950 resultados para accuracy of estimation


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Computer vision-based food recognition could be used to estimate a meal's carbohydrate content for diabetic patients. This study proposes a methodology for automatic food recognition, based on the Bag of Features (BoF) model. An extensive technical investigation was conducted for the identification and optimization of the best performing components involved in the BoF architecture, as well as the estimation of the corresponding parameters. For the design and evaluation of the prototype system, a visual dataset with nearly 5,000 food images was created and organized into 11 classes. The optimized system computes dense local features, using the scale-invariant feature transform on the HSV color space, builds a visual dictionary of 10,000 visual words by using the hierarchical k-means clustering and finally classifies the food images with a linear support vector machine classifier. The system achieved classification accuracy of the order of 78%, thus proving the feasibility of the proposed approach in a very challenging image dataset.


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The acquisition of accurate information on the size of traits in animals is fundamental for the study of animal ecology and evolution and their management. We demonstrate how morphological traits of free-ranging animals can reliably be estimated on very large observation distances of several hundred meters by the use of ordinary digital photographic equipment and simple photogrammetric software. In our study, we estimated the length of horn annuli in free-ranging male Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) by taking already measured horn annuli of conspecifics on the same photographs as scaling units. Comparisons with hand-measured horn annuli lengths and repeatability analyses revealed a high accuracy of the photogrammetric estimates. If length estimations of specific horn annuli are based on multiple photographs measurement errors of <5.5 mm can be expected. In the current study the application of the described photogrammetric procedure increased the sample size of animals with known horn annuli length by an additional 104%. The presented photogrammetric procedure is of broad applicability and represents an easy, robust and cost-efficient method for the measuring of individuals in populations where animals are hard to capture or to approach.


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The finite depth of field of a real camera can be used to estimate the depth structure of a scene. The distance of an object from the plane in focus determines the defocus blur size. The shape of the blur depends on the shape of the aperture. The blur shape can be designed by masking the main lens aperture. In fact, aperture shapes different from the standard circular aperture give improved accuracy of depth estimation from defocus blur. We introduce an intuitive criterion to design aperture patterns for depth from defocus. The criterion is independent of a specific depth estimation algorithm. We formulate our design criterion by imposing constraints directly in the data domain and optimize the amount of depth information carried by blurred images. Our criterion is a quadratic function of the aperture transmission values. As such, it can be numerically evaluated to estimate optimized aperture patterns quickly. The proposed mask optimization procedure is applicable to different depth estimation scenarios. We use it for depth estimation from two images with different focus settings, for depth estimation from two images with different aperture shapes as well as for depth estimation from a single coded aperture image. In this work we show masks obtained with this new evaluation criterion and test their depth discrimination capability using a state-of-the-art depth estimation algorithm.


