650 resultados para antineoplastic antimetabolite


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The retinoblastoma susceptibility gene (Rb) participates in controlling the G1/S-phase transition, presumably by binding and inactivating E2F transcription activator family members. Mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) with no, one, or two inactivated Rb genes were used to determine the specific contributions of Rb protein to cell cycle progression and gene expression. MEFs lacking both Rb alleles (Rb-/-) entered S phase in the presence of the dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor methotrexate. Two E2F target genes, dihydrofolate reductase and thymidylate synthase, displayed elevated mRNA and protein levels in Rb- MEFs. Since absence of functional Rb protein in MEFs is sufficient for S-phase entry under growth-limiting conditions, these data indicate that the E2F complexes containing Rb protein, and not the Rb-related proteins p107 and p130, may be rate limiting for the G1/S transition. Antineoplastic drugs caused accumulation of p53 in the nuclei of both Rb+/+ and Rb-/- MEFs. While p53 induction led to apoptosis in Rb-/- MEFs, Rb+/- and Rb+/+ MEFs underwent cell cycle arrest without apoptosis. These results reveal that diverse growth signals work through Rb to regulate entry into S phase, and they indicate that absence of Rb protein produces a constitutive DNA replication signal capable of activating a p53-associated apoptotic response.


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Trata-se de estudo descritivo, exploratório, transversal, quantitativo, realizado com mulheres em tratamento quimioterápico para neoplasias de mama, em Aracaju-Sergipe-Brasil. O objetivo foi avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (QVRS) destas mulheres que apresentaram reações adversas pós quimioterapia. Foram utilizados instrumentos contendo dados sócio demográficos, clínicos e terapêuticos, European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core30 e formulário de registro de toxicidades dos antineoplásicos. Na análise dos dados, foram utilizados análise descritiva, cálculos de percentual, teste de Shapiro-Wilk, coeficiente de correlação de Pearson ou de Spearman, teste de ANOVA ou Kruskal-Wallis. Os resultados mostraram dados de 206 mulheres, a partir da segunda sessão de quimioterapia, com média de idade de 53,1 anos, maioria procedente de Sergipe, com Carcinoma Ductal Infiltrante, estadiamento III. A maioria realizou cirurgia oncológica, não realizaram radioterapia devido à grande fila de espera, o protocolo de quimioterapia mais comum foi TAC (docetaxel, doxorrubicina e ciclofosfamida). Quanto às reações adversas, a maioria não apresentou alterações hematológicas e metabólicas no momento da coleta das informações, nas alterações funcionais, a fadiga foi presente em 80,8% dos casos, de forma moderada. Nas alterações gastrintestinais, diarreia, constipação, mucosite, náusea, vômito e dor abdominal foram citadas pela maioria. Nas alterações dermatológicas, a alopecia, hiperpigmentação na pele, alterações nas unhas, prurido na pele, descamação e eritema multiforme foram citadas pelas entrevistadas. Nas alterações cardiovasculares, hipotensão e HAS sobressaíram-se. Nas alterações neurológicas, neuropatia periférica, perda da audição e zumbido foram comuns. Os resultados da avaliação da QVRS foram analisadas à luz do referencial teórico de Ferrel et al. (1995) com os seguintes resultados: média do escore 76,01; escalas funcionais apresentaram escore baixo, com aspectos físico, emocional, cognitivo, funcional e social bastante afetados após o tratamento, o desempenho de papéis e função emocional foram os mais prejudicados; na escala de sintomas, os domínios mais prejudicados foram: dificuldades financeiras, fadiga e insônia. Na análise de correlação, o escore geral da QVRS apresentou correlação estatisticamente significante com a quantidade de reações adversas na medula óssea. Em todos os casos estatisticamente significantes o domínio emocional apresentou correlações positivas e o domínio dor, correlações negativas. A idade apresentou correlação estatisticamente significante e negativa com os domínios físico e dificuldades financeiras e positiva com perda de apetite. Pelo procedimento de comparações múltiplas, as diferenças ocorreram entre os estados civis casado e separado e também casado e solteiro, entre as religiões católica e evangélica, entre os ensinos fundamental e médio e entre médio e superior; para a extensão da doença os domínios dor e insônia apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre as categorias de extensão. Para renda mensal, os domínios fisico, desempenho de papel, emocional, constipação e dificuldades financeiras apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre as categorias de renda. Nos domínios fisico, desempenho de papel e emocional as diferenças ocorreram entre as faixas de 1 a 3 e mais de 6 salários. Concluiu-se que as reações adversas causadas pelo tratamento antineoplásico com quimioterapia afetaram de algum modo as pacientes, causando déficits em vários domínios, prejudicando assim sua QVRS


