722 resultados para alkylbenze sulfonate surfactants


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TiO2 nanoparticles with tailored morphology have been synthesized under exceptionally soft conditions. The strategy is based on the use of a non-aqueous alcoholic reaction medium in which water traces, coming either from the air (atmospheric water) or from an ethanol–water azeotropic mixture (ethanol 96%), are incorporated in order to accelerate hydrolysis of the Ti–precursor. Moreover, organic surfactants have been used as capping agents so as to tailor crystal growth in certain preferential directions. Combinations of oleic acid and oleylamine, which lead to the formation of another surfactant, dioleamide, are employed instead of fluorine-based compounds, thus increasing the sustainability of the process. As a result, TiO2 nanostructured hierarchical microspheres and individual nanoparticles with exposed high-energy facets can be obtained at atmospheric pressure and temperatures as low as 78 °C.


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En la actualidad las industrias químicas, farmacéuticas y clínicas, originan contaminantes en aguas superficiales, aguas subterráneas y suelos de nuestro país, como es el caso del fenol, contaminante orgánico común y altamente dañino para los organismos, incluso a bajas concentraciones. Existen en el mercado diferentes metodologías para minimizar la contaminación pero muchos de estos procesos tienen un alto coste, generación de contaminantes, etc. La adsorción de contaminantes por medio de arcillas es un método ampliamente utilizado, encontrándose eficaz y económico. Pero la dificultad de adsorber un contaminante orgánico como el fenol motiva la creación de un material llamado organoarcillas. Las organoarcillas son arcillas modificadas con un surfactante, a su vez, los surfactantes son moléculas orgánicas que confieren a la superficie de la arcilla carga catiónica en lugar de aniónica, haciendo más fácil la adsorción de fenol. Para esta tesis se ha elegido el caolín como material adsorbente, fácilmente disponible y relativamente de bajo coste. Se ha trabajado con: arenas de caolín, material directo de la extracción, y caolín lavado, originado del proceso de lavado de las arenas de caolín. Ambos grupos se diferencian fundamentalmente por su contenido en cuarzo, ampliamente mayor en las arenas de caolín. Con el objetivo de desarrollar un material a partir del caolín y arenas de éste con capacidad de retención de contaminates, en concreto, fenol, se procedió a modificar los materiales de partida mediante tratamientos térmicos, mecánicos y/o químicos, dando lugar a compuestos con mayor superficie química reactiva. Para ello se sometió el caolín y las arenas caoliníferas a temperaturas de 750ºC durante 3h, a moliendas hasta alcanzar su amorfización, y/o a activaciones con HCl 6M o con NaOH 5M durante 3h a 90ºC. En total se obtuvieron 18 muestras, en las que se estudiaron las características físico-químicas, mineralógicas y morfológicas de cada una de ellas con el fin de caracterizarlas después de haber sufrido los tratamientos y/o activaciones químicas. Los cambios producidos fueron estudiados mediante pH, capacidad de intercambio catiónico (CEC), capacidad de adsorción de agua (WCU y CWC), distribución de tamaño de partícula (PSD), área de superficie específica (SBET), difracción de rayos X (XRD), espectroscopía infrarroja por transformada de Fourier (FTIR), métodos térmicos (TG, DTG y DTA), y microscopía electrónica de transmisión y barrido (SEM y TEM). Además se analizó los cambios producidos por los tratamientos en función de las pérdidas de Al y Si que acontece en las 18 muestras. Los resultados para los materiales derivados de la arenas caoliníferas fueron similares a los obtenidos para los caolines lavados, la diferencia radica en la cantidad de contenido de caolinita en los diferente grupos de muestras. Apoyándonos en las técnicas de caracterización se puede observar que los tratamientos térmico y molienda produce materiales amorfos, este cambio en la estructura inicial sumado a las activaciones ácida y alcalina dan lugar a pérdidas de Si y Al, ocasionando que sus propiedades físico-químicas, mineralógicas y morfológicas se vean alteradas. Un fuerte aumento es observado en las áreas superficiales y en la CEC en determinadas muestras, además entre los cambios producidos se encuentra la producción de diferentes zeolitas en porcentajes distintos con el tratamiento alcalino. Para