954 resultados para attribute dominance


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We present a model of price discrimination where a monopolistfaces a consumer who is privately informed about thedistribution of his valuation for an indivisible unit ofgood but has yet to learn privately the actual valuation.The monopolist sequentially screens the consumer with amenu of contracts:the consumer self-selects once by choosing a contract andthen self-selects again when he learns the actual valuation. A deterministic sequential mechanism is a menu of refundcontracts, each consisting of an advance payment and a refundamount in case of no consumption, but sequential mechanismsmay involve randomization.We characterize the optimal sequential mechanism when someconsumer types are more eager in the sense of first-orderstochastic dominance, and when some types face greatervaluation uncertainty in the sense of mean-preserving-spread.We show that it can be optimal to subsidize consumer typeswith smaller valuation uncertainty (through low refund, as inairplane ticket pricing) in order to reduce the rent to thosewith greater uncertainty. The size of distortion depends bothon the type distribution and on how informative the consumer'sinitial private knowledge is about his valuation, but noton how much he initially knows about the valuation per se.


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Mites associated to Xylopia aromatica (Lam.) Mart. (Annonaceae) in urban and rural fragments of semidecidual forest. Native plants can shelter a great diversity of mites. Notwithstanding, the conservation of the forest fragments where the plants are located can influence the structure of the mites community. Generally, in homogenous environments the diversity is lower due to the dominance of one or a few species. In this work, we studied the mite community on Xylopia aromatica (Lam.) Mart. (Annonaceae) in two fragments of semidecidual forest: one on rural and other on urban area. Seven individuals of X. aromatica were monthly sampled from April 2007 to March 2008, in each of these fragments. Descriptive indexes of diversity, dominance and evenness were applied to verify the ecological patterns of the mite community, besides the Student's t-test to compare the abundance between the fragments. We collected 27,365 mites of 37 species belonging to 11 families. Calacarus sp. (Eriophyidae) was the most abundant species, representing 73% of the total sampled. The abundance was greater in the urban fragment (67.7%), with the diversity index reaching only 25% of the theoretical maximum expected. Probably, these values might have been influenced by the location of this fragment in the urban area, being more homogeneous and submitted directly to the presence of atmospheric pollution. In this manner, X. aromatica is able to shelter a higher diversity of mites when inserted in preserved ecosystems, since the highest diversity of available resources allows the establishment of richer and most diverse mite community.


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The physiological basis of human cerebral asymmetry for language remains mysterious. We have used simultaneous physiological and anatomical measurements to investigate the issue. Concentrating on neural oscillatory activity in speech-specific frequency bands and exploring interactions between gestural (motor) and auditory-evoked activity, we find, in the absence of language-related processing, that left auditory, somatosensory, articulatory motor, and inferior parietal cortices show specific, lateralized, speech-related physiological properties. With the addition of ecologically valid audiovisual stimulation, activity in auditory cortex synchronizes with left-dominant input from the motor cortex at frequencies corresponding to syllabic, but not phonemic, speech rhythms. Our results support theories of language lateralization that posit a major role for intrinsic, hardwired perceptuomotor processing in syllabic parsing and are compatible both with the evolutionary view that speech arose from a combination of syllable-sized vocalizations and meaningful hand gestures and with developmental observations suggesting phonemic analysis is a developmentally acquired process.


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Mosquito community composition in dynamic landscapes from the Atlantic Forest biome (Diptera, Culicidae). Considering that some species of Culicidae are vectors of pathogens, both the knowledge of the diversity of the mosquito fauna and how some environment factors influence in it, are important subjects. In order to address the composition of Culicidae species in a forest reserve in southern Atlantic Forest, we compared biotic and abiotic environmental determinants and how they were associated with the occurrence of species between sunset and sunrise. The level of conservation of the area was also considered. The investigation was carried out at Reserva Natural do Morro da Mina, in Antonina, state of Paraná, Brazil. We performed sixteen mosquito collections employing Shannon traps at three-hour intervals, from July 2008 to June 2009. The characterization of the area was determined using ecological indices of diversity, evenness, dominance and similarity. We compared the frequency of specimens with abiotic variables, i.e., temperature, relative humidity and pluviosity. Seven thousand four hundred ten mosquito females were captured. They belong to 48 species of 12 genera. The most abundant genera were Anopheles, Culex, Coquillettidia, Aedes and Runchomyia. Among the species, the most abundant was Anopheles cruzii, the primary vector of Plasmodium spp. in the Atlantic Forest. Results of the analyses showed that the abiotic variables we tested did not influence the occurrence of species, although certain values suggested that there was an optimum range for the occurrence of culicid species. It was possible to detect the presence of species of Culicidae with different epidemiologic profiles and habitat preference.