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A estimulação elétrica neuromuscular (EENM) é uma recente técnica terapêutica no tratamento das disfagias orofaríngeas. Poucos estudos utilizaram a EENM em casos oncológicos, havendo muitas dúvidas sobre o método de aplicação e os resultados de diferentes condições de estimulação nessa população. Este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar o efeito imediato da EENM sensorial e motora, nas fases oral e faríngea da deglutição, em pacientes após tratamento do câncer de cabeça e pescoço. Para isso foi realizado um estudo transversal intervencional que incluiu 11 pacientes adultos e idosos (mediana de 59 anos) acometidos por câncer de cabeça e pescoço. Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos ao exame de videofluoroscopia da deglutição, no qual, de modo randomizado, foram solicitadas deglutições de 5 ml de alimentos nas consistências líquida, mel e pudim em três condições distintas: sem estimulação, com EENM sensorial, com EENM motora. Foi classificado o grau da disfunção da deglutição por meio da escala DOSS (Dysphagia Outcome and Severity Scale), a presença de estase de alimentos (escala de Eisenhuber), de penetração laríngea, aspiração laringotraqueal (Penetration and Aspiration Scale - PAS), além da medida do tempo de trânsito oral e faríngeo (em segundos). Para a comparação dos resultados, considerando os três estímulos aplicados, na escala de resíduos, na escala de penetração aspiração, na escala DOSS e no tempo de trânsito oral e faríngeo foi aplicado o teste de Friedman ou a análise de variância para medidas repetidas (de acordo com a distribuição dos dados). Para todos os testes foi adotado nível de significância de 5%. Os resultados demonstraram que houve melhora com a estimulação sensorial e motora na escala DOSS e na escala PAS para um paciente tratado de câncer de boca e outro de laringe e piora, em ambas as escalas, para dois pacientes (câncer de boca), sendo um para a estimulação motora e outro na sensorial. A aplicação da escala de Eisenhuber permitiu verificar que a EENM, tanto em nível sensorial como motor, modificou de forma variável a presença de resíduos para os casos de câncer de boca, enquanto para o paciente com câncer de laringe houve redução de resíduos em valécula/raiz da língua para a estimulação sensorial e motora, além de aumento de resíduos em parede posterior da faringe com o estímulo motor. Além disso, não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significante para o tempo de trânsito oral e faríngeo nas diferentes estimulações para todas as consistências testadas (p>0,05). Diante desses achados, concluiu-se que a EENM, em nível sensorial e motor, apresentou variável impacto imediato nas fases oral e faríngea da deglutição, podendo melhorar a função de deglutição de pacientes com significante disfagia após o tratamento para o câncer de cabeça e pescoço, no que se diz respeito ao grau da disfagia e à presença de penetração e aspiração.


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Avaliou-se a atividade quimiopreventiva da tributirina (TB), e da vitamina A (VA) administradas em associação ou não, antes, durante e após a iniciação em ratos submetidos a modelo de carcinogênese de cólon. Ratos Wistar receberam VA [1 mg/100 g de p.c (grupo VA)], tributirina [200 mg/100 g de p.c (grupo TB)] ou associação de VA com TB (grupo VA+TB). Ratos tratados com óleo de milho e maltodextrina serviram como controle (GC). Avaliou-se a presença de focos de criptas aberrantes (FCA) e sua localização nos cólons, além de danos e do padrão de metilação global do DNA na mucosa colônica. No cólon total, distal e proximal, o grupo TB apresentou menor (p<0,05) número de FCA com 4 ou mais criptas/cm2, considerados mais agressivos, em relação ao GC. Quanto aos danos no DNA, os grupos VA, TB e VA+TB apresentaram cometas de comprimentos menores (p<0,05) em comparação ao GC. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes quanto ao padrão de metilação global do DNA. Assim, TB consiste em agente quimiopreventivo promissor da carcinogênese de cólon quando administrada isoladamente, mas não em associação com a VA. 15