la obtención de las organoarcillas, las 18 muestras se sometieron a la surfactación con hexadeciltrimetil amonio (HDTMA) 20 mM durante 24h a 60ºC, esta concentración de tensioactivo fue más alta que la CEC de cada muestra. Los camext bios anteriormente producidos por los tratamientos y activaciones, afectan de forma diferente en la adsorción de HDTMA, variando por tanto la adsorción del surfactante en la superficie de las muestras. Se determinó el tensioactivo en superficie por FTIR, además se realizó un análisis de componentes principales (PCA) para examinar la dependencia entre las relaciones Si/Al de las muestras en la capacidad de adsorción de tensioactivo, y para el estudio de la adsorción de HDTMA en las muestras se realizaron además del análisis termogravimétrico, aproximaciones con los modelos de Freundllich y Langmuir. Se persigue conocer las diferentes formas y maneras que tiene el tensioactivo de fijarse en la superficie de las muestras. En las organoarcillas resultantes se cuantificó el fenol adsorbido cuando éstas fueron puestas en contacto con diferentes concentraciones de fenol: 50, 500, 1000, 2000, y 2500 mg/l durante 24h. El contaminante sorbido se calculó por medio de cromatografía de gases, y se realizaron aproximaciones con los modelos de Freundllich y Langmuir. El comportamiento de adsorción de fenol en arcillas orgánicas es regido por las características de las muestras. De forma general se puede decir que las muestras de caolines lavados tienen más capacidad de adsorción de fenol que las muestras de arenas de caolín y que la activación alcalina ha proporcionado una mejora en la adsorción de fenol en los dos grupos. En consecuencia se han obtenido materiales adsorbentes heterogéneos y por tanto, con propiedades diferentes. Se ha evaluado el comportamiento global de las arenas de caolín por un lado y del caolín lavado por otro. Las arenas de caolín presentan altos niveles de cuarzo y su uso para ciertos tipos de industrias no son recomendados en ocasiones por el alto costo que el proceso de limpieza y purificación implicaría. Por ello es importante reseñar en este proyecto las aplicaciones que ofrecen algunas muestras de este grupo. Los ensayos acontecidos en esta tesis han dado lugar a las siguientes publicaciones: • Pérdida de Al y Si en caolines modificados térmica- o mecánicamente y activados por tratamientos químicos. A. G. San Cristóbal, C Vizcayno, R. Castelló. Macla 9, 113-114. (2008). • Acid activation of mechanically and thermally modfied kaolins. A. G. San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, M. A. Martín Luengo, C Vizcayno. Mater. Res. Bull. 44 (2009) 2103-2111. • Zeolites prepared from calcined and mechanically modified kaolins. A comparative study. A. G San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, M. A. Martín Luengo, C Vizcayno. Applied Clay Science 49 (2010) 239-246. • Study comparative of the sorption of HDTMA on natural and modified kaolin. A. G San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, J. M. Castillejo, C Vizcayno. Aceptada en Clays and Clay minerals. • Capacity of modified kaolin sand and washed kaolin to adsorb phenol. A. G San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, C Vizcayno. Envío a revista sujeto a la publicación del artículo anterior. ABSTRACT Today’s chemical, pharmaceutical and clinical industries generate pollutants that affect the soils and surface and ground waters of our country. Among these, phenol is a common organic pollutant that is extremely harmful to living organisms, even at low concentrations. Several protocols exist to minimize the effects of pollutants, but most are costly procedures or even generate other pollutants. The adsorption of hazardous materials onto clays is perhaps the most used, efficient and cost-saving method available. However, organic compounds such as phenol are difficult to adsorb and this has led to the development of materials known as organoclays, which are much better at remediating organic compounds. Organoclays are clays that have been modified using a surfactant. In turn, surfactants are organic molecules that confer a cationic rather than anionic charge to the clay surface, improving it’s capacity to adsorb phenol. For this doctorate project, kaolin was selected as an adsorbent material for the removal of phenol given its easy sourcing and relatively low cost. The materials investigated were kaolin sand, a directly extracted material, and washed kaolin, which is the byproduct of the