satisfied with counselling were those who remained married, whilst dissatisfied clients were the ones who unwillingly separated or divorced. The study then describes, discusses and assesses the experiences of clients in the light of these findings on a number of dimensions. From this it was possible to construct a summary profile of a "successful" client describing the features which would contribute to "success". Two key themes emerged from the data. (1) the discrepancy between clients expectations and the counselling offered, which included mis match over the aims and methods of counselling, and problem definition; and (2) the importance of the client/counsellor relationship. The various implications for the agency are then discussed which include recommendations on policy, the training of counsellors and further research.