1000 resultados para alinhamento de plantio


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito do atrazine em mistura com nicosulfuron sobre a atividade microbiológica do solo em sistema de cultivo convencional ou semeadura direta. O estudo foi realizado em área de integração milho-braquiária, sendo feitas aplicações dos herbicidas atrazine + nicosulfuron em duas dosagens (1.500 + 10 e 1.500 + 30 g h-1) e mantidas duas áreas testemunhas: não capinada e capinada sem cultivo. Por ocasião do florescimento, foram retiradas amostras do solo em cada unidade experimental, para determinação da taxa de desprendimento de CO2, carbono da biomassa microbiana (CBM) e quociente metabólico (qCO2). Entre os sistemas de cultivo, a taxa de desprendimento de CO2 foi menor nas parcelas não capinadas. O CBM foi maior no sistema de plantio direto, sendo afetado negativamente pela ausência de vegetação. Menores valores para CBM foram observados nas amostras de solo das parcelas capinadas. Os maiores valores de qCO2 foram observados no sistema convencional. No sistema de plantio direto não se verificou diferença entre os tratamentos cujo solo recebeu herbicida e o isento de capinas. Dessa forma, pode-se concluir que os indicadores microbiológicos avaliados foram sensíveis aos tratamentos propostos, indicando menor distúrbio ao solo quando em sistema de semeadura direta. Entretanto, na integração lavoura-pecuária em sistema convencional de cultivo, o efeito negativo dos herbicidas é aumentado com o incremento na dose do nicosulfuron.


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A cúrcuma é uma espécie, originária da Índia, com grande potencial de utilização nos mercados de corantes, medicinal e alimentício. Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a resposta da planta aos fatores época e densidade de plantio, por meio da caracterização dos estádios fenológicos. Verificou-se que o período de crescimento vegetativo caracterizou-se pelas etapas de pré-perfilhamento e perfilhamento. A primeira etapa, de crescimento lento, mostrou-se influenciada significativamente pela época de plantio, havendo maior precocidade no aparecimento de perfilhos com atraso no plantio. A etapa seguinte, de perfilhamento, mostrou acentuado acúmulo de fitomassa, sendo grande a contribuição dos perfilhos. O período de crescimento dos rizomas teve seu início influenciado significativamente pelo fator época de plantio, sendo tanto mais precoce quanto mais tardio foi o plantio. A extensão do período de crescimento foi de 147, 124, 102 e 79 dias para os plantios efetuados em 20 de outubro, 20 de novembro, 20 de dezembro e 20 de janeiro, correspondente a ciclo cultural, respectivamente, de 270, 240, 210 e 180 dias. Somente foi observado efeito significativo do fator densidade de plantio sobre o período de crescimento vegetativo, sendo o comprimento deste inversamente proporcional à densidade utilizada.