kaolin sand washing process. The main difference between the materials is their quartz content, which is much higher in the kaolin sands. To generate a product from kaolin or kaolin sand capable of retaining organic pollutants such as phenol, both materials were subjected to several heat, chemical and/or mechanical treatments to give rise to compounds with a greater reactive surface area. To this end the two starting materials underwent heating at 750ºC for 3 h, grinding to the point of amorphization and/or activation with HCl 6M or NaOH 5M for 3 h at 90ºC. These treatments gave rise to 18 processed samples, which were characterized in terms of their morphological, mineralogical, and physical-chemical properties. The behaviour of these new materials was examined in terms of their pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), water adsorption capacity (WCU and WCC), particle size distribution (PSD), specific surface area (SBET), and their X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermal (DTG, DTA) and scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) properties. The changes conferred by the different treatments were also examined in terms of Al and Si losses. Results for the materials derived from kaolin sands and washed kaolin were similar, with differences attributable to the kaolinite contents of the samples. The treatments heat and grinding produced amorphous materials, which when subjected to acid or alkali activation gave rise to Si and Al losses. This in turn led to a change in physico- chemical, mineralogical and morphological properties. Some samples showed a highly increased surface area and CEC. Further, among the changes produced, alkali treatment led to the generation of zeolites in different proportions depending on the sample. To produce the organoclays, the 18 samples were surfacted with hexadecyltrimethylammonium (HDTMA) 20 mM for 24 h at 60ºC. This surfactant concentration is higher than the CEC of each sample. The amount of HDTMA adsorbed onto the surface of each sample determined by FTIR varied according to treatment. A principle components analysis (PCA) was performed to examine correlations between sample Si/Al ratios and surfactant adsorption capacity. In addition, to explore HDTMA adsorption by the samples, DTG and DTA data were fitted to Freundllich and Langmuir models. The mechanisms of surfactant attachment to the sample surface were also addressed. The amount of phenol adsorbed by the resultant organoclays was determined when exposed to different phenol concentrations: 50, 500, 1000, 2000, and 2500 mg/l for 24 h. The quantity of adsorbed pollutant was estimated by gas chromatography and the data fitted to the models of Freundllich and Langmuir. Results indicate that the phenol adsorption capacity of the surfacted samples is dependent on the sample’s characteristics. In general, the washed kaolin samples showed a greater phenol adsorption capacity than the kaolon sands and alkali activation improved this capacity in the two types of sample. In conclusion, the treatments used gave rise to adsorbent materials with varying properties. Kaolin sands showed high quartz levels and their use in some industries is not recommended due to the costs involved in their washing and purification. The applications suggested by the data obtained for some of the kaolin sand samples indicate the added value of this industrial by-product. The results of this research project have led to the following publications: • Pérdida de Al y Si en caolines modificados térmica- o mecánicamente y activados por tratamientos químicos. A. G. San Cristóbal, C Vizcayno, R. Castelló. Macla 9, 113-114. (2008). • Acid activation of mechanically and thermally modfied kaolins. A. G. San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, M. A. Martín Luengo, C Vizcayno. Mater. Res. Bull. 44 (2009) 2103-2111. • Zeolites prepared from calcined and mechanically modified kaolins. A comparative study. A. G. San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, M. A. Martín Luengo, C Vizcayno. Applied Clay Science 49 (2010) 239-246. • Study comparative of the sorption of HDTMA on natural and modified kaolin. A. G. San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, J. M. Castillejo, C Vizcayno Accepted in Clays and Clay minerals. • Capacity of modified kaolin sand and washed kaolin to adsorb phenol. A. G San Cristóbal, R. Castelló, C Vizcayno. Shipment postponed, subject to the publication of the previous article.