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The brown lacewings (Neuroptera, Hemerobiidae) of northwestern Turkey with new records, their spatio-temporal distribution and harbouring plants. The occurrence and spatio-temporal distribution of brown lacewing species (Neuroptera, Hemerobiidae) in Bursa province, northwestern Turkey, was investigated during 1999-2011. A total of 852 brown lacewing specimens of 20 species, including the genera of Hemerobius, Megalomus, Micromus, Sympherobius, and Wesmaelius were collected. Of these, 12 species were new records for northwestern Turkey while Sympherobius klapaleki is a new record for the Neuroptera fauna of Turkey. The most widespread species were Hemerobius handschini and Sympherobius pygmaeus with percent dominance values of 42.00 and 15.96%, respectively. Wesmaelius subnebulosus was the earliest emerging hemerobiid species and had the longest flight activity lasting from March to October. The species of southern origin characterized by the Mediterranean elements constituted 55% of the hemerobiid fauna and prevailed over the species of northern origin that belong to the Siberian centres. The total number of hemerobiid species reached a peak in July with captures of 15 species per month. There were 11, 13, 18 and 5 hemerobiid species occurring at altitudes between 1-500, 501-1000, 1001-1500 and 1500-2000 m, respectively. In addition, plant species harbouring hemerobiids are given for each species, and their association with the hemerobiid fauna is discussed.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the relative importance of flooding- and confinement-related environmentalfeatures in explaining macroinvertebrate trait structure and diversity in a pool of wetlands located in a Mediterranean riverfloodplain. To test hypothesized trait-environment relationships, we employed a recently implemented statistical procedure, thefourth-corner method. We found that flooding-related variables, mainly pH and turbidity, were related to traits that confer an abilityof the organism to resist flooding (e.g., small body-shape, protection of eggs) or recuperate faster after flooding (e.g., short life-span, asexual reproduction). In contrast, confinement-related variables, mainly temperature and organic matter, enhanced traits that allow organisms to interact and compete with other organisms (e.g., large size, sexual reproduction) and to efficiently use habitat and resources (e.g., diverse locomotion and feeding strategies). These results are in agreement with predictions made under the River Habitat Templet for lotic ecosystems, and demonstrate the ability of the fourth-corner method to test hypothesis that posit traitenvironment relationships. Trait diversity was slightly higher in flooded than in confined sites, whereas trait richness was not significantly different. This suggests that although trait structure may change in response to the main environmental factors, as evidenced by the fourth-corner method, the number of life-history strategies needed to persist in the face of such constraints remains more or less constant; only their relative dominance differs


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El present projecte busca estudiar la relació entre la imatge de la comunitat xinesa projectada a la premsa escrita i la seva construcció en l’imaginari col·lectiu, d’acord amb els postulats més vigents de les teories dels efectes dels mitjans de comunicació (attribute agenda setting, cultiu i framing) que emfasitzen el poder dels mitjans en la construcció social d’una realitat. Amb aquest objectiu, el projecte s’acota a la premsa escrita de major difusió a Catalunya i a la comunitat xinesa de Santa Coloma de Gramenet –el municipi català amb més percentatge de població xinesa sobre el total de població immigrant. El projecte consta de dues fases: una primera d’anàlisi dels textos periodístics –de la qual s’inclou un estudi pilot a petita escala– i una segona de recepció del discurs, mitjançant grups de discussió.


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Carcasses represent a trophic and reproductive resource or shelter for arthropods, which are a representative component of the decomposition process. Four experiments, one per season, were conducted in a semi-rural area of Bahía Blanca, Argentina, to study the trophic roles of cadaveric beetles, evaluating the abundance, composition and dominance during all decomposition stages and seasons. Species of necrophagous, necrophilous and omnivorous habits were found. Abundance, composition and dominance of beetles in relation to their trophic roles changed according to seasons and decomposition stages. Guilds and patterns of succession were established in relation to those periods. Trophic roles could be an indicator of beetle associations with decomposition stages and seasons.