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Cette thèse se compose en deux parties: Première Partie: La conception et la synthèse d’analogues pyrrolidiniques, utilisés comme agents anticancéreux, dérivés du FTY720. FTY720 est actuellement commercialisé comme médicament (GilenyaTM) pour le traitement de la sclérose en plaques rémittente-récurrente. Il agit comme immunosuppresseur en raison de son effet sur les récepteurs de la sphingosine-1-phosphate. A fortes doses, FTY720 présente un effet antinéoplasique. Cependant, à de telles doses, un des effets secondaires observé est la bradycardie dû à l’activation des récepteurs S1P1 et S1P3. Ceci limite son potentiel d’utilisation lors de chimiothérapie. Nos précédentes études ont montré que des analogues pyrrolidiniques dérivés du FTY720 présentaient une activité anticancéreuse mais aucune sur les récepteurs S1P1 et S1P3. Nous avons soumis l’idée qu’une étude relation structure-activité (SARs) pourrait nous conduire à la découverte de nouveaux agents anti tumoraux. Ainsi, deux séries de composés pyrrolidiniques (O-arylmethyl substitué et C-arylmethyl substitué) ont pu être envisagés et synthétisés (Chapitre 1). Ces analogues ont montré d’excellentes activités cytotoxiques contre diverses cellules cancéreuses humaines (prostate, colon, sein, pancréas et leucémie), plus particulièrement les analogues actifs qui ne peuvent pas être phosphorylés par SphK, présentent un plus grand potentiel pour le traitement du cancer sans effet secondaire comme la bradycardie. Les études mécanistiques suggèrent que ces analogues de déclencheurs de régulation négative sur les transporteurs de nutriments induisent une crise bioénergétique en affamant les cellules cancéreuses. Afin d’approfondir nos connaissances sur les récepteurs cibles, nous avons conçu et synthétisé des sondes diazirine basées sur le marquage d’affinité aux photons (méthode PAL: Photo-Affinity Labeling) (Chapitre 2). En s’appuyant sur la méthode PAL, il est possible de récolter des informations sur les récepteurs cibles à travers l’analyse LC/MS/MS de la protéine. Ces tests sont en cours et les résultats sont prometteurs. Deuxième partie: Coordination métallique et catalyse di fonctionnelle de dérivés β-hydroxy cétones tertiaires. Les réactions de Barbier et de Grignard sont des méthodes classiques pour former des liaisons carbone-carbone, et généralement utilisées pour la préparation d’alcools secondaires et tertiaires. En vue d’améliorer la réaction de Grignard avec le 1-iodobutane dans les conditions « one-pot » de Barbier, nous avons obtenu comme produit majoritaire la β-hydroxy cétone provenant de l’auto aldolisation de la 5-hexen-2-one, plutôt que le produit attendu d’addition de l’alcool (Chapitre 3). La formation inattendue de la β-hydroxy cétone a également été observée en utilisant d’autres dérivés méthyl cétone. Étonnement dans la réaction intramoléculaire d’une tricétone, connue pour former la cétone Hajos-Parrish, le produit majoritaire est rarement la β-hydroxy cétone présentant la fonction alcool en position axiale. Intrigué par ces résultats et après l’étude systématique des conditions de réaction, nous avons développé deux nouvelles méthodes à travers la synthèse sélective et catalytique de β-hydroxy cétones spécifiques par cyclisation intramoléculaire avec des rendements élevés (Chapitre 4). La réaction peut être catalysée soit par une base adaptée et du bromure de lithium comme additif en passant par un état de transition coordonné au lithium, ou bien soit à l’aide d’un catalyseur TBD di fonctionnel, via un état de transition médiée par une coordination bidenté au TBD. Les mécanismes proposés ont été corroborés par calcul DFT. Ces réactions catalytiques ont également été appliquées à d’autres substrats comme les tricétones et les dicétones. Bien que les efforts préliminaires afin d’obtenir une enantioselectivité se sont révélés sans succès, la synthèse et la recherche de nouveaux catalyseurs chiraux sont en cours.