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The use of tungsten disulphide inorganic nanotubes (INT-WS2) offers the opportunity to produce novel and advanced biopolymer-based nanocomposite materials with excellent nanoparticle dispersion without the need for modifiers or surfactants via conventional melt blending. The study of the non-isothermal melt-crystallization kinetics provides a clear picture of the transformation of poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) molecules from the non-ordered to the ordered state. The overall crystallization rate, final crystallinity and subsequent melting behaviour of PLLA were controlled by both the incorporation of INT-WS2 and the variation of the cooling rate. In particular, it was shown that INT-WS2 exhibits much more prominent nucleation activity on the crystallization of PLLA than other specific nucleating agents or nano-sized fillers. These features may be advantageous for the enhancement of mechanical properties and process-ability of PLLA-based materials. PLLA/INT-WS2 nanocomposites can be employed as low cost biodegradable materials for many eco-friendly and medical applications, and the exceptional crystallization behaviour observed opens new perspectives for scale-up and broader applications.


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La contaminación de suelos con hidrocarburos de petróleo en México es un problema que se ha vuelto muy común en nuestros días, debido principalmente a derrames, así como a las actividades propias de la industria petrolera. Algunos suelos contaminados, principalmente en el sureste de México, contienen concentraciones de hidrocarburos hasta de 450,000 mg/kg. Por dichas razones, una de las preocupaciones de las autoridades ambientales es el desarrollo de tecnologías eficientes y económicamente factibles que permitan la eliminación de este tipo de contaminantes. El saneamiento del sitio se puede lograr a través de diversos procedimientos, como son la aplicación de métodos físicos, químicos y biológicos (o combinaciones de ellas). La elección de un método depende de la naturaleza del contaminante, su estado físico, concentración, tipo de suelo, espacio físico disponible, tiempo destinado para su tratamiento, así como de los recursos económicos disponibles. Previa a la aplicación de la tecnología es necesario la realización de un diagnóstico de la contaminación del suelo, con el fin de conocer el tipo, concentración y distribución de los contaminantes presentes, así como el volumen de suelo a tratar, las condiciones climáticas de la zona, y características físicas del lugar (vías de acceso y servicios, entre otros). En la presente tesis, el empleo de surfactantes, se ha propuesto como una técnica para incrementar la movilidad de contaminantes orgánicos hidrofóbicos (HOCs) como hidrocarburos totales del petróleo (HTPs), bifenilos policlorados (PCBs), Benceno, Tolueno, Xilenos, explosivos, clorofenoles, pesticidas, entre otros, y así facilitar su degradación. Los surfactantes debido a que reducen la tensión superficial del agua, son moléculas formadas por grupos polares hidrofílicos y largas cadenas carbonadas hidrofóbicas. Sus grupos polares forman puentes hidrógeno con las moléculas de agua, mientras que las cadenas carbonadas se asocian a los hidrocarburos debido a interacciones hidrofóbicas que estos presentan. En soluciones acuosas, los surfactantes forman estructuras esféricas organizadas llamadas micelas. La solubilización de los contaminantes se lleva a cabo solamente cuando se forma la fase micelar, la cual se obtiene cuando la concentración del surfactante es superior a la concentración micelar crítica (CMC), es decir, arriba de la concentración de la cual el monómero se comienza a auto-agregar. La eficiencia de desorción de diésel por un surfactante depende de su naturaleza, de la dosis empleada, de la hidrofobicidad del contaminante, de la interacción surfactante-suelo y del tiempo de contacto surfactante-suelo. Sin embargo, la mejor eficiencia de desorción no está siempre relacionada con la mejor eficiencia de movilidad o solubilidad, debido principalmente a que el empleo de una alta concentración de surfactante puede inhibir la movilización. De acuerdo con información proporcionada por la Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente (PROFEPA), a la fecha no se ha llevado a cabo en México ninguna restauración de sitios específicamente contaminados con diésel, la técnica de lavado de suelos. Por lo