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After attending this presentation, attendees will: (1) understand how body height from computed tomography data can be estimated; and, (2) gain knowledge about the accuracy of estimated body height and limitations. The presentation will impact the forensic science community by providing knowledge and competence which will enable attendees to develop formulas for single bones to reconstruct body height using postmortem Computer Tomography (p-CT) data. The estimation of Body Height (BH) is an important component of the identification of corpses and skeletal remains. Stature can be estimated with relative accuracy via the measurement of long bones, such as the femora. Compared to time-consuming maceration procedures, p-CT allows fast and simple measurements of bones. This study undertook four objectives concerning the accuracy of BH estimation via p-CT: (1) accuracy between measurements on native bone and p-CT imaged bone (F1 according to Martin 1914); (2) intra-observer p-CT measurement precision; (3) accuracy between formula-based estimation of the BH and conventional body length measurement during autopsy; and, (4) accuracy of different estimation formulas available.1 In the first step, the accuracy of measurements in the CT compared to those obtained using an osteometric board was evaluated on the basis of eight defleshed femora. Then the femora of 83 female and 144 male corpses of a Swiss population for which p-CTs had been performed, were measured at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Bern. After two months, 20 individuals were measured again in order to assess the intraobserver error. The mean age of the men was 53±17 years and that of the women was 61±20 years. Additionally, the body length of the corpses was measured conventionally. The mean body length was 176.6±7.2cm for men and 163.6±7.8cm for women. The images that were obtained using a six-slice CT were reconstructed with a slice thickness of 1.25mm. Analysis and measurements of CT images were performed on a multipurpose workstation. As a forensic standard procedure, stature was estimated by means of the regression equations by Penning & Riepert developed on a Southern German population and for comparison, also those referenced by Trotter & Gleser “American White.”2,3 All statistical tests were performed with a statistical software. No significant differences were found between the CT and osteometric board measurements. The double p-CT measurement of 20 individuals resulted in an absolute intra-observer difference of 0.4±0.3mm. For both sexes, the correlation between the body length and the estimated BH using the F1 measurements was highly significant. The correlation coefficient was slightly higher for women. The differences in accuracy of the different formulas were small. While the errors of BH estimation were generally ±4.5–5.0cm, the consideration of age led to an increase in accuracy of a few millimetres to about 1cm. BH estimations according to Penning & Riepert and Trotter & Gleser were slightly more accurate when age-at-death was taken into account.2,3 That way, stature estimations in the group of individuals older than 60 years were improved by about 2.4cm and 3.1cm.2,3 The error of estimation is therefore about a third of the common ±4.7cm error range. Femur measurements in p-CT allow very accurate BH estimations. Estimations according to Penning led to good results that (barely) come closer to the true value than the frequently used formulas by Trotter & Gleser “American White.”2,3 Therefore, the formulas by Penning & Riepert are also validated for this substantial recent Swiss population.


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The Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB) is conducting several search campaigns for orbital debris. The debris objects are discovered during systematic survey observations. In general only a short observation arc, or tracklet, is available for most of these objects. From this discovery tracklet a first orbit determination is computed in order to be able to find the object again in subsequent follow-up observations. The additional observations are used in the orbit improvement process to obtain accurate orbits to be included in a catalogue. In this paper, the accuracy of the initial orbit determination is analyzed. This depends on a number of factors: tracklet length, number of observations, type of orbit, astrometric error, and observation geometry. The latter is characterized by both the position of the object along its orbit and the location of the observing station. Different positions involve different distances from the target object and a different observing angle with respect to its orbital plane and trajectory. The present analysis aims at optimizing the geometry of the discovery observation is depending on the considered orbit.


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OBJECTIVE The first description of the simplified acute physiology score (SAPS) II dates back to 1993, but little is known about its accuracy in daily practice. Our purpose was to evaluate the accuracy of scoring and the factors that affect it in a nationwide survey. METHODS Twenty clinical scenarios, covering a broad range of illness severities, were randomly assigned to a convenience sample of physicians or nurses in Swiss adult intensive care units (ICUs), who were asked to assess the SAPS II score for a single scenario. These data were compared to a reference that was defined by five experienced researchers. The results were cross-matched with demographic characteristics and data on the training and quality control for the scoring, structural and organisational properties of each participating ICU. RESULTS A total of 345 caregivers from 53 adult ICU providers completed the SAPS II evaluation of one clinical scenario. The mean SAPS II scoring was 42.6 ± 23.4, with a bias of +5.74 (95%CI 2.0-9.5) compared to the reference score. There was no evidence of bias variation according to the case severity, ICU size, linguistic area, profession (physician vs. nurse), experience, initial SAPS II training, or presence of a quality control system. CONCLUSION This nationwide survey revealed substantial variability in the SAPS II scoring results. On average, SAPS II scoring was overestimated by more than 13%, irrespective of the profession or experience of the scorer or of the structural characteristics of the ICUs.