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Cette thèse se compose en deux parties: Première Partie: La conception et la synthèse d’analogues pyrrolidiniques, utilisés comme agents anticancéreux, dérivés du FTY720. FTY720 est actuellement commercialisé comme médicament (GilenyaTM) pour le traitement de la sclérose en plaques rémittente-récurrente. Il agit comme immunosuppresseur en raison de son effet sur les récepteurs de la sphingosine-1-phosphate. A fortes doses, FTY720 présente un effet antinéoplasique. Cependant, à de telles doses, un des effets secondaires observé est la bradycardie dû à l’activation des récepteurs S1P1 et S1P3. Ceci limite son potentiel d’utilisation lors de chimiothérapie. Nos précédentes études ont montré que des analogues pyrrolidiniques dérivés du FTY720 présentaient une activité anticancéreuse mais aucune sur les récepteurs S1P1 et S1P3. Nous avons soumis l’idée qu’une étude relation structure-activité (SARs) pourrait nous conduire à la découverte de nouveaux agents anti tumoraux. Ainsi, deux séries de composés pyrrolidiniques (O-arylmethyl substitué et C-arylmethyl substitué) ont pu être envisagés et synthétisés (Chapitre 1). Ces analogues ont montré d’excellentes activités cytotoxiques contre diverses cellules cancéreuses humaines (prostate, colon, sein, pancréas et leucémie), plus particulièrement les analogues actifs qui ne peuvent pas être phosphorylés par SphK, présentent un plus grand potentiel pour le traitement du cancer sans effet secondaire comme la bradycardie. Les études mécanistiques suggèrent que ces analogues de déclencheurs de régulation négative sur les transporteurs de nutriments induisent une crise bioénergétique en affamant les cellules cancéreuses. Afin d’approfondir nos connaissances sur les récepteurs cibles, nous avons conçu et synthétisé des sondes diazirine basées sur le marquage d’affinité aux photons (méthode PAL: Photo-Affinity Labeling) (Chapitre 2). En s’appuyant sur la méthode PAL, il est possible de récolter des informations sur les récepteurs cibles à travers l’analyse LC/MS/MS de la protéine. Ces tests sont en cours et les résultats sont prometteurs. Deuxième partie: Coordination métallique et catalyse di fonctionnelle de dérivés β-hydroxy cétones tertiaires. Les réactions de Barbier et de Grignard sont des méthodes classiques pour former des liaisons carbone-carbone, et généralement utilisées pour la préparation d’alcools secondaires et tertiaires. En vue d’améliorer la réaction de Grignard avec le 1-iodobutane dans les conditions « one-pot » de Barbier, nous avons obtenu comme produit majoritaire la β-hydroxy cétone provenant de l’auto aldolisation de la 5-hexen-2-one, plutôt que le produit attendu d’addition de l’alcool (Chapitre 3). La formation inattendue de la β-hydroxy cétone a également été observée en utilisant d’autres dérivés méthyl cétone. Étonnement dans la réaction intramoléculaire d’une tricétone, connue pour former la cétone Hajos-Parrish, le produit majoritaire est rarement la β-hydroxy cétone présentant la fonction alcool en position axiale. Intrigué par ces résultats et après l’étude systématique des conditions de réaction, nous avons développé deux nouvelles méthodes à travers la synthèse sélective et catalytique de β-hydroxy cétones spécifiques par cyclisation intramoléculaire avec des rendements élevés (Chapitre 4). La réaction peut être catalysée soit par une base adaptée et du bromure de lithium comme additif en passant par un état de transition coordonné au lithium, ou bien soit à l’aide d’un catalyseur TBD di fonctionnel, via un état de transition médiée par une coordination bidenté au TBD. Les mécanismes proposés ont été corroborés par calcul DFT. Ces réactions catalytiques ont également été appliquées à d’autres substrats comme les tricétones et les dicétones. Bien que les efforts préliminaires afin d’obtenir une enantioselectivité se sont révélés sans succès, la synthèse et la recherche de nouveaux catalyseurs chiraux sont en cours.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Issue for Dec. 1968 has subtitle: Program information.


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Originally prepared for the Louisiana Regional Medical Program under the direction of C. Dennis Fink and Robert F. Ryan.