anterior existe la necesidad de emplear la técnica de lavado de suelos ex situ. Específicamente en el suelo extraído de la ex refinería 18 de marzo ubicada en el Distrito Federal México y empleando una solución de surfactantes con agua desionizada, la cual consiste ponerlos en contacto con el suelo contaminado con diésel por medio de columnas de lavado cilíndricas, para lograr la remoción del contaminante. Se emplearon como surfactantes el lauril sulfato de sodio, lauril éter sulfato de sodio y Glucopon AV-100 a diferentes concentraciones de 0.5 a 4.0 [g/L], lográndose obtener una eficiencia del 80 % con este último surfactante. El lavado de suelos contaminados con diésel empleado surfactantes, es una tecnología que requiere que se profundice en el estudio de algunas variables como son el tipo de surfactante, concentración, tiempo de lavado, fenómenos de difusión, desorción, propiedades termodinámicas, entre otros. Los cuales determinarán el éxito o fracaso de la técnica empleada. Nowadays, soil pollution with oil in Mexico is a very common issue due mainly to both oil spill and oil activities. For example, mainly in the southeast area of Mexico, polluted soil contains high concentrations of hydrocarbons, up to 450,000 mg/kg. For these reasons, enviromental authorities have the concern in developing economically feasible and efficient technology that allow the elimination of these type of contaminants. The sanitation in sites can be achieved through several procedures such as physical, chemical and biological methods (or a combination among them). The choice of a method depends on the nature and physical state of the contaminant, the concentration, type of soil, physical space available, time consumption and financial resources. Before any technological application, a diagnostic of the polluted soil is necessary in order to know the type, concentration and distribution of contaminants as well as the soil volume, climatic conditions and physical features of the place (access routes and services, among others). In this thesis, surfactants has been proposed as a technique to increase the mobility of hydrophobic-organic contaminants (HOCs), e.g. total hydrocarbons of petroleum, polychlorinated biphenyls, benzene, toluene, xylenes, explosives, chlorophenols, pesticides, among others, and, hence, to facilitate degradation. Since surfactants reduce the water surface tension, they are molecules comprised of hydrophilic polar groups and long-hydrophobic carbon chains. Surfactant’s polar groups form hydrogen bonding with water molecules while carbon chains, i.e. hydrocarbon chains, have hydrophobic interactios. In aqueous solutions, surfactants form self-organised spherical structures called micelles. The solubilisation of contaminants is carried out only when the micellar phase is formed. This is obtained when the surfactant concentration is higher than the crítical micelle concentration (CMC), i.e. above the concentration where the surfactant monomer begins to self-aggregate. The diesel efficiency desorption by surfactants depends on their nature, the dose use, the contaminant hydrophobicity, the surfactant-soil interaction and the contact time with surfactant soil. However, the best desorption is not always related with the best either mobility or solubility efficiency since high concentration of surfactant can inhibit mobilisation. According to information of the Federal Bureau of Environmental Protection (PROFEPA), up today, there is not any restauration of diesel-polluted sites using the washing-soil technique. Due to the above, there exist the necessity of employing the waching-soil technique ex situ. More specifically, a sample soil from the oil-refinery of “18 de marzo” in Mexico city was extracted and a surfactant solution with deionised water was put in contact with the diesel contaminated soil by means of cylindrical waching columns in order to remove the contaminant. The surfactants employed in this work were sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium lauryl ether sulfate and Glucopon AV-100 at different concentrations of 0.5 to 4 [g/L], obtaining a efficiency of 80 % with this last surfactant. The washing of diesel-polluted soil using surfactants is a technology which requires a deeper study of some variables such as the type of surfactant, concentration, washing time, difusión phenomena, desorption, thermodynamic properties, among others. These parameters determine the succes or failure of the employed technique.


