995 resultados para atividades prático-investigativas
Relatamos aqui resultados parciais de um estudo que analisou o desempenho de futuros professores quando, durante o desenvolvimento de uma disciplina de Prática de Ensino de Física, foram solicitados a planejar, elaborar e ministrar, em situações reais de sala de aula, tópicos de ensino de termologia a uma turma de estudantes, dentre os quais se incluíam alunos com deficiência visual. Os dados coletados mostram que as principais dificuldades apresentadas pelos futuros professores referem-se à abordagem do conhecer fenômenos físicos como dependente do ver. Por outro lado, como alternativas, os futuros professores mostraram criatividade em superar atitudes passivas relativas à problemática educacional considerada e a elaboração de estratégias metodológicas destituídas da relação conhecer/ver.
TEMA: a voz do professor tem sido foco de estudos nas últimas duas décadas devido à alta ocorrência de alterações vocais nesta classe profissional, assim, reforçou-se a necessidade dos professores participarem de ações para garantir saúde vocal. Poucos são os estudos na literatura que descrevem programas e seus resultados. PROCEDIMENTOS: Descrever um Programa de Saúde Vocal desenvolvido no período 2002 a 2005, para educadores de ensino público (infantil e fundamental) do interior do Estado de São Paulo, composto por grupos básicos de voz oferecendo conhecimento teórico prático de cuidados vocais, com triagem da qualidade da voz dos participantes; grupos avançados buscando reorganização dos processos de fonação e do uso vocal em sala de aula. RESULTADOS: em média 56% dos educadores inscritos frequentaram as ações; 62,9% das vozes apresentavam distúrbios na triagem vocal com maioria em grau discreto; no início dos grupos avançados 100% dos educadores participantes referiram mais de 3 sintomas associados ao uso vocal, e após, somente 45% deles ainda de 4 a 13 sintomas; os dados de autopercepção vocal revelaram baixos escores de impacto da voz nas atividades profissionais. CONCLUSÃO: a descrição revelou a necessidade de ajustes constantes do programa para alcançar seus objetivos. A baixa participação às ações pode estar relacionada à presença de impacto discreto da voz nas atividades profissionais, fato a ser mais bem investigado no futuro, e o benefício constatado objetivamente da participação dos educadores nos grupos avançados de voz foi a diminuição na quantidade de sintomas vocais.
Uma caracterização do perfil sorológico de 102 indivíduos com constantes atividades no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso foi realizada por meio de fichas epidemiológicas e provas sorológicas para titulação de anticorpos contra o vírus da raiva, no período de novembro de 1999 a novembro de 2000. Dessas pessoas, 27 tinham sido vacinadas em esquema de pré-exposição e 75 não tinham recebido nenhum esquema de vacinação anti-rábica. Os resultados deste estudo puderam classificar os indivíduos em diferentes grupos (G1, G2, G3 e G4). As 19 (18,6%) pessoas do grupo G1, previamente vacinadas contra raiva, apresentaram titulação abaixo de 0,5 UI/mL; no grupo G2, as 8 (7,8%) pessoas, também previamente vacinadas, apresentaram títulos superiores a 0,5UI/mL; no grupo G3, as 67 (65,6%) pessoas, não vacinadas contra o vírus rábico, apresentaram titulação abaixo de 0,5UI/mL; e finalmente no grupo G4, as 8 (7,8%) pessoas, que nunca receberam esquema vacinal, apresentaram títulos acima de 0,5UI/mL. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que existe necessidade de avaliação epidemiológica e acompanhamento sorológico. de pessoas submetidas a vacinação anti-rábica pré-exposição em hospitais veterinários.
This paper reflects on the conceptions of adventure and risk, revealed in activities in nature. The presented speeches are contained in a research, whose boarding works with a universe of reasons, aspirations, values, beliefs and attitudes, corresponding to a deeper space of the processes, relations and phenomena. It was possible to perceive that the adventure activities in nature are carrying of innumerable meanings, related with new discoveries, new challenges, search for the stranger, uncertainty, cooperation, friendship, among others. Such activities understand diverse forms of experimentation, pointing besides to physical risk, the symbolic and imaginary risk.
Covers cartographic aspects related to characterization and map-making of watersheds, in surveys relating to agronomic activities. The recommendations, about scales and others specifications of thematic maps, were established in conformity with the dimension and complexity of watershed. -English summary
The authors describe paroxismal epileptiform EEG abnormalities in patients with chronic renal failure. One patient presented paroxismal epileptiform abnormalities in the right parietal region which proceded partial oculo-clonic motor seizures followed by a stroke localized in the same region. This was the main electroclinical correlation found, which, however, was not observed in other patients. Dialysis sessions may improve or worsen these paroxismal epileptiform abnormalities.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase activities during the refrigeration at 4oC of yacon tuberous roots with and without polyethylene packing and compared with untreated roots at regular conditions. It was concluded that refrigeration treatment maintains a low activity of these enzymes and keeps good appearance of the roots.