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Bis-cyclic butenolides, 5-arylated 2(5H)-furanones 6a-c, 7a, b and the 3(2H)-pyridazones 9a-d were prepared by using the aldehyde form of muco halogen acids in electrophilic substitution reactions and in an aldol-like condensation reaction. The cytotoxicity of these simple and bis-cyclic butenolides have been evaluated in tissue culture studies on MAC 13 and MAC 16 murine colon cancer cell lines. The butyl furanone 3 displayed the highest cytotoxicity of 3 μM, as one selected example of a series of dichlorinated pseudoesters. The 5-arylated 2(5H)-furanones 6 and 7 did not show a structure-activity relationship (SAR) depending on the substitution pattern of the aromatic system. An IC50 (concentration inhibiting growth by 50%) was found within a range of 30-50 and 40-50 μM for the MAC 13 and MAC 16 cell lines, respectively. The pyridazine series 9 showed a maximum in-vitro activity for the p-methoxydrivative 9b, having an IC50 of 17 in MAC 13 and 11 μM in MAC 16 cell lines. Selected examples of each series and further novel 2(5H)-furanones such as the hydrazone 5 and the hydantoin 8 have been screened in-vivo in mice and the data are presented. For the pyridazines 9a-d, the in-vitro cytotoxicity correlated with an in-vivo inhibition of tumour growth. The ring expansion of the 5-membered 2(5H)-furanone ring system such as 6a into the 6-membered 3(2H)-pyridazone 9b led to an agent with improved antineoplastic properties. On the resistant MAC 16 cell line the pyridazone 9b displayed 52% tumour inhibition in mice at a dose of 50 mg kg-1 compared with 27% for the 5-FU standard.


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Protein kinase C (PKC) is considered to be the major receptor for tumour promoting phorbol esters such as 12-0- tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). These agents evoke a plethora of biological effects on cells in culture. The growth of A549 human lung carcinoma cells maintained in medium fortified with 10% foetal calf serum (FCS) is arrested for 6 days by TPA and other biologically active phorbol esters. In the work described in this thesis, the hypothesis was tested that modulation of PKC activity is closely related to events pivotal for cytostasis to occur. The effect of several phorbol esters, of newly synthesized analogues of diacylglycerols (DAG) and of bryostatins (bryos) on cell growth and ability to modulate activity of PKC has been investigated.Determination of the subcellular distribution of PKC following treatment of cells with TPA and partial enzyme purification by non-denaturing poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed translocation of enzyme activity from cytosoUc to paniculate fraction. Chronic exposure of cells to TPA resulted in a time and concentration dependent degradation of enzyme activity. Synthetic DAG and DAG analogues, unable to arrest the growth of cells at non-toxic concentrations, were neither able to affect subcellular PKC distribution nor compete effectively for phorbol ester binding sites at physiologically relevant concentrations. Bryos 1,2,4 and 5, natural products, possessing antineoplastic activity in mice, elicited transient arrest of A549 cell growth in vitro. They successfully competed for phorbol ester receptors in A549 cells with exquisite affinity and induced a shift in sub-cellular PKC distribution, though not to the same extent as PTA. Enzyme down-regulation resulted from prolonged exposure of cells to nanomolar concentrations of bryos. In vivo studies demonstrated that neither PDBu nor bryo 1 was able to inhibit A549 xenograft growth in athymic mice. The growth of A549 cell populations cultured under conditions of serum-deprivation was inhibited only transiently by biologically active phorbol esters. Fortification of serum-free medium with EGF or fetuin was able to partially restore sensitivity to maintained growth arrest by PTA. PKC translocation to the paniculate cellular fraction and subsequent enzyme down-regulation, induced by TPA, occurred in a manner similar to that observed in serum-supplemented cells. However, total PKC activity and cytosolic phorbol ester binding potential were greatly reduced in the serum-deprived cell population. Western blot analysis using monospecific monoclonal antibodies revealed the presence of PKC-a in both A549 cell populations, with significantly reduced protein levels in serum- deprived cells. PKC-/9 was not detected in either cell population.