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High performance thermal insulating composite materials can be produced with mineral binders and hydrophobic aerogel particles through a hydrophilization process for the latter with surfactants. The present study is focused on the development of aerogel/calcium sulfate composites by the hydrophilization of hydrophobic silica aerogel particles through a polymer-based surfactant. Its effects on the microstructure and hydration degree are examined as well as their relation to the resulting mechanical and physical properties. Results show that composites with an around 60 % of aerogel by volume can achieve a thermal conductivity <30 mW/m × K. Interestingly, a surfactant addition of 0.1 % by wt% of the water in the mixtures provides better material properties compared to a surfactant wt% addition of 5 %. However, it has been found around 40 % entrained air, affecting the material properties by reducing the binder and aerogel volume fractions within the composites. Moreover, gypsum crystallization starts to be inhibited at aerogel volume fractions >35 %. Towards material optimization, a model for the calculation of thermal conductivity of composites and an equation for the compressive strength are proposed.


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Tungsten disulphide nanotubes (INT-WS2) have been successfully dispersed in a bio-based polyamide matrix (nylon 11) by conventional melt processing. The effect of INT-WS2 content on the morphology, thermal stability, crystallization behaviour and dynamic mechanical properties is investigated. The results indicate that these inorganic nanotubes can be efficiently incorporated into the bio-based polymer matrix without the need for modifiers or surfactants. Additionally, it is found that the non-isothermal crystallization behaviour of nylon 11/INT-WS2 depends on both the cooling rate and INT-WS2 concentration. In particular, crystallization kinetics results demonstrate that the nucleating activity of INTs plays a dominant role in accelerating the crystallization of nylon 11. This fact leads to the appearance of the more-disordered phase at higher temperature. More significantly, it was shown that these INT-WS2 nanocomposites can facilitate a good processability and cost efficiency, and will be of interest for many eco-friendly and medical applications.


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Amphipols are a new class of surfactants that make it possible to handle membrane proteins in detergent-free aqueous solution as though they were soluble proteins. The strongly hydrophilic backbone of these polymers is grafted with hydrophobic chains, making them amphiphilic. Amphipols are able to stabilize in aqueous solution under their native state four well-characterized integral membrane proteins: (i) bacteriorhodopsin, (ii) a bacterial photosynthetic reaction center, (iii) cytochrome b6f, and (iv) matrix porin.


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Equilibrium unilamellar vesicles are stabilized by one of two distinct mechanisms depending on the value of the bending constant. Helfrich undulations ensure that the interbilayer potential is always repulsive when the bending constant, K, is of order kBT. When K ≫ kBT, unilamellar vesicles are stabilized by the spontaneous curvature that picks out a particular vesicle radius; other radii are disfavored energetically. We present measurements of the bilayer elastic constant and the spontaneous curvature, Ro, for three different systems of equilibrium vesicles by an analysis of the vesicle size distribution determined by cryo-transmission electron microscopy and small-angle neutron scattering. For cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)/sodium octyl sulfonate catanionic vesicles, K = .7 kBT, suggesting that the unilamellar vesicles are stabilized by Helfrich-undulation repulsions. However, for CTAB and sodium perfluorooctanoate (FC7) vesicles, K = 6 kBT, suggesting stabilization by the energetic costs of deviations from the spontaneous curvature. Adding electrolyte to the sodium perfluorooctanoate/CTAB vesicles leads to vesicles with two bilayers; the attractive interactions between the bilayers can overcome the cost of small deviations from the spontaneous curvature to form two-layer vesicles, but larger deviations to form three and more layer vesicles are prohibited. Vesicles with a discrete numbers of bilayers at equilibrium are possible only for bilayers with a large bending modulus coupled with a spontaneous curvature.