There are a large number of institutions, proposals and publications in the field of disorders resulting from the use of psychoactive substances. There is no corresponding progress in results obtained in clinical treatments. Concepts and appropriate points of view are indispensable. The vision of the world drug addicts is not only determined by the biochemical effects of intoxication, but also by the experience they go through, by their own way of living. By accepting such postulate, we may conceptualize the problem, thus benefiting research studies and more efficient treatments. Preventing intoxication, upon the onset of dependence, depends on educational, social, legal and other measures, which can neither be studied nor practiced by medicine.
Partial outcomes of a study aimed to verify future High School teachers performance during the development of a Teaching Practice undergraduate course. The student teachers were asked to plan, elaborate and teach, in a classroom situation, optics topics to a class which included visual handicapped pupils. Data analysis shows that the main difficulties found by the student physics' teachers are related to which approach will be used to perceive phenomena dependent on vision and also to the need to break away from traditional pedagogy.. On the other hand, as alternatives, future teachers have shown creativity in order to overcome passive aptitudes related to this educational problem, working out methodological strategies that do not require the knowing/seeing relation, as well as, emphasizing oral communication within the physics teaching context. Copyright by the Sociedade Brasileira de Física.
The aim of this study was to determine the serum activities of enzymes aspartate aminotransferase, creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase in Arabian horses submitted to exercise on high-speed equine treadmill. Eleven mature Arabian horse were training and submitted to Standard Incremental Exercise Test on high-speed equine treadmill. Venous blood samples were taken before exercise, immediately and 30 min, 60min, 3h, 6h, 24h, 3 days and 5 days after exercise. The serum activity aspartate aminotransferase, creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase were determined. The serum activies of AST, CK and LDH increase immediately and returned to baseline value 30 minutes after exercise. The AST enzyme activity increased at 12 hours and 24 hours, CK at 3 hours and 6 hours, and LDH at 24 hours after Standard Incremental Exercise Test.
This study aimed to identify the level of dependence in elderly inpatients when performing Basic Activities of Daily Living. This quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted in the Adult Ward of the Botucatu University Hospital Emergency Unit - UNESP, Brazil. Data was collected by means of interviews, observation, and individual medical chart consultation, to be analyzed via logistic regression using the statistical software package SAS for Windows, version 9.2. The sample consisted of 71 subjects with a mean age of 74.30 years. It was observed that 30.99% of the older individuals showed to be independent in performing the proposed activities; 22.53% were partly dependent; and 46.48% were fully dependent. Gerontology care must aim at maintaining functional conditions, thus promoting independence and preserving these individuals' dignity.
The study aimed to examine the quality of interpersonal relationships developed between a child with cerebral palsy (CP) and his classmates during group play activities carried out in the classroom and during recess. The participants of the study were a boy with clinical diagnosis of quadriplegic CP, his teacher and classmates. Data collection was carried out by means of a structured interview with the teacher and of video recording the child with CP interacting with his classmates in play activities. The interview data analysis was carried out using qualitative procedures and the video recording was analyzed using a category system. The results showed that the teacher perceived the child with CP to be interested; he participated in play activities and interacted successfully both with familiar partners and with all classmates in general. On the other hand, the analysis of the video recorded activities showed that even though interaction did in fact occur positively, the child with CP remained mostly an observer of the activities rather than an active participant, possibly due to the gap between the child's possibilities and the requirements imposed by the activities underway in the school setting.
The Ribeira de Iguape River basin received intense mining activities for lead exploiting and, as a result, the river received the discharges of estimated amounts of 5.5 tons/month of material rich in As, Ba, Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr and Zn. In this article, the toxicity of waters and sediments collected in Ribeira de Iguape River was assessed aiming to estimate environmental quality. Three sampling campaigns were conducted, from 2009 to 2010. Toxicity tests with the cladoceran Daphnia similis were done for water samples and for sediments, in this case using sediment-water interface exposure. Results showed in general absence of toxicity for sediments and waters, and only eventually were acute effects registered (marginal toxicity). Results are consistent with the conditions indicated by the literature, of low concentrations of metals in waters and sediments; however they differ from the monitoring made by the state environmental agency, which registered chronic toxicity. The occurrence of eventual acute toxicity indicates that although Ribeira de Iguape River quality is being restored, conditions still are not totally under control.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)