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Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) is a noninvasive technique for quantitative assessment of the integrity of blood-brain barrier and blood-spinal cord barrier (BSCB) in the presence of central nervous system pathologies. However, the results of DCE-MRI show substantial variability. The high variability can be caused by a number of factors including inaccurate T1 estimation, insufficient temporal resolution and poor contrast-to-noise ratio. My thesis work is to develop improved methods to reduce the variability of DCE-MRI results. To obtain fast and accurate T1 map, the Look-Locker acquisition technique was implemented with a novel and truly centric k-space segmentation scheme. In addition, an original multi-step curve fitting procedure was developed to increase the accuracy of T1 estimation. A view sharing acquisition method was implemented to increase temporal resolution, and a novel normalization method was introduced to reduce image artifacts. Finally, a new clustering algorithm was developed to reduce apparent noise in the DCE-MRI data. The performance of these proposed methods was verified by simulations and phantom studies. As part of this work, the proposed techniques were applied to an in vivo DCE-MRI study of experimental spinal cord injury (SCI). These methods have shown robust results and allow quantitative assessment of regions with very low vascular permeability. In conclusion, applications of the improved DCE-MRI acquisition and analysis methods developed in this thesis work can improve the accuracy of the DCE-MRI results.


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The Phase I clinical trial is considered the "first in human" study in medical research to examine the toxicity of a new agent. It determines the maximum tolerable dose (MTD) of a new agent, i.e., the highest dose in which toxicity is still acceptable. Several phase I clinical trial designs have been proposed in the past 30 years. The well known standard method, so called the 3+3 design, is widely accepted by clinicians since it is the easiest to implement and it does not need a statistical calculation. Continual reassessment method (CRM), a design uses Bayesian method, has been rising in popularity in the last two decades. Several variants of the CRM design have also been suggested in numerous statistical literatures. Rolling six is a new method introduced in pediatric oncology in 2008, which claims to shorten the trial duration as compared to the 3+3 design. The goal of the present research was to simulate clinical trials and compare these phase I clinical trial designs. Patient population was created by discrete event simulation (DES) method. The characteristics of the patients were generated by several distributions with the parameters derived from a historical phase I clinical trial data review. Patients were then selected and enrolled in clinical trials, each of which uses the 3+3 design, the rolling six, or the CRM design. Five scenarios of dose-toxicity relationship were used to compare the performance of the phase I clinical trial designs. One thousand trials were simulated per phase I clinical trial design per dose-toxicity scenario. The results showed the rolling six design was not superior to the 3+3 design in terms of trial duration. The time to trial completion was comparable between the rolling six and the 3+3 design. However, they both shorten the duration as compared to the two CRM designs. Both CRMs were superior to the 3+3 design and the rolling six in accuracy of MTD estimation. The 3+3 design and rolling six tended to assign more patients to undesired lower dose levels. The toxicities were slightly greater in the CRMs.^


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Sediment trap samples from OMEX 2 (49°N, 13°W) provide a continuous record of the seasonal succession of planktonic foraminifera in the midlatitude North Atlantic and reveal a complex relationship between periods of production and specific hydrographic conditions. Neogloboquadrina pachyderma dextral coiling (d.), Globigerina bulloides, and Globorotalia inflata are found in great numbers during both the spring and summer seasons, whereas Globigerina quinqueloba, Globorotalia hirsuta, Globorotalia scitula, and Globigerinita glutinata are associated predominantly with the increase in productivity during the spring bloom. Globigerinella aequilateralis, Orbulina universa, and Globigerinoides sacculifer are restricted to late summer conditions following the establishment of a warm, well-stratified surface ocean. An annually integrated fauna from the sediment trap, comprising ~13,000 individuals, is used to evaluate the accuracy of five faunal-based statistical methods of paleotemperature estimation. All of the temperature reconstruction techniques produce estimates of ~16°C and ~11°C for summer and winter surface temperature, respectively, which are in excellent agreement with regional hydrographic data and suggest that the sediment trap assemblage is well represented in the core top faunas. Analysis of the key species that dominate the OMEX 2 sediment trap fauna, G. bulloides, G. inflata, and N. pachyderma d., based on d18O derived temperatures from North Atlantic core top samples, suggests that seasonal variations in planktonic foraminiferal production are nonuniform across the midlatitudes and that this is likely to complicate reconstructing past seasonal hydrographic dynamics using these taxa.