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Temozolomide is an imidazotetrazinone with antineoplastic properties. It is structurally related to dacarbazine. Temozolomide was not metabolized in vitro by liver fractions. Chemical decomposition appears to play an important r^ole in its in vitro and in vivo disposition. In contrast, 3-methylbenzotriazinone, a structural analogue, was metabolized by hepatic microsomes to afford benzotriazinone and a hydrophilic metabolite. The cytotoxicity of temozolomide, dacarbazine, 5-[3-(hydroxy-methyl-3-methyl-triazen-1-yl]imidazole-5-carboxamide (HMMTIC) and 3-monomethyl-(triazen-1-yl)imidazole-4-carboxamide (MTIC) were investigated in TLX5 murine lymphoma cells. Unlike dacarbazine, which was not toxic, MTIC, HMMTIC and temozolomide were cytotoxic in the absence of microsomes. Decarbazine was only cytotoxic in the presence of microsomes. The formation of MTIC from dacarbazine, HMMTIC and temozolomide was determined by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography in mixtures incubated under conditions identical to those described before. MTIC was generated chemically from temozolomide and HMMTIC metabolically from dacarbazine. Using [14C]temozolomide, it was found that, in mice, the major route of excretion of the drug is via the kidneys. An acidic metabolite (metabolite I) was found in the urine of mice which had received temozolomide but its identity has not been established. 1H NMR, UV and chemical analyses revealed that Metabolite I possesses an intact NNN linkage and the site of metabolism is at the N3 methyl group. A further acidic metabolite (metabolite II) was found in the urine of patients. Metabolite II was unambiguously identified as the 8-carboxylic acid derivative of temozolomide. In vitro cytotoxicity assay showed that ony metabolite II is cytotoxic but not metabolite I. Pharmacokinetic studies of temozolomide and MTIC in vivo were performed on mice bearing TLX5 tumour. Temozolomide was eliminated from the plasma monophasically with a t1/2 of 0.7hr. MTIC was identified as a product of decomposition. MTIC was eliminated rapidly with a t1/2 of 2min. Though temozolomide shares many biochemical and biological similarities with clinically used dacarbazine, the results obtained in this study show that it differs markedly in its pharmacokinetic properties from dacarbazine, as temozolomide produced relatively sustained plasma levels which were reflected by drug concentrations in the tumour.


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Disturbances in electrolyte homeostasis are a frequent adverse side-effect of the administration of aminoglycoside antibiotics such as gentamicin, and the antineoplastic agent cis-platinum. The aims of this work were to further elucidate the site(s) and mechanism(s) by which these drugs may produce disturbances in the renal reabsorption of calcium and magnesium. These investigations were undertaken using a range of in vivo and in vitro techniques and models. Initially, a series of in vivo studies was conducted to delineate aspects of the acute and chronic effects of both drugs on renal electrolyte handling and to select and evaluate an appropriate animal model: subsequent investigations were focused on gentamicin. In a study of the acute and chronic effects of cis-platinum administration, there were pronounced acute changes in a variety of indices of nephrotoxic injury, including electrolyte excretion. Most effects resolved but there were chronic increases in the urinary excretion of calcium and magnesium. The renal response of three strains of rat (Fischer 344, Sprague-Dawley (SD), and Wistar) to a ranges of doses of gentamicin was also investigated. Drug administration produced substantially different responses between strains, in particular marked differences in calcium and magnesium excretion. The results suggested that the SD rat was an appropriately sensitive strain for use in further investigations. Acute infusion of gentamicin in the anaesthetised SD rat produced rapid, substantial increases in the fractional excretion of calcium and magnesium, while sodium and potassium output were unaffected, confirming previous results of similar experiments using F344 rats. Studies using lithium clearance measurements in the anaesthetised SD rat were undertaken to investigate the effects of gentamicin on proximal tubular calcium reabsorption. Lithium clearance was unaffected by acute gentamicin infusion, suggesting that the site of acute gentamicin-induced hypercalciuria may not be located in the proximal tubule. Inhibition of Ca2+ ATPase activity was investigated as a potential mechanism by which calcium reabsorption could be affected after aminoglycoside administration. In vitro, both Ca2+ ATPase and Na+/K+ ATPase activity could be similarly inhibited by the presence of aminoglycosides, in a dose-related manner. Whilst inhibition of Na+/K+ ATPase could be demonstrated biochemically after in vivo administration of gentamicin, there were no concurrent effects on Ca2+ ATPase activity, suggesting that inhibition of Ca2+ ATPase activity is unlikely to be a primary mechanism of aminoglycoside-induced reductions of calcium reabsorption. Histochemical studies could not discern inhibition of either Na+/K+ ATPase or Ca2+ ATPase activity after in vivo administration of gentamicin. Selection of renal cell lines for further investigative in vitro studies on the mechanisms of altered cation reabsorption was considered using MTT (3-(4,5,-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) and Neutral Red cytotoxicity assays. The ability of LLC-PK1 and LLC-RK1 cell lines to correctly rank a series of nephrotoxic compounds with their known nephrotoxic potency in vivo was studied. Using these cell lines grown on semi-permeable inserts, alterations in the paracellular transport of 45Ca was investigated as a possible mechanism by which gentamicin could alter calcium reabsorption in vivo. Short term exposure (I h) of LLC-RK1 cells to gentamicin, via both cell surfaces, resulted in a reduction in paracellular permeability to both transepithelial 3H-mannitol and 45Ca fluxes. When LLC-RK1 cells were exposed via the apical surface only, similar dose-related reductions were seen to those observed when cells were exposed to the drug from both sides. Short-term basal exposure to gentamicin appeared to contribute less to the observed reductions in 3H-mannitol and 45Ca fluxes. Experiments investigating transepithelial movement of 45Ca and 3H-mannitol on LLC-PK1 cells after acute gentamicin exposure were inconclusive. Longer exposure (48 h) to gentamicin caused an increase in the permeability of the monolayer and a consequent increase in transepithelial 45Ca flux in the LLC-RK1 cell line; increases in permeability of LLC-PK1 cells to 45Ca and 3H-mannitol were not apparent under the same conditions. The site and mechanism at which gentamicin, in particular, alters calcium reabsorption cannot be definitively described from these studies. However, indirect evidence from lithium clearance studies suggests that the site of the lesion is unlikely to be located in the proximal tubule. The mechanism by which gentamicin exposure alters calcium reabsorption may be by reducing paracellular permeability to calcium rather than by altering active calcium transport processes.