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Avaliou-se os rendimentos das culturas da beterraba e da rúcula em função de épocas de plantio e sistemas solteiro e consorciado, em Mossoró, de janeiro a março de 2005. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos casualizados com nove tratamentos em quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram dos consórcios da beterraba com rúcula estabelecidos aos 0, 7, 14 e 21 dias após a semeadura da beterraba, monocultura da beterraba e as monoculturas da rúcula, nas mesmas épocas de estabelecimento dos cultivos consorciados. A semeadura da rúcula e beterraba realizada na mesma época proporcionaram maior massa fresca e seca da parte aérea e produtividade de rúcula, sendo respectivamente, de 50,19 g/planta; 5,86 g/planta e 1338,47 g/m². Já para a beterraba, independentemente da época de semeadura, o monocultivo foi superior ao consórcio na produção de massa fresca e de raízes. Os maiores índices de uso eficiente da terra foram obtidos no sistema de consórcio quando a semeadura da rúcula foi realizada no mesmo período (2,0) e aos sete dias (1,9) após a semeadura da beterraba.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a produtividade da cúrcuma em função da época e densidade de plantio, este experimento foi instalado no período de outubro de 1994 a julho de 1995, em campo, na Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), no município de Lavras-MG. Foram avaliados os fatores épocas de plantio (20/out, 20/nov, 20/dez e 20/jan) e espaçamento entre plantas na linha de plantio (0,20; 0,35 e 0,50m), sob delineamento de blocos ao acaso, em parcelas sub-divididas, com três repetições. A produção de rizomas por planta e por área foram influenciados significativamente pela interação dos fatores avaliados. Maiores produtividades por planta (673,13g) e por área (24.678,82kg ha-1) foram obtidas nos plantios de 20 de novembro e espaçamentos entre plantas, respectivamente, de 0,36 e 0,30m.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O alto investimento em operações agroflorestais mecanizadas implica a definição segura de qual será a máquina mais preconizada para a otimização da operação, vinculada aos menores custos envolvidos. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho operacional e econômico da operação silvicultural de irrigação pós-plantio de eucalipto a campo. A análise técnica englobou um estudo de tempos e movimentos e, a análise econômica, as variáveis do custo operacional, custo de produção e rendimento energético. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que, para áreas de reflorestamento de eucalipto em primeira e terceira rotação, não há uma diferença da capacidade de campo efetiva para a operação de irrigação pós-plantio. em decorrência do dispêndio com tempos improdutivos, houve uma redução significativa na capacidade de campo operacional e, consequentemente, uma elevação no custo de produção.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to try the forecast of corn (Zea mays L.) sowing dates, the understanding of the quantitative effect of water deficits on that crop and crop yield decrease on a basis of a climatic model of water deficit forecast. This model was applied at Cambara (lat. 23 degrees 00'S, long. 50 circle 02'WGr, altitude 450 m), PR, Brazil. The model estimates yield decrease, in relation to potential values, as a function of the sowing dates which determine flowering and grain filling dates, highly critical times in relation to water deficit. The estimates were done from expected values of water deficit, at the 80% probability level and accumulated degrees-days, using several climatological data. Results show that the first ten days of November are the best corn sowing date under dry or irrigated conditions. Under these same conditions, the worst time showed to be August. Estimates of total needs of supplementar irrigation get values of 126 e 226 mm, respectively to the corn sowed at the first ten days of November and August.


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A harmful and limiting factor regarding culture productivity is soil compaction, a parameter that can be quantified by the resistance of the soil to penetration and highly influenced by water content. These variables present spatial and temporary variability, characteristics which can be determined by the geostatistical technique. In the light of the above, the present work had as its objective the study of spatial variability of soil resistance to penetration (RP) and water content in the soil (U) in soy culture. The RP values at depths of 0,00-0,10; 0,11-0,20 and 0,21-0,30 m varied from 2,9 to 4,28 MPa and are considered harmful to the root development of legumes, although they have not influenced soy productivity which was 3887 kg ha(-1). The medium water content of the soil was between 0,210 and 0,213 kg kg(-1) for the three depths studied. The resistance of the soil to penetration, expressed through semivariograms, presented spatial dependence at all depths, being adjusted to the spherical model at depths of 0,00-0,10m and exponential at depths of 0,110,20 and 0,21-0,30 m. The spatial variability for all studied layers presented a range of about 20m. The water content in the soil did not present spatial dependence for the depths, presenting randomized distribution.