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Paired Mg/Ca and d18O measurements on planktonic foraminiferal species (G. ruber white, G. ruber pink, G. sacculifer, G. conglobatus, G. aequilateralis, O. universa, N. dutertrei, P. obliquiloculata, G. inflata, G. truncatulinoides, G. hirsuta, and G. crassaformis) from a 6-year sediment trap time series in the Sargasso Sea were used to define the sensitivity of foraminiferal Mg/Ca to calcification temperature. Habitat depths and calcification temperatures were estimated from comparison of d18O of foraminifera with equilibrium calcite, based on historical temperature and salinity data. When considered together, Mg/Ca (mmol/mol) of all species, except two, show a significant (r = 0.93) relationship with temperature (T °C) of the form Mg/Ca = 0.38 (±0.02) exp 0.090 (±0.003)T, equivalent to a 9.0 ± 0.3% change in Mg/Ca for a 1°C change in temperature. Small differences exist in calibrations between species and between different size fractions of the same species. O. universa and G. aequilateralis have higher Mg/Ca than other species, and in general, data can be best described with the same temperature sensitivity for all species and pre-exponential constants in the sequence O. universa > G. aequilateralis = G. bulloides > G. ruber = G. sacculifer = other species. This approach gives an accuracy of ±1.2°C in the estimation of calcification temperature. The 9% sensitivity to temperature is similar to published studies from culture and core top calibrations, but differences exist from some literature values of pre-exponential constants. Different cleaning methodologies and artefacts of core top dissolution are probably implicated, and perhaps environmental factors yet understood. Planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca temperature estimates can be used for reconstructing surface temperatures and mixed and thermocline temperatures (using G. ruber pink, G. ruber white, G. sacculifer, N. dutertrei, P. obliquiloculata, etc.). The existence of a single Mg thermometry equation is valuable for extinct species, although use of species-specific equations will, where statistically significant, provide more accurate evaluation of Mg/Ca paleotemperature.


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A new method for measuring the linewidth enhancement factor (α-parameter) of semiconductor lasers is proposed and discussed. The method itself provides an estimation of the measurement error, thus self-validating the entire procedure. The α-parameter is obtained from the temporal profile and the instantaneous frequency (chirp) of the pulses generated by gain switching. The time resolved chirp is measured with a polarization based optical differentiator. The accuracy of the obtained values of the α-parameter is estimated from the comparison between the directly measured pulse spectrum and the spectrum reconstructed from the chirp and the temporal profile of the pulse. The method is applied to a VCSEL and to a DFB laser emitting around 1550 nm at different temperatures, obtaining a measurement error lower than ± 8%.


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Wake effect represents one of the most important aspects to be analyzed at the engineering phase of every wind farm since it supposes an important power deficit and an increase of turbulence levels with the consequent decrease of the lifetime. It depends on the wind farm design, wind turbine type and the atmospheric conditions prevailing at the site. Traditionally industry has used analytical models, quick and robust, which allow carry out at the preliminary stages wind farm engineering in a flexible way. However, new models based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) are needed. These models must increase the accuracy of the output variables avoiding at the same time an increase in the computational time. Among them, the elliptic models based on the actuator disk technique have reached an extended use during the last years. These models present three important problems in case of being used by default for the solution of large wind farms: the estimation of the reference wind speed upstream of each rotor disk, turbulence modeling and computational time. In order to minimize the consequence of these problems, this PhD Thesis proposes solutions implemented under the open source CFD solver OpenFOAM and adapted for each type of site: a correction on the reference wind speed for the general elliptic models, the semi-parabollic model for large offshore wind farms and the hybrid model for wind farms in complex terrain. All the models are validated in terms of power ratios by means of experimental data derived from real operating wind farms.