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Lipid reserves are a particularly important attribute of fishes because they have a large influence on growth, reproduction and survival. This study analyses the lipid content of red mullet (Mullus barbatus) pre-spawners in three different areas of the northwestern Mediterranean in relation to trawling activities and river runoff. The muscle lipid was considered as an indicator of the somatic condition of individuals whilst the gonad lipid was used as a proxy of the energy invested in reproduction. The results show that fish with the highest muscle lipid levels inhabited the area where fishing impact was lowest. Since the abundance and biomass of polychaetes, which represent the main food source for red mullet, were found to be lower in trawled zones than in unfished ones, we suggest that differences in the muscle lipid levels between areas might be attributed to variation in prey abundance in relation to fishing impact. However, no impact of river runoff on lipid reserves of red mullet was observed. The results also show that muscle and gonad lipid reserves are not related to each other during pre-spawning


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Ilpo Koskinen, Juri Mykkänen, Niilo Kauppi


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Se describe la geomorfología del relieve de la paleolaguna de Otuma y se evalúa la preservación de sus registros calcáreos y su potencialidad para la reconstrucción paleoceanográfica y paleoecológica. Un pequeño acantilado marino y una plataforma de abrasión de suave pendiente con predominancia de arena y grava, sugieren un fondo submareal somero de 3,5 m de profundidad a 80 m de distancia de la orilla. La distribución de los registros calcáreos in situ, sobre el fondo de la paleolaguna sugiere un patrón de zonación ecológica. La abundancia de Argopecten purpuratus en los conchales demuestra su dominancia y la presencia de un antiguo y muy productivo banco natural de concha de abanico con una estructura de tallas 40 -140 mm. La preservación de las conchas permitió el análisis de sus anillos o líneas de crecimiento y la reconstruccion de sus ritmos y patrones de crecimiento que son valiosos para la reconstrucción de la variabilidad ambiental.


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Entre el 29 de setiembre y 3 de octubre 2011, se determinó la estructura de las comunidades, en términos de abundancia relativa, riqueza y diversidad y relación con el medio ambiente de la isla Lobos de Tierra (noreste de isla Rata, El Ñopo y La Grama). En los cálculos de diversidad específi ca se usó métodos uni y multivariados para hacer comparaciones en los lugares estudiados. En la zona mesolitoral se registró alta riqueza específi ca asociada a comunidades de fondos duros destacando el noreste de isla Rata con 58 especies. El grupo dominante fue moluscos en todas las zonas de estudio, sobresaliendo Tegula corvus y Acanthopleura echinata con mayores niveles de abundancia (296 a 412 ind.m-2). El índice de diversidad (H’) promedio por estación mostró valores >1,5 bits/ind en todas las zonas, con valores de dominancia y equitatividad <1,0. En el submareal, la riqueza fue de 124 especies. Los crustáceos y poliquetos tuvieron la mayor riqueza de especies y densidad. Los principales representantes fueron Gammarus sp. (26.607 ind.m-2), Spionidae (2.227 ind.m-2) y Diopatra rhizoicola (2.073 ind.m-2). El índice de diversidad promedio fue 2,2 bits, valor considerado de alta diversidad. La fauna íctica submareal estuvo conformada por 16 especies, destacando los géneros Auchenionchus y Labrisomus y en el intermareal se registraron 7 especies destacando Tomicodon chilensis. Se detectaron 24 especies de macroalgas: Rhodophyta (16 especies), Chlorophyta (5 especies) y Phaeophyta (3 especies), predominó Caulerpa fi liformis (submareal) y Gymnogongrus furcellatus (intermareal).