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With technological innovations, such as irrigation, the bean has been grown by producers who have the most varied levels of technology that, in suitable times, allows the planting great success in grain yield. The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of the dry bean to different managements of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization with no-tillage system, in Aquidauana - MS, Brazil. The experiment was conducted at the Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS), with the soil of the area classified as Alfisol, using the bean crop "Perola" sown on June 30, 2007. The experimental design was a randomized block split-plot consisting of three blocks and two replications within each block. The plots were composed of three management of irrigation, by the Class A pan method, using Hargreaves-Samani equation, and management by tensiometry (-40 kPa), with water replacement of 16.5 mm for all irrigation plots. The subplots consisted on four rates of nitrogen fertilization (0; 50; 100 and 150 kg ha(-1)), in which the nitrogen source was urea. It was concluded that the irrigation management through the Class A pan and Hargreaves-Samani equation conduced to higher grain yields of bean, 3031.11 and 3005.02 kg ha(-1) respectively.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen sources and rates on maize nutrition and grain yield under no-tillage system in sandy soil. The experiment was conducted in a Typic Quartzipsamment, in the city of Cassilandia, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. A completely randomized block design was used in a factorial array 3x4 with four replicates. Treatments consisted of three sources [urea, extruded urea with starch (Starea), and ammonium sulfonitrate with nitrification inhibitor of 3,4-dimethylpyrazole-phosphate (Entec (R) 26)] and four rates (0, 45, 90 and 180 kg ha(-1)) of nitrogen, applied in side-dressing when the plants presented four and six expanded leaves. The nitrogen source affected N, K, and S concentration in the leaf, but did not interfere in the components of production and maize grain yield. Nitrogen application like ammonium sulfonitrate promoted higher concentrations of N, K and S in the maize leaf in relation to the urea, especially in the larger rates studied. Side-dressing nitrogen fertilization increased the number of ears per plant, number of grains per ear and grain yield, grown under no-tillage system in sandy soil, independent of the used source.


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The castor bean cultivation has a high demand for nitrogen, in addition, the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization in most cases is low, so that this essential nutrient is provided at the appropriate time. The objective was to study the time nitrogen application in castor bean hybrids under no-till system in off-season. The experiment was carried out in an experimental area located in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, for two growing off-seasons (2006 and 2007). The experimental design was a randomized block in split plot design, with four replications. The plots were constituted by two castor bean hybrids (Lyra/Savana in 2006 and Lyra/Sara in 2007). Six combination of times out rates (0-0, 0-100, 100-0, 30-70, 70-30, 50-50 kg ha-1 of N) side dressing nitrogen fertilization constituted the subplots. The N source used was ammonium nitrate, applied 20 days after emergence and 40 days after emergence. Measurements were carried out: dry matter production of shoots, nitrate and ammonium leaf, leaf analysis, yield components and nitrogen factor utilization. The highest grain yield was obtained to the hybrid Lyra with nitrogen fertilization. In 2006 the highest nitrogen utilization factor to the hybrid Lyra was obtained with the form 70-30 and in the 2007 with 50-50.


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The nitrogen is the nutrient required in greatest quantities by the bean crop and the response to its application depends on the applied N rate as well as the time of its application. The objective of this work was to evaluate yield components, grain productivity and physiological quality of bean seeds, affected by different nitrogen (urea) rates top-dressed at three crop growth stages. The experiment was conducted in no-till system. The treatments were constituted by 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200 and 240 kg ha-1 N top-dressed at V4-5, R5 and R6 growth stages, corresponding to 21, 32 and 38 days after plant emergence, respectively. Seed physiological quality was evaluated by germination and vigor tests. Nitrogen applied at different crop growth stages did not interfere on the yield components, but interfered on bean productivity. Maximum grain productivity was obtained with top-dressed 164 kg ha-1 N, independently of growth stage application. Seed physiological quality was not affected by the treatments, fitting in the category of seeds for commercialization.


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The erosion caused by running water constitutes important cause of environmental degradation and productivity reduction, which justifies its evaluation in areas of eucalypt commercial plantations, mainly in ondulated slope conditions. The present study was intended to evaluate the influence of different management systems, in an undulated eucalypt pos-planting area, upon soil and water losses by erosion. The experiment was installed in a very clayey Red Latosol (Oxisol) under three eucalypt management systems (downhill planting with burning of crop residues - EDq; downhill planting with maintenance of crop residues on soil surface - ED; level planting with maintenance of crop residues on soil surface - EN), native forest (FN), bare soil (SD), and native pasture (PN). The soil and water losses evaluations were performed in standard plots installed in the field. All eucalypt systems presented very low values of soil losses in relation to the established tolerance limit, indicating the adequacy of these management systems concerning water erosion. The sustainability of these environments regarding erosion is indicated by the fact that soil losses in eucalipt were very close to those observed in native forest (reference).