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La mayoría de las aplicaciones forestales del escaneo laser aerotransportado (ALS, del inglés airborne laser scanning) requieren la integración y uso simultaneo de diversas fuentes de datos, con el propósito de conseguir diversos objetivos. Los proyectos basados en sensores remotos normalmente consisten en aumentar la escala de estudio progresivamente a lo largo de varias fases de fusión de datos: desde la información más detallada obtenida sobre un área limitada (la parcela de campo), hasta una respuesta general de la cubierta forestal detectada a distancia de forma más incierta pero cubriendo un área mucho más amplia (la extensión cubierta por el vuelo o el satélite). Todas las fuentes de datos necesitan en ultimo termino basarse en las tecnologías de sistemas de navegación global por satélite (GNSS, del inglés global navigation satellite systems), las cuales son especialmente erróneas al operar por debajo del dosel forestal. Otras etapas adicionales de procesamiento, como la ortorectificación, también pueden verse afectadas por la presencia de vegetación, deteriorando la exactitud de las coordenadas de referencia de las imágenes ópticas. Todos estos errores introducen ruido en los modelos, ya que los predictores se desplazan de la posición real donde se sitúa su variable respuesta. El grado por el que las estimaciones forestales se ven afectadas depende de la dispersión espacial de las variables involucradas, y también de la escala utilizada en cada caso. Esta tesis revisa las fuentes de error posicional que pueden afectar a los diversos datos de entrada involucrados en un proyecto de inventario forestal basado en teledetección ALS, y como las propiedades del dosel forestal en sí afecta a su magnitud, aconsejando en consecuencia métodos para su reducción. También se incluye una discusión sobre las formas más apropiadas de medir exactitud y precisión en cada caso, y como los errores de posicionamiento de hecho afectan a la calidad de las estimaciones, con vistas a una planificación eficiente de la adquisición de los datos. La optimización final en el posicionamiento GNSS y de la radiometría del sensor óptico permitió detectar la importancia de este ultimo en la predicción de la desidad relativa de un bosque monoespecífico de Pinus sylvestris L. ABSTRACT Most forestry applications of airborne laser scanning (ALS) require the integration and simultaneous use of various data sources, pursuing a variety of different objectives. Projects based on remotely-sensed data generally consist in upscaling data fusion stages: from the most detailed information obtained for a limited area (field plot) to a more uncertain forest response sensed over a larger extent (airborne and satellite swath). All data sources ultimately rely on global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), which are especially error-prone when operating under forest canopies. Other additional processing stages, such as orthorectification, may as well be affected by vegetation, hence deteriorating the accuracy of optical imagery’s reference coordinates. These errors introduce noise to the models, as predictors displace from their corresponding response. The degree to which forest estimations are affected depends on the spatial dispersion of the variables involved and the scale used. This thesis reviews the sources of positioning errors which may affect the different inputs involved in an ALS-assisted forest inventory project, and how the properties of the forest canopy itself affects their magnitude, advising on methods for diminishing them. It is also discussed how accuracy should be assessed, and how positioning errors actually affect forest estimation, toward a cost-efficient planning for data acquisition. The final optimization in positioning the GNSS and optical image allowed to detect the importance of the latter in predicting relative density in a monospecific Pinus sylvestris L. forest.