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Background: Recent attention on chemotherapeutic intervention against cancer has been focused on discovering and developing phytochemicals as anticancer agents with improved efficacy, low drug resistance and toxicity, low cost and limited adverse side effects. In this study, we investigated the effects of Curcuma C20-dialdehyde on growth, apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in colon and cervical cancer cell lines. Materials and Methods: Antiproliferative, apoptosis induction, and cell cycle arrest activities of Curcuma C20-dialdehyde were determined by WST cell proliferation assay, flow cytometric Alexa fluor 488-annexin V/propidium iodide (PI) staining and PI staining, respectively. Results: Curcuma C20 dialdehyde suppressed the proliferation of HCT116, HT29 and HeLa cells, with IC50 values of 65.4±1.74 μg/ml, 58.4±5.20 μg/ml and 72.0±0.03 μg/ml, respectively, with 72 h exposure. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that percentages of early apoptotic cells increased in a dose-dependent manner upon exposure to Curcuma C20-dialdehyde. Furthermore, exposure to lower concentrations of this compound significantly induced cell cycle arrest at G1 phase for both HCT116 and HT29 cells, while higher concentrations increased sub-G1 populations. However, the concentrations used in this study could not induce cell cycle arrest but rather induced apoptotic cell death in HeLa cells. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the phytochemical Curcuma C20-dialdehyde may be a potential antineoplastic agent for colon and cervical cancer chemotherapy and/or chemoprevention. Further studies are needed to characterize the drug target or mode of action of the Curcuma C20-dialdehyde as an anticancer agent.


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Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common form of cancer in children and is responsible for severe stomatologic complications. Treatment consists of four phases of chemotherapy, the main side effect of methotrexate, the drug most used during the intensification phase, is oral mucositis. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical aspects of the oral mucosa of children with ALL and to determine the effect of 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate on the prevention of stomatologic complications in these patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirty-three children treated for ALL ranging in age from 2 to 15 years, without distinction of gender or race, were submitted to visual examination, digital palpation of the oral mucosa and cytologic examination of the buccal mucosa, and divided into two groups: group I consisted of 23 children using an oral solution of 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate twice a day, and group II consisted of 10 children who did not receive this solution. All children received daily oral hygiene care guided by the dentist throughout treatment. RESULTS: Mucositis was observed in six children of group I and eight of group II, and was characterized by erythema, edema and ulcers. Uniform cytologic findings were obtained for the two groups, with a clear predominance of cells of the intermediate layer in all smears, in addition to a perinuclear halo in 18% of the smears. CONCLUSION: The present results suggest that systematic preventive treatment with 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate and oral hygiene care reduce the occurrence of oral complications in children with ALL undergoing antineoplastic chemotherapy.