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La prospección para evaluar la biología y pesquería de Coryphaena hippurus perico o dorado, se efectuó del 10 de febrero al 1 de marzo 2010, a bordo del BIC Imarpe V. El área de extracción fue de 4°59’32,8’’ a 10°15’20,1’’S y de 79°55’16,2’’ a 84°35’04,2’’W; la captura total fue 1.500,5 kg. La CPUE varió de 0,9 a 18,2 kg/Nº Anzuelos/1000*hora efectiva de pesca. Se encontró alta selección interespecífi ca del espinel superfi cial, al capturar 87,8% de perico y 8 especies de peces, tortugas y cefalópodos. El rango de tallas para hembras fue 79 - 141 cm de LT, en machos fue 100 - 157 cm LT. El factor de condición de Fulton en machos varió de 0,30 a 0,46 y en hembras de 0,32 a 0,40. Se determinó para hembras: L∞=148,92 cm, tasa de crecimiento anual (K) 1,081, se estimó t0 = -0,076 años, el Índice de performance Ǿ= 4,38; para machos, estos parámetros fueron L∞=169,75 cm, tasa de crecimiento anual (K) de 0,893, t0 = -0,115, índice de performance Ǿ= 4,40. La curva de crecimiento en talla para hembras, indica que a un año de edad la LT es 102,4 cm y en machos 107 cm. El máximo crecimiento en peso para hembras y machos fue a 1,5 años de vida. El Índice gonadosomático (IGS) fl uctuó de 3,2 a 4,6 mostrando comportamiento heterogéneo. La proporción sexual fue de 2:1 favorable a las hembras. La fecundidad parcial fue de 324.416 ovocitos por tanda de desove. La fecundidad relativa fue 56 ovocitos/ gramo de peso corporal. El tipo de alimento fue peces, cefalópodos y crustáceos con dominancia de Exocoetus volitans (%IRI = 31,6), Argonauta spp. (%IRI = 26,4) mostrando variaciones según zonas y tallas. El consumo de alimento fue 472,7 g/ind./día correspondiente a 7,4% de su peso corporal, presentando fl uctuaciones con respecto a la talla; alimentándose en horas de la mañana, con un máximo entre las 8:00 y 9:59 horas. Se encontraron 5.762 parásitos, identifi cándose 8 especies en cuatro taxas. La prevalencia parasitaria indica que Tentacularia coryphaenae y Bathycotyle coryphaenae alcanzan el 100%, seguido por Hysterothylacium sp. 62% y Caligus coryphaenae 46%. El mayor número de parásitos se encontró en el estómago. Los peces entre 96–100 cm de LT son los más parasitados. La mayor incidencia parasitaria se encontró en la zona norte, en el tramo Paita-Salaverry. Los registros de temperatura en la columna de agua fueron de 12,7 a 27,3 °C y las ATSM de 0,2 a 4,1 °C. Por el frente oceánico se observaron comportamientos térmicos cálidos asociados a las masas de Aguas Ecuatoriales Superfi ciales y Aguas Subtropicales Superfi ciales y por la zona costera se localizaron Aguas Costeras Frías tanto en Chimbote como en Chicama con temperaturas próximas a 22,0 °C. La concentración de oxígeno disuelto superfi cial se presentó favorable para el perico.


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El Crucero de Evaluación de Recursos Pelágicos 0209-11 de los BIC’s Humboldt, Olaya y SNP-2 abarcó de Paita a IIo; se colectó 158 muestras de fitoplancton, 126 para análisis semi cuantitativo y 32 para análisis cuantitativos. El promedio de biomasa planctónica fue 1,01 mL.m-3, con núcleos de alta concentración al norte (5–6 y 7-8°S) dentro de las 30 mn. El fitoplancton fue predominante en el 37% del área evaluada con dominancia de Coscinodiscus perforatus, C. excentricus, Actinocyclus sp., Thalassiosira rotula, Pseudonitzschia pungens, Detonula confervacea, Pleurosigma sp. y Ditylum brightwellii, asociadas a especies de fase temprana en sucesión (Chaetoceros spp.). Las mayores concentraciones celulares (500x103 cel.L-1) se localizaron en los perfiles de Atico con abundancia de fitoflagelados y en Paita de diatomeas. Ceratium breve, indicador de AES se localizó al norte de los 8°S y por fuera de las 100 mn; y un pequeño núcleo frente a Huacho y Chancay por el desplazamiento de esa masa de agua. Ceratium praelongum, indicador de ASS presentó un ligero acercamiento en Callao a 30 mn y en San Juan a 60 mn. Protoperidinium obtusum, indicador de ACF amplió su distribución debido a la intensificación de los afloramientos.


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La biomasa planctónica en promedio fue 0,36 mL.m-3; el 95% de los volúmenes fue <0,5 mL.m-3, el fitoplancton fue 35% y se caracterizó por el dominio de diatomeas de afloramiento (Skeletonema costatum, Lithodesmium undulatum, Chaetoceros spp., Thalassiosira subtilis y Thalassionema nit schioides) entre Salaverry- Chancay y Pisco-Ilo (30 mn) y abundancia de diatomeas oceánicas y dinoflagelados termófilos (Guinardia striata, G. flaccida, Cerataulina pelagica, Coscinodiscus wailesii, Proboscia spp., Ceratium massiliense, C. tripos v. atlanticum y Goniodoma polyedricum) entre Puerto Pizarro-Chicama y Punta Mendieta–Ilo hasta 120 mn en la zona norte. La distribución de los indicadores biológicos estuvieron acorde a las condiciones ambientales, Protoperidinium obtusum, indicador de Aguas Costeras Frías se registró desde Punta Falsa hasta Ilo (30 mn). Ceratium praelongum y C. incisum, indicadores de Aguas Subtropicales Superficiales se registraron frente a Punta Falsa y San Juan (60 mn) ampliando su distribución en Atico (120 mn). Ceratium breve, indicador de AES estuvo ampliamente distribuido al norte de 10°S (120 mn), con acercamientos a la costa en Puerto Pizarro y Punta Falsa. Messodinium rubrum se registró desde Punta Mendieta hasta Matarani, concentración de 8756x103 cel.L-1.