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El propósito de esta tesis es la implementación de métodos eficientes de adaptación de mallas basados en ecuaciones adjuntas en el marco de discretizaciones de volúmenes finitos para mallas no estructuradas. La metodología basada en ecuaciones adjuntas optimiza la malla refinándola adecuadamente con el objetivo de mejorar la precisión de cálculo de un funcional de salida dado. El funcional suele ser una magnitud escalar de interés ingenieril obtenida por post-proceso de la solución, como por ejemplo, la resistencia o la sustentación aerodinámica. Usualmente, el método de adaptación adjunta está basado en una estimación a posteriori del error del funcional de salida mediante un promediado del residuo numérico con las variables adjuntas, “Dual Weighted Residual method” (DWR). Estas variables se obtienen de la solución del problema adjunto para el funcional seleccionado. El procedimiento habitual para introducir este método en códigos basados en discretizaciones de volúmenes finitos involucra la utilización de una malla auxiliar embebida obtenida por refinamiento uniforme de la malla inicial. El uso de esta malla implica un aumento significativo de los recursos computacionales (por ejemplo, en casos 3D el aumento de memoria requerida respecto a la que necesita el problema fluido inicial puede llegar a ser de un orden de magnitud). En esta tesis se propone un método alternativo basado en reformular la estimación del error del funcional en una malla auxiliar más basta y utilizar una técnica de estimación del error de truncación, denominada _ -estimation, para estimar los residuos que intervienen en el método DWR. Utilizando esta estimación del error se diseña un algoritmo de adaptación de mallas que conserva los ingredientes básicos de la adaptación adjunta estándar pero con un coste computacional asociado sensiblemente menor. La metodología de adaptación adjunta estándar y la propuesta en la tesis han sido introducidas en un código de volúmenes finitos utilizado habitualmente en la industria aeronáutica Europea. Se ha investigado la influencia de distintos parámetros numéricos que intervienen en el algoritmo. Finalmente, el método propuesto se compara con otras metodologías de adaptación de mallas y su eficiencia computacional se demuestra en una serie de casos representativos de interés aeronáutico. ABSTRACT The purpose of this thesis is the implementation of efficient grid adaptation methods based on the adjoint equations within the framework of finite volume methods (FVM) for unstructured grid solvers. The adjoint-based methodology aims at adapting grids to improve the accuracy of a functional output of interest, as for example, the aerodynamic drag or lift. The adjoint methodology is based on the a posteriori functional error estimation using the adjoint/dual-weighted residual method (DWR). In this method the error in a functional output can be directly related to local residual errors of the primal solution through the adjoint variables. These variables are obtained by solving the corresponding adjoint problem for the chosen functional. The common approach to introduce the DWR method within the FVM framework involves the use of an auxiliary embedded grid. The storage of this mesh demands high computational resources, i.e. over one order of magnitude increase in memory relative to the initial problem for 3D cases. In this thesis, an alternative methodology for adapting the grid is proposed. Specifically, the DWR approach for error estimation is re-formulated on a coarser mesh level using the _ -estimation method to approximate the truncation error. Then, an output-based adaptive algorithm is designed in such way that the basic ingredients of the standard adjoint method are retained but the computational cost is significantly reduced. The standard and the new proposed adjoint-based adaptive methodologies have been incorporated into a flow solver commonly used in the EU aeronautical industry. The influence of different numerical settings has been investigated. The proposed method has been compared against different grid adaptation approaches and the computational efficiency of the new method has been demonstrated on some representative aeronautical test cases.


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The main focus of this paper is on hydrodynamic modelling of a semisubmersible platform (which can support a 1.5MW wind turbine and is composed by three buoyant columns connected by bracings) with especial emphasis on the estimation of the wave drift components and their effects on the design of the mooring system. Indeed, with natural periods of drift around 60 seconds, accurate computation of the low-frequency second-order components is not a straightforward task. As methods usually adopted when dealing with the slow-drifts of deep-water moored systems, such as Newman?s approximation, have their errors increased by the relatively low resonant periods, and as the effects of depth cannot be ignored, the wave diffraction analysis must be based on full Quadratic Transfer Functions (QTF) computations. A discussion on the numerical aspects of performing such computations is presented, making use of the second-order module available with the seakeeping software WAMIT®. Finally, the paper also provides a preliminary verification of the accuracy of the numerical predictions based on the results obtained in a series of model tests with the structure fixed in bichromatic waves.