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Mass spectrometry and fluorescent probes have provided direct evidence that alkylating agents permeate the protein capsid of naked viruses and chemically inactivate the nucleic acid. N-acetyl-aziridine and a fluorescent alkylating agent, dansyl sulfonate aziridine, inactivated three different viruses, flock house virus, human rhinovirus-14, and foot and mouth disease virus. Mass spectral studies as well as fluorescent probes showed that alkylation of the genome was the mechanism of inactivation. Because particle integrity was not affected by selective alkylation (as shown by electron microscopy and sucrose gradient experiments), it was reasoned that the dynamic nature of the viral capsid acts as a conduit to the interior of the particle. Potential applications include fluorescent labeling for imaging viral genomes in living cells, the sterilization of blood products, vaccine development, and viral inactivation in vivo.


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Dynamic behaviors of liposomes caused by interactions between liposomal membranes and surfactant were studied by direct real-time observation by using high-intensity dark-field microscopy. Solubilization of liposomes by surfactants is thought to be a catastrophic event akin to the explosion of soap bubbles in the air; however, the actual process has not been clarified. We studied this process experimentally and found that liposomes exposed to various surfactants exhibited unusual behavior, namely continuous shrinkage accompanied by intermittent quakes, release of encapsulated liposomes, opening up, and inside–out topological inversion.


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The properties of oxaloacetate (OA) transport into mitochondria from potato (Solanum tuberosum) tuber and pea (Pisum sativum) leaves were studied by measuring the uptake of 14C-labeled OA into liposomes with incorporated mitochondrial membrane proteins preloaded with various dicarboxylates or citrate. OA was found to be transported in an obligatory counterexchange with malate, 2-oxoglutarate, succinate, citrate, or aspartate. Phtalonate inhibited all of these countertransports. OA-malate countertransport was inhibited by 4,4′-dithiocyanostilbene-2,2′-disulfonate and pyridoxal phosphate, and also by p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate and mersalyl, indicating that a lysine and a cysteine residue of the translocator protein are involved in the transport. From these and other inhibition studies, we concluded that plant mitochondria contain an OA translocator that differs from all other known mitochondrial translocators. Major functions of this translocator are the export of reducing equivalents from the mitochondria via the malate-OA shuttle and the export of citrate via the citrate-OA shuttle. In the cytosol, citrate can then be converted either into 2-oxoglutarate for use as a carbon skeleton for nitrate assimilation or into acetyl-coenzyme A for use as a precursor for fatty acid elongation or isoprenoid biosynthesis.


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Amino acid analysis of internal sequences of purified NADH-hexacyanoferrate(III) oxidoreductase (NFORase), obtained from highly purified plasma membranes (PM) of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaves, showed 90 to 100% homology to internal amino acid sequences of monodehydroascorbate (MDA) reductases (EC from three different plant species. Specificity, kinetics, inhibitor sensitivity, and cross-reactivity with anti-MDA reductase antibodies were all consistent with this identification. The right-side-out PM vesicles were subjected to consecutive salt washing and detergent (polyoxyethylene 20 dodecylether and 3-[(3-cholamido-propyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propane sulfonate [CHAPS]) treatments, and the fractions were analyzed for NFORase and MDA reductase activities. Similar results were obtained when the 300 mm sucrose in the homogenization buffer and in all steps of the salt-washing and detergent treatments had been replaced by 150 mm KCl to mimic the conditions in the cytoplasm. We conclude that (a) MDA reductase is strongly associated with the inner (cytoplasmic) surface of the PM under in vivo conditions and requires washing with 1.0 m KCl or CHAPS treatment for removal, (b) the PM-bound MDA reductase activity is responsible for the majority of PM NFORase activity, and (c) there is another redox enzyme(s) in the spinach leaf PM that cannot be released from the PM by salt-washing and/or CHAPS treatment. The PM-associated MDA reductase may have a role in reduction of ascorbate in both the cytosol and the apoplast.


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Angiotensin (Ang) II and Ang III are two peptide effectors of the brain renin-angiotensin system that participate in the control of blood pressure and increase water consumption and vasopressin release. In an attempt to delineate the respective roles of these peptides in the regulation of vasopressin secretion, their metabolic pathways and their effects on vasopressin release were identified in vivo. For this purpose, we used recently developed selective inhibitors of aminopeptidase A (APA) and aminopeptidase N (APN), two enzymes that are believed to be responsible for the N-terminal cleavage of Ang II and Ang III, respectively. Mice received [3H]Ang II intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) in the presence or absence of the APN inhibitor, EC33 (3-amino-4-thio-butyl sulfonate) of the APN inhibitor, EC27 (2-amino-pentan-1,5-dithiol). [3H]Ang II and [3H]Ang III levels were evaluated from hypothalamus homogenates by HPLC. EC33 increased the half-life of [3H]Ang II 2.6-fold and completely blocked the formation of [3H]Ang III, whereas EC27 increased the half-life of [3H]Ang III 2.3-fold. In addition, the effects of EC33 and EC27 on Ang-induced vasopressin release were studied in mice. Ang II was injected i.c.v. in the presence or absence of EC33, and plasma vasopressin levels were estimated by RIA. While vasopressin levels were increased 2-fold by Ang II (5 ng), EC33 inhibited Ang II-induced vasopressin release in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, EC27 injected alone increased in a dose-dependent manner vasopressin levels. The EC27-induced vasopressin release was completely blocked by the coadministration of the Ang receptor antagonist (Sar1-Ala8) Ang II. These results demonstrate for the first time that (i) APA and APN are involved in vivo in the metabolism of brain Ang II and Ang III, respectively, and that (ii) the action of Ang II on vasopressin release depends upon the prior conversion of Ang II to Ang III. This shows that Ang III behaves as one of the main effector peptides of the brain renin-angiotensin system in the control of vasopressin release.


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Calcium binding to the N-domain of troponin C initiates a series of conformational changes that lead to muscle contraction. Calcium binding provides the free energy for a hydrophobic region in the core of N-domain to assume a more open configuration. Fluorescence measurements on a tryptophan mutant (F29W) show that a similar conformational change occurs in the absence of Ca2+ when the temperature is lowered under pressure. The conformation induced by subzero temperatures binds the hydrophobic probe bis-aminonaphthalene sulfonate, and the tryptophan has the same fluorescence lifetime (7 ns) as in the Ca2+-bound form. The decrease in volume (delta V = -25.4 ml/mol) corresponds to an increase in surface area. Thermodynamic measurements suggest an enthalpy-driven conformational change that leads to an intermediate with an exposed N-domain core and a high affinity for Ca2+.


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Point mutations were selectively introduced into a cDNA for guinea pig estrogen sulfotransferase (gpEST); each construct was then expressed in Chinese hamster ovary K1 cells. The molecular site chosen for study is a conserved GXXGXXK sequence that resembles the P-loop-type nucleotide-binding motif for ATP- and GTP-binding proteins and is located near the C terminus of all steroid and phenol(aryl) sulfotransferases for which the primary structures are known. Preliminary experiments demonstrated that the GXXGXXK motif is essential for binding the activated sulfonate donor 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS). The present study was undertaken to ascertain the relative importance of each individual residue of the motif. While the mutation of a single motif residue had little effect on the interaction between gpEST and PAPS as determined by kinetic analysis and photoaffinity labeling, the mutation of any two residues in concert resulted in an approximate 10-fold increase in the Km for PAPS and reduced photoaffinity labeling. The mutation of all three motif residues resulted in an inactive enzyme and complete loss of photoaffinity labeling. Interestingly, several mutants also displayed a striking effect on the Km for the steroid substrate; double mutants, again, demonstrated greater perturbations (8- to 28-fold increase) than did single mutants. Unexpectedly, whereas the mutation of nonmotif residues had a negligible effect on the Km for PAPS, a marked increase in the Km for the estrogen substrate ( > 30-fold) was noted. On the basis of these findings, it is concluded that the sequence GISGDWKN within the C-terminal domain of gpEST represents a critical component of the active site.